I don't know about everyone in here but the noobs in some servers really piss me off sometimes. If you start doing to good it takes two seconds for them to start a vote kick. I was just briefly in a DM server killing everyone (i have the demo) and then when I was at about 20 kills or so they kicked, the moment the vote kick was started I was gone. Now here is the thing I don't like. The fact that you are banned forever from the server, not "kick" as the name suggests, but a ban. I can understand it if the person had been previously vote kicked before, but your banned right off the bat. This is entirely unfair because some people get banned from their favorite servers, or the servers with the lowest ping. I am just asking that something be done about this ban for your first vote kick. It should either be temporary (like a ping or flood kick) or you don't get a permnant ban till after a certain amount of votekicks.