Michal Marcinkowski
January 10, 2005, 3:12 pm
I released a new dedicated server today. It fixes some issues with vote kicking and... it adds the possibility to change weapon damage settings. So server admins can change weapon balance if they want to. Just edit the file weapon.ini available with the new download. However this is released for testing purposes only and that's why only passworded servers will work with weapons modifications. Also before the name of the server will be added "(WM)" so everybody knows it's a modified server. If you want to make the server semi-public you can write the password in the info space on the lobby page (
[URL]) (edit 'Greeting_Message=' in soldat.ini file).
This might be a beginning of a new era for Soldat, so have fun with it.
January 10, 2005, 3:37 pm
Hmm.. Prft!
Well, I guess can I accept this.. Not that I will play on a (WM) server, like ever..
January 10, 2005, 3:41 pm
Lol negative numbers make healing weapons :p
January 10, 2005, 3:43 pm
darn, that'll probably be hard...
January 10, 2005, 4:24 pm
humh... healing weapons
now that gives me idea, what I could rebuild the Minimi to. Instead of massive luckspamming, it could be used for healing team members if FF is on *thinks*
Nah, still Ill wait for a first final new server version before Ill upgrade.
And I am still sceptic.
Michal Marcinkowski
January 10, 2005, 4:38 pm
quote: Lol negative numbers make healing weapons :p
Yeah you probably can do lots of funny things with this, I don't really know. You can make a medikit out of the chainsaw for example, cool stuff :).
January 10, 2005, 4:43 pm
cool!! now i can give to my spaz all power :D ^^
Teh Panda
January 10, 2005, 4:48 pm
Now stop the weapon balance whine. :) Finally. Ty a _lot_ Michal ;)
January 10, 2005, 4:54 pm
well said aji <3 (there will still be some people whining though ... always is -.-)
Deleted User
January 10, 2005, 4:57 pm
Awesome! Thank you so much Michal :D
I love the idea of making a medikit from the chainsaw. Thats really really really cool :) thank you :D
January 10, 2005, 5:05 pm
hm. i don't personally like it.. well, if some ppl will make disaster of this.. one hit kill autos, huge granades.. i hope server admins will keep their sanity
January 10, 2005, 5:28 pm
wtf ty man! no more sparyy hhahhahaha Minmi AK uesrs be ready to die mhuahua
January 10, 2005, 5:29 pm
quote:Originally posted by SERIAL KILLeRLol negative numbers make healing weapons :p
LOLOLOLOL. Now we may have a "class" mod for Soldat with Soldiers and Medics :D I think chainsaw for the medic class would be the best! :DDDD
EIDT: OH LOL. I'm not the first one who thought about the chainsaw medicine :)
January 10, 2005, 5:58 pm
oh noes now there will be miniguns, ak's, mp5's, minimi's and steyr's with a 1 shot kill!!!
The ruin of soldat has begon....
January 10, 2005, 6:14 pm
I've done a bit of testing with new values and I have come up with the following (very simple) conclusion:It's good and bad :D
Firstly, it can be used for good if people aren't silly with it. Some of the posts above about one hit autos and "nerf all the autos" are what put me off the idea. But, I have played with slightly tweaked weapons and it seems a nice idea. I think once someone comes up with a nice set of figures which most people would agree to use and standardise it can be beneficial.
Secondly, it is very basic. It is alright to change weapon damage, but speed of bullets also needs to be considered. Also ... the figures make no sense :D 20000000 for punch .... but like 400 for barret ooooooook, anyway, values similar to the ones in the manual, which can be edited just as easy would be nice.
For people's information, I was against the idea of an editor (and still am), but if used sensibly, I think it will work....
Deleted User
January 10, 2005, 6:19 pm
quote:Originally posted by flabI think once someone comes up with a nice set of figures which most people would agree to use and standardise it can be beneficial.
Standardising the figures will be easy with the new SuS servers.
January 10, 2005, 6:27 pm
yeh, but maybe once a set that everyone likes is found, michal can incorporate them into the new version ... without the need for an editor? :D
Cold Fusion
January 10, 2005, 6:38 pm
Testing is always going to be a more difficult job than if this would have been in from 105b days, mainly because of the many different variables there are now.
With the bullets' speed affecting the damage, the player's speed doing the same, the different hit-ratios on different parts of the soldat; it's going to be tough, as no two fights are exactly the same.
(But that's where MASS TWEAKAGE comes in.)
Cold Fusion
January 10, 2005, 6:44 pm
Also Michal, one important thing from a league point of view is for a person to be able to see what weapon values a server is using. Some people have concerns that for example clans who use a certain weapon a lot will be able to slightly increase the strength of it for league games to give them an example.
Being able to view all the values would be good. :)
January 10, 2005, 7:07 pm
you could have just edited your post :P ... and yes, lots of tweaking is needed as well as more customisable values :)
January 10, 2005, 7:11 pm
i'm sceptical, what's the next step Michal? source code? blah :/
January 10, 2005, 7:19 pm
Michal, I couldn't exactly get it. So this is like a little weapon editor? Does it work in LAN?
January 10, 2005, 7:24 pm
yes, it works, if you use the dedicated server. But i still don't like the idea. it may ruin the whole fun of soldat. as i mentioned before, one hit autos, and such. i hope i won't see these on any server.
January 10, 2005, 7:29 pm
KeFear stop whining and simply don't play on the few PASSWORDED servers with the (WM) tag.
Michal Marcinkowski
January 10, 2005, 7:31 pm
It works on LAN, you can test it by running the server on your comp. and joining yourself to the game.
I don't think there will be much servers with weapons mods now, especially because they are in "password safe-mode".
This server improvement is mostly done for leagues, to spice them up a bit.
If people like the idea and use it in a meaningful manner I will add full weapons editing functionality (changing most of the weapons settings, not only damage). Displaying weapon statistics also can't be done yet until I release a new game version. Now I might force the server to spit out the settings through the console if it will be really necessary (like through a command or sth.).
January 10, 2005, 7:32 pm
I can't find any WM servers and HOW do I change the weapons ,and WHERE?
January 10, 2005, 7:33 pm
quote:Originally posted by KeFearyes, it works, if you use the dedicated server. But i still don't like the idea. it may ruin the whole fun of soldat. as i mentioned before, one hit autos, and such. i hope i won't see these on any server.
jesus christ. the ones who set stupid values will be the n00bs out there that host a 32 man server on a 56k connection. You probably won't know the password anyway.
