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Multitude of Suggestions
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
Keron Cyst
December 13, 2004, 2:33 am
My first post here! :-) In other words, sorry if any ideas below have already been mentioned.

? Secondary "Weapon": Field MediKit
· One-time use. After that, you play as Rocky :-P
· Have to not be moving and on the ground to use.
· Maybe, if it won't be too much of a hassle, make a whole new animation for it? Then you'll see your soldier bandaging himself and injecting syringes if you look hard enough :-D
· This way, "Medic!" will actually have a real use ;-)

? I thought the AK-74 had a 30-round magazine, not 40 \:-| Check here: [URL].

? When kicked from a server for not having a map, the game should automatically rejoin and download the map. Or it could just download it right off instead of having to be kicked :-P

· Explosive crates & barrels that reappear occasionally. Self-explanatory ;-)

? I think it'd be much nicer if weapons, body parts/corpses, etc. disappeared gradually instead of instantly vanishing ;-)

? Special (attribute-wise) manipulative moving polygon: Tank
· Not sure about control. Jump onto the hatch and... maybe throw away your weapon in order to go in (since your Soldat needs free hands to control the tank)? /:-| Left & right are obvious (caterpillars should roll in appropriate directions). Up should get out of the tank, and Jet, Crouch, Prone, Switch Weapon, and Throw Weapon do nothing. Perhaps, depending on the tank's design (if the driver has a window to see through), Throw Grenade can still be used.
When manned, the hatch closes. A small machine gun on top can be mounted by a second Soldat.
· If hit by enough gunfire or a LAW missile, the machine gun falls off (so it can't be remounted) and the hatch opens; smoke pours out and the driver automatically jumps out. If there was a gunner, then he shortly hops to the ground, and the tank melds into the background until it gradually disappears. Or if it is bombarded with explosions within a few seconds, it could simply explode, with both the gunner and driver dying >:-)
No repair tool is necessary, as the tank's bound to be destroyed in a minute or two anyways :-P There should be a respawn limit, and it should not be able to climb past 45º. Falling a long drop with the tank, maybe 1/3 of a Soldat's fall when he takes damage in Realistic Mode, should be fatal to the tank and it should follow the first destruction sequence mentioned at the top of this bullet.
· If it is hit in the center by a Barret bullet but the armor still is fresh enough to withstand it, the driver should die inside and the hatch opens; it can be remounted. The gunner & gun on top are unaffected.

? Because of this degree count for tank movement, I think a measurement tool should be implemented in the Map Editor.

December 13, 2004, 2:36 am
use the search button they have all been suggested

December 13, 2004, 2:44 am
Field MediKit

Been suggested. It's a possibility.

I thought the AK-74 had a 30-round magazine, not 40

Well, true. It might be a good idea, but then you forget people are using MODs. If I'm using a MOD for an SA-80, M-16, or some Halo gun, the ammo doesn't match up quite right either. I don't think MM really meant to be accurate 100% when he made this game. So, I don't think it really matters.

When kicked from a server for not having a map, the game should automatically rejoin and download the map. Or it could just download it right off instead of having to be kicked

I'm all for it (automatically downloading instead of kicking you off

Explosive crates & barrels that reappear occasionally. Self-explanatory

Been suggested...maybe.

I think it'd be much nicer if weapons, body parts/corpses, etc. disappeared gradually instead of instantly vanishing

...maybe. I think its fine how it is.

Special (attribute-wise) manipulative moving polygon tank:

Been suggested a thousand times, will never be added. It'd be awesome, you did a good outline on it, but...unfortunantely, no.

December 13, 2004, 5:51 am
The only good ideas are the automatic downloading and the explosive crates and barrels.

Just because one makes life much more simple, the other allows you to blow an enemy to smitherines.

BTW: You're using the wrong code for your hyperlink, this site doesn't allow you to show it with a different name than the actual address.

Keron Cyst
December 14, 2004, 2:06 am
quote:Originally posted by DTuse the search button they have all been suggested

*lol* No one reflects on the thought that just one person came up with all of these :-P

December 14, 2004, 2:11 am

December 14, 2004, 2:19 am
Wow.. Keron is partly right. Yet still wrong.

Keron Cyst
December 16, 2004, 2:15 am
'Nother batch I whipped up.

· Rolling to the ground from a normally damaging fall in Realistic Mode should prevent damage; people have jumped off of buildings, rolled to the ground, and not gotten injured at all. This'll also have rolling server another purpose other than merely thwarting a few bullets ;-)
· When prone on ground, Soldaten should face a direction to match the angle of the polygon they're on so crawling on just about all terrain is smoother.
· If crouching is smooth (going down), then shouldn't getting up (letting go of S) have a smooth animation as well, like prone state? /:-|
· Discarding weapons should be, perhaps, half the distance of the Combat Knife, and they should injure enemy Soldaten; bigger weaps (like the M72 LAW) should damage more, although I don't know how this would fit in modded graphics. Maybe this could force the foe to drop his weapon as well?.... :-P

December 16, 2004, 2:52 am
seaerch function again, man. most if not all have been suggested, cept maybe the polygon prone angle.
it's not amazing that one person's come up with the se ideas. there's been people who've come up with much much more, and much much better. and there's michal, who CAME UP WITH soldat.
welcome to the forums.

Keron Cyst
December 16, 2004, 6:12 am
quote:Originally posted by peemonkey... and there's michal, who CAME UP WITH soldat.
welcome to the forums.

I possibly could, but I definitely don't carry his programming genius X-D

December 16, 2004, 6:29 am
Ak-74 can use 40 ammo magazines: http://nevermind/

^ edit: you're right, only 30.

As for all the other suggestions, they've all been suggested - really. Look on the stickies of everything has been suggested, as well as the Read Before Posting thread, which is just a thread telling you NOT to post suggestions on Vehicles (such as: Tank) :P

December 16, 2004, 10:39 am
quote:· Rolling to the ground from a normally damaging fall in Realistic Mode should prevent damage; people have jumped off of buildings, rolled to the ground, and not gotten injured at all. This'll also have rolling server another purpose other than merely thwarting a few bullets ;-)
· When prone on ground, Soldaten should face a direction to match the angle of the polygon they're on so crawling on just about all terrain is smoother.
· If crouching is smooth (going down), then shouldn't getting up (letting go of S) have a smooth animation as well, like prone state? /:-|
· Discarding weapons should be, perhaps, half the distance of the Combat Knife, and they should injure enemy Soldaten; bigger weaps (like the M72 LAW) should damage more, although I don't know how this would fit in modded graphics. Maybe this could force the foe to drop his weapon as well?.... :-P

I don't know if all have been suggested or not, but I'll reply to it anyways.
1.I agree, but it should reduce damage, not negate it.Maybe more people would like real mode then.
2.I like this one, it'd make the game look more well crafted ^^
3.As I noticed, you can't change weapons while soldat does a smooth animation, that's why you can't change to saw when going down to prone...and getting up+changing weapon is a very useful thing.Take it away and a lot of people will whine about it.
4.This has been suggested, and turned down.The knife is unique because it does damage on distance, other weapons couldn't do that.(not sharp, they don't fly much, etc.)

Keron Cyst
December 17, 2004, 1:20 am
quote:Originally posted by n00bface... Look on the stickies of everything has been suggested, as well as the Read Before Posting thread, which is just a thread telling you NOT to post suggestions on Vehicles (such as: Tank) :P

... I knew that :-P I was... /:-| uh... testing you! ¦-D That's all...