January 2, 2005, 6:35 pm
Well, i was just curious, what do you play under, so i could say "Hello" to you when you play, i dont know if you all play under your "Forum" name, like just recently i found out Dogfatha was Jimmy Bones!. What about you??
January 2, 2005, 6:58 pm
I recently found a cookie in my cookies jar.
January 2, 2005, 7:19 pm
look in my signature and you'll see
Tha Doggfather
January 2, 2005, 8:01 pm
[BA] Jay Bee
Jimmy Bones --> JB --> Jay Bee
January 2, 2005, 8:02 pm
im tehmastaplastablastaoftehcastaofrastagasta.
January 2, 2005, 9:15 pm
Liber Lupus. Sometimes when I don't want to talk to people I change it to whatever comes up in my mind.
January 2, 2005, 9:36 pm
=[AOD]= Magniitude OR Orange Juice
January 2, 2005, 9:46 pm
quote:Originally posted by FliesLikeABrick.
seriously that was my chilling name since 1.0.5 you thief :/
Deleted User
January 2, 2005, 11:11 pm
Swazo, Supa Swazo, Ling Ling, Soldier, OokLE, Sawzo, Balorotikof...umm..I forgot the rest...
January 2, 2005, 11:19 pm
lol, orange juice...are you back again :P
liquidis x snake
January 3, 2005, 2:02 am
That or |GnR| Liquidis x Snake.
January 3, 2005, 2:03 am
'Karel' or 'Johan de Alverman'
or 'Sebastian |2Wai|' or [IRA] Sinn Fein or ...
January 3, 2005, 3:15 am
Mike, MikeShinoda, Atticus, Hitomi, or Shinobi. It depends.
January 3, 2005, 3:50 am
quote:Originally posted by MikeShinoda.pheonixMike, MikeShinoda, Atticus, Hitomi, or Shinobi. It depends.
Depends on how you feel that day? *Hmm, i feel like a Atticus today...etc.?
January 3, 2005, 6:09 am
|ZenDogs| Judge_Man or Judge_Man[ClanLess]
Unlucky 13
January 3, 2005, 7:56 am
Unlucky 13, but next b'day?
Double-lucky 14?
Hektik Sniper
January 3, 2005, 8:07 am
[BA] Hektik Sniper, Apocrypha or Soldier, if im bored.
January 3, 2005, 11:55 am
usually: sv|CbbLe
known fakenicks: "Too Good To Be True", "Good Guy", "SBWF"
unknown fakenicks: well, they wouldn't be unknown if I said them
Hercule Poirot
January 3, 2005, 12:07 pm
quote:Originally posted by CbbLeusually: sv|CbbLe
known fakenicks: "Too Good To Be True", "Good Guy", "SWBF"
unknown fakenicks: well, they wouldn't be unknown if I said them
LIES! i see 998 posts :P
Deleted User
January 3, 2005, 4:06 pm
BROKEN_gerbil or Pr0_L0g|c. im not cool enough to be in a clan, but i pwned MOFO NOFO so i guess clans are bs :D
January 3, 2005, 4:39 pm
lol Meandor :P
I play as Alamo most of the time...
When I fell like it I'm Soldier and own some servers just to annoy them :)
In the season I'm known as Santa Claus...
I don't use the last two anymore... There are too many Soldiers that are in fact experienced players... and Santa Claus became lame, when I joined a server with Merry Christmas, Rudolph & Knecht Ruprecht (the name of Santa Claus in germany)... So you'll find me as Alamo.
January 3, 2005, 5:16 pm
quote:Originally posted by Messiahquote:Originally posted by MikeShinoda.pheonixMike, MikeShinoda, Atticus, Hitomi, or Shinobi. It depends.
Depends on how you feel that day? *Hmm, i feel like a Atticus today...etc.?
January 3, 2005, 6:05 pm
quote:Originally posted by n00bfaceD]Emperor[G
Oh thats hair(Am I right?) with DE...
January 3, 2005, 6:21 pm
quote:Originally posted by PoopPoop, Crap, Pikachu, Dung
Omg cns' pikachu
January 4, 2005, 2:04 am
quote:Originally posted by PoopPoop, Crap, Pikachu, Dung
Hey... these are all words for the same thing! :)
But why does everyone have to be so vulgar ;)
January 4, 2005, 4:23 am
quote:Originally posted by yukwunhangquote:Originally posted by n00bfaceD]Emperor[G
Oh thats hair(Am I right?) with DE...
