December 27, 2004, 6:55 pm
i think it would be a nice idea to let it say "flagger" next to a person's name when he types a message
so like for me, if i'd have the flag it would say:
FLAGGER-[zyxstand] im going in!
so tat ppl could like tell me "NOOO" if they think its a bad idea or w.e
and then maybe u could also draw the weapon symbol next to the person's name so u no what weapon he's using (but tats not soo important)
December 27, 2004, 7:03 pm
1. Sure, why not
2. It would clutter the screen a bit
December 27, 2004, 7:18 pm
small flag or symbol beside name would be better but I dont see much point in it anyway....
December 27, 2004, 8:47 pm
Different little symbols next to each name in the console woudl be great. EX.
-a clan flag or banner (reasonably sized)
-team color (a little square or circle)
-symbols telling who has the flag.
Keron Cyst
December 27, 2004, 10:12 pm
Nice. As a counter to Magniitude's #2, I think text should form a new line when it reaches the end of the top of the screen, although spammers would take advantage.
Teh Panda
December 27, 2004, 10:25 pm
Why not? Papasurfs idea is also good.
December 27, 2004, 10:45 pm
I don't see much point in it...if you have the flag, chances are you won't be standing around typing.
And the weapon idea may be useful if you're trying to get your group to cooperate, but that rarely happens in public servers.
December 28, 2004, 2:33 am
well sometimes in a ctf game both teams have each others' flags and it takes like 5 mins of playing till someone FINALLY returns the flag...so the falg holder can talk while safe in his base (of course only for a short lil time)...
Keron Cyst
December 28, 2004, 4:27 am
When I'm the flagbearer in a flag stalemate, I usually end up giving the opposing team a point if I try typing when it seems like a moment of peace...
There should be some configurable key to instantly remove all your text and revert back into action if you're typing something and an enemy suddenly comes up, about to shred you apart.
December 28, 2004, 6:17 am
You can just press the left mouse button and it will return you to the game. Not only that, but the next time you try to type, what you had begun to type will still be there.
I think it would be better if instead of altering the Player ID, just add a marker to the Player List to show who has the flag for each team.
The color of the dot shows the color of the flag carried by that player.
December 28, 2004, 6:17 am
Lol keron like the game we played?
I think the idea would be cool.
Talking shortcuts would be good. Like press Alt 5 and you guy would say: Defend the Flag!
December 28, 2004, 1:01 pm
Ah man, CamBot, have you ever heard of "taunts"?
Use them ;)
December 28, 2004, 2:19 pm
Would be good also if the symbol is added to flagger's name on the killed/death list. Sometimes when flaggers are killed, no one knows and the flag is left there waiting to return X(
Other than symbols and the "flagger" tag, maybe you can just change/highlight the colour of the flagger's nick? I.E Alpha team flagger has a Pink name, Bravo team flagger has a light blue name instead of the usual red and blue.
Keron Cyst
December 28, 2004, 9:46 pm
quote:Originally posted by Freekill... Sometimes when flaggers are killed, no one knows and the flag is left there waiting to return...
Yeah, another heads-up piece of text should pop up, like FLAG DROPPED!, or something like that...
December 28, 2004, 10:31 pm
It should also have an arrow pointing to the flag.
December 29, 2004, 1:14 am
quote:Originally posted by VijchtidoodahIt should also have an arrow pointing to the flag.
No, because half the challenge is to find the flag when it is dropped.
Speaking of a "flag" column on the scoring screen, though, how about a column that tallies a player's caps?
as to the symbol idea beside the name, i support this, but only if the size is kept small, and the symbols are registered in some way, (ie. each player cant make up random symbols for their name).
December 29, 2004, 2:25 am
good idear but it will make the screen so cluterd so you cant see anything
ahh well thats my opinion
Unlucky 13
December 29, 2004, 2:38 am
Nicely thought through, and it works well, especially the colours, and the name tag.
December 31, 2004, 7:00 pm
Oh!That would be cool, changing the player list thing to say who has the flag and who doesn't
December 31, 2004, 8:48 pm
yea so you know who to go after
it would be alot easyer
December 31, 2004, 11:50 pm
hehe hypno tats not rly it
ur not gonna try to find out the person's name who ahs the flag and then go after him...ur just gonna go and look for the guy with the flag - knowning his name wont' do ne good
but its good to know who has the flag for the console talking and the kill list to see if he died or wat not.