If you read the other posts, then you will see that other things will have to be done before it can be implemented fully into a league.
You have eyes, use them. Or better still, use a bit of common sense and reason, the majority of people who want the editor want to BALANCE the weapons, not make one hit kill autos as you keep saying.
January 10, 2005, 7:39 pm
MercyM its in weapons.ini
Well, i think this idea wont work. And i dont even agree with it. If u are used to play with eagles for example, close u kill with 2 shots. U r in a modified weapons server, u hit 2 close shots and continue thinking that he died, u look back.. he is alive. I think that a good balance should be made and not this weapon editor. This will just put things worst in my opinion. And in real life we dont have the same gun with different damage... :|
January 10, 2005, 7:42 pm
Yes, download the new dedicated server, and there is a file called "weapons.ini". Open it and u can change the weapons balance.
January 10, 2005, 7:43 pm
healing nades.
(dunno if someone made it up already, I haven't read the whole post)
January 10, 2005, 7:45 pm
quote:Originally posted by Michal MarcinkowskiI released a new dedicated server today. It fixes some issues with vote kicking and... it adds the possibility to change weapon damage settings. Weapon.ini available with the new download.
Does the server fix some issues with vote kicking and adds the possiblity to change weapon damage? Where's the download?
January 10, 2005, 7:47 pm
There: http://www.soldat.pl/down-s.html
January 10, 2005, 7:50 pm
I think it is pathetic that a minor half of the community always get their way.. First it was the "nerf barret", which ALMOST happened, and now this..
I have played for a long time, and the game has always been great. We have always played with default weapons settings, people have played and most of them have been happy with it. I would like to keep playing with the default settings. But I fear that I have to either play with some edited settings, or quit playing at all. I am sure most of the "good" servers will be using some edited settings, also I am quite sure a couple of leagues will. So, if I refuse to play with edited weapons, I can actually not play at all. Sure I can join some public n00bs ass server, but what is that fun in that? So, you are actually forcing me to use some edition.. Or perhaps this is the end of FragBait and my clan? I hope not..
Btw, I do not think there will be such issues as 1 hit kill AUTOs, I believe one league will set the standard for most servers. Just like some leagues has set the standards of rules in games, leagues such as SCTFL and TNL, which most people play by these days..
January 10, 2005, 7:50 pm
Where there? Can't find weapons.ini. I'm confused... -.O
January 10, 2005, 7:55 pm
Frag same opinion here...
Soldat Dedicated Server 1.2.1 beta (v2.2.4)
Download: soldatserver224.zip
Click in the Bold text above in soldat official web page off course. And in that .zip u find the "weapons.ini".
January 10, 2005, 8:28 pm
there are some WM servers which are like (WM)Password = XXXXXX, so the password isnt a big issue.
Personally i also dont really like this idea, but what do i know :D.
This is fine aslong as WM servers always have the (WM) server before there name, and everytime you join a WM server you get the Weapon modifier is ON message, and everytime you change team you get this message aswell.
January 10, 2005, 8:31 pm
Why are people going crazy about this?
Nobody forces you to join "modified" servers.
This is not going to split the community, but yes, there are going to be servers with crazy settings like instant kill miniguns etc.
Those are likely to fade away and still, nobody forces you to join them.
Some people will slightly tweak weapons (*sigh*) and there will be "mods" like healing chainsaws.
Where's the problem?
January 10, 2005, 8:35 pm
As I explained in my previous post b00sta, we are actually forced to join "modified" servers, if we have to keep our clan(s) alive, as most of the good servers, such as selfkill, and most of the leagues, most likely will use theese "modifications".
January 10, 2005, 8:43 pm
It's still too early to tell, though we could avoid any risk by just keeping the defaults
January 10, 2005, 9:25 pm
"Nobody forces you to join "modified" servers."
The problem is that all servers will be modified for sure, if, off course, this will release for public too.
January 10, 2005, 9:28 pm
Hmm..was this really needed :/
It's always nice to see new 'additions' and stuff...but i find this as being pretty much useless :(
January 10, 2005, 9:35 pm
Honestly, you are seriously retarded to think that.
January 10, 2005, 9:45 pm
quote:The problem is that all servers will be modified for sure
Why? Look at the servers! How many of them are non standard CTF or DM? 5%? How many servers use custom maps though there is autodownload? 10%? There is no reason to think that some crazy mods will be more popular than standard Soldat.
January 10, 2005, 9:46 pm
How lucky we are that we have Jaz to enlighten retards.
January 10, 2005, 9:55 pm
I also think this was a bad addition. The weapon balance is fine, and if you think otherwise, fix it, and release a patch. Now a good majority of the servers are going to be modified. And there's not much you can do to make it more balanced, so it will probably result in the owner of the server boosting his fav weapon, and nerfing the rest..... then everyone will be using the same gun....
January 10, 2005, 10:01 pm
I still think we should use this to make a good weapon balance that most (of course not everyone) will like. Kind of like a public beta.... then michal can release a new version, or just an update, with the new balanced weapons. This way, there will be the standardised settings and less whining/arguing about editor :)
January 10, 2005, 10:02 pm
Okay. i have my doubts about this. But honestly: Do we really need this? Do soldat really need modified weapons?
What would you modify in weapons? I guess if you modify - for example - Barret, which has a damage of 495 by default, to a value of 500 of 480 damage, would that count? It would still kill in one shot. Or if you set it to a value that won't kill in one hit, i would just screw the whole game. I don't see any sense in this. Yes, weapon tweaking.
But do the weapons really need tweaking?
You say.. not many servers will have modified weapons. But why should we need this? If.. there was a mod downloader, as i see it in the suggestions, i would say OK for this weapon modding. But i think, Soldat don't really needs this type of customization. Let's add some more usable things, like more customization to the soldier or the ingame soldier viewer, or something.
I say, we don't really need this. Of course, we should have this for some period of time, where players find the best balance and settings for each weapon, than this setting should be the default, and noone could ever change it again. If that is the purpose, i aggree. If not, i totally disaggree this feature.
January 10, 2005, 10:02 pm
god, you
[IMAGE]ing paranoid whiners! (irony noted)
How about you 'see what happens' instead of using your limited intellect to judge whats right for Soldat, the same people who ruined it pre-1.2 by using the same overpowered weapon along side 90% of players proudly like the ignorant people you are.
