*hijacks music thread*
I've discovered something, thanks to tireless research.
Athletes occasionally achieve something called 'the zone'. This is where ultimate concentration becomes a sixth sense. Things are achieved effortlessly and perfectly. 'Zen' is achieved.
Gamers get this too, as i'm sure you've all experienced. Thing is, how does it happen?
Your brain works on several hz levels, two of which being Beta and Alpha waves. All such waves are on at the same time, but theres always one that dominates at certain moments. Beta waves are when you're alert, and can experience such things as worry, fear, over alertness, etc. Alpha waves are that relaxed state achieved between consciousness and sleep. At a precise moment between consciousness and sleep/meditation is the holy grail, the 'Gamers Zen'. You're relaxed to a state that things just happen fluidly, yet aware to a point where you understand everything but with a state of tranquil subconscious alertness.
I have a programme called CoolEdit 2000, sound editing software. With it, you can create brain-frequencies to transmit through sound over stereo headphones. I'm still experimenting a little, but I did have gaming zen for around 10 minutes, although I think i set the alpha waves too low as I found myself becoming a little sleepy.
I edited a few tunes to have these alpha waves...they sound
[IMAGE]ed up and underwater, but they do take effect and is quite noticable after 15 minutes.