January 5, 2005, 1:41 am
Yes I know this has been up before but all those topics are locked so gonna make the game easy to understand.
Ok looks kinda like this one
didn't made it but a fan did
Ok Sprocket has allready made 3 maps that could be used for KoTH
Here is the link
Ok there are 2 teams on each side and the base is in the middle. One of the team need to get at least 2 members to the zone to hold it and if they leave the area or die, they lose the field.
-How to get Points-
Something like 1 point every 5,4,3,2,1 second or more.
Some sugestion would be nice
Idea from Futile
Did you ever play Perfect Dark on the N64? My idea is entirely a rip-off from how PD deals with KOTH. It takes the ordinary multiplayer maps but adds hills.
It's nothing like scoring 1point every other second. I'm talking about defending the hill until timer reaches zero, and then getting (all) of the points (be it two points or twentyfive points, doesn't really matter).
So basicly you just need to hold the middle point untill you win.
"but then it will problaly be campers with snipers, so the team that hold the middle point have to wait 2 or 3 second more to respawn(should be able to change)"(maybe) and it gives a bit more challenge for those guys who are good.
The map doesn't always need to be a some kind of castle could be in a cave or something or up in the sky.
So yeah just wonder would this be good?
Why not give it a try?
January 5, 2005, 1:47 am
I can't believe you used my ugly graphic...oh well.
The extra respawn time for the team that holds the hill is a great idea, that would certainly even things out.
Anyway, as I said before, this idea definitely gets my vote.
January 5, 2005, 1:47 am
i do think this would be a gamemode that would fit soldat. btw nice animation vij
Unlucky 13
January 5, 2005, 1:50 am
you could also make the objective low, which would make it less sniper friendly.
January 5, 2005, 1:51 am
I was to lazy to make a new one and its almost 3 at morning so gonna sleep might make one tomorow
January 5, 2005, 1:58 am
Unlucky, it doesn't matter how high up the objective is. As long as you are supposed to stay in one area to continue to gain points there will be campers (as seen in infiltration maps).
January 5, 2005, 3:15 am
this SORTA reminds me of inf.. BUT it has my vote, asin the other topic, i've played MANY k.o.t.h. games, and they are very fun, so yeah.,.
January 5, 2005, 4:02 am
i don't know why we don't have it...
The Geologist
January 5, 2005, 4:24 am
I did a little thinking...I hope no one thinks I'm stealing their idea here, because I'm not. So dun bother
[IMAGE]ing. Anyhoo...
Before I explain, I gotta stress that I'm not sure if this would even be possible...but I think it would make the game more competative instead of just holding the hill.
Two teams spawn and head for the "hill", a bloody battle follows, and whoever claims the hill earns a point. After this battle, everyone respawns and starts over (sort of like waiting to spawn in survival mode), and the two teams do it all over again...each time the teams meet they fight for the hill, and whoever claims it gets the point. Just like CTF or INF matches a certain number of points wins the match. Any thoughts?
Sneaky Bstard
January 5, 2005, 4:26 am
why not make it instead of holding a specific part of the map theres a flag that a player can hold and for as long as he carries it his team get points?.
The Geologist
January 5, 2005, 4:29 am
Because then it's not really a "king of the hill" match, but a "lets grab the flag and run back to our base" match...
Edit: I've actually gotten an idea for a king of the kill map that could work pretty well. Although, it doesn't need an entirely new game mode, a series of maps (like climbing maps) could be made to support king of the hill style play. I'll post some screens here with I make it.
Sneaky Bstard
January 5, 2005, 4:31 am
ya but it wouldnt be ctf style maps more dm.
The Geologist
January 5, 2005, 7:19 am
You take me to literally. It's not meant to be a ctf match, and if you look at the original post in this thread, it is a bit more like a dm match. But down to my idea.