I'm seriously tired of this paranoia. Things will still be 'your way'. Only now things will be 'our way' too. Ok? You're not going to lose anything, and if you think you are, you're as big an idiot as pallaco and camping carl sharing a pair of speedos.
January 10, 2005, 10:03 pm
quote:Originally posted by pallocoHow lucky we are that we have Jaz to enlighten retards.
How lucky we are that we have the minigun surfing, geeky, non speaking english Palloco. you delight me with your wisdoms wee man so you do !
On another note: This weapon thing would be better with more options like bink etc, bullet speed.
Deleted User
January 10, 2005, 10:05 pm
As Michal said, a new Era of Soldat has begun, and I for one welcome it. Let the good times roll!
January 10, 2005, 10:06 pm
Good times.. yes.. we will see..
and i hope it will be good.
January 10, 2005, 10:11 pm
quote:Do we really need this? Do soldat really need modified weapons?
Soldat? No.
Soldat MODS? YES.
quote:I say, we don't really need this.
Speak for yourself, boy.
January 10, 2005, 10:13 pm
quote:Originally posted by Aquariusquote:Do we really need this? Do soldat really need modified weapons?
Soldat? No.
Soldat MODS? YES.
Oh yes, soldat mods do need this. But without any auto-mod downloader, it is a bit useless.
EDIT: Okay, boy, i think I don't need this. But i also think that i'm the only one.
January 10, 2005, 10:15 pm
Stop insulting ppl in forum and let they express their opinion....
January 10, 2005, 10:27 pm
quote:Oh yes, soldat mods do need this. But without any auto-mod downloader, it is a bit useless.
And MapMaker was useless before 1.2.1...???
Besides, this is not a real Weapon Editor, this for testing of the idea. Currently there is one (WM) server running. Horrible! It will kill Soldat!
January 10, 2005, 10:34 pm
Well, mostly, yes. but it is not that similar. you could join any server without the specific mod, but you couldn't without the missing map!
But ok. i won't say any more. Let us discover what this will bring. I hope that it won't be as bad as i thought first...
EDIT: and i know this is just for testing. but please. i didn't say it will kill soldat. i just have my doubts. why are you so assuerd in your right?
Maybe you are right, and it will bring a new and beatiful era to soldat, or maybe it won't. Besides, i don't see how could it bring better gameplay - without the mod downloader of course.
EDIT2: And one thing. You people always say when a stupid - or at least you think that - idea comes up in the suggestions: "Soldat is simple", "Leave soldat alone as it is", "Soldat was ment to be simple", and things like that. Well, the weapon modding probably screws up simplicity. With the non-existing mod-downloader, it won't be the same game, but it will be several other games.
Maybe i see these thing too "dark", you might say. Maybe you are right a bit.
peace out.
Cold Fusion
January 10, 2005, 10:58 pm
I've uploaded some custom settings which were quickly put together with the help of several people who joined my server. (flab and everybody and the rest)
You can find them here: http://www.tnl.org.uk/TNL/weapons.ini
If you could experiment with these and tell me what you think on IRC or PM, that'd be great.
It's only been a few hours, so these are still v0.2 as I call them, but I've heard pretty good responses so far. I'll check back tomorrow to see what you think. Obviously I haven't had the chance to test them all extensively, as well as in clanwars and with 6+ players...)
(Possible adjustments for future: minimi +1 point, socom +5 points)
*Cold Fusion*
January 10, 2005, 10:58 pm
This probably goes without saying, but just remember to put either a WM or no WM filter into the next version.
January 10, 2005, 11:00 pm
See what happens you say Chakra? Not use our limited intellect to judge what is right for Soldat? And what was it the guys who moaned about the new version, and the ones that wanting a editor did?
I am not doing anything you have not done..
Also this Aquarius say "Omg hardly 5% will use it", true.. But as I said the GOOD SERVERS will.. I do not know what kind of bull ass n00bie servers he play on, but I play on selfkill servers, and other servers rented by clans, and I am quite sure these will be modified. Perhaps that IS the 5% you were talking about, but those 5% is ALL that affect me, as I usually only use about 4 or 5 different servers.
KeFear, you are not the only one who does not like this a bad idea which we do not need.
January 10, 2005, 11:15 pm
ROTFL. IMO Selfkill servers are bull ass n00bie servers.
Most "GOOD SERVERS" use standard maps (+some good custom maps), the most popular mode (CTF) and quite standard settings. Is there *any* reason to think that the admins will behave differently in this case? IMO - no. But let's wait and see.
January 10, 2005, 11:32 pm
Cold Fusion i like ur balance except:
1 - ussocom too low (185 i think is good)
2 - Minimi too low (90 i think is good)
Cold Fusion
January 10, 2005, 11:43 pm
Aye, those were the ones that I said thought to be changed slightly. :)
I'll upload some slightly changed ones tomorrow, in the mean time you can alter them and see what difference it makes.
January 10, 2005, 11:54 pm
oh yeah i didnt see that. With those modifications i think it will be a great balance. :)
January 11, 2005, 12:45 am
finally some people acting sensibly, thanks Taxi :)
The Geologist
January 11, 2005, 1:02 am
Domo arigato gozaimasu! I look forward to trying this out.
January 11, 2005, 2:11 am
hoo rah!! ty michal!! p433r the EVEN MORE POWERFUL BARRET ^__^
January 11, 2005, 6:01 am
Perfect settings:
// :: Weapon mod : default settings by Michal Marcinkowski
// Weapon damage file works only if the server is passworded.
// The values are not relevant, experiment to see how they work (use poor mr. dummy bot for example).
[Desert Eagles]
[HK MP5]
[Steyr AUG]
[Ruger 77]
[Barret M82A1]
[FN Minimi]
[XM214 Minigun]
[Rambo Bow]
[Flamed Arrows]
[Combat Knife]
[M72 LAW]
[Stationary Gun]
January 11, 2005, 6:22 am
Yay, we have more of soldat to
[IMAGE] around with now!
To all of you who think that the big bad weapons editor will destroy the community... go look at the lobby, you'll notice that NONE of the servers have custom weapons.
