December 13, 2004, 4:36 am
As we know, the current administration has been trying to pass an Amendment to ban homosexual marriage. The basis of this argument, although none will admit it (maybe Dubya), is that homosexuality is condemned the Bible (Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13). For the moment, lets exclude the fact that there is a seperation of Church and state.
Ok: Levictus. A book of rules. Look up the two passages I gave you, and see what you see.
The like, prohibitng homosexuality among humans and condemning them to death.
This is where most Christian fundamentalists and conservatives get their arguments from. This, however, is seriously flawed. Let me explain:
Jesus Christ, the center of the Christian religion, abolished "the code" (aka, Levictus). Jesus showed very little regard to these laws himself, and actually was shown to be "ok" with homosexuality in several passages. For example, when Jesus healed the Centurion's servant (Mattthew 8:5-13), the original word translated as "servant" is more accurately "lover" (or, even more accurately, a younger lover of an older/more educated man).
Why did we even have Levictus in the first place? One reason was for sruvival reasons. The Holiness Code was more like a guide to survival - pork and shellfish are very likely to carry food poisoning, as is 3-day-old food if unrefridgerated (both banned in Levictus). Homosexuality (banned) does not produce children, which would have been devestating to the small Jewish community during the time Leviticus was written.
Now none of this
[IMAGE] "IT DAMAG0S TEH SANSITY UF MARRAGE!11!1" because I can't see how two men who love eachother get married damages the "Sancity of Marriage" when over 50% of hetero marriages end in divroce.
December 13, 2004, 4:50 am
Gay people are gross. Sorry, but they are.
What ?
December 13, 2004, 4:54 am
Definition of marriage is between a "Man and a woman" nuff said
December 13, 2004, 5:10 am
quote:Originally posted by MarineJesus Christ, the center of the Christian religion, abolished "the code" (aka, Levictus). Jesus showed very little regard to these laws himself, and actually was shown to be "ok" with homosexuality in several passages. For example, when Jesus healed the Centurion's servant (Mattthew 8:5-13), the original word translated as "servant" is more accurately "lover" (or, even more accurately, a younger lover of an older/more educated man).
the passage was written in greek. the greek word for servant is pai'ß.
it can mean any of the following
1. a child, boy or girl
a. infants, children
2. servant, slave
a. an attendant, servant, spec. a king's attendant, minister
it has nothing to do with a lover
Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
what you're thinking of is the covenant
December 13, 2004, 5:12 am
gay sex is gross, but have you ever chilled with a gay person? they're just people.
Deleted User
December 13, 2004, 5:13 am
And yet none of you answer his reply.
I have nothing against gay marriage.
December 13, 2004, 5:16 am
Dude it's their business what they want to do with their lives. The Bible says don't judge. They want to get married, it's none of my business. And it's none of yours.
Not that I am gay or anything.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
December 13, 2004, 5:17 am
Hitman will you marry me? I can cook...
that fuking sniper
December 13, 2004, 5:44 am
Marine: Of course Jesus wouldnt really say anything directly hostile against anyone. Jesus himself said that one should love one's enemy, despite the enemy being an enemy, a core ignored point throughout history regarding idiological tolerance. If a respective Christian likes to think of him/her self as one, and go by the Bible, he/she would do only as far as not to commit anything classified as 'sinful' in the Bible for themselves, period. Nothing about taking up arms, passing laws, and persecution of 'evil human' things is instructed nor looked highly upon by the Bible. People do overlook that, though. Christianity, and almost any other religion, at its base, is meant to be a socially-harmonious idiology, for many reasons. Prosperity, validability, and acceptance among the masses come to mind. Any one who uses religion to justify violence is twisting it. Anyone who does not see this, yet supports it, and calls him/self a member of said religion, is therefore a hypocrite and cattle. To me at least. All in all, Christianity goes for "live and let live, but if you go by the rules of Christianity, live as the Bible instructs". So all the crap about prohibition of gay marriage, abortion, and stem-cell research is backed by a hollow arguement.
Another perspective to take into consideration: Everyone suddenly gives a damn about "the sanctity of marriage" when gays want to get married, but nobody gave a rats
[IMAGE] when one could get married in a cheapass 5-minute ceremony in Las Vegas, or when two people get married over the television for the sake of wealth and adversity (The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Who wants to marry the millionaire) and all other sorts of such crap. Hey, I've even seen people against abortion, calling themselves pro-lifers, while supporting the death penalty. Great, now what? Banning same-sex friendships? Woo.
"...With liberty and justice for all, well, except those damn faggots." - The new pledge of allegiance.
December 13, 2004, 5:48 am
Main Entry: mar·riage
Pronunciation: 'mar-ij
Function: noun
1 : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a legal, consensual, and contractual relationship recognized and sanctioned by and dissolvable only by law ?see also DIVORCE
2 : the ceremony containing certain legal formalities by which a marriage relationship is created
mar·riage Audio pronunciation of "marriage" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mrj)
1. The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife.
2. The state of being married; wedlock.
3. A common-law marriage.
4. A union between two persons having the customary but usually not the legal force of marriage: a same-sex marriage.
The definitions contradict themselves, but although definition should have no revelance in this argument.
karmazon: You're an ignorant, homophobic, spamming
[IMAGE]let. You have neither the wit nor intelligence to post something worthwhile on these forums. Go play in traffic.
1 out of 10 people are gay. Keep up that attitude, and you'll get your ass kicked.
morpheus: What?
peemonkey: Yes, I agree gay sex is pretty repulsive, one of the grossest things out there, but hey, we live in America, and in the Constituion it ensures:
quote:...the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness....
Plus, like you said, gay people are great friends and they're pretty tight. After all, they're human beings, and they deserve the same rights as anyone else.
TFS: Yes, I agree 100%. I am for gay marriage, if I didn't make that clear before.
The Church is so hypocrital (even I as a devout Catholic admits it). Funny, how in the same section it says homosexuality is a sin punishable by death, it says those who work on Sundays should be stoned to death. Now, you don't see Republicans trying to ban marriage for 7/11 clerks and taxi cab drivers now, do we (at least - not yet).
December 13, 2004, 5:51 am
quote:Originally posted by Marine1 out of 10 people are gay. Keep up that attitude, and you'll get your ass kicked.
Friday nights sissy fights
And besides I have a right to be's a part of Xenofobia, the most basic human fear biaaatch. Gay people are gross.
December 13, 2004, 5:54 am
No, you'll get your ass kicked by people like me who support basic human rights and believe in human equality for all.
Keep it up, dumb$hit.
PS: I know you're entitled to your own opinion, but at least put up somewhat of a decent argument against gay marriage. Look, are you being forced to watch gay people have sex? Its none of your
[IMAGE]ing business, its their lives, leave them alone.
PPS: Gay people are not sissies, at least no all of them, lol. You're in for a big surprise when you stop leeching off of your parents.....
You should get out more often.
December 13, 2004, 5:55 am
and what makes you think I'm against gay marriage ?
Exactly, you assumed that I'm against gay marriage...
December 13, 2004, 5:57 am
So you're for it? You're not going to spew out a sixth grade level argument at me?
December 13, 2004, 5:59 am
Haha, you assumed that I'm against it. So in your face.
December 13, 2004, 6:02 am
So you're pro? Good. Now shut up. Lets wait for someone with an IQ over 70 to present a logical argument against me, or at least present some arguable points.
December 13, 2004, 6:03 am
Shut up. That's a fifth grade level response, maybe even lower. Wait, calling me names, and threating me, is even lower. So in your face.
December 13, 2004, 6:06 am
quote:Originally posted by morpheusthe greek word for servant is pai'ß
Marine was talking about the slang term. Christians didn't directly refer to gay folks as homosexuals, being homophobes and all.
quote:Originally posted by Cookie.Definition of marriage is between a "Man and a woman" nuff said
Definitions change.
quote:Originally posted by karmazonGay people are gross.
When you find out they are gay, yes... otherwise they can be okay people.
December 13, 2004, 6:14 am
quote:Definition of marriage is between a "Man and a woman" nuff said
So why don't we just invent a new word to mean 'a union between two partners of the same gender'?
December 13, 2004, 6:19 am
If you're gay, then gay marriage would be pretty lame. I have a gay friend that gave me input on this (no pun intended, I swear). The ideal marriage for gays (in my neighborhood!) is to marry a woman, but then have affairs with men. People don't know you're gay until your spouse catches you, then you are also popular in your neighborhood.
December 13, 2004, 6:20 am
Exactly. Definition means nothing in this argument.
When you find out they are gay, yes... otherwise they can be okay people.
Hah! Too true. They're cool until you find out they're gay. Then they're "fags".
I'm glad most of us here are mature enough to have a discussion on this topic, maybe we can show karmazon how to present an argument and debate a subject.
quote:The ideal marriage for gays (in my neighborhood!) is to marry a woman, but then have affairs with men.
I'm willing to bet that derives from the fact that theres so many people like karmazon around. "OMFG GAYS R LEIK SOO FAG AND GROSS!!BAN TEHM FRUM TEH MARRAGE!111
Ignorance in one of its purest forms.
December 13, 2004, 6:22 am
quote:I'm glad most of us here are mature enough to have a discussion on this topic
Mature? Maybe.
Adequately informed? Definitely not.
December 13, 2004, 6:26 am
quote:Hah! Too true. They're cool until you find out they're gay. Then they're "fags".
I just think it's a bit odd until you get used to it. It's like when my friend from India told me that Indians don't use toilet paper, but instead clean with water and hands.
Milkman Dan
December 13, 2004, 6:33 am
quote: Indians don't use toilet paper, but instead clean with water and hands.
:O:O:O:O How can you get used to that! It's like Über inhygenic.
December 13, 2004, 6:59 am
think of the kids.. what horrors will they go at school (even kindergarden) about having two gay fathers \ mothers.
gay = yuck.
oh marine dont threat me please :(:(:(:(
December 13, 2004, 7:05 am
Morpehus. One of us might be severely mistaken, but, wasnt most of the biblical texts written in hebrew?
That put aside, homosexuality has been a part of western culture for a long long long long long time, regardless of what the church would want us believe.
In ancient Greece it was common and not at all frowned upon.
Some tribes in Africa tolerated homosexuality (and, in fact, those tribes who did, benefit from the help they gay could give with babysitting, increasing the total reproductive success at the cost of their own, so, the "natural" argumentation against homosexuality is not really valid).
