December 22, 2004, 3:57 am
hi, i was wondering, i been on the forums and seen all the kool pic's, i got da 1 on da side but i wanna know how 2 get 1 in the middle, please could some1 help, thnx
December 22, 2004, 4:01 am
you use this: [center][/center]
December 22, 2004, 4:09 am
i would like to know how to do this as well actually...i never really found out...i would know what to put there, but im sure i'll think of something!
December 22, 2004, 4:54 am
do that and put the url of the image were i stated
December 22, 2004, 5:05 am
where u stated...as in between the two [center]s?
December 22, 2004, 6:09 am
First, type out the location of the image. For example, http://www.poo.com/blarg.jpg (DO NOT USE A LOCATION ON YOUR COMPUTER)
Then, type [img-] in the front of it, and [/img-] on the back but without the dashes.
Finally, type [center-] in the front again, and [/center-] in the back. (again, without the dashes)
December 22, 2004, 10:37 am
(moved to forum help)
Also Apocalypse, please use the testing forum for all test posts.
December 22, 2004, 11:33 am
sorry the code i put didint appear anyway its like this if u want to ptu a centered image
[center.][img.]PUT YOUR IMAGE URL HERE!!![/img][/center]
dont put the dots i put, i put the dots there so that i can show u the code :o