Hercule Poirot
January 11, 2005, 6:33 am
YAY! thx for ruining game :<
to frogboy just wait... and there will be all kinda n00b servers kill on 1 hit miniguns and so on -.-
that fuking sniper
January 11, 2005, 6:40 am
I'm pretty sure that most big servers will keep the defaults. However, I also think there are some admins with good ideas for funner mods that would even surpass the defaults. Some might even make things work as they *should* but *aren't* right now. Take grenades for example. They *should* always kill with 1 nade per hit, but they *dont* right now. Am I the only one sick of flinging a goddamn explosive at another guy and having him live? Grenades are, in my opinion, very underpowered, especially considering the way I enjoyed them when they did kill in 1 hit, several versions earlier. I'm sure we will see some pretty decent, balanced mods out there, and I'm also sure we will see some crazy ones. All in the name of fun. If an admin abuses the weapon balance, and completely riggs one of his favourites (Can anyone say '[Steyr AUG] Damage=15000'?), I'm positive that people will just stop coming to play in his/her server, forcing that admin to drop the half-arsed crap mod. But think about it, instagib mods in Soldat, rugers shooting bullets with the power of a barret's, resembling the instagib mod in UT series :P
January 11, 2005, 7:42 am
quote:Originally posted by that fuking sniperI'm pretty sure that most big servers will keep the defaults. However, I also think there are some admins with good ideas for funner mods that would even surpass the defaults. Some might even make things work as they *should* but *aren't* right now. Take grenades for example. They *should* always kill with 1 nade per hit, but they *dont* right now. Am I the only one sick of flinging a goddamn explosive at another guy and having him live? Grenades are, in my opinion, very underpowered, especially considering the way I enjoyed them when they did kill in 1 hit, several versions earlier. I'm sure we will see some pretty decent, balanced mods out there, and I'm also sure we will see some crazy ones. All in the name of fun. If an admin abuses the weapon balance, and completely riggs one of his favourites (Can anyone say '[Steyr AUG] Damage=15000'?), I'm positive that people will just stop coming to play in his/her server, forcing that admin to drop the half-arsed crap mod. But think about it, instagib mods in Soldat, rugers shooting bullets with the power of a barret's, resembling the instagib mod in UT series :P
Finally someone with balls and common sense.
Hektik Sniper
January 11, 2005, 7:53 am
herc, that doesnt matter anyway because they have to be passworded. And when do any of you even play on n00bs servers? you all stick on the same clan ones from selfkill and the like.
January 11, 2005, 8:01 am
quote:Originally posted by Hercule Poirotto frogboy just wait... and there will be all kinda n00b servers kill on 1 hit miniguns and so on -.-
You honestly think a n00b will be able to sort out the soldat.ini and get it working in the first place? Or for that matter, download the ini changer?
January 11, 2005, 10:49 am
quote:Originally posted by Hektik SniperAnd when do any of you even play on n00bs servers? you all stick on the same clan ones from selfkill and the like.
Hey, you could hear something interesting here:
quote:Originally posted by AquariusROTFL. IMO Selfkill servers are bull ass n00bie servers.
So now what the heck?!
One another thing: Why do people think, that "noobs" are freakin retards who can't use the computer, or can't even read or something?! They are - usually - normal people, who are not so good at playing soldat at the moment.
January 11, 2005, 11:18 am
Im sorry Amigo, but those setting are ridiculous. USSOCOM is more useful than deagles, mp5 and ak are useless in combat, spaz is overpowered. If this is the type of new setting we are gonna see in servers you will see lots of whoring. Check for example Cold Fusion tweaks, which are moderate and still affect alot the gameplay.
Michal Marcinkowski
January 11, 2005, 12:54 pm
Hahaha, now you have my troubles ;). Remember not to make weapons useless by underpowering them.
January 11, 2005, 1:03 pm
Lol Amigo. U changed too much some weapons. Look to Cold Fusion balance.
Michal Marcinkowski
January 11, 2005, 1:20 pm
Some people requested this so here it is. Weapon damage settings from different Soldat versions -
All 1.1.x settings were the same as in 1.1.5. I don't have settings earlier than 1.0.5b, unless someone is interested in version 0.8.8a ;).
Of course applying these settings won't give the same gameplay as in those versions because some other stuff changed also like bullet speed, hit points damage ratio etc.. The interesting thing is that Barret settings have not changed since 1.0.3b (1.0.2b it was an experimental 2 hit kill weapon if I remember).
January 11, 2005, 1:38 pm
No problems anymore. Let's use 1.2.0 settings, they were perfect.
January 11, 2005, 1:39 pm
1.1.5 settings was good. Let's use them! :Q
January 11, 2005, 1:56 pm
Let's use the 1.2.1 settings. It is good i think. ;)
January 11, 2005, 1:59 pm
1.2.1 settings are the worst. We should use 1.1.5 or 1.1.3 settings.
January 11, 2005, 2:02 pm
We can use both!
*slaps all three of you*
Deleted User
January 11, 2005, 2:32 pm
quote:Originally posted by Michal MarcinkowskiHahaha, now you have my troubles ;). Remember not to make weapons useless by underpowering them.
God damn, Michal must be laughing his ass off at us now. Can't blame him though. We're all in the same boat and none of us can decide on which cork to plug the hole with.
January 11, 2005, 2:59 pm
You can't just use the damage set from 1.1.5, because it will not be the same balance as in 1.1.5. A lot other factors has changed - bullet speed, reload, damage of body parts, ricochet, bink, fixed bug in Barret aim etc... it is not possible to bring it back.
January 11, 2005, 3:01 pm
Hmm, I still think this is
[IMAGE]ed up.. I think removing bink effect would make the majority happy?
Before Bink the people that used auto's whined about Barret, now with bink the people that use M79, Ruger and Barret whine about auto's.. It was not till bink effect was introduced, people started thinking of a editor.. Just remove it! (Not that I use M79, Ruger or Barret).
January 11, 2005, 3:30 pm
hahaha...yea I now get it what MM feels.
January 11, 2005, 3:41 pm
Remove bink and the world will be a better place to live on!
bink is the source of all evil.. :(
January 11, 2005, 4:27 pm
Frag at least try a server with the weapon settings that Cold_Fusion has been working on. Untill then don't comment on how
[IMAGE]ed up it is, ok?
January 11, 2005, 4:53 pm
Actually I do not care about the server, leagues or the game, right now atleast. What I am against is that the whiners AGAIN got their way.. Hurrah! So now it is my turn.. I want a server version where one would be able to DISABLE or ENABLE bink as one see fit.. You guys think the "overpowered" auto's ruined the game, well others think it was bink that did it. A server where you can disable bink effect, that is no worse than a server version where you can edit weapon values.
