December 24, 2004, 4:36 am
A new mode. All pointmatch is is a Deathmatch with a flag that gives you 2 kills instead of 1. Not much of a mode if you ask me.
I say make it a limited ammunition mode, like the ones posted in previous topics.
( You have a certain amount of ammunition, and there are limited 'ammo' boxes' )
Unlucky 13
December 24, 2004, 4:42 am
It has an objective, to make it a more objective Deathmatch. Take out Deathmatch, and make it that if you want it your way. Make a TeamPointMatch!
December 24, 2004, 5:11 am
I don't see the need for it to replace pointmatch, perhaps it could just be another option for realistic mode.
December 24, 2004, 5:28 am
What is wrong with you people...Pointmatch is PATHETIC. All you have is a FLAG. And No servers have it. Zip, Zero, Nata.
I bet none of you play pointmatch...maybe once a week, tops.
December 24, 2004, 5:51 am
What's wrong with us? Maybe there's something wrong with you, which causes you to not respect people's opinions. Pointmatch is like deathmatch, except you have an objective to achieve while playing: to get the flag. Some of the best modes are never seen on servers - pointmatch, rambo match, realistic mode, survival mode, and advanced mode. These aren't seen on servers because nobody plays them enough to realise they're good modes.
December 24, 2004, 6:10 am
I agree all the way with you frogboy.
Unlucky 13
December 24, 2004, 6:10 am
Or they suck at those modes, either one.
_Mancer_, which has less objective? Pointmatch or Deathmatch? Isn't it obvious? Pointmatch! Just like CTF, INF and Rambo mode, you have an objective to carry out. All Deathmatch is is a pointless killing spree. Pointmatch is a more focused objective-based killing spree. That's whats wrong with us! You are suggesting to lose a great mode!
The Geologist
December 24, 2004, 7:11 am
quote:Originally posted by Unlucky 13Or they suck at those modes, either one.
_Mancer_, which has less objective? Pointmatch or Deathmatch? Isn't it obvious? Pointmatch! Just like CTF, INF and Rambo mode, you have an objective to carry out. All Deathmatch is is a pointless killing spree. Pointmatch is a more focused objective-based killing spree. That's whats wrong with us! You are suggesting to lose a great mode!
Unless you're trying to contradict yourself, I think you want to ask "_Mancer_, which has more objective?". As it is you're trying to tell us that pointmatch has less of an objective because it is a more focused, objective-based killing spree. o_O
December 24, 2004, 10:51 am
The flag offers you more than twice the points for kills... Try Multi-Kill! And Pointmatch really owns. Keep it.
December 24, 2004, 2:30 pm
pointmatch is honestly my favourite...you think DM is fun? pointmatch is twice that.
December 24, 2004, 3:39 pm
DM is more fun than Pointmatch in my opinion, because if 1 person seems to win each time, it means they're pretty good. I see DM as a skill contest.
December 24, 2004, 3:54 pm
Yeah, I like pointmatch. Except there's barely aver any servers for it. I think it should be made a modifier like survival mode.
December 24, 2004, 5:30 pm
quote:Originally posted by Unlucky 13Or they suck at those modes, either one.
_Mancer_, which has less [sic] objective? Pointmatch or Deathmatch? Isn't it obvious? Pointmatch! Just like CTF, INF and Rambo mode, you have an objective to carry out. ... Pointmatch is a more focused objective-based killing spree. That's whats wrong with us! You are suggesting to lose a great mode!
I agree. Pointmatch is great. It's a shame there aren't too many decent Pointmatch servers.
Deleted User
December 26, 2004, 3:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by frogboyWhat's wrong with us? Maybe there's something wrong with you, which causes you to not respect people's opinions. Pointmatch is like deathmatch, except you have an objective to achieve while playing: to get the flag. Some of the best modes are never seen on servers - pointmatch, rambo match, realistic mode, survival mode, and advanced mode. These aren't seen on servers because nobody plays them enough to realise they're good modes.
Yea Frogboy u are RIGHT ! Realistic mode Rocks ! and it play only 1\4 of all players !
Heil to the Realistic Playing Players [RPP]
And pointmatch isnt so bad how it seems ! Its fun when u give 1000points to win and add 10-15 zombies ....then the fun can start !
December 26, 2004, 8:14 pm
Yeah, i think its fine the way it is at the moment, its more fun then DM but unfortunatly there arent many 'Pointmatch' servers out there, unless someone makes themselves for fun, but i wish we had some public ones that didnt lag, we have a few but they lag too much, because there Euro.
December 26, 2004, 11:59 pm
I'm no fan of pointmatch, I would prefer a normal DM over it anytime actually. I prefer the idea on rambo match a lot more :).
Anyway, no need to replace I guess, Seeing the ammount of people that think it's the best game mode in the world! Adding a game mode would probably fit better :)
December 27, 2004, 12:33 am
Im trying to get a pointmatch server up, but cant :(
and mancer u suck, pointmatch is way more fun than deathmaatch, because theres somthing else to do than just kill random people, if soldat is all about skill for you then go back to cs gnube