A concept map (it's very, very basic..just thought it up...and yes, those flags suck ;P):
This style is meant to create a type of King of the Hill match with the existing game modes. The red and blue flags are high up on the map (a sort of "hill", although the hill can be almost anything). Both teams spawn down below (or above), and move up towards both flags. When they reach the top, they fight it out and the team that survives gets to capture their flag and score. Of course, leaving team members behind (holding the "hill") will let that team continue to score points and eventually win. To mix things up a bit, players could spawn below and above the hill..just so long as the hill is some defendable area with both the flags.
January 5, 2005, 7:28 am
two words...
survival mode
The Geologist
January 5, 2005, 7:37 am
It'd be a lot like survival mode....but elaborate on your post. Don't just leave it up to us to figure out what the heck you mean.
January 5, 2005, 7:47 am
I think you guys are missing the point of a King of the Hill match. You aren't trying to see who can repeatedly capture an area on a map, that's what CTF is (basically) for. Instead, you're trying to capture that specific area and hold on to it for as long as you can in the time allotted.
Survival mode? No, because everyone will (or should) respawn normally with the exception of the 'Kings' who will be penalized.
It's also not infiltration, because both teams are striving for the objective. Perhaps it would turn into an infiltration type game briefly as one team tries to oust the other from the hill, but that's where the similarity ends.
The Geologist
January 5, 2005, 7:56 am
I'm not missing any points here. I tried to suggest a means of accomplishing that within the game modes we already have instead of cramming another mode into the menu.
January 5, 2005, 1:48 pm
Deleted User
January 5, 2005, 7:27 pm
the geologist: why would people go to the hill then? great chance that you'll die soon and besides, its just a Team Deathmatch with survival on (but you dont get points with kills in you mode then)
my point: i dont see a reason why someone should go to the hill, becuz the hill is not the point.
January 5, 2005, 8:18 pm
the geologist: ... tut tut tut.... you just dont make sence.... K.O.T.H. is supposed to be, abit different...., but not to play a ctf type game..
January 5, 2005, 8:46 pm
The gamemode I suggested a while ago would work well as king of the hill.
January 5, 2005, 9:17 pm
quote:Originally posted by Unlucky 13you could also make the objective low
King of the.. cave?
January 5, 2005, 11:16 pm
LOL... no king of the hill is basically controling an area, it doesnt actually mean you are a KING of a HILL, lol... < look for metaphor
January 5, 2005, 11:31 pm
Actually, KOTH is a great game mode in many games, but I have an additional suggestion to it, which would in one strike eliminate (most of) the advantages of camper based strategies, and add a lot more challenge and fun.
Simple: make "hill polygons", let's call it a zone. You place the zones out on a map, and when the game start, a random zone (hill polygon) gets to be the hill. The current zone is of course high-lighted in some way.
When a team gets to the zone, the highlight changes to the teams colour, and a countdown start. If that team manages to hold the hill untill the counter reaches zero, they score.
If a player from the opposite team enters the zone, the counter is stopped. When (and if) the enemy is killed, the counter keeps going from where it stopped. If all players leave the zone, the counter is reseted.
When a hill has been won it will dissapear and another hill will be higlighted.
Notice that hill polygons should not be physical. You can not stand on them, but rather "in them" (or in front of), otherwise you would have keep in touch with the ground to keep the timer going.
January 6, 2005, 7:35 am
quote:Originally posted by WillOMG WILL PEOPLE PLEASE USE SEARCH!!!
If you read my post you will know WHY I MADE THIS TOPIC and go ahead and try to do it and Michal well your mode isn't really like KoTH cus your are going to defend many places in your mode and one in this mode.
The Geologist
January 6, 2005, 9:50 am
quote:Originally posted by MOFO NOFOthe geologist: ... tut tut tut.... you just dont make sence.... K.O.T.H. is supposed to be, abit different...., but not to play a ctf type game..
Yeah, yeah..I realized my mistake after I posted. CTF style flags wouldn't work, derp. Let me restate this differently.
At the moment, there's no real way for a team to accumulate points by holding a spot on the map except infiltration, and that means one team guarding the objective while the other team tries to get it. But the INF system of doing things could work very well in a KOTH set up. For example:
An objective spawns at the top of the "hill", whatever the hill may be...and both teams spawn on either side of the map with a white flag. Now, just like in inf you can bring the objective back, score, and get points (both teams can). Now before you say "it's too much like inf" just listen.