At the end of the day I dont think its our choice if someone should be married or not. As far as grossness goes, ill confess that im not very tempted of the idea of male-male intercourse, on the other hand, many who feels like me doesnt mind picturing woman-woman intercourse. Everyones a biggott in some way, what separates it is if we act upon it or makes it an opinion.
December 13, 2004, 9:10 am
old testament, hebrew. new testament, koine greek and a bit of chaldean.
December 13, 2004, 11:29 am
The question is why do people wanna be married? What are the benefits of it?
December 13, 2004, 1:12 pm
Holy firjoles batman!
This is ( by my count ) the second time I've agreed with Marine, although being formerly christan, and well versed in thier ideological dogma, ( which has absolutely no supporting arguement for being against "gay" marrage, all they say is " the bible says 'men shall not lie with men'") I, frankly, don't care wether two people get married, gay or not. Gay or not, it's thier buisness, wether or not they wan't to profess thier undying love to eachother. Honestly, what right does anyone have to complain? And why does an arguement about marrage, have to boil down to ( in some places) gay sex? What does sex have anything at all to do with two people getting married? Just because thy're NOT married, doesn't mean they aren't going to have sex. So, that being said, if they're going to screw, and they're going to be in a relationship, why not take they're money in taxes too? why not let them screw up eachother's life? hell, we straight folks can't even stay married for longer than two or three years, why not let them have a whack at it? Personally, I'm straight, conservative, and male. I dond't belive in marrage, but if people are going to be that dumb, I say let them.
@Palloco: Marrage in america gives you all kind's of benefits,( I see most of them as destructive...) such as joint-tax filing, ( more money returned ) Power of attorney,( ability to sign legal documents in the spouses name)among other things, these are just a few, and in my opnion the big problems.
December 13, 2004, 2:41 pm
Funny, I was having this exact conversation with someone last night.
At the end of the day, despite all laws and origins, marriage is merely the confirmation of love and devotion to the other. Surely that surpasses sexual preference?
..hell I don't see anyone stopping weirdo yanks getting their pets married..
December 13, 2004, 3:50 pm
blarg...i support it as long as it doesn't affect me...
December 13, 2004, 4:43 pm
On a serious note: as long as im not recieving it doggy style i dont mind.
December 13, 2004, 5:11 pm
quote:Originally posted by Noobile@Palloco: Marrage in america gives you all kind's of benefits,( I see most of them as destructive...) such as joint-tax filing, ( more money returned )
And where does that money come from. Oh, it comes from us because we pay taxes. I dont wanna pay a marriage for anyone. Specially not for fags because they wont give me back anything in exchange and normal marriages can have children and that gives employment to people.
I dont want that fags steal my money!
No marriage for anyone unless they have children
December 13, 2004, 11:00 pm
The issue of The Bible, Christians and gay marrage and such basicly comes down to gay people want to get married... ok, and The Bible speaks against homosexuallity and though some people believe Christians are suppose to not say a word as someone makes fun of their beliefs or trys to question Jesus or His teachinsg its really not true. We believe marrage is with a male and female.. gay people don't... WOW! Its not that hard to understand... people have different ideas all the time... thats why there is murder, and stealing and also different clothing stores and restuarants... really this debate has gone on for centuries and will go on forever... because man is basicly a selfsh prick.. if gays can marry in the furture they will whine about something else till they get it... Ok now that I have pissed some people off time for the mending... I don't believe homosexuallty it good but I don't hate homosexuals, The Bible teachs to hate the SIN not the SINNER.. so many people have felt that Christians have dones just the opposite but I must say we are human... we sin and stick our foot in our mouths... we are just like you but we believe differently...
December 13, 2004, 11:00 pm
Probably, 90% of the christians don't give a
[IMAGE] about the bible. They just use it to define what is lecit and what is not when they want to, but pretend all the other material in it doesn't exist because they don't like it. So, judging them with their own meter (note: if you forgot, the bible also says not to judge), they are as immoral as homosexuals for all the things they do in private life, that are forbidden by that same religion. Simply, what they do is socially accepted (here i'm talking about things such as: eating more than necessary, spending our lives uselessly, etc ..), while being homosexuals is not. It's a different way of thinking, and people are always afraid of what differs from their oh so precious and untouchable ethic values - even if it doesn't regard them, in any way.
This doesn't mean i think being gay is a good thing. But as much as i care, they can be all gay, have fun, and get married.
December 13, 2004, 11:26 pm
palloco when people are married they get all kinds of tax breaks. And also there are other legal issues. Like children and stuff.
You guys talk about the Bible, but Jesus said don't judge. Why do you discuss other people? First see what happens in your lives. When was the last time you sinned.
December 13, 2004, 11:38 pm
quote:Originally posted by SuperKillTHINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!1111
(gross) gay people should be only able to adopt (gross) gay kids.
December 13, 2004, 11:57 pm
ok, since i'm a student of theology, here's my take on it from a theolgical viewpoint:
quote:Originally posted by MarineFor example, when Jesus healed the Centurion's servant (Mattthew 8:5-13), the original word translated as "servant" is more accurately "lover" (or, even more accurately, a younger lover of an older/more educated man).
the passage (matthew 8:5-13) was originally written in greek. the greek word for servant is pais (pai'ß).
it can mean any of the following
1. a child, boy or girl
a. infants, children
2. servant, slave
a. an attendant, servant, spec. a king's attendant, minister
the word servant, as used in this passage, has nothing to do with a lover
quote:Originally posted by MarineJesus Christ, the center of the Christian religion, abolished "the code" (aka, Levictus). Jesus showed very little regard to these laws himself, and actually was shown to be "ok" with homosexuality in several passages.
Matthew 5:17
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
the only things that were really supposed to change were:
a: the covenant between god and israel. a new covenant was formed in the sense that blood sacrifices were no longer required, since the christ was to be the ultimate blood sacrifice
b: the religious rituals set by the priests.
old testament examples
genesis 19:4,5
But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
the word "know" was translated from the hebrew word yada` ([dy) which means to know (a person carnally) - carnal - relating to the physical and especially sexual appetites
leviticus 18:22
Do not lie with a man as one lies with a women; that is detestable.
leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable.
new testament examples
1 corinthians 6:9
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind
the word effeminate was translated from the greek word malakos (malakovß) which has the following meanings:
1.soft, soft to the touch
2.metaph. in a bad sense
1.of a catamite (a boy who has a sexual relationship with a man)
2.of a boy kept for homosexual relations with a man
3.of a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness
4.of a male prostitute
jude 1:7 (commentary on genesis 19:4,5)
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
the phrase "strange flesh" could imply homosexuality or even bestiality
romans 1:26-32
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
etc etc etc
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
there's several other modern day religions besides christianity that bar homosexuality. check those out and see what you come up with. as far as i know, the now defunct mithraism is the one that may have set the standard for most of today's beliefs, since it's belief system is very consistent with our modern day religious beliefs.
December 13, 2004, 11:59 pm
Gay people can do whatever the hell they want as long as they stay away from me.
But... There is no way a government has the right to make a church marry 2 men or 2 women. They can get married at city hall or court or whatever and have equal rights as other married couples according to the law.
I don't think it's right that kids are put in gay families, not that homos would be any worse parents than others, but that kid shouldn't grow up thinking 2 men or 2 women being married is normal.
December 14, 2004, 12:05 am
karmazon: Get out idiot
SuperKill: Studies have shown children with gay parents grow up no different than their peers. Remember, homosexuality doesn't rub off, it's natural, you can't prevent it or force it on someone.
palloco: Having kids gives employment for people...the hell? And that's the lamest argument you've had yet. If you don't want homosexuals to be married, you must not want heterosexuals to be married. "fags" are no different. They're humans, aren't they? And if you don't want to pay taxes, get out, I sure as hell don't want you here. And I agree, gay couples wanting to be married in the church is wrong. Why want to be married somewhere you're unwanted?
morpheus: You had a long post, I read it thoroughly and I'll respond to it tonight, I've got to go run some errands. Give me three to four hours.
December 14, 2004, 12:09 am
Since im not religious I wont join that (imho) rather senseless discussions about bible paragraphs.
Its rather ignorant, when people say that gays are ill and must be cured (only the uber-religious ones , though). Most of the other people simply have problems with accepting, that its possible for a man to love a man or a woman to love a woman.
Some people are born like that, as theire born as different races, into different cultures too. Western cultures should be open-minded enough, to allow gay marriages. Since being gay is not a new trend, a new invention or sth., it has just been oppressed for ages, even though this "phenomenon" is as old as mankind itself. It seems unnatural to us heteros, but its just the same when - for example - chinese people see us eating cheese ("yuck, they eat old milk"), but not necessarily dependent on the culture.
I mean, marriage doesnt depend on if youre big or small, if you have a big or small nose, which are all facts given by nature, so is homosexuality. Thats why I dont see any real reason against gay marriages.
December 14, 2004, 12:37 am
quote:Originally posted by Marinekarmazon: Get out idiot
Maybe you should stop spewing a sixth grade level insults you hypocrite
December 14, 2004, 1:34 am
Eww gays are disgusting, lets outlaw everything I find gross. They eat snails in France? Thats gross, lets just make a UN sanction against it. African tribes run around naked? Thats so gross, lets napalm the villages. Honestly, who gives a flying
[IMAGE] what you find gross?
To adress the religion arguement: are aetheists not allowed to marry? Of course not, due to that annoying clause in the Constitution, what's it called? Oh yeah, seperation of church and state. Once again, noone cares what your religion says, you are not the center of the universe.
One primary function of our laws are to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. One primary downfall of democracy is that the majority may use their voting power to opress a minority. Our laws are ment not to further this, but to prevent it. Its one of our CORE DEMOCRATIC VALUES. If you don't like it, perhaps you would prefer living in a fascist police state where you don't have to deal with annoying things like "Democracy," or "The United States' Constitution". I suggest Cambodia, here's hoping you're executed.
EDIT: Superkill, in a fascist state minorities are opressed and discriminated against simply because they can be. There is no notion of equality or freedom. Gay people are a minority, and anti-gay marrige laws discriminate against them by denying them basic human freedoms we all should be able to enjoy. So I guess it DOES have to do with fascism, eh?
December 14, 2004, 2:07 am
quote:Originally posted by karmazonquote:Originally posted by SuperKillTHINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!1111
(gross) gay people should be only able to adopt (gross) gay kids.
oh yea you're right i didnt think of that..
but umm.. today normal gay kids are being laughed at only for being gay.. imagine what's it like when their parents are gay too.
