December 18, 2004, 9:44 pm
I don't know if this is related to any of the other questions in here because I don't know much about hosting. But every time I try, I can see that people are requesting the game (sometimes repeatedly) but they can't get accepted for some reason.
This has also happened to me where I try to enter someone else's server and it just gets stuck on the requesting server message.
How can I fix this problem? Is it a firewall or something?
December 18, 2004, 10:45 pm
if you are using custom maps you need to have ports 23073 and 23083 forwarded in your router to the computer you are running the server on. If you arent, you need to forward port 23073 alone. Look through the sticky in this forum to see if you skipped any necessary steps.
December 18, 2004, 10:51 pm
Oh wow...I am using custom maps, but I have no idea how to do what you said.
December 18, 2004, 11:31 pm
go to google and search for "YOUR_ROUTER_NAME port forwarding"
without the quotes. follow what it says and open 23073 and 23083 (or 23073-23083 if you are lazy)
December 18, 2004, 11:48 pm
Bear with me, because I don't understand any of this stuff. What am I supposed to type in for my router name?
December 19, 2004, 10:02 pm
I have the same problem. Please someone explain it in details to me :(
December 20, 2004, 12:36 am
Ok, most people on the internet nowadays have a firewall protecting them. A computer has over 65,000 ports on which connections can be made to servers, or a server can be run on them. Firewalls close these ports to reject incoming connections, to protect the users from trojan viruses and hackers. This is commonly done in one of two ways: 1) people with more than one computer on an internet connection can get a router which commonly contains a firewall. 2) Windows XP contains a software firewall which protects computers by rejecting connections on these ports. You can also buy or download other software which does the same thing.
The thing that causes people to not be able to join your game is usually the firewall in your router. To have your computer be able to run a soldat server, you have to forward these ports (23073 and 23083). This has the router forward the incoming connections to a computer on your network that you specify.
To open a port in your router to the appropriate computer, you have to follow some steps:
1) get your computer's local IP address on the computer. go to start --> Run. if you are on windows 95, 98, or Me, type 'winipcfg'. Select your network adapter in the box that comes up and look for your computer' sIP address. This should be something like 192.168.*.* usually. If you are on windows XP, go to start --> run --> and type ipconfig <enter> and read the ip address that shows up for Local Area Connection <1>.
2) google your router's name (linksys, D-link, belkin...) and "port forwarding". Look for directions on forwarding the ports to your computer. this will usually include going to http://192.168.smthing.smthing to admin your router. There is a section in this webpage that allows you to add a port range, and tell it the local IP to forward these ports to. This is the address you obtained in step (1).
Informational Sites:
A very good site for routers and port forwarding - - thanks to Hartman for showing that to me
Explains port forwarding -
To disable or enable your windows firewall -
This should be it, good luck
December 20, 2004, 1:07 am
Thanks...I'll have to try that out.
I have windows xp but your directions don't work, I think what you're trying to tell me to do can be done by going into the control panel, clicking on network connections, and then the local area connection icon.
December 20, 2004, 1:10 am
If you give me the brand and model of your router I can find the instructions for you.
If you are not using a router, and have your cable modem connected directly to your computer, let me know and I will write out the instructions to disable your windows firewall when you want to run your soldat server.
Da cHeeSeMaN
December 21, 2004, 2:05 pm
if the internet goes in one pc and then goes on to me wud i have to allow the ports in my pc or the ports in the pc the internet first goes into?
January 17, 2005, 4:54 pm
If the internet is connected to once computer and then shared, I'm not sure you would be able to run a soldat server on either, because you would not be able to direct the incoming connection at either of them.
INTERNET <------>PC1 <-------> PC2
You might be able to run a soldat server on PC1
January 24, 2005, 6:39 am
quote:if the internet goes in one pc and then goes on to me wud i have to allow the ports in my pc or the ports in the pc the internet first goes into?
Yes. Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) performs NAT functions.
You will have to open the ports to the first PC from your router (if you have one). And further from there, forward them from PC1 to PC2 using ICS.
The following information should walk you through setting up NAT through ICS.
1. Double-click Network Connections in Control Panel.
2. Right-click the Internet connection (which is also the connection where ICS is enabled), and then click Properties.
3. On the Advanced tab, click Settings.
4. Click Add.
5. Fill in the Service Settings form as follows:
? Description of Service: Soldat Server
? Name or IP: <IP address of the soldat server>
? Protocol: UDP
? External Port number for this service: 23073
? Internal Port number for this service: 23073
6. Click OK to complete the configuration, and then click OK to exit
the Advanced Settings dialog box.
If you want to allow custom map uploads you will have to add
? Description of Service: Soldat Server (File Upload)
? Name or IP: <IP address of the soldat server>
? Protocol: TCP
? External Port number for this service: 23083
? Internal Port number for this service: 23083
The last port for soldat is the admin port, which is 23073/tcp, but you likely don't want to forward this through as that will mean that other people can connect to the admin port from the internet.. and that's not good.
Hope this is helpful.
January 25, 2005, 4:40 am
I think some of this material should be copied into the server corp stickys if it isnt there already, particularly the ICS port stuff
January 31, 2005, 6:37 pm
I had that problem a while back. I had almost given up,when I diecided to tweak with my RWIN settings (the settings that determines how your computer transmites and recieves data). After 4 times of tweaking and rebooting,I got lucky.Now,about 95% of the ppl that request game,can join. That might be one of the causes that are keeping ppl out of your serv.Though it didnt better my ping. For that I think Ill just have to get a better connection.
February 20, 2005, 2:50 pm
I put 23073 - 23083 port but it doesn't work anyway. This is weird because my ping is at 16 (excellent) so ppl can't enter and i dont think its a firewall...
February 20, 2005, 3:42 pm
I think I remember having this problem before...I started
[IMAGE]ing around with the Soldat.ini and when I changed 'Compression=0' to Compression=1' people could join my game.
Give it a try, it might work.