Two teams spawn...let's say Alpha and Beta. They both head up the hill, and they fight it out for the objective. Alpha grabs the objective, runs it back down the hill and scores, but in doing so they lose most of their men. While Alpha scores, Beta moves in to cover the hill with its players and set up a defense, effectively securing the objective for future scoring while they hold the hill. Whoever does a better job of holding the hill will be able to have their team score points and win the game, whether it's Alpha or Beta.
Edit: If you can only write two words MOFO, don't post here.
January 6, 2005, 11:10 am
It's quite not fair becuz Alpha get 30 points for each cap but Bravo get 1 point only for 5 secs. Alpha can score in 30 secs and get 30 points but Bravo get 6 points only for 30 secs. Let say one of the team hold the hill for the whole game amd the points to win is 90, Alpha can win in one and a half minute but Bravo need about 7 minutes to win.
The Geologist
January 6, 2005, 11:27 am
quote:Originally posted by yukwunhangIt's quite not fair becuz Alpha get 30 points for each cap but Bravo get 1 point only for 5 secs. Alpha can score in 30 secs and get 30 points but Bravo get 6 points only for 30 secs. Let say one of the team hold the hill for the whole game amd the points to win is 90, Alpha can win in one and a half minute but Bravo need about 7 minutes to win.
Are you talking about what I described? Because if you are, you didn't read it. Try again.
January 6, 2005, 11:36 am
Yea, but Bravo needs to do really good..anyway I think it's not fair.
The Geologist
January 6, 2005, 11:38 am
quote:Originally posted by yukwunhangYea, but Bravo needs to do really good..anyway I think it's not fair.
How is it not fair? Read my post. I even bolded parts for you. Both teams can score, no one is stuck earning one point at a time. The maps would be set up in equal dimensions. No terrain advantages.
Pay attention...
January 6, 2005, 11:45 am
I think Geologists 1st suggestion combined with survival is just what we need; for example:
Team 1 and team 2 rush up the hill, bloody fighting ensues, 1 player of team 2 manages to stay alive, caps for his team, triggers the respawn, and everyone rushes again, etc...
(use copypaste for the image (pheer leet paint-touchpad skillz))
Flags placed on opposite sides of the hill to prevent people from capping during the fight.
I think i'll make a KOTH map soon to show you it'll work.
( what i'm saying is, no need to make a new gamemode when the old ones can do it )
January 6, 2005, 11:53 am
omg, I forgot this is Game Improvements / Suggestions forum. Sorry. :P
January 6, 2005, 12:56 pm
Seriously guys - I have solved the problem for you. Read my earlier post in this thread. You don't need to
[IMAGE] about with flags and actual hills (high terrain). My solution would let you make any zone of any map a hill. Far easier and far more intuitive than any other suggestion posted.
Just make sure Michal gets the message.
January 6, 2005, 3:07 pm
Except creating "hill polygons" or zones would probably be too difficult to implement, so it would be better if somehow it could work with flags.
(like in my previous suggestion XD)
January 6, 2005, 3:14 pm
mabye,, a point match type game, except the flag cannot be taken out of the "zone", and the player who is holding the flag gets points for the whole team,,,,, thats just my idea though..
January 6, 2005, 3:59 pm
quote:Originally posted by MichalExcept creating "hill polygons" or zones would probably be too difficult to implement, so it would be better if somehow it could work with flags.
(like in my previous suggestion XD)
eh... no?
Creating a new plygon class and adding it's special ablities to the game would take Michal approx seven minutes and a cold can of coke to drink while recompiling. No kidding.
Every other solution is nothing but a (bad) substitute for the real thing. KOTH, Zone Control - same
[IMAGE] different name - has nothing to do with flags or other objectives.
January 6, 2005, 6:17 pm
Well he did field where you get HP and take dmg so why cant he make so you get points?
