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CTF Upsidedown
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
January 2, 2005, 12:30 am
DAMN! someoone (me) has turned Kampf upsidedown!

Check diz out [URL]

D/L it here [URL]

I don't know if what i've done is legal or not coz i've edited Ctf_Kampf but i've edited this map in a special way making it whole difrent.

anyways, please for comments...

P.S I was inspired by [URL]<=THIS TOPIC

The Geologist
January 2, 2005, 12:47 am
OMG! You opened up the map maker, selected all the polys, and hit "flip"! Then you created...four-six polys? You're so amazing I can hardly find the words to describe this map. Ah yes, wait...unoriginal. Especially if you only did this after seeing someone else "invert" Kampf.

January 2, 2005, 12:47 am
Now someone just has to make one that's flipped left to right :P

January 2, 2005, 1:09 am
yeah, that couldn't have taken too much work noR thought after seeIng the inverted kamPf, esp because this is much mOre simple to do. You should have put the Flags at the bottom and made it a true Flip, then made the spawnpoints up high.

[spoiler]i spelled something :D yay.[/spoiler]

January 2, 2005, 1:10 am
Don't flame him... I don't know about the originality or if he copied that from someone else but I really like the new map... The shading looks odd now though.

January 2, 2005, 1:29 am
Nice, it looks very playable!

Zaraza don't listen the pricks like The Geologist & FliesLikeABrick, simple ideas are the best and it's not a rip off, it's a completely different map, though it's inverted Kampf too.

FliesLikeABrick learn about the difference between "rip off" and "creative inspiration" first, than come back. Or don't come back at all, whatever.

January 2, 2005, 1:33 am
Geo isnt a prick, he just knows what hes talking about.

He can be a *richard cranium sometimes but hes a cool d00d.

*I bet he cant figure out what it means ;D

January 2, 2005, 1:35 am
For me he is, at least in this topic, k?

January 2, 2005, 2:02 am
Mmmh, it really doesnt look like this has needed a lot of effort, still the new map could play quite nice.

January 2, 2005, 2:13 am
It didnt took a lot of effort.Actually i made it in 15 minuts but i think its not about how much effort the map took you but the result. You could make 1 map in 5 minuts and it could be better than a map made in 1 month.

Geo- if you don't like it say it without flaming me plz.
Dzieki Aqua

The Geologist
January 2, 2005, 2:23 am
Yeah, yeah...maybe I came on a bit strong there, my apologies. But that's a zero on the originality scale, and if it took any effort to make this map I'd be suprised. I happen to think it is a bit of a rip off, seeing as you took a map that someone worked on and simply flipped it to call it your own. Don't mean to be a "prick", but even those oh-so-bestest-simple ideas can be bad ones when bad timing comes into play (i.e. the other inverted Kampf which lead to this one). Better luck next time.

Mancer - I do not sell drugs to little kids while wearing drag. ;) If that was the Cranium you were talking about...

January 2, 2005, 2:41 am
quote:Originally posted by The GeologistYeah, yeah...maybe I came on a bit strong there, my apologies. But that's a zero on the originality scale, and if it took any effort to make this map I'd be suprised. I happen to think it is a bit of a rip off, seeing as you took a map that someone worked on and simply flipped it to call it your own. Don't mean to be a "prick", but even those oh-so-bestest-simple ideas can be bad ones when bad timing comes into play (i.e. the other inverted Kampf which lead to this one). Better luck next time.

Mancer - I do not sell drugs to little kids while wearing drag. ;) If that was the Cranium you were talking about...


Ill give you a hint...

Whats a nickname for the name Richard...

What is your cranium inside of...

The Geologist
January 2, 2005, 6:19 am
You punk ;) And I know I can be a [IMAGE]head sometimes. What can I say...some things rub me the wrong way.

Once again, my apologies Zaraza. I happened to look through this topic with a particularly nasty New Years hangover in mah head. No hard feelings, 'eh?

January 2, 2005, 9:30 am
nice map. but put creds to marckinkowska!

January 2, 2005, 11:04 am
It's ok Geo.. :]

January 2, 2005, 9:49 pm
i dont like it
it looks ****

January 3, 2005, 9:23 pm
Originality score: 0.0
Entertain Value: 10

Funneh, even though anyone could've made it.

January 3, 2005, 9:28 pm
Indeed your lacking the proper creds to Michal Marcinowski...
Its a cool idea but i dont like it :P

Unlucky 13
January 4, 2005, 1:06 am
[quote]Originally posted by _Mancer_He can be a *richard cranium sometimes but hes a cool d00d.
Oh so funny.

Anyway, nice idea, but I am not downloading yet.