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ideas for new game modes
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
December 30, 2004, 11:46 pm
ok i have some cool ideas

its something like the rambo mode that somewhere (a random place or place made with the map editor)on the map a crate or something comes an everyone have to run to this crate
when one guy got the crate oder this thing he scores

i think it would be much fun when there are mor than 2 players ^^

jes and more different player/target respawn points so i mean a normal map

a race
its the same like the first but with a little difference
a long map or an parcour
one edge the players respawn the other edge the finish or an target
so there are 2 teams or single players and they have to run to the target
but they should get weapons to stop each other and respawn like in ctf all 2 sec. or so

funny like hell

ok these were my ideas
i took nothing of the ideas from other games so soldat copy no game (no game i know ;))

oh and a other idea
but its from an other game

is that you can make own game mods/modes so you make own server with different game like you can see it im many cs servers

December 31, 2004, 12:30 am
Well both of these have been suggested before. Welcome to the forums. I suggest you take a look at the Forum Search and type in what your idea is there to see if it will come up somewhere before.

As for the ideas, I don't think they would work.