January 6, 2005, 6:31 pm
how unfair would hill polygons be, if they randomly generate they might as well spawn each time at the same base..
seriously, quit with your random hill polygons, it sucks.
January 6, 2005, 6:36 pm
What MM would have to do:
For my Flags:
-Make new game mode
-Define flag behavior
For Futile's Zones:
-Make new game mode
-Make new poly types
-Make a player detection range (unless you can't be in the air at the zone)
-Make new kinds of invisible polys that define the zone.
-Make polys now able to change color ("highlight") etc. during game (probably impossible due to engine restrictions)
-Make new countdown type timer
-Make a new map editor version that uses Zone poly types, even though MM said he will not bother making new mapmakers.
Futile, your mode of KOTH may seem more fun to you, but it is rather impractical to make, and maybe impossible to your desired specifications. It would take a lot more time to make than 7 minutes with a cold can of coke.
January 6, 2005, 6:39 pm
quote:Originally posted by Denackehow unfair would hill polygons be, if they randomly generate they might as well spawn each time at the same base..
seriously, quit with your random hill polygons, it sucks.
Hill polygons - if you're refering to my solution - will not "spawn" randomly. The mapmaker will place the polygons wherever he want them to be. The only random thing about it is which hill will be hot. Highlighted. Active. Whatever.
Making sure that the same hill isn't selected two times in a row is not a problem.
January 6, 2005, 6:52 pm
quote:Originally posted by MichalWhat MM would have to do:
For my Flags:
-Make new game mode
-Define flag behavior
For Futile's Zones:
-Make new game mode
-Make new poly types
-Make a player detection range (unless you can't be in the air at the zone)
-Make new kinds of invisible polys that define the zone.
-Make polys now able to change color ("highlight") etc. during game (probably impossible due to engine restrictions)
-Make new countdown type timer
-Make a new map editor version that uses Zone poly types, even though MM said he will not bother making new mapmakers.
Futile, your mode of KOTH may seem more fun to you, but it is rather impractical to make, and maybe impossible to your desired specifications. It would take a lot more time to make than 7 minutes with a cold can of coke.
You are wrong.
For Futile's Zones:
-Make new game mode
-Make new poly types
-Make countdown function
-Updating the map editor by adding support for the new type of polys.
First of all: there is no reason to assume there will be a problem in making the game-enginge handle higlighing.
Second: It's an inherent property of the hill polygons that they act as zones, not as physical surfaces (in game). You dont need no player detection range, nor making seperate polys to handle transparency. We are still talking about one new kind of polygon, and it will handle it all.
Just like NavySeal said: he made health and damage-polygons. Defining new polygons is not a big issue, since soldat is built around them and almost every update will include them in some way. Meaning: Michal has a good system for making and maintaining polygons and support for them, in both the game and the mapmaker.
What it all boils down to is: we can do this properly, or we can do this half-assed. Properly means Michal getting of his ass and updating the game. Half-assed means not waiting for michal but trying to solve it with whatever means we have avaliable.
I vote for the proper solution, and I would like Michal to understand that this addon would be well recieved and appreciated. But if you are in an awfull hurry, please do it your way, and dont bother Michal for updates.
January 6, 2005, 6:56 pm
boxo: why do ur links stuff all the time ?? lol
The Geologist
January 6, 2005, 10:03 pm
quote:Originally posted by FutileSeriously guys - I have solved the problem for you. Read my earlier post in this thread. You don't need to
[IMAGE] about with flags and actual hills (high terrain). My solution would let you make any zone of any map a hill. Far easier and far more intuitive than any other suggestion posted.
Just make sure Michal gets the message.
No offense, but you think all this talk about adding polys is easier than adding one flag and changing how the flags work? It'd be about the same either way. In case you didn't read...I had been saying the hill doesn't need to be a "hill".
quote:Originally posted by Futile
I vote for the proper solution, and I would like Michal to understand that this addon would be well recieved and appreciated. But if you are in an awfull hurry, please do it your way, and dont bother Michal for updates.