[IMAGE] who the hell needs married fags running around anyway.
@marine: ok.......???? rofl, forget it i wont even comment.
lol, gay marriage.. gg.
@the dude that posted above me: this has nothing to do with being a fascist police country, aslong as there's a majority of people who agree with the decision its fine.
argh i'm so tired............f ... ..a.f.a .sadf.df a.s
December 14, 2004, 2:42 am
Jello, you bring up the most sane point in this conversation. Why are you people even quoting the Bible? We have the separation of church and state. You dont need a church to get married legally, you need a judge.
Damn Jello, I wish I pulled my head out of my ass and thought of that a long time ago. Good one
December 14, 2004, 3:54 am
quote:Originally posted by karmazonquote:Originally posted by Marinekarmazon: Get out idiot
Maybe you should stop spewing a sixth grade level insults you hypocrite
How am I a hypocrite?
grand_diablo: I agree; seperation of Church of state. The Bible should have NO REVELENACE in this argument at all. I just decided to open up this debate with a post shutting down the religious argument against homosexuality, since thats the primary argument people send against me (technically, only Orthodox Jews should be against homosexuality).
SuperKill: You know, if I could have it my way everyone would be heterosexual. But you know, I hate to break this to you, you little whiny
[IMAGE], but you can't always have your way. Since there ARE homosexuals in our world, you have to deal with it, and not be an asshole.
Homophobia is just as bad as racism, anti-semetism, ect. Because it's discriminating against someone for something they can't help.
Noobile: Ha, thats awesome, I'm ashamed to admit now I thought you (Mr. Macho "Marine") would be against, but now you rock ten to the tenth exponent for being smart. A+
Deleted User
December 14, 2004, 4:50 am
I think jello made a great point here.
if anyone doesnt know, in america, theres 2 clauses, free practice and establishment clause, establishment clause it what comes into the picture here. Government shall not promote A religion OR religion.
now theres a argument both sides makes, one side supporting gay marriage states that the ban of gay marriage is a violation of the establishment clause(stating that they are promoting religious beliefs ), while the other side states that marriage is defined as the union between a man and a women.
I took out my dictionary and went to a couple online dictionaries heres what i got.
First one:
The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife.
second one:
A legal union between 2 people.
third one:
an intimate or close union
and actually a couple dictionaries had every definition but Opposite sex was #1. so really the problem here is theres really no understood definition for what marriage is.
What i dont understand, is even if they ban gay marriage, theres really no downside to the homosexual people because "civil unions" are still allowed, every single benefit of marriage is provided by the civil unions, the only benefit not provided is just this word: Marriage.
December 14, 2004, 5:32 am
seperation of church and state only goes so far. politicians say this is what they want, but still give themselves time off (with pay) for religious based holidays, whether the politicians are religious or not.
in the u s, the 501c3 tax exemption makes churches subservient to the government. if they were really seperate, one wouldn't be subservient to the other.
December 14, 2004, 5:52 am
Of course, its impossible to completely seperate the two, because how do many politicians formulate their views?
Religion. Whats the basis of many of their opinions?
December 14, 2004, 6:01 am
quote:To adress the religion arguement: are aetheists not allowed to marry?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Christians aren't the only religion who are allowed to marry... why should marriage be restricted to people who believe in a religion?
Now, while the Catholic church forbids homosexuality, surely there's at least one religion that doesn't. Considering that marriage isn't just restricted to Christians, why would one stop people doing something that is "wrong" or "bad" according to Christians that in other religions might not be?
December 14, 2004, 6:31 am
I ain't been keeping track of this crap, but I think you peeps need to establish a few things around what you're discussing.
Is it marriage by religion, or by law you're discussing? is it the ethics of two men being together, or the legal tie-ins that come with marriage? Or is it just your personal views of two of the same sex doing something you thought only straight people did?
The Geologist
December 14, 2004, 6:57 am
Holy crap people...this whole arguement is totally useless. I have yet to hear one good, logically sound arguement as to why gay marriage would be bad. Some of the smartest things I've heard in here so far are to forget what the Bible says about this stuff and just let gay people live their lives like any other human being. What they do behind closed doors in the privacy of their own lives doesn't effect you.
Palloco: You're so concerned about the "fags" getting married because you won't see any cash like the children of a "normal" family would? News flash idiot: You're not going to see cash anyway. If you work right now you're feeding money into government systems/programs that you won't benefit from in your lifetime (a.k.a. Social Security). So tell me, where are those bucks you're so concerned about that the married gay couples would take away? Oh, and while you're at it...feel free to tell me just how a kid raised by gay parents is so different from a kid raised by a man and a woman. Just what makes them incapable of generating an income like the child of a "normal" marriage (whatever the hell that is...looking at the rates of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, divorce, and all the other f*cked up things you see in a "normal" marriage). And no, living with gay people doesn't make you gay. And if you're saying that gay marriage will somehow drastically impact the birth rate in this country you obviously don't know a damn thing about what you're trying to argue.
Unlucky 13
December 14, 2004, 7:29 am
quote:Originally posted by karmazonquote:Originally posted by Marine1 out of 10 people are gay. Keep up that attitude, and you'll get your ass kicked.
Friday nights sissy fights
And besides I have a right to be's a part of Xenofobia, the most basic human fear biaaatch. Gay people are gross.
Accually, that was on a poster at school. It said "Which of these kids are straight?" So some of my fellow classmates (the ones who THINK they is cool) decide to guess!!!
How perverted can you get!!!
December 14, 2004, 7:39 am
quote:Originally posted by karmazon
And besides I have a right to be's a part of Xenofobia, the most basic human fear biaaatch.
Yes, I know this is a few days old now, but I feel the need to reply after your inane comments.
Xenophobia is a fear of those who are foreign or strange to you. People here are both; they're from a few countries, I'm sure none of which are Poland. They're strange to you, like gays, in the way that they have intelligence, something which you are apparently lacking. Go away, you're supposed to be scared of them.
So, I finish off in saying*:
<karmazon> bye i love you all
* actual IRC logs, I'm sure n00bface or Chakra would be able to verify this if the need arises
December 14, 2004, 8:17 am
Karmazon is a fag. Especially after seeing him play. And talk. And spam.
December 14, 2004, 1:16 pm
quote:Originally posted by The GeologistPalloco: You're so concerned about the "fags" getting married because you won't see any cash like the children of a "normal" family would? News flash idiot: You're not going to see cash anyway. If you work right now you're feeding money into government systems/programs that you won't benefit from in your lifetime (a.k.a. Social Security). So tell me, where are those bucks you're so concerned about that the married gay couples would take away? Oh, and while you're at it...feel free to tell me just how a kid raised by gay parents is so different from a kid raised by a man and a woman. Just what makes them incapable of generating an income like the child of a "normal" marriage (whatever the hell that is...looking at the rates of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, divorce, and all the other f*cked up things you see in a "normal" marriage). And no, living with gay people doesn't make you gay. And if you're saying that gay marriage will somehow drastically impact the birth rate in this country you obviously don't know a damn thing about what you're trying to argue.
So you are trying to imitate the idiot of marine discussing with yourself? Becuz i never said or meant most of the things you said.
Kids generate an inmense cash flow due to several things: teachers, food, toys... having to tell people this shows how much they understand the world, oh wait, what can i say. The one who did not understand this was a marine...
Did I said anything against homosexuals not being able to raise normal children? I said they could not make born a children... at least at the moment. If they addopt a children then I accept they can marry.
December 14, 2004, 2:24 pm
quote:Originally posted by frogboy
Xenophobia is a fear of those who are foreign or strange to you. People here are both; they're from a few countries, I'm sure none of which are Poland.
I know what is xenophobia, and homophobia is a branch of xenophobia, go to some psychology website. And yes there are people from Poland here. And I'm sure you don't know, but here's a suprise: there are many kinds of love. Poon.
December 14, 2004, 2:29 pm
quote:Originally posted by ChakraKarmazon is a fag. Especially after seeing him play. And talk. And spam.
You're the one that kicked me because I was winning ? That's even worse than vote kick because someone is winning.
December 14, 2004, 4:13 pm
yes, palloco, u are so right, the imminent problem for humanity is that there are to few children born. Capitalism at its best folks.
December 14, 2004, 5:21 pm
You know damn well why I kicked you pal. That was for m79 jumping up the side of inf_rise even after me and others asked your team to stop. Some people like to have a fight, not to get things done in 2 minutes vs a team of uncertain blue noobs. Stay on topic.
December 14, 2004, 9:04 pm
Some people close their eyes and start to shout "OMG where is the people, you bunch of cowards, come here and fight!"
The Geologist
December 14, 2004, 9:35 pm
quote:Originally posted by palloco
I dont wanna pay a marriage for anyone. Specially not for fags because they wont give me back anything in exchange and normal marriages can have children and that gives employment to people.
I dont want that fags steal my money!
First off, I don't imitate anyone...I don't need to, I have my own brain to use. Second, you did indeed say these things (see above quote)...if you were being sarcastic, than I'm sorry for not seeing's a little hard to denote sarcasm from text on a screen. But the way you chose to word things, it seemed like you did have something against homosexuals. My poinst were that you really wouldn't feel the impact of those kids or the cash they generate anytime soon in either case, adopted or born from the mother...nor would the right for homosexuals to marry effect the birth rate. I was actually going to discuss the issue of adoption, but if we agree on that, all the better. ^_^
December 14, 2004, 11:28 pm
Live and let live, i dont mind them, there like everyone else, i dont belive in God or Jesus or any religion because i think its nonsense, but if your Christian or Cathloic you shouldnt judge others, its not there fault there in a Male or Female body but have have a Female mind or a Male mind, let them be.
December 14, 2004, 11:49 pm
I am glad that some things are constant. Like Chakra whining and kicking people
December 15, 2004, 12:21 am
And BMF with a stick so far up his ass he has to stand out the sunroof to drive. Give the attitude a break, pal. We have enough supercillious cynical peeps as it is.
December 15, 2004, 12:27 am
quote:Originally posted by Marine
You know, if I could have it my way everyone would be heterosexual.
I agree with you on most things, but not this. What if I said "If I could have my way, everyone would be white." Gay people are born that way, it's encoded in their genes. For god's sake, variety is good. It pulls you out of your little self-centered world and makes you realize that other people are different than you, with different needs and feelings. And that's a GOOD thing. A homogeneous culture results in close minded idiots.
