January 2, 2005, 3:52 am
Ok, what I'm suggesting is more grenade types that you can pickup apart from the cluster grenades. These are:
Pinball Grenades: Easy enough, theres grenades bounce like a pinball off the poly you threw it onto. So if you threw a grenade down a narrow hallway at an angle it would bounce off the roof and floor.
Sticky Grenades: Grenades that stick to polys or players. The best example I can give is the Plasma grenades from Halo.
Well, what do you think about these suggestions?
January 2, 2005, 4:58 am
Lmao, halo again..
Good ideas, i like both of them, however, the regular grenade bounces anyway, so whats the point?
bottom line tho, is that, this isnt halo, and this wasnt shaped around halo... ;). Sticky grenades, imo, would be a nice addition, but they would be kind of cheap...
January 2, 2005, 5:11 am
Hmm...I dont like the pinball ones but the sticky ones could be like mines...I like it.
January 2, 2005, 5:34 am
I'm not saying add them just because theyr in Halo, i despise that game, it was just the first thing that came to mind for the sticky grenades.
January 2, 2005, 6:03 am
Sticky grenades are useless since nades blow up on contact with a person in the first place.
January 2, 2005, 6:35 am
Yeah i concur with vijch. I was going to add that, but too lazy :(
January 2, 2005, 7:31 am
if the grenade stuck to the player then they could make themselves suicide bombers and run into other players and kill a group of people, or it would just be funny to watch em run back and forth screaming: GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!!
January 2, 2005, 2:49 pm
Inverse nades: instead of exploding they implode and suck everything near in. The damage radius and way they kill is the same as normal nades (if they hit a player, he dies - if he's just near, he gets relative damage), just that don't push people off, but draw them closer to the center of where it detonated. Really useful for tactical purposes and incredibly awesome :D