Oh, sorry massah...too bad we can't all come up with gems of ideas like you. All our unproper, half assed ideas shouldn't even be looked at, right? Pfft. Just because someones idea isn't the same as yours doesn't mean it's half assed, jerk. Michal just put out a new version of the game...if you're so worked up about him "getting off his ass" to do the work, why don't you do something about it? You suggested your idea and there's really nothing better (or more original) about it than any of the other multitudes of the KOTH suggestions made in this topic and past topics.
And MOFO, can you say spam please?
January 6, 2005, 11:15 pm
I like the idea of tagging a tangible flag (that could change color depending on what team had possession) that would then start to add points to your score.
Landing on polygons is just boring.
It has nothing to do with how easy it would be, I want the mode to be both fun and aesthetically pleasing.
That being said, both of your ideas have their faults.
Futile's idea involves randomly chosen hills with polygon detection for the capture. That's no fun because in order to make it fair, both teams' spawn points would have to be evenly scattered around the map making team cooperation impossible. Also, the idea that the point counter will stop just because a player from another team is in the designated zone is lame. They should have to physically capture a flag in order to begin to score.
In The Geologist's 2nd idea, you have two infiltration flags while each tries to cap at the top of the hill. Again, this isn't practical because it defeats the purpose of King of the Hill. First of all, players shouldn't have to wait to respawn until after each cap unless survival mode is checked. They should spawn freely with the Kings suffering a time penalty. The flag capping idea isn't going to work because you are supposed to gain points for holding the hill the longest. But with your idea, even if the hill is well defended by one team, a lucky member from the other can still cap.
The mode should be kept as simple as possible. One flag. If a team touches the flag (regardless of who else is around) they begin to get a point for each second of so that the flag is in their possession. If you want it to be even more fair, you could apply a minimal spawn time penalty to the team that has the flag. When one team has the flag, it changes color to their team and the other team has the little "Flag Stolen" icon in their score box like in ctf and inf games. That's it, easy as pie.
The Geologist
January 7, 2005, 1:07 am
1) I'm not Marine. Read a little harder.
2) You're thinking of my idea backwards. You grab the flag from the top and carry it back down to your teams side of the map. There was no mention of survival mode in my second idea, only my first idea...which I even said wouldn't work before I described my second idea. Did you even read my second idea? Because it doesn't seem like it.
3) Yes, I did think of that one player running off with the flag...but sitting around on a poly all day to gather points would take forever and a day.
4) What happens when the flag carrier runs back to their base to hide with the flag behind their spawning allies? Can the flag be picked up, or does it just trigger the change in teams?
January 7, 2005, 1:21 am
Woops, sorry about that. I was just reading Chakra's comic with both you and marine in it and I got a little mixed up.
No, the flag shouldn't be able to be picked up. It just sits there accumulating points for the chosen team until someone comes up an taps it.
Hmm...your idea makes a lot more sense now that I realize how it works. It could work, but it takes away from the key facet of King of the Hill style gameplay in which you have to capture and defend a hill. Plus, that lucky runaway flag grabber would totally debase the fun of the game.
The Geologist
January 7, 2005, 1:36 am
If the flag can't be picked up, I could really see your idea working. But I still like mine..heh heh. And yes, that one runaway flagger could ruin things..but there still a large defensive element involved there. When one team is swarming the hill and defending it, it (should) make it easier for their team to score. But, whatever...I've said that enough by now.
And I love that ^_^
January 7, 2005, 5:25 pm
quote:Originally posted by The Geologistquote:Originally posted by FutileSeriously guys - I have solved the problem for you. Read my earlier post in this thread. You don't need to
[IMAGE] about with flags and actual hills (high terrain). My solution would let you make any zone of any map a hill. Far easier and far more intuitive than any other suggestion posted.
Just make sure Michal gets the message.
No offense, but you think all this talk about adding polys is easier than adding one flag and changing how the flags work? It'd be about the same either way. In case you didn't read...I had been saying the hill doesn't need to be a "hill".
Look. How can "keeper of the flag" ever be "king of the hill"? It's not the same kind of game, not the same kind of fun. And wether one idea means more or less work for Michal - that's really none of our concern, is it?