And no, the word "homogeneous" has nothing to do with homosexuals, look it up in the dictionary.
December 15, 2004, 12:30 am
Chakra it's that time of the month eh?
December 15, 2004, 12:50 am
quote:Originally posted by Messiahits not their fault they're in a Male or Female body but have a Female mind or a Male mind
i kinda find that interesting since procreation is a product of our genetic makeup, and dna research has found that both men and women have dna specific to their gender. could this possibly mean that homosexuality is a lifetyle by choice, rather than a possibility of nature?
you may find this site interesting:
it seems the researchers came to the conclusion that homosexuals aren't "born that way"
December 15, 2004, 1:10 am
They have problems with homosexual marriages yet not with those one-week marriages that happen in Las Vegas, or Britney Spears' marriages. Gay marriages? Why the hell not? It's against a sin... So? It's not like you're the one who is sinning when you allow two homosexual people to get married.
quote:Originally posted by Unlucky 13
Accually, that was on a poster at school. It said "Which of these kids are straight?" So some of my fellow classmates (the ones who THINK they is cool) decide to guess!!!
How perverted can you get!!!
You have them too!? Hahah...
December 15, 2004, 2:12 am
quote:could this possibly mean that homosexuality is a lifetyle by choice, rather than a possibility of nature?
Morpheus, Can you choose to like tomatoes? Choose to Like the sound of hip hop, or whatever it may be? Choose to like math, but hate science? Then how does one say once can choose to be attracted to the same sex? I believe some may CHOOSE to be gay only to feel "different" or some other reason, but not all.
Does that research also say that men and women must have different prefences in food, music, and other items? That study would also mean a male's likes would have to be constant with another male likes too, unless he can change them.
December 15, 2004, 2:33 am
Maybe you don't "choose" to like tomatoes, but if you're brought up and encouraged to eat tomatoes, you're more likely to like them. Likewise, I think being gay is not genetic but a result of environment, which is the idea supported on the website (but you would know that already if you read it).
December 15, 2004, 3:21 am
I was brought up with a whole family who loves tomatoes...and they encouraged me to eat them (not in a strange way, just offered them to me when I was a kid). Guess what, I hate em.
December 15, 2004, 4:16 am
quote: I dont wanna pay a marriage for anyone. Specially not for fags because they wont give me back anything in exchange and normal marriages can have children and that gives employment to people.
I dont want that fags steal my money!
Who says you have to pay for a marriage, unless you (by some miracle) manage to have a daughter, and she marries. Besides, how can marriage affect how many children there are? They're gay anyway, not letting them marry isn't going to change anything.
December 15, 2004, 5:06 am
quote:Originally posted by pallocoquote:Originally posted by The GeologistPalloco: You're so concerned about the "fags" getting married because you won't see any cash like the children of a "normal" family would? News flash idiot: You're not going to see cash anyway. If you work right now you're feeding money into government systems/programs that you won't benefit from in your lifetime (a.k.a. Social Security). So tell me, where are those bucks you're so concerned about that the married gay couples would take away? Oh, and while you're at it...feel free to tell me just how a kid raised by gay parents is so different from a kid raised by a man and a woman. Just what makes them incapable of generating an income like the child of a "normal" marriage (whatever the hell that is...looking at the rates of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, divorce, and all the other f*cked up things you see in a "normal" marriage). And no, living with gay people doesn't make you gay. And if you're saying that gay marriage will somehow drastically impact the birth rate in this country you obviously don't know a damn thing about what you're trying to argue.
So you are trying to imitate the idiot of marine discussing with yourself? Becuz i never said or meant most of the things you said.
Kids generate an inmense cash flow due to several things: teachers, food, toys... having to tell people this shows how much they understand the world, oh wait, what can i say. The one who did not understand this was a marine...
Did I said anything against homosexuals not being able to raise normal children? I said they could not make born a children... at least at the moment. If they addopt a children then I accept they can marry.
I'm an "idiot" because I have a different opinion that I back up with facts?
quote:Originally posted by Jelloquote:Originally posted by Marine
You know, if I could have it my way everyone would be heterosexual.
I agree with you on most things, but not this. What if I said "If I could have my way, everyone would be white." Gay people are born that way, it's encoded in their genes. For god's sake, variety is good. It pulls you out of your little self-centered world and makes you realize that other people are different than you, with different needs and feelings. And that's a GOOD thing. A homogeneous culture results in close minded idiots.
And no, the word "homogeneous" has nothing to do with homosexuals, look it up in the dictionary.
You must understand, about half of our society IS composed of close minded idiots. The problem is, people can't accept gays are different. I know perfectly well homosexuality is natural, and the reason I'd have an all heterosexual nation is because there'd be no more homosexual teenagers committing suicide because they're picked on, beaten up and mugged everyday at school.
Variety is good, but I really hate seeing gay people suffer.
karmazon: Shut up.
As for population being an argument against gay marriage, I say : LOL.
Go Google "overpopulation" and tell me what you get. I'd prefer more people are gay, so we can halt this population explosion.
December 15, 2004, 7:12 am is disturbing in many ways, but the thing that caught my attention is that they apparently regard homosexuality a disease.
Take a look at these titles;
Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality: A New Clinical Approach
Healing Homosexuality: Case Stories of Reparative Therapy
A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality
and, here comes the worst
The Puzzle: (Hardback) Exploring the Evolutionary Puzzle of Male Homosexuality
Growing up in a family that thinks you need therapy for swinging the other way is probably more detrimental to your mental health than having a family that says its ok.
Of course it would be convenient if we could mend all irregularities with a little therapy and genotherapy. I could easily make a book called "How to prevent your child from liking Scooter and other mindless german techno". But, we could also accept that some things will be different from the norm. There is no reason to regard a homosexual as "broken". And, as u know, dont fix it if it isnt broken.
Exploring the genetics of homosexuality...
Well, there are undoubtedly a consensus amongst most scientists in that field that there are genetic conditions that will trigger homosexuality. Whether it be lack of testosteron receptors or something else, be sure, it exists. There are always scientists who dont agree with the current opinion, in a few rare cases, they are actually right, in most cases however they are severely wrong, and, more often than not its the urge to find evidence for one of their personal views or hopes that really isnt there. (in this case, it isnt far fetched that they are looking for something that could help them in their crusade against homosexuality)
I could have gone on and on about how a few of the papers I read on that page has the same rethorics as the so called creation science (which, of course isnt the least bit scientific) but, I will cut straight to the naturalistic argument. debate if homosexuality is actually observed in nature, and, they quote a scientist who says that the oh-so-famous bonobo is actually not homosexual in the sense that humans are. And they leave it at that, having quoted one sources opinion on one species they feel as if the observations of a zillion scientists can be dismissed. Thats not a scientific approach, and there are still countless other species that exhibit a friggin obvious form of homosexuality.
Still, none of it is valid, animals have never set the rules for how we should lead our lives. I believe its referred to as the natural fallacy when humans make feeble attempts of making animals norm for humans.That regardless if we consider ourselves set distinctly apart from animals or not.
In conclusion:
The acceptance of homosexuality is not something that can be argued scientifically, it will remain a mere opinion based on religion or as we have seen, economy or something else. It still remains an opinion and not a fact.
The animal homosexuality paper: which is an exerpt from the book called
Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same Sex "Marriage" and the Homosexual Movement
Just looking at that title shows lack of objectivism, a fundamental scientific prerequisite
December 15, 2004, 8:01 am
Does it matter if homosexuality is unnatural or natural? It's so commonplace now I don't see why it shouldn't be looked at as a normal way of living. Why should people place binds on others because they're different?
December 15, 2004, 8:59 am
Because there are people like karmazon who still exist.
December 15, 2004, 12:14 pm
Lazehboi. There is hardly a thing that easily can be defined as natural. And even if it where, does it mean that we have to make natural a law? (yes, I agree with u :) )
December 15, 2004, 12:54 pm
quote:Originally posted by Marine
I'm an "idiot" because I have a different opinion that I back up with facts?
That's all you have to say when you cant backup your arguments, that is why you confirm you are an idiot.
December 15, 2004, 2:25 pm
palloco, the number of gay people would not change because of gay marriage being allowed.
And this clause "I would accept their marriage if they adopted children", is (imho) bull
[IMAGE]. Marriage does not mean that anyone has to have children. News flash for you: There are enough numbers of married hetero-couples who dont have children, and dont even plan to have children. Number: raising. Thats more a matter of the society's way of thinking about having children and about the unsafe economic situation. people simply have to concern on their own living and cant really afford children, and fear they wouldnt be flexible enough for the job market, if they had children.
And as long as the economic situation wont stabilize and the costs for children dont sink, this wont change, I fear. With or without gay marriage, but having more married couples raises the chance of more children being adopted, if the population wont rise the natural way, it must raise else, and this would be one more possibility.
December 15, 2004, 2:36 pm
quote:Originally posted by Faminequote:could this possibly mean that homosexuality is a lifetyle by choice, rather than a possibility of nature?
Morpheus, Can you choose to like tomatoes? Choose to Like the sound of hip hop, or whatever it may be? Choose to like math, but hate science? Then how does one say once can choose to be attracted to the same sex? I believe some may CHOOSE to be gay only to feel "different" or some other reason, but not all.
Does that research also say that men and women must have different prefences in food, music, and other items? That study would also mean a male's likes would have to be constant with another male likes too, unless he can change them.
Hey, they say its the estrogen or testostron in there body that makes them that way, homosexual's are born that way not because they want to have sex with the same sex, its because of there horomones, i belive and many other people beilve that they are born that way, and they have no other choice or get a sex change =/ but thats expensive.
December 15, 2004, 2:57 pm
Why is it that since homosexuals are "born that way" (is there even proof for this?), it's ok because it's "natural"? So are numerous mental disorders, but nobody decides to leave them alone because it's "natural".
December 15, 2004, 3:12 pm
The basic plan for a human being is female, if the fetus then lacks the receptors for testosterone which normally will trigger the fetus to become a guy, u will get a female in a mans body for example.
That is one of the ways in which homosexuality can be genetic. Still, its demeaning to homosexuals to "blame" genes or whatever, and, its demeaning to the notion of love.
Of course we can go deep down and try to explain every human behaviour with biology. No one does that anymore though, not even us biologists for the simple reason that we cant.
