December 16, 2004, 10:11 pm
I figured since barret, m79, and the ruger (????) was binked so drastically why don't you just bink the law too? I'm sick and tired of trying to shoot some guy that is taking his time trying to set up the law and aim. I get shot once in the back with a socom and I completely miss the guy and since it takes at least 2 shots with ruger to kill them and there is a decent amount of time between shots I normally get a law in the nutsack. So can anyone answer me if the bink affects the law as much as it would say the barret or m79? I think it's kind of dumb now because everyone uses laws and I keep getting shot with the damn thing even though I keep getting at least 1 shot off that hits him.
So if it is not already implemented bink the law!
December 16, 2004, 10:26 pm
Law is actually kinda tough as it is. It never hits perfectly. I say leave it. Bink is massivly gay anyhow. We dont need another bink weapon.
Deleted User
December 16, 2004, 10:58 pm
What do you mean it never hits perfectly? It has an arc just like every other weapon.
December 16, 2004, 11:03 pm
Its still a pain in the ass to fire, having to crouch and aim. The arc is sort of wierd too.
December 17, 2004, 1:22 am
I like the arc on the LAW, no idea why... It's just... comfortable. It's hard enough to use as it is... Just don't make yourself an easy target by going close. :|
Keron Cyst
December 17, 2004, 1:24 am
Yeah; the smoke is misleading, as it starts already above the back of the missile instead of slowly rising from directly behind /:-|
About those people blowing you apart into bits:
1) you're either too close to them and making yourself an easy shot, or
2) they've been playing Soldat too much :-P
But I think it's fine how it is...
*reflects on topic*
And of course you're supposed to beware law and justice! X-D
December 17, 2004, 2:08 am
Alright seriously when in soldat are you not close enough to be hit by any weapon? I have been hit by the law from halfway across the map. Yes halfway. If you are in screen you are close enough. Pain in the ass to fire? Is pushing s(down) and then clicking really that hard to do? For people who skip on the ground (jumping at the right moment to maximize speed and minimize jet use) it is no problem to get in the right position. Also since the point of the game (referring to ctf) is to run at the other team's base by the time you see the guy you will always be a lot closer than you want to be.
^Me _____________________________________________________________________________^LAWER
ME seeing the lawer and having .5 seconds to react ________ The lawer planting himself
Me starting to run/dodge ________Law heading at me ________The lawer laughing
Seriously when heading at each other you have very little time to react. I'm not sure if .5 seconds is accurate but to slow down and turn around would be suicide. Running at the lawer still would only result with a law in the face unless I can land 2 perfectly aimed ruger shots at the immediate point of contact. The lawer only has to hit the down button. He will immediately stop and since he is looking at me the cursor is already on me.
Basically I am screwed either way.
December 17, 2004, 2:16 am
laws have one shot to...and don't bother reloading it... and it fires at a arc... i mean knifes kill with one hit and don't have blink so shut up
edit: and crouch to
December 17, 2004, 3:20 am
Its a pain in the ass because you have to crouch; and this makes you an easy target, especially if you're still, and you get shot. If you move, it makes it harder to aim, and harder to kill them.
December 17, 2004, 4:45 am
You can change weapon, stop your movement, crouch and fire the law in approx. 1 sec i say. That is REALLY fast. 1 sec. to kill: 2 perfect ruger shot (when crouch, your smaller) -- kill him with auto in 1 sec (good luck) -- m79 kill (gotta aim a bit!) -- spas ( 2 perfect shot again, harder to aim than ruger) -- minigun (don't even try) -- barret (probably the easiest way to kill him before he kills you) -- D.Eagles ( AGAIN 2 perfect shot).
So you see how it can be hard to kill an experienced LAW user.
December 17, 2004, 5:31 am
leave the law please, i need at least one non-binked one shot killer
Keron Cyst
December 17, 2004, 6:14 am
quote:Originally posted by Spectralleave the law please, i need at least one non-binked one shot killer
I agree.
December 17, 2004, 12:59 pm
No more bink! If anything, the bink should be removed from the game.
Keron Cyst
December 17, 2004, 11:54 pm
quote:Originally posted by 3rd_account... If anything, the bink should be removed from the game.
Okay, that's going a tad too far...
December 18, 2004, 1:52 am
LAW is fine as it is. When firing the LAW you have to be on the ground which makes you more prone to getting hit in the head, use that to your advantage when fighting LAWers.
December 18, 2004, 2:12 am
Just because it is easier to kill doesn't mean it has to have bink. Not all good weapons need bink on it. And face it, LAW's basically have one ammo. You usually don't have time to wait around a reload.
The Geologist
December 18, 2004, 2:15 am
quote:Originally posted by 3rd_accountNo more bink! If anything, the bink should be removed from the game.
Save that idea for a different thread. Ugh...so undecided...part of me wants to bink it, but part of me likes it as it since it's limited ammo slow reload, and arc shot make things hard enough sometimes..
December 18, 2004, 4:58 am
quote:Originally posted by MichalLAW is fine as it is. When firing the LAW you have to be on the ground which makes you more prone to getting hit in the head, use that to your advantage when fighting LAWers.
Your exactly right. So instead of my ruger taking out 60% of his health from a torso shot it will take 70 or maybe even 80%! Leaving time for him to shoot me and making me have to shoot him twice with 2 well aimed shots. Unless your condoning barret? Or m79? M79 I would most likely die due to the fact that I have to be half the screen away aka instantly shot in the face with law.
December 18, 2004, 4:59 am
just nerf all the guns and get over with it..