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist
quote:Originally posted by Futile
I vote for the proper solution, and I would like Michal to understand that this addon would be well recieved and appreciated. But if you are in an awfull hurry, please do it your way, and dont bother Michal for updates.
Oh, sorry massah...too bad we can't all come up with gems of ideas like you. All our unproper, half assed ideas shouldn't even be looked at, right? Pfft. Just because someones idea isn't the same as yours doesn't mean it's half assed, jerk. Michal just put out a new version of the game...if you're so worked up about him "getting off his ass" to do the work, why don't you do something about it? You suggested your idea and there's really nothing better (or more original) about it than any of the other multitudes of the KOTH suggestions made in this topic and past topics.
And MOFO, can you say spam please?
Hey, I'm sorry to have hurt your feelings dude. I didn't realize this idea of yours was so close to heart for you. I'm aware that I used some cencored-out language, but I didn't mean to be mean.
What I tried to do, was to emphasize that my solution is superior to any other presented at this time.
But then again, maybe we are discussing "grab the flag and run the hell away while your teamates cover your ass just like all the other game-modes", and not "king of the hill" like the thread title suggest?
If so, then I hope to see your idea implemented.
January 7, 2005, 5:49 pm
quote:Originally posted by Vijchtidoodah[...]
Landing on polygons is just boring.
You don't have to _land_ on them. I am talking about areas, zones - non physical polygons. Like a markup. You place the zone wherever you want, make it whatever size - if someone is in the zone, the timer starts for his team.
quote:Originally posted by Vijchtidoodah[...]
It has nothing to do with how easy it would be, I want the mode to be both fun and aesthetically pleasing.
quote:Originally posted by Vijchtidoodah
Futile's idea involves randomly chosen hills with polygon detection for the capture. That's no fun because in order to make it fair, both teams' spawn points would have to be evenly scattered around the map making team cooperation impossible. Also, the idea that the point counter will stop just because a player from another team is in the designated zone is lame. They should have to physically capture a flag in order to begin to score.
Actually, you dont need to scatter spawn-points. The map maker can scatter the hill zones instead. Unfairness is only depending on the map design (just as in all the other game modes).
And yes, sometimes the hill will be closer to one side - but thats not an issue. The other team will get there soon enough, or they will prepare to get the next hill. The distance-to-hill ratio will be even between the teams when spread over an entire game.
And stopping the counter (let use the words "pause" instead, 'cause it isn't resetted or anything) when an enemy is within the zone is good for two reasons:
You don't actually own the hill if there's an enemy in it.
It gives you a greater chance of (re)capturing the hill.
Point of the second reason being: it is boring when king of the hill is only about getting there first. Capturing and recapturing hills should be an obvious possibility, to promote a variation in strategies and gameplay.
However - this should of course be tested in actual games. It's one of those things that either makes the game more fun to play, or proves not to be important at all.
The Geologist
January 7, 2005, 10:12 pm
lol...nah, you didn't hurt any of my feelings or anything. It just really irks me to see someone come in to a public forum and claim to end a discussion with their idea...and calling the other ideas half assed and the like didn't help either. ^_^ Nothin' against ya by any just really rubbed me the wrong way, ya know? So don't assume so much about your idea...lest I go and assume I'm superior to you for no other reason than personal preference.
I don't see any difference between a team holding the "hill" so someone can score, and a team holding the "hill" to gather points...I guess the need for the flags comes out of my urge to see the games keep a fast pace and that's it. With both teams trying to sit around and gather points off the hill, it seems like people will be getting blown out of the "zone" or wherever you collect points more readily than their team can accumulate them. If both teams are earning one or two points at a time the match will go on for a long time...just seems a lil slow for my tastes. Thus the flags...your team holds the hill, makes it easier for someone on that team to score, and get X amount of points, and it may only take a couple flags to win the match.
This all boils down to what you think a KOTH match should be...we've had enough sarcasm, hmm?
