January 1, 2005, 7:22 pm
Yo, name's Jonathan. I'm kind of a newcomer to Soldat - got it a long time ago, but a virus infestation killed my old comp and the new one doesn't like Soldat for some reason. Plus 56k does not do very much good for my ping.
At any rate, Soldat's a great game, dispite what some idiots I've heard online say. Pretty much any map in Deathmatch mode, with 30+ players, 100 point limit, and a ten-minute time limit is an overly enjoyable bloodbath. I think I came once or twice during a particularly bloody moment on Lagrange.
Whatever the case, before I end this, I've got a bit of a newb question. I've looked around the site, but haven't seen any info on what I'm looking for, so forgive me if I've overlooked something. One of the things that made my old Soldat bouts most enjoyable was the Necromancide music. The song rocks. Unfortunately, my new computer appears to hate Soldat, and any time I play a game with music enabled the damn thing crashes not only the game, but the rest of the computer. So no Necromancide for me. Suckage.
Getting to the question, is there a place I can download this rocking tune? I'd be eternally grateful if someone'd tell me - might even shoot at them last.
Anyway, thanks for the time. Might try and keep dropping by this place if I get the chance. Hope to exchange innards ingame sometime.
Hektik Sniper
January 1, 2005, 7:37 pm came during soldat?
/me flees
January 1, 2005, 7:38 pm
Hey jon. Welcome to the forums. Theres a few rules here you need to watch out for so go to the 'forum rules' button at the top and read about that.
1. Don't spam: Making pointless posts with 1 liners
2. Don't double post: Posting twice in a row. Use the edit button.
Just follow those main rule and you'll be fine. About that Necromancide thing, I've never heard of that before.
Tha Doggfather
January 1, 2005, 7:39 pm
One of the topics I found with the
Search Function:,music
January 1, 2005, 8:25 pm
Hey Mancer, do you think you are God or something? Leave the kid the hell alone.
January 1, 2005, 8:57 pm
BMF, stop f*cking spamming you retarded peice of sh*t.
January 1, 2005, 9:20 pm
Heh, don't worry Mancer, I know what the edit button is for. And though occasionally my computer likes to post the same message twice for no apparant reason, I also know where the delete button is. I think.
And Hektik: yes. Yes I did. Though maybe my girlfriend had something to do with that...
Edit: And because I somehow missed the post before, big thanks to Doggfather for that link.
Tha Doggfather
January 1, 2005, 9:48 pm
BMF, Mancer, please make up.
.. Now shake hands!
Welcome to the forums Jonathan.
January 1, 2005, 10:01 pm
quote:Originally posted by JonathanHeh, don't worry Mancer, I know what the edit button is for. And though occasionally my computer likes to post the same message twice for no apparant reason, I also know where the delete button is. I think.
And Hektik: yes. Yes I did. Though maybe my girlfriend had something to do with that...
Edit: And because I somehow missed the post before, big thanks to Doggfather for that link.
Just makin it clear for ya, wasnt trying to be mean :D
January 1, 2005, 11:26 pm
From official site FAQ:
quote:20. Can I convert the Soldat music to MP3?
Yes, download ModPlug Tracker from .
Open the music files:
Soldat\Sfx\Modules\ or Soldat\Sfx\Modules\
and save them as an MP3 file.
I never tried it so I dunno if it'll work, but at least then you can listen to the music as mp3.
Tha Doggfather
January 2, 2005, 12:11 am
Michal, the thread I linked him to has the same information.
And yes, it works, I converted the songs via that method.
January 2, 2005, 12:14 am
Thank god jonathan isn't another one of those illiterate kids who spell "idea" with an r.
Welcome to the forums!
January 2, 2005, 12:23 am
"Idear" is a word several of my high school teachers used. Of course, I live in Texas, so no wonder.
Also, I visited the Modplug site, and apparantly someone infected their site with a worm so the downloads are down. I'll still looking through the various portions of the place, but mostly it seems only their forums are up.
Tha Doggfather
January 2, 2005, 1:09 am
Like I told this Clown person:
come to #soldat.forums on quakenet, and ill send the songs to you.
Im JayBee on there.
January 2, 2005, 1:35 am
If what I do here is illegal, please tell me. I do not want to violate any copyright or something... just trying to help. I had some hassle converting it so I can as well give it to him in the first run.
January 2, 2005, 1:55 am
You might want to try updating your soundcard's drivers. Look for a programme called SiSoftware which tells you what the devices in your computer actually are to help.
Nice to see a newb that....well, doesn't act newbish. Theres hope yet.
January 2, 2005, 3:56 am
Hey fatass why don't you bite me? Doggfather sets the forum rules, and you shut your damn mouth. The noob didn't ask for your advice, he just wanted to say Hi.
January 2, 2005, 4:26 am
Make sure to drop by more often, Jonathan. We need these forums to sound a bit more intelligent from time to time.