In essence, marriage is about loving another person regardless of its gender and confirming it in front of whatever it us we want to. Why shouldnt married men or women have the same benefits as heterosexuals?
The problem of decreasing birthrates in rich countries has nothing to do with homosexuality, its an effect of high living standard. U dont see cultures where homosexuality is accepted but living standards are low having the problem of the richer countries.
Furthermore, the problem in the strict economic sense is for the richer countries that there are too few children born, thereby making the demography to an up side down pyramid, and making the young pay for a large number of seniors. However, none of this will matter if humanity continue to grow in the current rate, ecology wise we are exploiting 1.7 earths. Pretty much the only way to get ourselves out of the
[IMAGE] is too start thinking way different.
December 15, 2004, 3:16 pm
Bmanx. As I just stated, there is proof for it. And, the reason we should leave homosexuality alone is that its not always easy to isolate genetics from social factors, often there are both. A social factor are usually important in most heritable mental disorders. The most important reason is that there is no need to regard homosexuality an anomaly or a disease. Its not harmful and it has been present in many cultures and species since before the word god was invented.
of course, religious zealots may think otherwise, but, then again, we are worlds apart.
December 15, 2004, 3:21 pm
quote: Why is it that since homosexuals are "born that way" (is there even proof for this?), it's ok because it's "natural"? So are numerous mental disorders, but nobody decides to leave them alone because it's "natural".
Indeed, but can't certain mental disorders make you violently dangerous to others?
December 15, 2004, 5:07 pm
quote:Originally posted by grand_diablopalloco, the number of gay people would not change because of gay marriage being allowed.
And why do you tell me this?
If it were truth I would try by all methods that gay people could marry everywhere some I can get more women.
quote:Originally posted by grand_diablo
And this clause "I would accept their marriage if they adopted children", is (imho) bull
[IMAGE]. Marriage does not mean that anyone has to have children.
That is why I said I do not want marriage for anyone unless they have children. Your taxes are being spent on marriages while they could be spent in things like helping the third world, research... IF marriages have children those taxes are well spent on them, if not they are simply taking away your money.
FFS people, read my posts instead of assuming stupid things.
December 15, 2004, 6:18 pm
Don't dependents reduce the taxes you have to pay? I must have been misinformed. What do you think of welfare and social security benifits?
December 16, 2004, 4:44 am
quote:Originally posted by pallocoquote:Originally posted by Marine
I'm an "idiot" because I have a different opinion that I back up with facts?
That's all you have to say when you cant backup your arguments, that is why you confirm you are an idiot.
You know what palloco? You're a moron, and all respect I've ever had for you has been flushed down the toilet. Maybe you should try reading some of my previous posts in this threads instead of drawing illogical conclusions, huh?
I've backed up my argument on every post in this thread; you should try going back to elementary school so you can learn how to read. And to Junior High, to take debate class to learn how to form a solid argument.
Wait, you can't! Because you have no logical argument you can back up with facts.
And yes: About 90% of homosexuality cases are natural, and I have heard of certain cases where homosexuals can be converted to heterosexuals.
quote:That is why I said I do not want marriage for anyone unless they have children. Your taxes are being spent on marriages while they could be spent in things like helping the third world, research...
Hm...speaking of third world, what about gay couples adopting parentless children from third world nations? Theres sure plenty of those lying around.
And again, did you try looking up some information on overpopulation? Please do that before responding with your garbage "LLOL w3 need moore ppl to gte jobs" or whatever the hell you said earlier.
December 16, 2004, 3:35 pm
what are dependants?
"or whatever the hell you said earlier."
It is good you admitted you talk with me without having read my posts.
December 16, 2004, 3:56 pm
we've learnt to not bother pallaco. However I think he has, no doubt while cringing.
December 16, 2004, 4:08 pm
marine, how am i the whiny one when you're starting a pussyfight thread about something that's already legal ? (civil marriage) maybe your point is to prove that it should be legal the religious way aswell, i dont know and dont care.
anyway, gay marriage is totally f*cked up. they cant have children, their household would be messed as hell, i can see it already - father arrested for raping his adopted child. school jerks will have another category to mock at - two gay parents.
i dont know why do i even bother to argue about a thing as f*cked up as gay marriage, call me narrow-minded or whatever you'll like, so i'll stop doing that now. if you ask me i think the gays community have a fresh new member.
December 16, 2004, 5:28 pm
Pffff.. people that got something against gay marriages just got some serious issues..
December 16, 2004, 5:42 pm
Whatis cringing?
Clankwh, saying that is saying the same than christians or muslims got some serious issues. If people can have their own religion they are allowe dto think that way, because jews law prohibits gay relations. Christian authorities also prohibit relationships when they are not meant to make children and so on. So being religious and not respecting other's religions makes you dumb, because you are the type of people who provoke jihads and crusades.
December 16, 2004, 9:45 pm
quote:What are dependants?
You must not have children, so why the hell should anyone listen to your opinion? I doubt you even pay taxes yet.
December 16, 2004, 10:31 pm
quote:Originally posted by pallocowhat are dependants?
"or whatever the hell you said earlier."
It is good you admitted you talk with me without having read my posts.
From what I've seen so far, the garbage you post isn't even worth reading.
quote:marine, how am i the whiny one when you're starting a pussyfight thread about something that's already legal ? (civil marriage) maybe your point is to prove that it should be legal the religious way aswell, i dont know and dont care
Many people are trying to, and have succeeded in, banning gay marriage in several places across the country.
quote:anyway, gay marriage is totally f*cked up. they cant have children, their household would be messed as hell, i can see it already - father arrested for raping his adopted child. school jerks will have another category to mock at - two gay parents.
Jerks like you? Idiots like you? Who still have the junior-high assumption that gay people are rapists?
A gay father is no more likely to rape his adopted child than your father is to rape you (although, thats a bad example, for its becoming increasingly obvious that you were abused as a child)
quote:i dont know why do i even bother to argue about a thing as f*cked up as gay marriage, call me narrow-minded or whatever you'll like, so i'll stop doing that now. if you ask me i think the gays community have a fresh new member.
I don't know why I even bother responding to idiots like you with such ignorant, ill-informed posts.
In short: Go play in traffic, or play Russian Roulette with a fully loaded chamber.
You know, for me this is just becoming an idiot bashing fest. Is there anyone here who has a well constructed, worthwhile argument against gay marriage? Or at least some points I can actually argue?
December 16, 2004, 11:02 pm
quote:Originally posted by pallocoWhatis cringing?
No, I didn't make that.
The Geologist
December 16, 2004, 11:12 pm
yay I'm the 100th poster here go gay marriage woo woo
quote:Originally posted by Marine
You know, for me this is just becoming an idiot bashing fest. Is there anyone here who has a well constructed, worthwhile argument against gay marriage? Or at least some points I can actually argue?
Good luck finding anyone...maybe because there is no worthwhile arguement against gay marriage.
December 16, 2004, 11:33 pm
Superkill, I hereby call you narrowminded :|
(but come on, I know u are smarter than to say that homosexuals are paedophiles)
December 17, 2004, 12:24 am
quote:originally posted by palloco
If people can have their own religion they are allowe dto think that way, because jews law prohibits gay relations. Christian authorities also prohibit relationships when they are not meant to make children and so on
Seperation of church and state. Again. The world does not revolve around your religion, something our founding fathers realized that you couldn't. So for gods sake stop forcing your religion and all the BS that goes with it on people who don't care (like me). I respect your right to believe in whatever you want, but YOU need to respect others beliefs and opinions as well. And it is an insult to all of our intelligence to say that an opinion or preferance is based on a mental disorder. FFS, use your head before posting next time.
December 17, 2004, 2:49 am
we had a debate about this yesturday in the civis class... and lets just say that things were not pretty... i almost got hit by a chair...
December 17, 2004, 2:56 am
quote:Originally posted by DTi almost got hit by a chair...
Was it because of your spamming?
December 17, 2004, 3:18 am
quote:Originally posted by The Geologistyay I'm the 100th poster here go gay marriage woo woo
quote:Originally posted by Marine
You know, for me this is just becoming an idiot bashing fest. Is there anyone here who has a well constructed, worthwhile argument against gay marriage? Or at least some points I can actually argue?
Good luck finding anyone...maybe because there is no worthwhile arguement against gay marriage.
Exactly. To me, arguing against gay marriage is like arguing against inter-racial marriage.
quote:Originally posted by Elephant_Hunterquote:Originally posted by DTi almost got hit by a chair...
Was it because of your spamming?
December 17, 2004, 11:46 am
quote:Originally posted by Elephant_Hunterquote:What are dependants?
You must not have children, so why the hell should anyone listen to your opinion? I doubt you even pay taxes yet.
This shows the brilliant level of people here. I ask a question and you bring a dissertation about hearing or not my oppinion. I dont see it in that quote
You all defend gays, yet you use gay as an insult. That shows how could children who have gay parent be treated. You are all a bunch of kidiots. Just look how you have a topic of 6 pages where half of the posts are laughing at how a boy looks.
"Exactly. To me, arguing against gay marriage is like arguing against inter-racial marriage."
LOL, no religion prohibits inter-racial marriage
December 17, 2004, 4:48 pm
palloco, I thought we already figured out that marriage is not a religious issue.
And what does religion has to do with paying taxes? Because I thought that was your problem with gay marriage.
I think you dug yourself a hole
The Geologist
December 17, 2004, 4:49 pm
Originally posted by pallocoquote:
This shows the brilliant level of people here. I ask a question and you bring a dissertation about hearing or not my oppinion. I dont see it in that quote
You all defend gays, yet you use gay as an insult. That shows how could children who have gay parent be treated. You are all a bunch of kidiots. Just look how you have a topic of 6 pages where half of the posts are laughing at how a boy looks.
"Exactly. To me, arguing against gay marriage is like arguing against inter-racial marriage."
LOL, no religion prohibits inter-racial marriage
Speak for yourself...I havn't used gay as an insult. I know better than that. You're being just as foolish as anyone else on here when you start saying things like "Oh, you're all a bunch of kidiots". Were you trying to spell idiots? Oh point is, don't run your mouth and say crap that isn't true.
Guess what, religion doesn't create the laws around here. It only makes the people who create them bias. Whether or not a religion prohibits gay marriage is irrevelent thanks to a little thing called the separation of church and state. Interracial marriages went through a period very similar to the struggle over gay marriage, but once people realized there was nothing wrong with it and there was no good reason to deny it apart from bigotry and racism, (for the most part) they pulled their heads out of their asses and came to accept it. Some people are still stuck in the stone age..