January 7, 2005, 11:49 pm
quote:Originally posted by The Geologistlol...nah, you didn't hurt any of my feelings or anything. It just really irks me to see someone come in to a public forum and claim to end a discussion with their idea...and calling the other ideas half assed and the like didn't help either. ^_^ Nothin' against ya by any just really rubbed me the wrong way, ya know? So don't assume so much about your idea...lest I go and assume I'm superior to you for no other reason than personal preference.
You're right. I would probably react similar to you if I encountered someone talking like I did. I apologize.
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist
I don't see any difference between a team holding the "hill" so someone can score, and a team holding the "hill" to gather points...I guess the need for the flags comes out of my urge to see the games keep a fast pace and that's it. With both teams trying to sit around and gather points off the hill, it seems like people will be getting blown out of the "zone" or wherever you collect points more readily than their team can accumulate them. If both teams are earning one or two points at a time the match will go on for a long time...just seems a lil slow for my tastes. Thus the flags...your team holds the hill, makes it easier for someone on that team to score, and get X amount of points, and it may only take a couple flags to win the match.
Alright, now were getting somewhere.
I can definetly understand your "need for speed", after all - I'm the one playing realistic mode with 1sec respawn ;-). But I'm ready to sacrifice some speed in favor of KOTH-mode. Or to be clear: I'm willing to let KOTH alter the way we play Soldat today. I don't want KOTH to be the ordinary Soldat cap/frag-fest, but rather add something new to the game. Perhaps a bit slower, but (I believe) definetly fast enough to be enjoyable, and with lots of interresting tactics.
Did you ever play Perfect Dark on the N64? My idea is entirely a rip-off from how PD deals with KOTH. It takes the ordinary multiplayer maps but adds hills.
It's nothing like scoring 1point every other second. I'm talking about defending the hill until timer reaches zero, and then getting (all) of the points (be it two points or twentyfive points, doesn't really matter).
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist
This all boils down to what you think a KOTH match should be...we've had enough sarcasm, hmm?
edit: Question:
Doesn't "your" KoTH impose rather hard limits on the map makers? How much variation (in map design) can you really get, and how innovative maps can one make, and still fit your KoTH mode?
As far as I can see, my suggestion offers far more freedom in map making.
The Geologist
January 8, 2005, 12:43 am
Actually, I've had a few ideas as far as map making goes. Give me some time and I could toss up some results from map maker.
That timer idea is a good one...that actually sounds pretty appealing against what I had thought was the case. And that PD example was pretty good, heh heh. hard feelings. Let's smokum peace pipe and get some good ideas.
January 8, 2005, 12:46 am
any1 played Perfect Dark for N64?
there is the best idea for king of the hill, there are a place in the map colored, like team base in ctf, the team who stay in the marked area for 30 seconds wins,well, it can be changed for 1 point in soldat
The Geologist
January 8, 2005, 2:17 am
quote:Originally posted by Empireany1 played Perfect Dark for N64?
there is the best idea for king of the hill, there are a place in the map colored, like team base in ctf, the team who stay in the marked area for 30 seconds wins,well, it can be changed for 1 point in soldat
Read Futiles's two posts above your own.
I made a few quick, quick map layouts (yes, I know they're basic..they took all of two minutes)...of course, these hinge on you being able to place more than one white flag in the map maker, which isn't possible as of yet. You should be able to see the basic point..defend the area around the black flag well enough and your allies can come in to grab it and score.
Anyhow...a few screens:
Koth 3
January 8, 2005, 10:41 am
quote:Originally posted by The Geologist[...]
I made a few quick, quick map layouts (yes, I know they're basic..they took all of two minutes)...of course, these hinge on you being able to place more than one white flag in the map maker, which isn't possible as of yet. You should be able to see the basic point..defend the area around the black flag well enough and your allies can come in to grab it and score.
Anyhow...a few screens:
Koth 3
Hey, hey, hey! What can I say? These looks like a whole lot of fun! ^_^
I still believe the PD way of doing this will be just as much fun though. My comp died on me (finally ;-)) yesterday, so I dont have photoshop avaliable from where I'm at. Maybe a few pretty peectures from my side would be good too...
