December 13, 2004, 1:36 am
I doubt that I'm the only one who gets pissed off when your teammates run up and stand on top of you while you're trying to shoot so that the only result is that you both end up punching eachother while the enemy kills you both.
Or when that friendly offscreen runs up just as you push the 'shoot' button for your m79 and you blow yourself to smitherines.
Or when you're trying to snipe an enemy as your teammates recklessly shoot you causing your gun to be wildly inaccurate.
So, as a remedy to these situations, can we please have a maximum distance that friendlies have to be from you until your bullets hit them, and please make it so that you are not plaugued by the bink effect every time someone on your team misses the enemy but hits you instead?
December 13, 2004, 1:43 am
OH YES! I HATE IT! Please Please Michael change this.
December 13, 2004, 3:35 am
I had an idea similar to this a while ago... No one liked it though :'(
Anyways, I agree.
Svirin Kerath
December 13, 2004, 3:39 am
poor Michal. :'(
*hugs* well, "your" idea's well liked now at least..
December 13, 2004, 3:41 am
but it makes no sense... lets just make it so that your bullets never hit your friendlies, like they dont exist!! or maybe even lets make it so that they never hit any ground and you can shoot through any ground near you as well. or maybe, lets make it so that you have a little special invisible hat that makes you kill everyone you touch, and any of your bullets go trough everything except the enemy... or maybe we can all just prance around like fairies!! [/sarcasm]
good idea, i'll give you that, but i don't think it is appropriate for the game.
Svirin Kerath
December 13, 2004, 3:55 am
woah, my sarcasm-o-meter just exploded. really, FLAB, that was a little harsh.
December 13, 2004, 4:14 am
No, I agree with brick. Without this feature the game would lose all sense of realism, even in non realistic mode. Without this you will be invulernable to your teammates, stupid new gay moves would surface and all will be not what it seems...
December 13, 2004, 4:40 am
what about when friendly fire is on O_O
December 13, 2004, 5:43 am
I dunno, it just seems like my teammates kill me more than the enemy does. Them, and that
[IMAGE]ing grenade bug...
December 13, 2004, 6:09 am
I really hate it when you fire a LAW and some basketcase soldier flies in front of it... :(
December 13, 2004, 3:45 pm
yea and rocks getting in my way when i fire a law...even though many people get in my way... all the damn time...
and normaly its my death because of someone shooting me with a law... or the damn rocks/soldaters
but i don't support this
Deleted User
December 13, 2004, 4:18 pm
I hate this... I had this lots of time :(
Please change it.
December 13, 2004, 4:50 pm
remove bink, make it so when teammates run past you ur shot like goes past them....annoying with m79 and a big bunch of eople and like teammates get in way of shots. or you kill urself cos someone stands in front of you.
December 13, 2004, 11:44 pm
I don't mind the bink effect one the weapons when hit with friendly fire. But seriously Ryan if your friend is standing 1 foot in front of you do you try and kill him to death with a whack to the back of the head? no. you don't. except me. I would. but that's besides the point.
Keron Cyst
December 14, 2004, 2:09 am
So the main idea here is for projectiles to pass in front/behind of friendly soldiers? I'm all for it!
December 14, 2004, 2:40 am
no you guys, friendly fire isnt about whether you hit them or not, it is about whether you damage them or not. the fact that your bullets hit eachother helps prevent from having everyone stand right next to eachother and shoot autos or whatever all at the same time, because that would be pretty much unstoppable. the friendly punches and binks need to stay in the game to help create a semi-realistic balance in concept
December 14, 2004, 3:02 am
Bullets hitting friendly players is fine, but friendly punches are not. Clearly it is just a bug.
December 14, 2004, 5:12 am
i dont have a problem with taking friendly punches out, but i do have a problem with everything else said, including everythinge else in the original post. go ahead and take out friendly punches, but leave in all the othe friendly player interference.
December 14, 2004, 5:17 am
Ok, to compromise, what if your bullets were made so that they didn't create bink (because there are some annoying people out there who shoot you for no reason) and if your m79 or LAW blows up in your face because of a friendly it doesn't do any damage to you, but everything else is kept the way it is. Would that satisfy you?
December 14, 2004, 12:15 pm
I disagree totally....i takes a lot of realism to the game. In my opinion friendly fire shouldnt be an option...
December 14, 2004, 2:44 pm
Ahh, teamkillers in every server... I think not?
December 14, 2004, 4:48 pm
like Bmanx2000 said.. change to friendly fire but then of course people will go overboard with killing thier own teamamtes..
but i know we don't need this
Unlucky 13
December 14, 2004, 10:30 pm
quote:Originally posted by Svirin Kerathwoah, my sarcasm-o-meter just exploded. really, FLAB, that was a little harsh.
Flab? It makes him sound like somming floppy!!!
Anyway, not to realistic idea, but maybe as an anti-laming option?
Svirin Kerath
December 14, 2004, 11:51 pm
quote:Originally posted by Unlucky 13quote:Originally posted by Svirin Kerathwoah, my sarcasm-o-meter just exploded. really, FLAB, that was a little harsh.
Flab? It makes him sound like somming floppy!!!
Anyway, not to realistic idea, but maybe as an anti-laming option?
i kinda agree now.. people would start shooting each other with LAWs, nades, and M79s in order to boost each other across the screen...
but then... i doubt people would actually be willing to cooperate long enough to do that. i dunno.
