Ok.. another idea..
Most Soldat players have had frustrating times when a server was ruined by players(or worse, teams) using only one kind of weapon. I have had several times like when i faced a minigun only team in ctf_Dropdown, which was extremely laggy and annoying. Or the time when Bravo team went barret only in ctf_B2b. They would camp around the flag not doing anything.
Currently, you can choose what weapons you want in your server, but you can't limit the amount it is used.
Well, here's a change: weapon limitation by count. Instead of selecting what weapons to put in the server you would be selecting how much weapons of what type to put in your server. An example would be 1 barret only for each team limit. It would solve problems of games being way too one sided in weapons while alowing players to be able to use any weapon they would like.
But I would recommend this feature for only primary weapons, not secondaries. It would be akward to play in a server with 1 knife per team limit.
A possible problem with this system is that limitation can make players fight over each other for weapons they'd like to use. Lets say 2 guys both want to use the minigun but theres a 1 minigun per team only limit. While one guy could just use a different weapon, these guys start arguing about who should use the minigun. They stop playing and start flaming, and with the ez to kick vote system Soldat 1.2.1 has, it could result in many people getting kicked out. Believe me, this stuff happenes a lot....
Well, aside from possible side effects, I certainly think this would be a great option.
Most Soldat players have had frustrating times when a server was ruined by players(or worse, teams) using only one kind of weapon. I have had several times like when i faced a minigun only team in ctf_Dropdown, which was extremely laggy and annoying. Or the time when Bravo team went barret only in ctf_B2b. They would camp around the flag not doing anything.
Currently, you can choose what weapons you want in your server, but you can't limit the amount it is used.
Well, here's a change: weapon limitation by count. Instead of selecting what weapons to put in the server you would be selecting how much weapons of what type to put in your server. An example would be 1 barret only for each team limit. It would solve problems of games being way too one sided in weapons while alowing players to be able to use any weapon they would like.
But I would recommend this feature for only primary weapons, not secondaries. It would be akward to play in a server with 1 knife per team limit.
A possible problem with this system is that limitation can make players fight over each other for weapons they'd like to use. Lets say 2 guys both want to use the minigun but theres a 1 minigun per team only limit. While one guy could just use a different weapon, these guys start arguing about who should use the minigun. They stop playing and start flaming, and with the ez to kick vote system Soldat 1.2.1 has, it could result in many people getting kicked out. Believe me, this stuff happenes a lot....
Well, aside from possible side effects, I certainly think this would be a great option.