December 19, 2004, 10:23 pm
Realy sorry if my english is bad.
I dont know if peoples here are annoyed by the new vote system, but I have enough of hitting the 'F11' key every 2 secondes. Peoples just abuse of the thing and make the game a crap.
2 suggestions :
- the vote window should disappear after, I dont know, 20, 30 secondes. I dont want to be forced to vote, specialy when a 12 year noob kid abuse of the tool.
- F11 and F12 keys should be customisable. If I could change F11 for 'Z' key, and 'F12' for 'X', for exemple, it could resolve the problem.
Le Mérovingien
December 19, 2004, 10:45 pm
An other suggestion :
We should know who want to kick the person, like :
"Mister X ask to kick Mister Y : (F11)Yes - (F12)No - (F50)I just dont care"
December 19, 2004, 10:49 pm
I like all suggestions, especially the last one
The Geologist
December 19, 2004, 10:49 pm
Edit your posts...double posting is a no no. But you're new here, so no worries.
On topic: Your first two ideas don't seem that necessary...you could just vote no if you don't agree to the person being kicked, and IMO it makes little difference whether you hit f11 or z.
Your third idea I do like, and I believe it may have been suggested before. It would definately help to show who is initiating all these vote kicks and creating a problem...
December 19, 2004, 10:56 pm
I think that something must be done about the abuse of this feature. Not exactly what was suggested here but something. The bad thing is that it's easier (at least for me) to hit the F12 key without looking than the F11 key so I tend to just hit F12. And (I think) this mentality that also other players have has got me kicked more than once... But it could also be because of my 'lameness' ;)
December 19, 2004, 11:08 pm
^I agree with alamo, it's so much easier to just hit the F12 key than to try to pick out F11.
We should really have three options:
F10-Kick whoever initiated the votekick
December 19, 2004, 11:09 pm
I think there should be a customizable key for yes, no, and cancel (close vote window). If it were like that I would probably have it as z:yes, x:cancel, c:no. This way it would be easier for me and wouldn't waste so much time.
I definatly agree with showing the name of the person who started the vote.
December 19, 2004, 11:19 pm
Reply to the Geologist
>>On topic: Your first two ideas don't seem that necessary...you could just vote no if you don't agree to the person being kicked, and IMO it makes little difference whether you hit f11 or z.>>
Yes, of course, but the problem is not a choice problem (no or yes) but a 'play' problem; When I play, I dont want to watch my keyboard but watch the screen. I dont want, in a middle of a fight (and every 2 sec like it seem) to look at my keyboard to hit the F11 key. And I dont want to see the vote window reappear the second I vote, thats just annoying, abusing. You will know, like me, if u play a bit, that most of the time the vote system ask to kick the 1st one, or the second one, well the good one. So first of all, that democracy is not serious. But I dont care about it, I just want to be able to play normaly and be distracted a minimum by this 'kid - bad looser' tool.
Le Mérovingien
December 19, 2004, 11:35 pm
>>Edit your posts...double posting is a no no.
Ok sorry and thank you, I did'nt know it was possible, I just realized.
December 20, 2004, 12:06 am
lemerovingien you tell us you just realized how to edit posts and do another double post? Oo ok... :) If you know how to use it... do it!
OK... I had a public session until some minutes before and I had a Vote Kick window on my screen all the time. From time to time I triggered F12 to get rid of the 'new' windows coming up all the time... Something must be done about it. Or just add an option to disable that stuff for people like me...
December 20, 2004, 12:08 am
when i vote no it keeps poping up...
and see who kicks who would help to...
December 20, 2004, 2:10 am
[quote]Originally posted by Alamolooool
lemerovingien you tell us you just realized how to edit posts and do another double post? Oo ok... :) If you know how to use it... do it!
ok ok, no panic.
December 20, 2004, 2:31 am
in my favourite game (yes, soz guys, soldat is my 2nd favourite) america's army, when you initiate a votekick, you have to state a reason and your name comes up like:
vassili_zaitsev has initiated a votekick on mr_x for being idle (1/howerver nessisary)
__^voters name_____________________^person being voted__^ammount of votes eg.(5/12)
this is too much text for soldat, but like a smaller version of this i rekon would suffice.
December 20, 2004, 2:46 am
yes having the kickers name and reason would be great
December 20, 2004, 7:47 am
Wait, for some reason I believe I have heard this idea before...nope, must have been the wind--Hey! How about you see people's names when they initiate a vote!
Sure, it would be a great idea. But let's stick to the suggestions that haven't come up before.
December 20, 2004, 9:51 am
what about a reason?
you could hit a number corrisponding to a reason i.e.
You must state a reason for initiating a votekick for Mr. X
1. Idle
2. Obcene/insulting language
3. Spamming chat
4. Purpusefull team-killing
and maybe others
this system would make a votekick a bit tedius and time-consuming. therfore less people would bother unless nessisary.
also haveing pre-laid out reasons means you cant make up something stupid or try to get someone voted out because you justn dont like him or because hes camping.