December 17, 2004, 4:52 pm
BMF, Marriage is a Religious Ceremony.
December 17, 2004, 4:53 pm
quote:Originally posted by palloco
You all defend gays, yet you use gay as an insult. That shows how could children who have gay parent be treated. You are all a bunch of kidiots. Just look how you have a topic of 6 pages where half of the posts are laughing at how a boy looks.
No, I don't use gay as an insult, actually, calling someone a f*cking
[IMAGE] because they pull facts out of their arse is something i'd do. Next.
December 17, 2004, 5:30 pm
I use gay and fag as an insult because its normal. Even the meaning is changed to like being an idiot because it is used so much. Calling someone gay doesn't actually mean you think there gonna go to bennets later tonight and pull some randy male etc.
December 17, 2004, 5:45 pm
Jaz, I guess that's the way you use it, but if you mention that some random guy is using the word "gay" wrongly, they'll say that the person likes men, and other various lame things.
The Geologist
December 17, 2004, 6:31 pm
Different countries = different meanings
December 17, 2004, 6:37 pm
It obviously still means homosexual but its used as to describe someone as an idiot also.
December 17, 2004, 6:38 pm
Hitman marriage may be a religious ceremony where you come from, but in USA there is a separation of church and state. You don't need a priest to get married, you need a judge. You don't have to be religious to get married. Please dude, if you want to say something, say it, but don't make a complete idiot of yourself in the process. I mean since page 1 we had been talking about this issue, you obviously haven't read a word.
The rest of the choir (page 1): Yeah, and marriage is not a religious issue, because in USA there is a separation of Church and State
Hitman (page 6): LOL I dont liek to read this big thread LOL, but marriage is like A RELIGIUS ISSUE LOL WTF!!111 one one
get bent
December 17, 2004, 6:57 pm
Thank you all.
This was an interesting thread. I started talking (I think) without insulting anyone, simply giving the first oppinion against(and it was only partially) gay marriage. I was insulted and every1 treated me like an idiot. Now I behave like an idiot and you stated to give me some nice answers, not what I want but at least there was respect.
What conclusions should I get?
If I brought a good documentation against gay marriage without speaking BS then the flaming would be horrible.
If I talked BS of all of you I would get some answers.
If I talked BS defending gay marriage I would be cool.
December 17, 2004, 6:59 pm
I'm a christian, and as a christian, I obviously believe that gay marriage is wrong. However, I don't believe anyone has the right to try to force people to not sin, as it is a choice every individual must make for themselves.
December 17, 2004, 8:56 pm
quote:Originally posted by BMFHitman marriage may be a religious ceremony where you come from, but in USA there is a separation of church and state. You don't need a priest to get married, you need a judge. You don't have to be religious to get married. Please dude, if you want to say something, say it, but don't make a complete idiot of yourself in the process. I mean since page 1 we had been talking about this issue, you obviously haven't read a word.
The rest of the choir (page 1): Yeah, and marriage is not a religious issue, because in USA there is a separation of Church and State
Hitman (page 6): LOL I dont liek to read this big thread LOL, but marriage is like A RELIGIUS ISSUE LOL WTF!!111 one one
get bent
Alright, I admit, I was wrong in this case. I had no idea that there was a separation between Religion and State in the US, plus I hadn?t really read the topic. I wasn't really talking about it in that context though, marriage, originally was a religious ceremony, but obviously not in this context.
Oh, and you?re telling me to get bent? Man,
[IMAGE] you. Excluding this case, you first tell me to take my head out of my ass in an argument which in the end I won, and then you?re sending me PM?s asking me why I don?t like you anymore.
You are such a
[IMAGE]ing poser, seriously, you try and keep up this hard-assed image of yourself on the forums, and then when you insult people, namely in my case, you send them PM?s asking them why they don?t like you.
Get lost, you loser.
December 17, 2004, 9:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by Hitman
Alright, I admit, I was wrong in this case.
Full stop. Case closed. NEXT
December 17, 2004, 9:16 pm
Oh and the last time you won an argument against me was in your wet dream.
Dude you need to take something for PMS, because this has to stop. I know you have strong hormones, but jeez..
December 18, 2004, 1:21 am
Come on Hitman, wipe those tears off. Did you dad lose his job again or something? I mean what's up
December 18, 2004, 1:30 am
i say build a big island where all the gays can live..
and call it
December 18, 2004, 1:39 am
quote:Originally posted by pallocoThank you all.
This was an interesting thread. I started talking (I think) without insulting anyone, simply giving the first oppinion against(and it was only partially) gay marriage. I was insulted and every1 treated me like an idiot. Now I behave like an idiot and you stated to give me some nice answers, not what I want but at least there was respect.
What conclusions should I get?
If I brought a good documentation against gay marriage without speaking BS then the flaming would be horrible.
If I talked BS of all of you I would get some answers.
If I talked BS defending gay marriage I would be cool.
I began insulting you because you never even tried to put up a decent argument. Bring yourself up to my level with a decent argument, avoid the gay bashing and I'll treat you with respect.
In fact, your disregard for the arguments of me and others in this thread is founded upon our reactionary presentation of our views. I insult you because you put up garbage for an argument and began acting like a 7th grader. If you put up a decent argument, I wouldn't insult you in the slightest.
Until then, you're just another karmazon.
Also, I never said inter-racial marriage was prohibited in the Bible.
quote:Originally posted by XanthophobiaI'm a christian, and as a christian, I obviously believe that gay marriage is wrong. However, I don't believe anyone has the right to try to force people to not sin, as it is a choice every individual must make for themselves.
Dude...did you even read my first post?
Anyway, why would God create people who are eternally unintentional sinners, if hes so loving?
And Hitman, is marriage a soley religious ceremony in Switzerland? I never knew that....
December 18, 2004, 2:04 am
quote:Originally posted by MarineAnyway, why would God create people who are eternally unintentional sinners, if hes so loving?
Everybody is an eternally unintentional sinner.
December 18, 2004, 2:04 am
quote:Originally posted by BMFCome on Hitman, wipe those tears off. Did you dad lose his job again or something? I mean what's up
Haha, I would consider that a low blow, but coming from you...erm...nah. No, life, to be honest, is great. I haven't been this happy in a long time.
December 18, 2004, 2:27 am
Hitman no offense bud, but you need to lighten the
[IMAGE]ing joke dude. You are super nice, until the piss hits you in the head. This is a public forum dude, whatever I say here, it does not mean I am like that in person. I am not your enemy, I don't know you, and I don't care about you (that much). We used to hang out, and that was fun. Then you got into political BS and laid it all on me. Take a break, smoke a cigarrete, and snap out of it.
And I just want to say that no wonder your mom left you, you're such a whiny little
December 18, 2004, 3:08 am
Lol, BMF, what you don't understand is the fact that I was never pissed off at you, or hated you. That Bush argument never changed my perception of you, in fact it probably made me respect you a bit more because you had some good arguments and stuck with them.
No, what pisses me off is the fact that you seem so fake, I mean so many people have said how different you are on MSN in comparison to the Forums. You insult people on the forums and then on MSN or via PM make up with them again. Exactly, as you said this is a public forum, I don?t know you, and you don?t know me, so just be yourself.
About taking jokes, with the internet in question, the amount of jokes the people on IRC have pulled on me, I think I can safely say I can take jokes pretty damn well. However, me coming back home from a stoning session at a friends house and just wanting to listening to music while surfing the internet for a bit, but having Milkman Dan over here
[IMAGE]ing spamming me on MSN every two seconds, doesn?t count.
..and about my Mum, what happened is she threatened to send me to my Dad?s in London. She even called him. Anyways, after going over there (here) for holidays I liked it, and decided to go. I think a week before I left she asked me to stay, but I said no. I left, not the other way around.
December 18, 2004, 4:32 am
quote:Originally posted by BManx2000quote:Originally posted by MarineAnyway, why would God create people who are eternally unintentional sinners, if hes so loving?
Everybody is an eternally unintentional sinner.
BMF, Hitman, come on now, knock it off. Don't get all upset over debates now. You're both intelligent. Make your own thread in the bashpit for flame wars if you want to. Just don't get my thread locked or trashed...
December 18, 2004, 5:39 am
I'm with hitman on this, BMF my dear.
You're a nice guy, but you really have been full of
[IMAGE] everytime you visit here for as long as I can remember. It was amusing for a while but it's getting old, and seems like you're really trying too hard to get under peep's skin. Take a break, smoke a cigarrete, and snap out of it.
December 18, 2004, 6:32 am
Chakra, don't you have a sick mother to attend to?
And what's with your anti-drug stand, since when did you become a smoker.
And did you finally get a job? Because the last time I checked with you, you could not afford a Soldat registration. And at the same time you were buying knives on E-bay.
And didn't you quit the game two times already?
And where is your alt - Blag? Haven't seen him in a while.
Bottom line - don't talk to me about being full of BS.
December 18, 2004, 6:45 am
quote:Originally posted by BMFAnd didn't you quit the game two times already?
And where is your alt - Blag? Haven't seen him in a while.
You quit too, stop being a hypocrite. And Blag wasn't Chakra.
I'm with Chakra on this. You are trying too hard to get under people's skins.
December 18, 2004, 8:32 am
I'm my mother's carer. That's my job. In a few spare moments I usually leave this site running and check up on it. Otherwise, that was a pretty pathetic attempt to say i'm full of BS. You're gonna have to dig up alot more on my personal life than that to make me seem full of crap.
I suggest you take a serious look at the stuff you post, in a new light. You may see how much of a prick you're seeming. We know you're not.
No one here's an enemy or cares to be one, so take it easy. Keep the pointless hostilities elsewhere.
December 18, 2004, 8:58 am
BMF needs a hug.
edit: Hitman can take alot of things in jest, except for when I MSNd him. Kekeke.
December 18, 2004, 9:16 am
quote:Originally posted by Marine[quote][i]
I began insulting you because you never even tried to put up a decent argument. Bring yourself up to my level with a decent argument, avoid the gay bashing and I'll treat you with respect.
In fact, your disregard for the arguments of me and others in this thread is founded upon our reactionary presentation of our views. I insult you because you put up garbage for an argument and began acting like a 7th grader. If you put up a decent argument, I wouldn't insult you in the slightest.
Until then, you're just another karmazon.
