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Server Data Table
Soldat Forums - Misc - The Lounge
January 10, 2005, 4:43 am
Alright, for the hell of it all, Chakra, Kkazican, and I were talking, and I realised that all I've been playing is CTF and DM, and some of Inf. I decided to conduct a small study to see how the server community actually works. Here are the results:

Percentage of All Servers

Game Types

Capture the Flag: 47.77%
Deathmatch: 35.03%
Teammatch: 10.19%
Infiltration: 04.45%
Rambomatch: 01.27%
Pointmatch: 00.63%

Game Modes

Normal: 92.36%
Realistic: 03.18%
Advance: 02.54%
Survival: 01.27%
Real + Surv.: 00.00%
Real + Adv.: 00.63%
Surv. + Adv.: 00.00%
All 3: 00.00%

... Now seriously. What the crap? Just look at the percentages. How can we make a difference in this chart? Does anyone believe that by advertisement and convincing conversations, we could be able to convert some servers from their CTF and DM addictions to some more interesting game modes/types? We need help. Chakra's been pointing this out for a while, but no one has really realised the intensity of it. :X

January 10, 2005, 4:45 am
i run a survival tdm sometimes...

Deleted User
January 10, 2005, 4:46 am
how did you conduct the small study??
EDIT: ok never mind, im guessing you just counted off the lobby how many people were playing on the specific mode at the time...

and yeah cookies survival tdm is pretty fun sometimes when theres enough people...
Personally, i think Infiltration is the most fun gamemode because it requires the most teamwork, i dont think rambomatch is fun because a few people always mess it up..

January 10, 2005, 11:29 am
1: Survival sux. People like me quickly leave servers with more than 6 seconds respawn. What would you expect in survival. Where is the fast action that forces people to continue playing soldat?
2: Realistic and Rambo. Dont you see how many people complain about barret? What can you expect from modes with superbarrets.
3: Advance mode is great. I cant explain this lack of servers. Maybe because people wont play if they dont have their beloved weapon.
4: I always thought that there were more infiltration than teammatch. Maybe because i never was interested at joining teammatch.

January 10, 2005, 1:13 pm
... But come on, wouldn't you like a Pointmatch server for once? If there are 2 or 3 admins, they can switch between game modes (advance, realistic, survival) while the game is running, so it shouldn't be too much a problem, though I still recommend Realistic Pointmatch.

January 10, 2005, 1:29 pm
Realistic-anything would be welcome. The community needs to embrace more things, and a popular server needs to steer his flock in the right direction.

January 10, 2005, 1:30 pm
Pointmatch... yes, unless it is realistic.

January 10, 2005, 3:33 pm
Hosts without taste...if i had a T1...

January 10, 2005, 9:40 pm
quote:Originally posted by pallocoPointmatch... yes, unless it is realistic.

Why the hell not? Realistic Pointmatch would make a great server, I think. =\ Not that Pointmatch itself wouldn't.

January 10, 2005, 9:47 pm
REalistic sux, what is the point of using barret when there is another weapon which does the same and better? Barret is underpowered there.

January 10, 2005, 9:48 pm
when the day comes that I can make more money from my current jobs and programming stuff online, I plan to start running a paid hosting service on a nice connection. When that time comes, you can expect to see U13 servers with more modes than you see in everyday soldat

January 10, 2005, 9:54 pm
Yeah, I'll agree with you, Palloco, that realistic mode does need to be worked on in the sense of balance, but still, I'd love to see one that's familiar to the Soldat forums for a change.

And Brick, you already do too much for the community. I didn't say we needed more servers, I was hinting that some of the DM / CTF servers should convert / ammend. However, after all you've done to make the ranking system for your server work, I'd rather leave yours the way it is.

Deleted User
January 10, 2005, 10:11 pm
Kazuki, I was just wonderin' how exactly you went about conducting this survey. How many times did you sample the servers? Did you only take into account servers with people playing?

January 10, 2005, 10:27 pm
No, all servers, no filters checked (of course, except the Surv., Real., and Adv. mode filters). All types, All game modes. At the top of the server list it tells you how many servers there are in the category are you looking for. For example, at first I used absolutely no filters. I got 157 servers. Then, I put it on CTF only. I got 75 servers. Next, I set it to Deathmatch and got 55.

For the game modes (Realistic, etc.), I set the dropdown menus to All, All, and checked whatever boxes I needed to check.

Unlucky 13
January 11, 2005, 12:55 am
There are no Aussie Realistic, Rambo, Survival or Advanced mode servers! But with Ded. Server 2.2.4, Realistic can be made fairer with normal health if you cut down all weapon strengths by the amount health is cut down, so it is a realistic server without the low health.