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SPW is the recruitx0r
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Clan Recruitment
January 20, 2003, 7:36 am
Speedwagon Foundation needs at least one new member. We are currently active in the CTF Mini league run by Spike, which requires at least 3 players per team. We have 3 members, and one of them is stricken with computer problems. So recruiting.
Our record in the league doesn't look good, but we've lost to the best (bt and S:S).

- Good internet connection, pref. North America for ping compatibility purposes.
- Firm grasp of the english language. Most people seem to lack that one.
- If you don't own on most public servers, don't bother.

We don't need any particular weapon or position, although we feel like we have defensive sniper and offensive m79 pretty well locked down.
I'd prefer if you got in touch with me on MSN Messenger (mirunum@hotmail.com) to arrange tryouts, but you may email me at that address if you don't have messenger.

EDIT: Wanted to add that being in SPW isn't something that takes a whole lot of time. We practice maybe once every other day, and it's a pretty casual thing overall. So if you're a good free agent (*cough*Abortion*cough) don't be scared of commitment.