Oh yes, and while we are at the editing, why not make it so one can edit the speed a gun shoots with? Or how long it takes to reload? How far the bullets fly? Hell! Even how much jetpack you have for standards!?
January 11, 2005, 4:58 pm
BINK IS EVEN MORE GAY THAN COWS. autos causing bink are more overpowered than barret
January 11, 2005, 5:02 pm
OMG .. It is finally here... We're all doomed.. DOOMED I TELL YOU!
quote:Oh yes, and while we are at the editing, why not make it so one can edit the speed a gun shoots with? Or how long it takes to reload? How far the bullets fly? Hell! Even how much jetpack you have for standards!?
.. Good thinking fragman ;O
January 11, 2005, 5:14 pm
frag, it's fine to take a stand point against "whiners" but, as you are in the minority willing to quit to prove a point then I'm sure you wont get very far. As for jetpack editor, there is one in the map editor :o)
When did "whiners" get their way before? Barret? IIRC it can still be used as one-hit-kill. Also, even though my fav weapon is steyr I can still see that the weapons are unbalanced, I don't think its a matter of them being overpowered, but ALL weapons killing to quickly (excluding the obvious from this: barret and m79 as they have to 1-hit-kill), so if you lower the damage of all slightly, then mentally you feel as though the weapons arent overpowered. As for bink ... I never see any problem with it :oD
Also, I remember TFS posting about nades, I think too that they should kill with one nade, I mean afterall, grenades are meant to spray metal shrapnel at you when they explode :oD
January 11, 2005, 5:23 pm
I am not going to quit because I am trying to prove a point, if I quit it will be because this
[IMAGE] it no fun. And yes, they did get their way with the Barret. Also I am not trying to get bink completely removed, I just know that bink bothers some people, so if you can get a server version where you are able to edit weapon values, why not just add the posibility of disabling Bink? It is only fair..
January 11, 2005, 5:29 pm
quote:Originally posted by FragBaitI am not going to quit because I am trying to prove a point, if I quit it will be because this
[IMAGE] it no fun. And yes, they did get their way with the Barret. Also I am not trying to get bink completely removed, I just know that bink bothers some people, so if you can get a server version where you are able to edit weapon values, why not just add the posibility of disabling Bink? It is only fair..
Didn't you say here:
quote:Actually I do not care about the server, leagues or the game, right now atleast. What I am against is that the whiners AGAIN got their way.. Hurrah!
that you are not against the editor but instead the whiners? Now you say you will quit because it's not fun? Make up your mind which one you are against :oD
Cold Fusion
January 11, 2005, 5:30 pm
I don't know what you're complaining about Frag...
"If people like the idea and use it in a meaningful manner I will add full weapons editing functionality (changing most of the weapons settings, not only damage)."
That would include the bink effect.
January 11, 2005, 6:07 pm
" yeh, but maybe once a set that everyone likes is found, michal can incorporate them into the new version ... without the need for an editor".
I think, as flab said above, this would be the better way for all. We found a good balance (fair one, not best for our weapon) and Michal release it in the new version without that editors.
January 11, 2005, 6:12 pm
Yes, that would be the point. But if anyone could change the weapon damages, that would be a bit.. chaotic.
Deleted User
January 11, 2005, 6:55 pm
quote:Originally posted by frogboyquote:Originally posted by Hercule Poirotto frogboy just wait... and there will be all kinda n00b servers kill on 1 hit miniguns and so on -.-
You honestly think a n00b will be able to sort out the soldat.ini and get it working in the first place? Or for that matter, download the ini changer?
Huh? I always used the notepad.
January 11, 2005, 7:56 pm
flab flab.. The only post in which I said I might quit, was the first one I wrote on this subject. Of course I would quit the game if it was no fun, it has always been like that, as I am not going to play a game which I do not enjoy :P
And CF, I am complaining about a minority of whiners getting their will. First it was the Barret which was changed a lot, and now you got this editor.
So, I decided that if other people can do it so can I. Therefore I want another server version, which has both the Editor, but also give people the posibility to disable Bink Effect.
Right now I am doing certain stuff, to get others to back up this idea. You have already seen CbbLe, Ymies and Palloco, all saying they do not like Bink Effect either (Well, palloco just said I was not a minority, but I count that as one) :D.
All I want is things to be fair, now you got your way, got a piece of your mind into the game, now I want the same. Also I do not think my suggestion is totally
[IMAGE]ed up, as I believe many would like to disable Bink Effect. It is both a test to see if I can actually get my will, and also I think it would be a nice feature, just like you are able to disable Stationary Gun.
January 11, 2005, 8:45 pm
You can count me in those who are against bink. At least for the posibility to disable it.
And remember: Not every soldat player posts here, in this forum. There are many people out there who just play soldat for fun. You couldn't tell if they like this idea or not. maybe you all here are minority against them. So think of that.. think of the unforseen consiquences this weapon editor can cause.
January 11, 2005, 9:15 pm
Dont count me neither in favor or against bink. I still never gave my oppinion about it cuz I do not consider it as something that had really affected the game.
January 12, 2005, 12:07 am
I think bink is good to avoid too many barrets. Now the problem is too powerfull autos, that i think is easy to resolve with the balance made by Cold Fusion.
With that we would have balanced games. Not too many barrets and not too much power in autos.
January 12, 2005, 12:49 am
quote:Originally posted by Ville Mk.2quote:Originally posted by frogboyquote:Originally posted by Hercule Poirotto frogboy just wait... and there will be all kinda n00b servers kill on 1 hit miniguns and so on -.-
You honestly think a n00b will be able to sort out the soldat.ini and get it working in the first place? Or for that matter, download the ini changer?
Huh? I always used the notepad.
Yeah, I phrased that badly... what I meant was, if a n00b would be able to edit the soldat.ini or download an ini changer to edit it.
Hercule Poirot
January 12, 2005, 6:47 am
i say make it to option on next soldat version bink off/on & that medkit stealing off/on imho those are worst changes on 1.2.1 +ak is too powerfull that's why i dont use it anymore :Q
and about these weapon power settings no one i mean NO ONE! can make those setting that every likes them :<
i would change only knife power more up that it kills on one throw hit usually you have little health left after you get hitted and make ak less powerfull and minimi too aaaand perhaps add more power to nades thats all now someone starts crying ak is too sucky bla bla bla well i don't care infact all you ppl go and nerf those guns and spoil everybodys fun and kill this game i dont care!
btw how i can find out if server has modified weapon settings looking on lobby :Q
January 12, 2005, 8:47 am
Herc, severs with modified weapons have "(WM)" prefix in the name.
