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A few of my suggestions
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
January 16, 2005, 5:37 am
A couple of things I would like to see in the next version:

--ocassionaly, I'll try to download a new map and soldat just freezes. if this could be fixed that would be great.

In Game:
--Just a thought of mine. Have a "fun" mode where you never have to reload. (maybe adjust the miniun accordingly). IT would just be like a rampage mode for fun. Please don't confuse this with shot frequency. The barret will still take 4 seconds to load and the minigun will still fire a bazillion shots a second.

--Make it so you can see who started the kick vote. Some servers already have that feature but make it game-wide.

--Also would it be possible to have a "status screen". You would press a button and you would be able to see who has how many kills and deaths and ping etc. mid battle.

Thats about it. tell me what you think.

January 16, 2005, 5:59 am
Hey not bad.. I love the status screen one.

Liquid Metal
January 16, 2005, 6:07 am
quote:Originally posted by sephirothson
--Also would it be possible to have a "status screen". You would press a button and you would be able to see who has how many kills and deaths and ping etc. mid battle.Uhh, F1?

Captain Ben
January 16, 2005, 10:21 am
okaaay... as liquid metal has put above me... PRESS F1
Technical: sometimes that happens so just exit and re-enter the server then everything should be going fine
as for your in game mode, "fun mode" i thinks that sounds pretty crappy
for example: the minimis and the other automatic weapons would be the only ones used... no room for anything else.
i'd like to give you a better reason but... yeah

January 16, 2005, 10:28 am
And the new dedicated server shows who called the vote.Yeah.

January 16, 2005, 4:45 pm
uh fun mode - since u said u don lave to reload M79 will fire like crazy!!!!!

stupid idea - but i like the Status Screen idea!!!

January 16, 2005, 8:57 pm
1. Heh, sh!t happens

2. No reload = instant shot with M79 and barret which would be completely stupid (especially barret)

3. That would be very great, it has been suggested, but it really needs to be implented.

4. The F1 button does that.

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