I started wihtout insulting and you called me lame and geologist called me idiot, only because I gave a different oppinion. That is the way you respect others oppinion. Check first 2 pages if you dont believe me.
What is a 7th grader?
And what the
[IMAGE] has done karmazon similar to me?
The Geologist
December 18, 2004, 10:41 am
Palloco, I called you an idiot because of crap like this:
quote:Originally posted by palloco
I dont want that fags steal my money!
It's not "only because you gave a different opinion". It's because of ridiculous arguements like this. Quit trying to win sympathy for yourself. If you didn't write stupid sh*t, you might not be seen as an idiot.
December 18, 2004, 11:21 am
Hrr, I feel the love just filling this cup to the brim. I dont know about the rest of the community, but hearing about how BMF tried to make up over PM or whether hitmans family is a mess or not is not something I care for. Thats pretty personal and does not belong in front of the eyes of 1000 forumers. Show a lil integrity damnit.
December 18, 2004, 3:09 pm
Hey man I was posting and minding my own business, before Hitman came in here with some dumbass comment. When I pointed it out to him, he exploded in tears. If we were talking on MSN, I would tell him the same thing. He knows I can get angry on MSN, he even blocked me for a while. So I can't figure out how am I "different" here and there. You say something stupid on MSN, I tell you that you are stupid, you say something stupid here, I do the same thing.
Chakra are you a smoker or not? Come on dude, maybe it's just me, but half the things you say are lies. In any case. Yeah, I am not a prick, I am a very nice guy. But isn't it time you stopped sitting on your ass and got a job? Oh sorry, I forgot, I am a nice guy here.
frogboy, i never quit, i just stopped playing for a while.
December 18, 2004, 3:10 pm
And for the record, I would not even start this
December 18, 2004, 3:41 pm
I'm a little busy at the moment for getting a 'real' job, lord knows i'd care to, but i've a healthy cash flow anyway so i'm in no rush ...and if you mean marijuana, god no. That stuff proved to not be good for me long ago. I just stick to tobacco. Why on earth do you ask?
...and what you mean about lies anyhow luv? I can't think of anything you might be talking about.
December 18, 2004, 4:24 pm
You really want to know Chakra? Because I can tell you. I have known you from way back when, and you were always firm on your anti-drug stand, tobacco included. Now you turned out to be a smoker. And you always said that you can't register Soldat, because you are dirt poor. But it turns out you have a "healthy cash flow". And no job. And a lot of things you say are like this. It's not a lie, but it's not truth either. Maybe you are a pathological liar or something, I don't know. In any case you know what I am talking about better than I do.
December 18, 2004, 4:43 pm
I never said I couldn't afford £5 ...I'm just tighter than One Gram's thong. I don't care enough to cough up to our Polish friend.
And I can't say I remember mentioning any non-smoking beliefs, although it can't be denied it's bad for you. I just enjoy it. I had not been a smoker for a few years until a few months ago. You'd have to jog my memory.
*boggled* ...why are we getting all personal in a misguided thread about the law's on gay marriage related to the bible (into which only morpheus has provided something related to Marine's initial question) ?
December 18, 2004, 5:05 pm
Since when is 'social life information' about a participant of a discussion important in an discussion about gay marriage. A participant in a discussion gives his/her view on a subject, no matter what his/her background is. If you don't get this, just don't discuss.
Playing the man, the participant wasn't , isn't and will never be a valuable move/argument in any instructive, informative discussion. It's a move for the weak man, whatever his/her background may be.
About the gay-marriage. If you interprete 'marriage' as a "socially sanctioned union", as I do, I don't see any valuable argument to be 'against' same-sex-marriages.
Of course marriage is also one of the sacraments in the Catholic Church (and other Orthodoxys). The sacrament marriage is defined as a relationship between man and woman. So it's more a matter of the prevailing conservatism in the Catholic Church that same-sex-marriages still are absolutely not done , in other words, just a matter of time (well, probably a few ages) to redefine the conception of the 'sacrament marriage'.
December 18, 2004, 5:36 pm
U were just minding yer own business...
He said that marriage is a religious ceremony, u called him an idiot, he said u were such a poser because you tried to be all badass on the forums whilst trying to make up on PMs after which you went ahead and brought his family into the discussion.
Now, I could argue that you stepped over some sort of line by calling him an idiot, although, everyone is pretty used to you doing that. I could argue that hitman crossed the line for bringing in PM's, or once again you for talking about his family. Either way, the line has been crossed by the both of u.
[IMAGE]ing started it doesnt really matter, what matters is who will end it.
And, ffs, u were both moderators which makes this even more ridiculous.
December 18, 2004, 6:43 pm
quote: Hey man I was posting and minding my own business, before Hitman came in here with some dumbass comment. When I pointed it out to him, he exploded in tears.Rofl, no BMF, that's not what happened. Let me quote what I wrote after you pointed out to me that in this context I was wrong:quote: Alright, I admit, I was wrong in this case. I had no idea that there was a separation between Religion and State in the US, plus I hadn#8217;t really read the topic. I wasn't really talking about it in that context though, marriage, originally was a religious ceremony, but obviously not in this context.Now, do you see any aggressiveness or tears in there? I stood up and admitted that I was wrong, explained my reasons, and accepted it.
I would like to add however, Marriage was orignally a religious ceremony. Even in countries where there is a separation between the Church and State like in England, in many cases the State still recognises you as a married couple even if you were married by the Church. However, if don't get married by the Church, the wedding is still usually followed by a religious ceremony.
Moving on, the only reason why I flipped is cause you told me to get bent, which was completely unnecessary. It's not only me that you're aggressive to during discussions but everybody. If somebody doesn't share the same opinion as you then you just
[IMAGE] out of the thread cause it's for adults'. Ok, I'd understand it if it were that guy who wrote like a spastic, claimed he was in the military and said we should nuke Iraq, but I mean seriously man; you have no diplomatic skills at all.
Also, when somebody is pointing out a clear flaw in your logic/personality/attitude, you try and twist the argument around onto them, and point out all of their flaws. Why try and accuse Chakra of lying? Do you really think Chakra needs to lie to get more popularity, I mean come on; he's the most popular person on the
[IMAGE]ing forums by just being himself. On that note, do any of us need to lie? Why lie on an internet forum, in the end, it's just the internet, and most (I hope) of us do have a life outside of the internet.
December 18, 2004, 7:29 pm
quote:As we know, the current administration has been trying to pass an Amendment to ban homosexual marriage. The basis of this argument, although none will admit it (maybe Dubya), is that homosexuality is condemned the Bible (Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13).
I wasn't going to bother explaining, but Marine, I think it's you that didn't read MY post, as it applies directly to your first statement, as quoted above. Either that, or you're just really stupid.
I basically stated my opinion on your original statement, which is that I don't think the amendment should be passed because people should be allowed to make the choice, regardless of whether it's right or wrong, because I believe that choice is a God given right.
The Geologist
December 18, 2004, 8:55 pm
BMF sounds like someones father...
"Havn't you gotten a job yet!?"
"You been smokin' boy, don't lie to me!"
"Where'd you get those smokes and knives if you don't have a job?"
Seriously though...I'm agreeing with Hitman and a few other people on this one. Bringing up issues like someones personal life in a topic like this is just uncalled for. Makes you look like a huge ass when you're really supposed to be a "nice guy". So if you please...stop dragging peoples personal lives into this and stay on topic. Hitman had/has a perfectly valid point about marriage and religion, so if you want to look like you really know what you're talking about try debating/argueing with him about it instead of letting things degenerate into mudslinging.
December 19, 2004, 1:54 am
Wow Hitman, are you the same person I used to talk to a while back? Ok, I was wrong about talking about your family. But I was so mad that you would bring my PERSONAL PM to you into this matter. And then Chakra jumped into this argument, which was none of his business. So I ganged up on him. Yes, I admit I was wrong going so personal, but I was on defensive I guess.
I don't understand when did you become such a sensitive little girl. You and Chakra both. I mean I make some random comment about him in some other thread, and he gets all mad at me. You guys need to lighten up.
Anyway, screw this, pull your head out of your ass dude and stop crying. This is just ridiculous. You take things way too personal bud, I don't understand how you would get so mad about a single comment. Unless this all goes back to out GW Bush discussion. And if you are still mad at me for that, you need to have your head examined.
Oh, and I am sure you have a very exciting life with 2458 posts. But go and tell somebody else about it.
December 19, 2004, 1:59 am
This is the ugliest nastiest fight I have ever participated in. In any forum, ever.
December 19, 2004, 2:17 am
*feeble attempt to moderate argument*
December 19, 2004, 3:12 am
If you are really mad then stop spamming our forums and PM eachother. This is way off topic.
quote:Originally posted by Hitman...You insult people on the forums and then on MSN or via PM make up with them again...
What the
[IMAGE] do you think instant messaging is for? You don't need to act all macho for the public.
quote:Originally posted by BMFWow Hitman, are you the same person I used to talk to a while back? Ok, I was wrong about talking about your family. But I was so mad that you would bring my PERSONAL PM to you into this matter. And then Chakra jumped into this argument, which was none of his business. So I ganged up on him. Yes, I admit I was wrong going so personal, but I was on defensive I guess...
You dumbass, anyone can hear this arguement. Once you post here it's officially everyone's business.
Solve this problem elsewhere.
December 19, 2004, 3:13 am
No, BMF, you still don't understand. It's not just that single comment I got pissed off about, it's your whole attitude. quote: Unless this all goes back to out GW Bush discussion. And if you are still mad at me for that, you need to have your head examined.Ok, for the second time I am telling you that I...actually,
[IMAGE] if you don't have any money in this Country. Excluding the times that, those who were allowed to, came down to see me, they even paid for me to come up to a friend's house near school for a party, cause I couldn't afford the train ticket. Pathetic isn't it. Only reason I had the internet was cause a friend of my Dad's was paying for it seeing as it was vital for my Dad's work. So yes BMF, I do have a social life, I do have friends, and I couldn't ask for any more or any better ones than I have now.
*I made it bigger so you'd read it this time.
December 19, 2004, 3:20 am
I tend not to repeat myself, but it looks as if you're doing a good job at it. Maybe it wasn't that he didn't see what you wrote, but the fact that you insulted him in the same post. Why should he listen if you don't act the way you say you do?
December 19, 2004, 3:21 am
Hitman you don't need to justify yourself to me.
Elephant Hunter where the hell did you come from, and why are you getting in the middle of this. Mind your own business dude.
