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2-4 New Servers
Soldat Forums - Misc - The Lounge
Deleted User
December 24, 2004, 7:53 am
I Have decided to do something with my desktop downstairs. it usually just accumulates my music but i decided to use it for Soldat instead. A Group of servers Labeled as Power Clan servers will now be hosted from that computer. 3 are public and one requires a password. my friends and i use the passworded one frequently and we all watch over the public servers. a mod installed on the servers will occasionally bestow temporary Admin on the leading player but other than that... Play on.

December 24, 2004, 7:57 am
Awesome! But I don't think that giving adminship, even if temporary, is advisable. What if that player is only the leading player because he's been hacking, or if he's just some pompous prick who'll kick everyone out? Not only that, but most people wouldn't even know what to do unless they'd hosted a server before.

I really think you should find someone who is trustworthy and just before you assign complete strangers power that they'll probably abuse.

Deleted User
December 24, 2004, 8:02 am
yeah but im there watching it when im not playing. when you dont sleep you find out there are hours of time you've wasted in past years

Deleted User
December 24, 2004, 8:18 am
anyways. i can always take that mod off.

December 24, 2004, 8:28 am
What do you mean? You don't get any sleep?

BTW: Double posting on these forums is frowned upon, try using the edit button ([IMAGE]).

Deleted User
December 24, 2004, 8:30 am
i mean i get less than 5 hours of sleep per week.

(sorry about the 2nd post)

December 24, 2004, 8:36 am
Because of some problem, or are you one of those rare people who are able to get by on very little sleep?

Deleted User
December 24, 2004, 8:56 am
insomnia. contrary to popular opinion it is a mental disorder. i cant sleep. which is how i found soldat. usually when normal people are sleeping, im playing Soldat or Counterstrike.

December 24, 2004, 9:18 am
Very nice, I used to only be able to get two hours of sleep a night from around nine years old until I was about twelve, and then it suddenly stopped. Oddly enough, even two hours completely replenished my energy.

Anyways, I think the servers are a great idea, thanks for the addition.