I can't see both of these implemented into soldat, but I hope that both gets tried out. And I whish I was a part of the testing, cause I think both can be fun as hell.
Surely Michal can simply relieve the restriction on "one white flag in a map". That way one can do your KoTH independent of any other game-mode, and we could have two ways of doing KoTH. But I dont really support this, it would be depreciating to your KoTH if the server didn't properly say what mode it was playing. BUT (again) the way maps would be done in your way would surely promote KoTH-like strategies/gameplay even if no-one actually called it KoTH...
I'm in two minds about this. I suppose a trial period where we can play both modes will tell which one does the game better, of if there should be both of them in there.
The Geologist
January 8, 2005, 11:05 am
I'm definately interested in seeing what you've got on your mind. I'm just glad to see these ideas, as well as the others in this thread, brought up in the first place. You were right in saying that this mode of gameplay would be well recieved by the community, IMO, and with all these ideas out there hopefully Michal gets a few ideas for putting KOTH into the game. This is the first discussion thread I've felt really good about in a while.
January 8, 2005, 9:49 pm
quote:Originally posted by FutileI'm in two minds about this. I suppose a trial period where we can play both modes will tell which one does the game better, of if there should be both of them in there.
More than just two, we came up with plenty of ideas to keep testing going for a while. Not to mention the combination of different ideas. I don't really feel like making a list right now, but if someone wants to summarize every suggestion so far, we could have a pretty comprehensive list lined up for Michal.
quote:Originally posted by The GeologistThis is the first discussion thread I've felt really good about in a while.
My thoughts exactly.
Edit: Great maps, by the way!
January 8, 2005, 9:51 pm
check my siggy text!!
it says king of the hill!!
my new game mode with two maps right now!!
January 10, 2005, 12:00 pm
Eheh.. this would be such a funny mod :) and nice maps ^^
January 11, 2005, 9:42 am
is this The Geologist/Futile war thread?
The Geologist
January 11, 2005, 10:00 am
Obviously you can't read. Post something about KOTH or don't spam.
Got a few more mapping ideas, but until we get something worked out or changed in the game, they're pretty much dead. Bah..
January 12, 2005, 6:29 pm
KOTH 2 map would be good in rekryt...
January 13, 2005, 3:22 pm
Stop arguing and let Michal do all the work.
January 23, 2005, 4:22 am
I like alot of your suggestions, Geologist. I think both would be pretty fun to play. It raises the interesting point of being able to place multiple white flags on an INF map, which could open up a whole world of possibilitys. But to stay on topic, it would be sweet if this were implemented as an actual game mode as suggested in the original post so we wouldn't be stuck playing some imitation thing...but it in all likelyhood won't happen, and I'm not going to get too sad about it. I'd like it though...
January 27, 2005, 4:14 am
I see that it's a very nice idea especially the original poster's idea , KOTH is a very nice mode indeed , and i demand that it shall be put in the next soldat version, It's a combination of CTF and TeamDM Survival mode....... and that makes it Exciting
February 7, 2005, 9:11 am
quote:and that makes it Exciting
yea unlike quote:24/7 killing without a point
February 7, 2005, 5:08 pm
quote:24/7 killing without a point
two words
respawn time
July 9, 2005, 10:46 pm
Just want MM to put in this mode for soldat, don't wanna start a new thread cus it take time,of,the,hill
July 9, 2005, 11:09 pm
lmao...Seriously...Michal was right when he said use search...suggested like 100 times before, and denied every time...
In fact, i suggested this first in June 2003...It made complete sense but was still shut down...We had everything mapped out completely, with all the rules u've put in place and more...except we didn't take 4 pages :P
So ya...moral of the story=suggested before, use search...except for the geologist...ur first idea I liked :D
Deleted User
July 12, 2005, 2:00 am
why not add this.....wait ctf survival with two flags in the middle would be kinda the same? right?
July 14, 2005, 4:55 am
king of the hill would RULE
better than crappy Inf :S