January 2, 2005, 4:35 am
quote:Originally posted by _Mancer_Hey jon. Welcome to the forums. Theres a few rules here you need to watch out for so go to the 'forum rules' button at the top and read about that.
1. Don't spam: Making pointless posts with 1 liners
2. Don't double post: Posting twice in a row. Use the edit button.
Just follow those main rule and you'll be fine. About that Necromancide thing, I've never heard of that before.
Shut the
[IMAGE]ing lost and show some fairness to the new guys.
Here's a rule for you :
- Being an ass while greeting results in Outcast flaming the
[IMAGE] out of you.
January 2, 2005, 5:03 am
Be quiet, dont spam Outcast. :D
EDIT: What I meant about the PROBLEM he had with Necromancide, not the song itself. I love that song... :)
January 2, 2005, 7:06 am
quote:Originally posted by BMFHey fatass why don't you bite me? Doggfather sets the forum rules, and you shut your damn mouth. The noob didn't ask for your advice, he just wanted to say Hi.
After all BMF, like you said, its a public forum. We can do what we want, remember?
January 2, 2005, 7:15 am
ARGH pointless posts w/ one liners!!!
The Geologist
January 2, 2005, 7:25 am
quote:Originally posted by Outcast
Shut the
[IMAGE]ing lost and show some fairness to the new guys.
Here's a rule for you :
- Being an ass while greeting results in Outcast flaming the
[IMAGE] out of you.
Here's a thought genius, maybe Mancer was trying to help this guy out by telling him these things ahead of time instead of leaving him to find out when he gets flamed for double posting and breaking some of those rules.
Here's a rule for you:
- Being an ass understanding Mancers post results in Outcast looking like a massive prick.
I suggest you learn to read peoples posts before you break out the four letter words. Other than that, welcome to the forums Jonathan. Glad to have you here. ^_^
January 2, 2005, 10:18 am
quote:Originally posted by The Geologistquote:Originally posted by Outcast
Shut the
[IMAGE]ing lost and show some fairness to the new guys.
Here's a rule for you :
- Being an ass while greeting results in Outcast flaming the
[IMAGE] out of you.
Here's a thought genius, maybe Mancer was trying to help this guy out by telling him these things ahead of time instead of leaving him to find out when he gets flamed for double posting and breaking some of those rules.
Here's a rule for you:
- Being an ass understanding Mancers post results in Outcast looking like a massive prick.
I suggest you learn to read peoples posts before you break out the four letter words. Other than that, welcome to the forums Jonathan. Glad to have you here. ^_^
I have a license to be a prick, spick, ass, moron, etc.
And him telling him that is like some cop just pulling me over and telling me the rules for nothing. Its
[IMAGE]ing annoying.
Leo Da Lunerfox
January 2, 2005, 10:52 am
Agreed, Jonathan's first post is intilligent enough to not need to tell him of the forum rules, come on, its the same for every single forum, not spamming and not double posting are common forum traditions. Not being bias, but you really wasn't helping in your post by saying "I have no idea what that is."
January 2, 2005, 11:02 am you think we scare people off..?
Just wondering. Whats your thoughts Jonathan .....Jonathan..?
January 2, 2005, 12:47 pm
Heh, my thoughts are it's perfectly fine for some to be a bit wary. Admittedly I was a bit of a n00b way back on the first message board I ever visted, so I know the problems people have with them.
Doggfather: First I'm going to try Alamo's zip first (since no one seemed to complain about it), and if that doesn't work/the tracks wind up low quality thanks to some glitch with my ISP, I'll get on quakenet right away.
Alamo: I'm downloading the zip file right now. Thanks.
Kazuki: I'll do that.
Geologist: Thanks for the compliment.
Chakra: *busy loading a Minimi* ...Huh? What was that you said?
Tha Doggfather
January 2, 2005, 1:48 pm
Can you guys please stop fighting over what Mancer said.
The Geologist
January 2, 2005, 10:03 pm
Pfft...if you should warn Jon about anything, it's how much people blow things out of proportion and take them in the wrong light.
January 2, 2005, 10:34 pm
Here's a few survival tips:
- Spam so you have a lot of posts(people seem to flame you less that way)
- If you have nothing to say, spam becouse then you have more posts and people see mo flame you less that way
- If someone says something stupid, flame him, if you're not insulted or dont care, spam, couse then you have more posts.... etc. etc.
- Stay the HELL out of the bash pit
Thank you!
January 2, 2005, 10:46 pm
Yeah uh we already cleared up its bad to do that. kk.
January 2, 2005, 11:35 pm
Are you that creepy Jonathan guy that used to be an evil cop in the 2wai channel a long time ago. The one that disappeared suddenly and never returned?
January 3, 2005, 12:13 am
I don't think so...Hmm. I've gotten bashed since then though if memory serves.
Deleted User
January 3, 2005, 3:44 am
If you are then you'll fit right in at these servers.
January 3, 2005, 1:12 pm
That means I wrote all that stuff for nothing? DAMIT! I knew I should have been a dentist!