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i dream of flying!
Soldat Forums - Misc - The Lounge
January 11, 2005, 2:43 am
Sometimes, I dream about flying. It's my favorite type of dream, because it feels like reality, and it feels as if i were awake, I could actually fly.

In my dream, it's not effortless flight, i do have to think about taking off to fly. How do i take off? I jump, but my jumps are very strange because I get a lot of time in the air, so allowing me to "fly" through the air.

This kinda resembles soldat's jetpacks from the shoes in a way because it always feels like the power is coming from my shoes when i jump.

anyone have soldat related dreams?

January 11, 2005, 3:02 am
eh when I was 5 years old I used to dream about falling of a building every night :o it was pretty scary, is that related to soldat?

January 11, 2005, 3:13 am
to hell with j00 3V1L P3NTIUM D3M0N!`

January 11, 2005, 3:26 am
quote:Originally posted by m00`eh when I was 5 years old I used to dream about falling of a building every night :o it was pretty scary, is that related to soldat?

Ahahah, I had the same case when I was younger. I constantly kept dreaming that I was falling off of something very high up in the sky, and right before I'd hit the ground, I'd wake up. It bothered me for a whle.

January 11, 2005, 4:01 am
I had a dream that i went to school and when it got to lunch time i was naked. or maybe that happended... one of the two

Deleted User
January 11, 2005, 4:07 am
I don't need to dream of flying, I've done it. My dreams are different. I dream of landing.

January 11, 2005, 4:16 am
My dreams resemble something out of an H. R. Geiger work, strange and disturbing. But they don't happen that often, so I sleep as much as I can to prompt them.

quote:Originally posted by AerialAssaultto hell with j00 3V1L P3NTIUM D3M0N!`

You're going down, you Athlon Arsehole!

January 11, 2005, 8:30 am
Short psychology lesson -

Dreaming of falling is a common phenomenon. Some people wake up right before impact, some don't. It is said that the latter are more likely to commit suicide.

Unlucky 13
January 11, 2005, 10:37 am
Uh-oh, keep me away from a knife then...

Meh, my dreams were with a dinosaur and I had to get past to get a drink, so I either shrivelled up (wierd?) or got eaten.

Soldat related, once, was when I jetted to school and killed a terrorist with my trusty Spas (looked like paper...), just after watching Toy Soldiers.

The Geologist
January 11, 2005, 11:19 am
quote:Originally posted by IDF-RIPstaShort psychology lesson -

Dreaming of falling is a common phenomenon. Some people wake up right before impact, some don't. It is said that the latter are more likely to commit suicide.

So, then it's bad that I once had a dream in which I did nothing but jump off buildings and hit the ground? And then I jumped over and over again...it got to be fun after a while. A lucid dream.

January 11, 2005, 12:47 pm
Obviously you weren't dead because you repeated the action...
I should have been more specific, if you jump, impact and die, then you are more likely to kill yourself in real life.

January 11, 2005, 1:18 pm
RIPsta, Geologist had a *lucid* dream, not a normal one. He chose to jump off buildings because he really wanted it.. consciously.
See here

Too bad I still can't get into them that good :/

The Geologist
January 11, 2005, 1:37 pm
lol, a bit of explaination is in order...that sounded wierd b00sta, as correct as it was ^_^

Imagine some of the first 3D graphics...really blocky, bad colors..kinda like that one Wierd Al video. Anyhow...this is what the world was like, and all the people and cars and whatever in it. And I was spawning, kinda like in Soldat..except each time I spawned it would be on a new building. Sometimes it'd be tall, sometimes it'd just be one story. Sometimes I jumped through glass windows. The wierdest part of it all was the intoxicating feeling that came over me right before I hit the ground...it's prolly what kept me doing it over and over again. That and the cool lik overhead view I saw of my ragoll body in the street before I stood up and brushed all the glass off. I love lucid dreaming when I can catch it.

January 11, 2005, 5:09 pm
Ha... I think someone should re-analyze that dream of yours. It really doesn't fit the usual "falling off high places" dream...

I guess that other rules apply to lucid dreams.
Nice input, B00sta. Funny how threads evolve.

January 11, 2005, 5:49 pm
I had a few lucid dreams when I was younger..I remember, because I had 3-4 in a row, all in 1 week...it was so beautiful...
..sometimes I dream I can't read, and I'm humiliated in front of a crowd.I also dream with Klingons, even though I never watched a star trek episode in my life O_O

January 11, 2005, 7:49 pm
Have you ever dreamt about being humiliated by Klingons?

Teh Panda
January 11, 2005, 8:50 pm
Omgxor... THERE's ME!!

Sorry i look too fluffy... I was sleeping by then..

January 11, 2005, 10:03 pm
I've had them falling dreams before.. I used to dream about demonic things when I was younger..before I had seen any evil-related films.. That was kind of scary.

January 12, 2005, 12:56 am
ah yes, lucid dreams. Those are a person's facorite because you get to control yourself in Fantasy World. Ever dream about being chased by someone and they finally caught you? Got those when I was 4.

Yes, you're a panda.

January 12, 2005, 1:08 am
sonic speed... heh racing past cars and crap... and hit that deviled pole...

January 12, 2005, 2:01 am
quote:Originally posted by aprilninetyEver dream about being chased by someone and they finally caught you?
Oh yes, those are the sexiest!

...Oh, you mean like a stalker?

January 12, 2005, 2:20 am
quote:Originally posted by m00`eh when I was 5 years old I used to dream about falling of a building every night :o it was pretty scary, is that related to soldat?

Haha I kept dreaming about falling from a bridge and like kazuki, right before i hit the ground i would wake up

January 12, 2005, 5:20 pm
real dream: i dream about freddy kruger eating human flesh.... and its like one whole story, but eventually, he eats human flesh, on a plate :/....

soldat related: i dremt i had to get my homework and it was a inf type game(flag was homework book)... and i died, then woke up, then played soldat :P