January 12, 2005, 10:01 am
I do wish people would actually help out and try the weapon settings, rather than moan and then say they dont like them when we [think we] have found a decent balance.
January 12, 2005, 10:09 am
Ok. you found. good. So Michal can close the weapon editing.
January 12, 2005, 10:38 am
Why some people think that the weapon editor is only to change the weapon balance to fit their own weapon preferences?
It will be a great tool for mod creators to make completely new weapons, but only if MM will make the editor more powerfull. However, even with this limited weapon editor it's possible to make some mods, for example InstaGib. This is positive.
There are 1-3 (WM) servers, it doesn't affect standard Soldat at all. Now we all can see that the Weapon Editor is not dangerous!!!
January 12, 2005, 10:45 am
KeFear, you are one of the people I was referring to. It will probably take alot longer than a couple of days to find a good balance and test it in cws. You probably havent tried the settings ColdFusion posted on here yesterday :o)
Aquarius, read my post again "I do wish people would actually help out and try the weapon settings", I'm asking so exactly what you said doesn't happen!
January 12, 2005, 10:59 am
I think a *perfect* weapon balance is not possible, because it depends on game situation, tactic, map, game mode, number of players etc... I want the weapon editor for interesting mods with new weapons, not for some impossible, theoretical perfect balance.
January 12, 2005, 11:23 am
Of course it wont be perfect, but nothing can ever be perfect.
January 12, 2005, 11:32 am
Well what do you know, i did try it. I try some other settings too. And i still think that the ballance should not be able to change this way.
I aggree, that this is a great feature for mod makers, but than make it as .. like in half life, where you could get the whole mod and only play with that. So either give a full weapon/mod editor, or cancel this weapon modding.
EDIT: and one thing: your search for the "perfect weapon balance" is just a dead thing. You won't ever find a balance, that every player like. There is no such thing. there will always be people who gain benefits from each weapon balance, while others will suffer the negative sideeffects.
January 12, 2005, 11:59 am
quote:I aggree, that this is a great feature for mod makers, but than make it as .. like in half life, where you could get the whole mod and only play with that. So either give a full weapon/mod editor, or cancel this weapon modding.
As we can see already by looking at the lobby, it is not dangerous for Soldat and it won't affect the *standard* Soldat at all. But even the existing very simple weapon editor let people who want this to play *a bit* more balanced Soldat (yes, autos ARE to strong in 1.2.1), to test various settings and to make some very simple mods, like InstaGib. This is a choice, nothing obligatory. And the possibility of choice is good. So why remove this? If you don't like it, don't use it! I'm waiting for more advanced weapon editor, I hope it will come.
January 12, 2005, 12:25 pm
Oh well.. i said remove it, if there won't be a more advanced editor (which includes mods too or something)
And by the way, all you people were crying about barret, "Nerf barret", "Barret is overpowered", but after 1.2.1, the people were crying about autos: "Nerf the autos", "Autos are overpowered!", "Remove bink", and such. So what the heck? Finally we got a version where barret is not the most overpowered weapon, auto guns can defeat it now in face to face combat.
I don't see any sense in you people...
Besides, if there was a PERFECT weapon balance, you all people would cry then too. You would find reasons for that, i'm sure. If you want to play "balanced", remove every weapon but one, than noone can complain.
January 12, 2005, 1:09 pm
I fear this weapon editor was released in an too early stage. At the moment, you don't have to register your server to the lobby, and noone knows wether your server has modified weapon damage or not.
This will probably lead to quite some abuse for clanwars I fear :(, Even though I'm all up for the editor idea, I think that there should be the ability to get more info about the server when in it. (eg: extra menu tab with server info, name max players extra info weapon damages and other modified stuff, etc...)
January 12, 2005, 1:36 pm
quote:Originally posted by DenackeI fear this weapon editor was released in an too early stage. At the moment, you don't have to register your server to the lobby, and noone knows wether your server has modified weapon damage or not.
No need to fear. When you join a server with a weapon mod there is a message on top that the server uses modified weapons.
January 12, 2005, 1:49 pm
Ah sorry, I guess I should have tested the server out first ^^
January 12, 2005, 2:11 pm
quote:Originally posted by KeFear
EDIT: and one thing: your search for the "perfect weapon balance" is just a dead thing. You won't ever find a balance, that every player like. There is no such thing. there will always be people who gain benefits from each weapon balance, while others will suffer the negative sideeffects.
lol? do you not read my posts? firstly i said decent not perfect. secondly i said "Of course it wont be perfect, but nothing can ever be perfect."
EDIT: sorry, you probably wern't referring to me but to Aquarius ( i apologise)
January 12, 2005, 2:46 pm
I just think that this is not a good idea because if u want to make the game real, as i said before, where do u have the same weapon with different damage ? :|
And off course some clans will abuse of the weapon editor, w8 and see.
January 12, 2005, 2:58 pm
How ? They put the weapons at their taste, and if they change slightly u dont even notice.
January 12, 2005, 3:37 pm
I deleted the question... oh well:
quote:Originally posted by Taxistaquote:Originally posted by Aquariusquote:Originally posted by TaxistaAnd off course some clans will abuse of the weapon editorHow?How ? They put the weapons at their taste, and if they change slightly u dont even notice.
Could you at least check how it works before you say something? It is NOT possible, because when you join the server there is a clear information in the player console that the weapons are changed. Of course it means that all clanwars will have to be played on standard Soldat balance.
January 12, 2005, 3:38 pm
if you dont notice it what is the problem?
January 12, 2005, 3:42 pm
yeah Aquarius i know. but does that information contain all weapon damages besides that they are changed ? no isnt it ? So u dont know what they have done to the balance, u have to ask for the weapons.ini that is easy to change.
January 12, 2005, 3:45 pm
What for? Don't play clanwars on moded servers.
January 12, 2005, 3:48 pm
I think these was released to make official games betters as Michal said. And now u say to dont play cws in moded server. So whats that for ? to make new mods only ? :|
January 12, 2005, 3:56 pm
quote:I think these was released to make official games betters as Michal said.