Can we stop with the colors: Pink, and Orange its really annoying the fonts are amazingly on the eyes.
January 4, 2005, 4:55 am
Can we stop with the colors: Pink, and Orange its really annoying the fonts are amazingly on the eyes.
I'm ~|ELT|~ Skate4Razors. I have the DUMBEST name in the whole entire Soldat world!
January 4, 2005, 5:13 am
Whats it supposed, to mean? Like does it have a certian meaning? Skate4Razors, Whyd you pick your name!?
January 4, 2005, 5:32 am
omg why'd u pick messiah?! are you a savior ;o !?!
January 4, 2005, 5:35 am
Yes, i am the deliverer ;) I deliver the goods ;)
January 4, 2005, 5:58 am
Whats Spectral supposed to mean? I looked it up in google, and it brings up a graph in images, sometimes i do that with Soldat names, i put them into google usally tells me what it means.
Unlucky 13
January 4, 2005, 6:37 am
Spectral? Sounds like spectrum, so something to do with light refraction (geek-speak for rainbow making)?
Teh Panda
January 4, 2005, 7:39 am
Im playing under {EF} tag now so im {EF} aji.
quote:Originally posted by MessiahYes, i am the deliverer ;) I deliver the goods ;)
;ooo Candy???
Deleted User
January 4, 2005, 8:02 am
I'm looking for a clan right now but it's all good going clanless.. I'll be on Andrecht outside of a clan, always.
January 4, 2005, 2:34 pm
I play as 'Toumaz', and sometimes under the name 'Grabben' (swedish wordeh).
January 5, 2005, 12:12 am
messiah, use a dictionary, not google.
January 5, 2005, 12:18 am
quote:Originally posted by MessiahWhats it supposed, to mean? Like does it have a certian meaning? Skate4Razors, Whyd you pick your name!?
I skate, NOT SKATEBOARD! I started Aggressive Rollerblading, and my skates were made by a company names, Razors. So, I skate for Razors. Yeah... :/
January 5, 2005, 12:52 am
my soldat name is sergeant nazikilla. i made it up before i even played online. when i first got soldat, i just played with bots. in fact, i played against bots alone for what i think was over a year. i had v. 1.1.5 at that time. then one day, i decided to look for updates. i found an update, got the mapmaker, and some other soldat stuff. i eventually played online and was good right away. you could say i was never a noob online. i have been thinking of changing my name to commander nazikilla.
January 5, 2005, 4:09 pm
Skate4Razors, maybe I should rename myself to Skate4Roces :)
January 5, 2005, 6:10 pm
W/e_Mephisto (Transit) or just W/e_Mephisto | Lol, I played with [BA] Jay Bee earlier today, me and some dude who's name I cant remember had fun playing Jay Bee and Cold Fusion a couple games. Oh, I'll sometimes go as Gaza or Jesus H. Christ, (BUT RARELY) and only once I played under the name, The Republican Party. Gooday..
January 5, 2005, 8:06 pm
quote:Originally posted by TransitW/e_Mephisto (Transit) or just W/e_Mephisto | Lol, I played with [BA] Jay Bee earlier today, me and some dude who's name I cant remember had fun playing Jay Bee and Cold Fusion a couple games. Oh, I'll sometimes go as Gaza or Jesus H. Christ, (BUT RARELY) and only once I played under the name, The Republican Party. Gooday..
Remember when i bugged you about you copying my name lmao, Good Times ;)
January 5, 2005, 8:25 pm
Perhaps my name should be Skate4SalomonsVery
[IMAGE]ingUnbelivablyExpensiveSkates....nah that wouldnt look
Edit: or Libspelling Lupmistakes
January 7, 2005, 2:40 am
Soldier(3), im never the orginal soldier in a server D:
kidding, im {AWH} Prox
January 7, 2005, 4:26 am
Right now:
I am also known as
The Radio Star
Xenophobia ( The orginal one )
In a box.
January 7, 2005, 5:23 am
I usually play under random names. I go by FBD sometimes though, and don't ask what it means or stands for. I dont have a clue :P