Keron Cyst
January 9, 2005, 5:52 am
Dang, these forums ar' brutal. Any thread I start other than miscellaneous suggestions (like this one) always seems to get locked :-P And I can't even edit my threadstarter in 'em.
? Should reload faster when standing still; realistic, no?
? I'm not sure whether this is already there or not, but when using the Barret, you should only be able to hear sound around your Soldat, not where the cursor's at.
The Geologist
January 9, 2005, 9:44 am
1) Maybe...maybe not. I wouldn't see any real difference in reloading a pistol while I was on the run instead of standing. Depends on how fast I'm running, I guess...
2) Definatly agree with this one. That'd be realistic.
Deleted User
January 9, 2005, 6:05 pm
i actually like both ideas. i never use barret though so it doesnt affect me, but i think it would go well in the game.
January 9, 2005, 6:08 pm
The first one has been suggested. It wont improve much. I agree with the second one.
January 9, 2005, 6:57 pm
The barret should
[IMAGE] up your "hearing" after shooting it, not aslong as a grenade explosion, but something to make it more annoying to use (realistic to.. considering ones vision starts to deteroiate after shooting 5-6 shots from a real .50 cal rifle from the over pressure [atleast before the muzzles breaks got more sophisticated anyways]
January 9, 2005, 9:40 pm
1) I'm pretty much in with this one, but if you're being shot at, perhaps the reload should have a slight penality, that'd be imitating stress.. but then people will bring it up with other events etc. Overall a nice idea.
2) Yes, and also astar's idea is intresting, shooting a .50 cal will not just take awhile to recover from, it f's up your hearing. But not as much as a grenade blast, still, it should cause the sound go out slightly.
Finally, something intresting to reply to.
January 9, 2005, 10:13 pm
1) I agree, makes sense
2) Good idea. It should also be so that you can't read enemy teamchat while using the scope since it is a representation of hearing speech.
Keron Cyst
January 10, 2005, 1:08 am
quote:Originally posted by Michal... It should also be so that you can't read enemy teamchat while using the scope since it is a representation of hearing speech.
Hm, that too; although it'd also be chat from your own players as well ;-). That's a good idea as well (didn't think of that).
quote:Originally posted by Tavy... Finally, something intresting to reply to.
See what I mean? X-D
Keron Cyst
January 15, 2005, 1:05 am
*waits for Michal Marcinkowski to read thread, since virtually everyone approved*
January 15, 2005, 1:19 am
*passes around popcorn*
I have confidence in his decision.
January 15, 2005, 6:57 pm
quote:Originally posted by Keron CystDang, these forums ar' brutal. Any thread I start other than miscellaneous suggestions (like this one) always seems to get locked :-P And I can't even edit my threadstarter in 'em.
? Should reload faster when standing still; realistic, no?
? I'm not sure whether this is already there or not, but when using the Barret, you should only be able to hear sound around your Soldat, not where the cursor's at.
1. Yep. Quicker is better.
2. This might be okay I suppose.
But I don't want no eye-sight nor hearing impediment from shooting the barret. That's just daft. A soldier carrying that kind of weapons uses earplugs. You just can't see them cause your screens are too small. ;-)
If a barret causes damage to the eyes, then we should have a blinding effect from explosions and shoulder injuries from switching weapons back and forth.
January 15, 2005, 7:22 pm
Mmh, I only wish to ask one thing: by quicker, how quick exactly?I think it should be balanced aswell..we don't wanna encourage camping with LAW now do we?
As for the second one, I agree.
January 16, 2005, 3:00 am
First one, no, it would only encourage camping, etc. Movement should be encouraged, not discouraged.
Second one, yea, but Michal won't be able to program that in ^^
Sound is screen based lol
Liquid Metal
January 16, 2005, 6:12 am
Isn't the 2nd idea is already in Soldat?
*I just checked and its already there. I zoomed out to a bot firing a stat gun and heard nothing but I could hear bots spawning near me*