??? Could you find the quote? About dedicated 2.2.4 Michal said: "this is released for testing purposes".
Maybe in the future it will have some option to compare client-server settings? But in my opinion it's better to have all official clanwars on standard weapon balance. I think that if he will make a real weapon editor, it should be used for game mods played for fun, not for 43097414 different weapon balances of 43097414 Soldat clans.
January 12, 2005, 4:04 pm
quote:This server improvement is mostly done for leagues, to spice them up a bit.
Has u see.. And i think that in official wars the balance is more important than in a fun game.
January 12, 2005, 4:11 pm
OK, and here is another quote I alread quoted:
quote:this is released for testing purposes
January 12, 2005, 4:18 pm
Okay, so this is all confused :D On one hand there is the "spice up leagues" and on the other hand it says "for testing purposes only".
So now what? :D
January 12, 2005, 4:36 pm
Whatever you do with these values, you can never please everyone, neither could Michal.. Firs the Barret was overpowered, and then it was the auto's. I do not think AK was too powerful, and as far as I know, Minimi was not even changed?
The reason auto's became some powerfull against M79, Barret and Ruger, was because of the Bink Effect.
Also, I have no tried a couple of different settings, and none of them beat the original settings. Whatever value you set (while still being realistic, not totally underpowering the auto's), auto's will have an advantage over "bink-weapons". I see no need for editing the weapons, that is if you were able to remove/disable bink.
January 12, 2005, 4:59 pm
Allright. Look in the suggestions section, i made something for you, how i could imageine the weapon editor. I hope you will like it.
Cold Fusion
January 12, 2005, 5:11 pm
quote:Originally posted by Michal MarcinkowskiDisplaying weapon statistics also can't be done yet until I release a new game version. Now I might force the server to spit out the settings through the console if it will be really necessary (like through a command or sth.).
Alternatively, I suppose you could just take an md5 hash or something of the weapons.ini and then print that on the server. Would work fine for making sure league servers are the same. :)
January 12, 2005, 6:55 pm
Yeah with that we wouldnt have any problem to play in modified servers in leagues.
January 13, 2005, 9:30 pm
Aquarius, with every post you make you sound more idiotic.
"So far only 1-3 servers" "It is not dangerous" "Make editor more powerful" Yes yes, Aha..
When did anyone say this editor was dangerous? Also this has been out for.. 4 days now? You would not be able to tell anything from that. ALSO, as long as the new server version is for TESTING PURPOSE ONLY (As written on soldat.pl), none of the "server companies" will use it, and actually only n00bs play on "private servers" (When saying "n00bs" I mean NEW people, who does not yet know of leagues and "professionally" dedicated servers. I do not mean mean people who are "stupid", and can not work a computer) If this was a final server version, you would see MANY more (WM) servers.
What annoys me most, is that you act like you know much better than anyone else, and this make me think "wow, this is a new guy, he can not have been into this game for very long, it shows because he tries to make people look up to him, by sounding and acting like he know everything, and that he is better than all of us"
Arrogant, you might say..
(This is not meant as bashing, just a little critisism - It will not kill you.)
January 13, 2005, 10:28 pm
IMO *your* previous post ("Also this Aquarius say "Omg hardly 5% will use it", true.. But as I said the GOOD SERVERS will.. I do not know what kind of bull ass n00bie servers he play on") is very arrogant. You seem to be annoyed, because someone who is not a n00b actually loves the idea of weapon editor and have some real arguments.
quote:When did anyone say this editor was dangerous?
Use search if you can't find it.
quote:Also this has been out for.. 4 days now?
Advance mode was popular for how long... 4 days?
quote:What annoys me most, is that you act like you know much better than anyone else
Omnipotent FragBait said: "the GOOD SERVERS will" (use the game mods). Anyone who doesn't agree is arrogant.
January 15, 2005, 10:02 am
bleh, I wouldve tested some weapon balancing changes,but unfortunately, 2.2.4 is seriously bugged (see Server Corps sticky) >.>
Michal Marcinkowski
January 15, 2005, 11:52 am
If anyone is experiencing problems with version 2.2.4 that weren't in previous versions please report them in Server Corps (http://www.soldatforums.com/topic.asp?topic_id=20170).
January 15, 2005, 4:21 pm
I think this would scare of a lot of new players.. I had a talk with a friend of mine, and he had this to say:
-17:05:02- (@derf-) because for a beginner
-17:05:08- (@derf-) the game would be totally different
-17:05:13- (@derf-) everytime he joins a server
-17:05:41- (@derf-) with weap editor and bink and everything else
-17:05:46- (@derf-) i would like one standard
If I were a new player, trying out Soldat, I would get scared off by the differences there would be on each server. I would go "
[IMAGE] this is weird" and POW the game would be uninstalled.
January 15, 2005, 4:40 pm
quote:Originally posted by FragBaitI think this would scare of a lot of new players.. I had a talk with a friend of mine, and he had this to say:
-17:05:02- (@derf-) because for a beginner
-17:05:08- (@derf-) the game would be totally different
-17:05:13- (@derf-) everytime he joins a server
-17:05:41- (@derf-) with weap editor and bink and everything else
-17:05:46- (@derf-) i would like one standard
If I were a new player, trying out Soldat, I would get scared off by the differences there would be on each server. I would go "
[IMAGE] this is weird" and POW the game would be uninstalled.
Michal, keep the password protection for mods in the future - problem solved.
January 15, 2005, 4:46 pm
Remove the bink from all weapons other than barret.
January 15, 2005, 4:58 pm
I dont get. Why do u guys want to change weapons damage and that stuff ?
With some good balance why is that need for ? :| and frag and derf said important things.
January 15, 2005, 10:13 pm
"Keep password on (WM) servers?", and keep what some say is a "great thing for soldat" from the new players? Why make it then if only to satisfy your own needs?!
Face it, editing weapons is not very userfriendly for new people.. All games/servers should run EXACTLY the same settings.
On the other hand, removal of Bink Effect would just be as playing on a server which has Stationary Gun removed, rather than playing a server that has it enabled.
My idea is that everyone can choose for themselves which weapon they want to have bink. So they can set bink on every weapon if they like, or remove it totally. Or even just set Bink Effect on Barret, which is a good idea in my opinion.
January 15, 2005, 11:20 pm
AboutWE powerfull.