December 15, 2004, 12:02 am
If it was up to me, friendly fire would always be on. I think it is more than a little bit unrealistic, and thus disappointing, when i blast a teamate with a nade, (accidentally, of course :D), and they just move forward a bit, if at all, yet shield the enemy from the majority of the blast.
However, maybe it is a good thing i am not the one making decisions, as i am sure that many people would get out of control with team killing. My vote is:
NO--Bullets only hit teamates when they are a certain distance away
NO--Bullets pass through teamates unimpeded
NO--Teamates bullets do not cause the bink effect to other teamembers
NO--We all prance around like fairies
December 15, 2004, 12:38 am
Svirin, one of the reasons that I brought this problem here was because people were using their weapons to propel eachother across the map. But what are you going to do? People will do it no matter what, whether asked to or not. And, in my case, people kept trying to shoot me across the map with miniguns (which is more annoying than helpful because you can't control where you're going) and I kept dying as my accuracy went down the tube.
Edit: Damnit, I just thought of a major problem with eliminating bink on teammates because if some idiot decided to shower the map with minigun fire, the team that he was on would have a huge advantage because their guns would still be accurate.
I hope the other corrections could be implemented though...
Oliver Stannus
December 15, 2004, 1:07 am
I think the real test of worth of a new suggestion would be: Would it work like this if I were a real soldier? Obviously real soldiers take that little bit of effort, that some players find too hard, to avoid displacing the {brains/limbs/intestines} of fellow teammates.
Of course this realism thing sort of breaks down when you talk about jets (*sigh*) and such things, but I think the principle should still hold for other suggestions. The more stupid ones people make, such as unlimited ammo, unlimited jet packs or anything like that, the more one detracts from the original spirit of the game: where you are a soldier with one of a range of realistic weapons which you could then realistically use to displace the {brains/limbs/intestines} of the enemy.
So many people say "We don't care about realism - give us rail guns and super jetpacks!", and if they had their way all the time the game wouldnt be about realistic soldiers doing realistic things any more. Think about Command and Conquer. Those of you who played it will know that as each new Command and Conquer game was released, it was less and less realistic, until the most recent ones have UFO's and mind control turrets, when the original had riflemen and grenadiers. THIS WILL HAPPEN TO SOLDAT, unless people stop making concessions to the "They put it in Quake - I'll make them put it in Soldat" class of whiners. Because I would prefer a more realistic Soldat, I would even want the jets taken out or limited, but I understand that people want to play Soldat in a way that they like (I think that a realistic weapon set is good, but the game falls short of using this advantage because you can always zoom above your enemy and nade-spam them, and such).
So a little concession here or there mightn't seem like much, and you might laugh at some of the things written here.
You won't be laughing when Michal puts in laser guided nuclear missiles - and it will all be your fault for taking away friendly punches within 5 metres.
December 15, 2004, 1:24 am
Do you actually think that Soldat is in any way realistic?
A 2D game where players kill each other for a flag with guns that never run out of ammo, jets on people's feet, respawnings after death, explosions that propel you across the map without a scratch, a world made of polygons and cookie-cutter trees, predator and berserker bonuses, landscape that kills or heals you, an unaccelerating fall rate, invisible heads, and soldiers who are made out of pixels?
Oliver Stannus
December 15, 2004, 2:14 am
Yeah I agree it's not that realistic. I would prefer it was. However, just because a drink is too sweet doesn't mean you should add more sugar to it.
The 2D bit can't be helped, thats part of the game style.
The flags bit provides a purpose to a game, like paintball skirmishing or something, although its not super realistic.
As for respawning, I would prefer survival mode all the time.
The jets are ridiculous I agree, they should be cut out or cut back.
Invisible heads annoy me too, as well as pred and 'serk.
Killing landscape is acceptable but not healing landscape.
The fall rate does increase, but reaches a terminal velocity rather quickly (still not too realistic).
Would you prefer the map was a raster image, like Liero?
PS - Don't knock the cookie cutter trees.
PPS - People are always talking about the realism and stats of the weapons, which are realistic, and about the only realistic thing.
PPPS - Don't knock the cookie cutter trees.
December 15, 2004, 2:52 am
My post wasn't there so that you could question every part of it, I was simply showing you that Soldat is not, nor will it ever be, a realistic game. That's what America's Army is for.
"Killing landscape is acceptable but not healing landscape."
Not that it even matters, but how the hell do you rationalize that?
Oliver Stannus
December 16, 2004, 2:24 am
Putting the idea to the realism test, a "real" soldier would never have the opportunity to walk over ground that healed them. However, they might possibly walk over ground that hurt them - radioactive, spiked, full of barbed-wire or otherwise.
December 16, 2004, 4:09 am
Oh, obviously...why didn't I think of that? :D
Anyway, back on topic. It seems to me that my previous suggestions of having no recoil when a teammate shoots you or making a maximum distance that someone has to be before the bullets hit them are completely absurd.
However, the punching bug should be fixed, and I think that if you hit a friendly in front of you with an explosive, it shouldn't hurt anyone (including the enemy, just to keep it fair).
December 16, 2004, 9:06 am
quote:Originally posted by Svirin Kerathwoah, my sarcasm-o-meter just exploded. really, FLAB, that was a little harsh.
yea good idea...although i think it'll be a little hard implementing it :/
i say nay