I would PM Hitman but then he discusses my PMs in the forums, and I think he blocked me in the MSN. Since our Bush argument. Oh wait, that was just a coincidence.
Doggfather where are you to lock a thread when we need you.
December 19, 2004, 3:24 am
quote:Originally posted by BMFElephant Hunter where the hell did you come from, and why are you getting in the middle of this. Mind your own business dude. Use your own topic dude.
December 19, 2004, 3:24 am
quote:Originally posted by Elephant_HunterI tend not to repeat myself, but it looks as if you're doing a good job at it. Maybe it wasn't that he didn't see what you wrote, but the fact that you insulted him in the same post. Why should he listen if you don't act the way you say you do?
I'm sorry, what?
December 19, 2004, 3:30 am
I'm not discussing your unrelated social ineptness anymore. Just make up and stop changing the subject of every controversial topic.
December 19, 2004, 3:42 am
Ok we made up over MSN. It was sweet, let me post a log here..
Hitman: Hey
BMF: Sup
Hitman: so......
BMF: what do you want ass
Hitman: well i just want to say i was wrong, and i hope we can forget about this
BMF: I dont think so
BMF: you crossed a line there
Hitmna: come on man!! you know i'll always be your little
BMF: dude you crossed the line ok? i dont know about all this
Hitman: OK OK I said i was sorry. I was wrong
BMF: you were wrong about everything
BMF: say it
Htiman: yes, yes, i was wrong in every post. i am sorry
BFM: ok i guess its cool
So yeah, we figured it out
December 19, 2004, 4:19 am
What people dont understand is that this country IS based on religion and it will always be present in our decisions. You can't take someone's beliefs out of their influences.
December 19, 2004, 4:25 am
quote:this country IS based on religion
Okay... first step is admitting a problem, what's the next step? Fixing it. Remind yourself this country was built under a economy dependent on slavery. Lincoln could have easily said "This country IS based on slavery", but that wasn't totally true. The United States was changing towards northern industry and becoming open to new ideas. That's the way we've always been drifting.
Man was born of sin when eve ate that fruit, or some think. Does this mean christians don't give a second thought to sin because that's the way they were made? In unison with science (aka knowledge), we are constructing an abstract theory of freedom. Freedom that doesn't harm others, but gives room to ourselves. Balance is an important part of the decision making process senators must go through every day. Seriously, why not give it a shot and see how things work out? If anything goes wrong then it's easy to pull the plug and learn our lesson.
December 19, 2004, 4:37 am is naive to believe that the country will not be affected by religion.
December 19, 2004, 4:40 am
Did I say the country will not be affected by religion? No, actually I agreed with you on that particular point.
December 19, 2004, 4:51 am
The goddamn constitution ITSELF says Seperation of Church and State. Where does it say "this county is based on religion"? The US is not a religious state FFS. And the fact that our representatives are influenced heavily by religion has nothing to do with the arguments for or against gay marrige. This is a thread about being FOR or AGAINST gay marrige. It has nothing to do with WHY our leaders vote one way or another.
December 19, 2004, 4:55 am
quote:The goddamn constitution ITSELF says Seperation of Church and State. Where does it say "this county is based on religion"?
I agree religion should be separate...but it will never be.
December 19, 2004, 6:08 am
But how is that an arguement for or against gay marrige? I don't understand, and feel like I'm repeating myself...
December 19, 2004, 6:13 am
A major point why the people are against gay marriage is because it ruins the sanctity of marriage. Saying it separation from church and state is one argument against this point. Understand?
The Geologist
December 19, 2004, 6:36 am
How does it ruin the sanctity of marriage? By changing what your conception of what marriage can be? Oh yeah...that's really ruining it.
December 19, 2004, 7:04 am
There should be no state recognized marriage, only civil unions that any one can enter into, then if you want, you can do the ceremony that is associated with your particular religious beliefs.
But I'm just an atheist, so what do I know.
December 19, 2004, 10:20 am
Why evolution theory had not been studied in some years at the 199- in Arkansas? Because religion is not taken into account in USA. Creationists have a consisting theory... lol
The Geologist
December 19, 2004, 11:07 am
quote:Originally posted by pallocoWhy evolution theory had not been studied in some years at the 199- in Arkansas? Because religion is not taken into account in USA. Creationists have a consisting theory... lol
Evolution theory is taught in schools here, instead of creationist theory. But there are still some areas of the country where creationism is a heated issue...and funny enough they tend to wind up on the evening news. There are those that believe in creationism (presumably a minority of the population...not sure of the numbers), and there are those who believe in evolutionism. As to what can be taught in schools (mostly state/government run institutions), the separation of church and state takes care of the issue of teaching religious based beliefs in public schools.
December 19, 2004, 12:08 pm
It is not a religious issue. In Arkansas they believed that the the correct "science" was creationism
December 19, 2004, 12:26 pm
Creationism lacks the fundamental trait of science, that of being falsifiable. Calling it science is like calling physics religion.
December 19, 2004, 12:53 pm
quote:Originally posted by mariachiSuperkill, I hereby call you narrowminded :|
(but come on, I know u are smarter than to say that homosexuals are paedophiles)
calling me narrowminded when you think i said homosexuals are pedophiles (sp) ?
i made an example of what may happen. the exact same way you say i claimed homosexuals = pedophiles, i can say you claim that there is no chance of a homosexual person being a pedophile.
take your "i know you are smarter than that" and shove it up your ass.
December 19, 2004, 12:59 pm
quote:Originally posted by mariachiCreationism lacks the fundamental trait of science, that of being falsifiable. Calling it science is like calling physics religion.
Dont tell me that,it is US people who say that.
December 19, 2004, 3:37 pm
Yeah I was obviously wrong about you being smarter than that, wont happen again.
What I meant to say, and, with a lil effort I imagine you can understand that, is "What the hell does paedophilia have to do with gay marriages?"
[IMAGE]s sake, does everyone who enters this thread enter some sort of psychosis where everything is interpreted as a flame?
U said "call me narrowminded" and that plus criticizing your choice of headlines was all I did. So, shove your temper up your arse a while and dont make it our problem.
December 19, 2004, 4:27 pm
quote:How does it ruin the sanctity of marriage? By changing what your conception of what marriage can be? Oh yeah...that's really ruining it.
Dude, I am for gay marriage, but I was just explaining the opposing side's argument. I think thte show "Who wants to marry my dad", "The Bachelor" and "My Big Fat Wedding" ruin it rather then Gay marriage.
December 19, 2004, 4:35 pm
quote:Originally posted by BMFOk we made up over MSN. It was sweet, let me post a log here..
Hitman: Hey
BMF: Sup
Hitman: so......
BMF: what do you want ass
Hitman: well i just want to say i was wrong, and i hope we can forget about this
BMF: I dont think so
BMF: you crossed a line there
Hitmna: come on man!! you know i'll always be your little
BMF: dude you crossed the line ok? i dont know about all this
Hitman: OK OK I said i was sorry. I was wrong
BMF: you were wrong about everything
BMF: say it
Htiman: yes, yes, i was wrong in every post. i am sorry
BFM: ok i guess its cool
So yeah, we figured it out
Rofl, that's so fake. Nice typo.
Yeah, we made up, after some groveling by BMF.
Carry on.
December 19, 2004, 4:39 pm
come on you know the convo is real
The Geologist
December 19, 2004, 10:12 pm
quote:Originally posted by Famine
Dude, I am for gay marriage, but I was just explaining the opposing side's argument. I think thte show "Who wants to marry my dad", "The Bachelor" and "My Big Fat Wedding" ruin it rather then Gay marriage., my apologies, I misunderstood. And I happen to agree with you there. come we can see people chowing down on cow dongs and maggots, but we can't see a pair of breasts? Oh the foolishness...
December 19, 2004, 10:15 pm
You can see the breasts...well almost them. But no NIPPLES :P
December 19, 2004, 11:36 pm
quote:Hitmna: come on man!! you know i'll always be your little
Htiman: yes, yes, i was wrong in every post. i am sorry
...Hitmna? Htiman? Besides, after knowing Hitman for so long on IRC, I can tell that's faked... he always capitalises where necessary.
December 19, 2004, 11:37 pm
oh, God not another gay marriage debate.......
think, the vaste majority of the USA hate gay poeple, they might not say it, just becuase someone might call them the 'ist word
yeah, im gonna go into it, the words like racist and sexist.
Most of that is a load of bull
poeple call the USA Racist when we fought the war agaisnt terrorism, it really is supposed to be the war against islamic militants
becuase all the atacks, like 9/11, on the usa have been from, who?
[IMAGE]ing islamic militants
The usa needs a new motto:
Dang, that released some stress......
i am not sorry if this offended you, it is the truth as seen in my eyes.
December 19, 2004, 11:58 pm
frogboy I am impressed with your detective skills, now go get yourself a cookie
December 20, 2004, 5:22 am
Please don't turn this into a War In Iraq thread, it's already off-topic enough...
December 20, 2004, 5:29 am
What war? There is no war. There are bands of insurgents running around. Once we get done with them it's all over. So I don't know what you are talking about, when you say WAR
Support Our Troops
The Geologist
December 20, 2004, 5:30 am
quote:Originally posted by gunnyoh, God not another gay marriage debate.......
think, the vaste majority of the USA hate gay poeple, they might not say it, just becuase someone might call them the 'ist word
yeah, im gonna go into it, the words like racist and sexist.
Most of that is a load of bull
poeple call the USA Racist when we fought the war agaisnt terrorism, it really is supposed to be the war against islamic militants
becuase all the atacks, like 9/11, on the usa have been from, who?
[IMAGE]ing islamic militants
The usa needs a new motto:
Dang, that released some stress......
i am not sorry if this offended you, it is the truth as seen in my eyes.
1) Stay on topic.
2) Just because you see the world one way doesn't mean it's true.
3) If you think the majority of the US hates gay people, you're sad and misinformed.
4) Don't worry, ignorance doesn't offend me.
The Geologist
December 20, 2004, 9:40 am
I bet you were waiting to post that all week.
December 20, 2004, 1:00 pm
Took me ages to find that wig.
(I already had the dress...)
Have we reached a conclusion yet? Was Jesus really gay-friendly despite the initial teachings of the bible? do christians ignore this aspect over simple personal preference?
December 20, 2004, 3:46 pm
wow jezus is involved with gayness... soon the pope will be considered gay...
first of does it matter if someones gay? ask yourself that question...