This needs :
1. Damage looks like = Percent damage of health
2. Ammo reloading, shot reloading time
3. Balistics (on of the most important parameters)
4. Ammo type (like grenade, rocket, bullet)
5. Zooming (Steyr AUG has an optical sight apropos);)
6. Pattern Scatter (mp5 has +5 -5 angle)
7. Bullets per shot (shotguns)
8. Hit explosion (M79 grenade NO explosion on hit, expl.bullets) :))
Just modding...
January 17, 2005, 3:00 pm
I have no problem with bink, i use barret and m79 occasionally, and if bink affects them i compensate with my secondary. stop whingeing. as of r the autos, i think the ak is the only overpowered one, the others are pretty much ok. if you were gonna use theis weapon editor for a league or something like that, then have a standard weapon.ini file for the whole league, and allow the ini to be distributed to all involved so they can get used to the settings. i don't see why people are getting so worried about modded weapons. if you dont like the mod, simply DONT USE THE SERVER
You Got KIlled
January 17, 2005, 6:07 pm
This is a piece of *censored* the moment I installed it my animations go haywire and won't let me play Soldat. So naturally I Uninstall and now it's giving me an invalid soldat.ini ... Tell wth is going on please
January 17, 2005, 7:26 pm
You Got KIlled - Post in the help/bugs section, someone will help you there,
January 17, 2005, 10:49 pm
[SERVER MESSAGE] Dedicated possible cheat from [SaD]derf
[SaD]derf has been voted to leave the game
Why? :)
January 18, 2005, 3:23 pm
next step: michal gives us the source code, we change the game, ppl will think ow thats awesome now i gotta register...and the big and mighty M gets the money... sumthing wrong in there...
January 18, 2005, 8:48 pm
quote:Originally posted by Rhombusnext step: michal gives us the source code, we change the game, ppl will think ow thats awesome now i gotta register...and the big and mighty M gets the money... sumthing wrong in there...
You, sir, are a big ****ing idiot.
January 20, 2005, 6:50 pm
quote:Originally posted by You Got KIlledThis is a piece of *censored* the moment I installed it my animations go haywire and won't let me play Soldat. So naturally I Uninstall and now it's giving me an invalid soldat.ini ... Tell wth is going on please
Rofl, I can't imagine you even bothered to install Soldat server in your soldat client folder.
Haha *whipes a tear* Gotta love this world
January 20, 2005, 9:44 pm
one big problem if found with the new server is that is banns everyone for cheating, even the admins :|
that is really a problem.
and it crashes really a lot more than 2.2.1. never lasts longer than one our. most of the time I cant even play for the first 20 minutes.
now this is all negative comments. off course i am very happy that you released a new soldatserver version, and i am really happy with al the improvements you made!
ps. i run soldatserver 2.2.4 dedicated on linux.
January 27, 2005, 9:11 pm
everytime i leave you come out with something big. perhaps i should download soldat...
Teh Panda
January 28, 2005, 3:15 pm
Haha. You are dirty. You were banned! ;p.
(And if ppl dont catch it, it was a joke)
February 2, 2005, 1:33 pm
good, this means we dont need the weapon editor. ever.
February 10, 2005, 6:45 pm
i am a daily player of soldat. and i realize this has been said alot,but i enjoy soldat. i also enjoy it enough to play it on alot of my spare time. i feel that michal has done an excellent job in make a fun and exciting game. i also agree and disagree with alot that is/has been said, but i feel that instead of complaining, try out Soldat unregistered, with no mods, and see how much time you spend playing, if you do not like it, then soldat is not for you, i really enjoy soldat. and i cannot emphisise the fact that soldat is a really great game for what you payfor/download. i am a registered player, and i feel that the ones turning this game upside down, is you the other dedicated players. michal tryed to please to many of you, and got the cold shoulder on occations, but he is game creator, and he wanted input, but in stead of getting input, you ahve all jsut made life a little harder for him. he realsed new dedicated server for the purposes of trying to let the community in on it's development, and you all reply with outtragous comments of end of soldat, and stuff of that manner.
i am not a one sided man, and i realize that soldat is not perfect, but the changes made, are made in a manner to try and please everyone. i play registered, with no custom interfaces, and i have fun, thats all soldat was meant for, plz, quit making life hard for michal.
Thank you for your time
imagine if Michal stopped trying to read all the complaints about soldat on here, he might have enough time for a new version.
February 20, 2005, 1:00 pm
Oh man!
If it wasn't passworded, wouldn't it be fun to see noobs running around and saying haxx0r! whenever they shoot u with a minigun and see that no damage is cause?
February 20, 2005, 6:44 pm
wow gj michal for this and thx a lot ;)
April 20, 2005, 10:11 pm
This could also be used to make the game more realistic, without the need for realistic mode. I mean, who can survive three AUG shots to the head in real life, let alone one? Plus, getting barretted in the legs would hurt a lot, but probably not kill you immediately.
Deleted User
April 22, 2005, 6:56 am
That ought to be a good idea, but don't let it take over..
Keron Cyst
April 22, 2005, 3:20 pm
[quote]Originally posted by Loltor... getting barretted in the legs would hurt a lot, but probably not kill you immediately./quote]
Dude, the Barret M82A1 was designed for tanks. It'd rip a soldat's legs right off, so he might as well die in such a battlefield as a Soldat map :|
Deleted User
July 9, 2005, 6:01 am
KeronCyst is a nonchalant (Please refrain from swearing)
July 31, 2005, 4:17 pm
The answer is quite simple. Just add a "no mods" box to the Filter. Right? Bam!
It would be neat to have a program like the Map Maker for modding. A nice, easy-to-use graphical interface, and the ability to change whether the weapon is close range, long range, the amount of ammo it has, shooting speed, damage, bullet type and speed... you get the idea.
You mught want to add a bunch of bullet types while you're at it for people to play with; a grapple hook could use the physics engine you've already got to add a new level of gameplay. Stuff like that.
Deleted User
July 31, 2005, 5:42 pm
Hey, do not bump old topics, m'kay?
Deleted User
August 1, 2005, 2:36 am
Zippo,at least his post is giving something,unlike yours.He's actually giving a good idea.
There SHOULD be a no mod box in the filter..
August 1, 2005, 3:37 pm
quote:Originally posted by mooseproduceThe answer is quite simple. Just add a "no mods" box to the Filter.
August 1, 2005, 4:52 pm
couldn't of said it better myself