January 5, 2005, 12:38 pm
I think we ( players ) should only be able to see Specs talks while we are dead or if they speak as Admin. It's quite boring when you have 5 spectators talking 3 different languages along the match and you try to find your team talks in the middle of it, or if the specs talk 2 fast you don't even have time to read the team talks (Yes, you can go to console. but how nice is it when your in the middle of a game?).
Another thing: I love Counter Strike but just don't try to make Soldat look like CS. Leave Soldat alone! Some ppl want soldat to become 3D or to have TFC or RESCUE/DEFUSE mods. I wonder if i would ever play Soldat if it would be like that. Soldat is funneh cuz it is 2 simple and different from other games.
January 5, 2005, 12:54 pm
oO Is my english that bad? My sugestion was: Players can only see Spec talks if they speac like Admin or when we are dead.
January 5, 2005, 1:25 pm
no, you can see spec talk in the top left corner....
January 5, 2005, 1:41 pm
quote:Another thing: I love Counter Strike but just don't try to make Soldat look like CS. Leave Soldat alone! Some ppl want soldat to become 3D or to have TFC or RESCUE/DEFUSE mods. I wonder if i would ever play Soldat if it would be like that. Soldat is funneh cuz it is 2 simple and different from other games.
stfu, i dont remember anyone EVER suggesting to make soldat 3d
otherwise i think spectators should just talk to each other.
January 5, 2005, 1:52 pm
I wasn't aware that spectator-chat was "public". If it is, I definetly agree with you. It should be spectators only.
quote:Originally posted by echo
Another thing: [...] Leave Soldat alone!
Thats a silly attitude. Soldat will - and should - develop, grow and change. Don't try to stop the future - be a part of it.
quote:Originally posted by echo
Some ppl want soldat [...] to have TFC or RESCUE/DEFUSE mods. I wonder if i would ever play Soldat if it would be like that.
I don't see how adding game modes can hurt your Soldat play. No one is forcing you to play a mode you don't like, aight?
quote:Originally posted by echo
Soldat is funneh cuz it is 2 simple and different from other games.
This is of course a personal analysis, and as such it can not be wrong. But I can disagree - and I do.
January 5, 2005, 1:56 pm
Let the admin kick the specs or ask them to be quiet.
January 5, 2005, 1:59 pm
/mute spectator1
/mute spectator2
/mute spectator3
January 5, 2005, 2:33 pm
quote:stfu, i dont remember anyone EVER suggesting to make soldat 3d
No? Check page 4 i guess. And there r a LOT of sugestions to make Soldat look like CS. I'm not againt the evolution of Soldat otherwise i wouldnt give my own sugestions. I just want it to remain original. Give some productive ideas, don't copy CS stuff.