January 17, 2005, 1:16 pm
How about shutting down this section of the forums and opening it only 1-2 months before the release of a new version?
After a new version is released, leave it open for 1 month so people can suggest their improvements and close it again.
In short -
Open forum 1-2 months before the release of a new version
Leave forum open for 30 days after the release of a new version
Benefits of such actions:
- Less spamming of already suggested topics
- People will have more time to ponder whether their idea is good
- We will not have to look at so many useless topics
- We will be more motivated to think of new things and perfect them during the downtime
Please comment only if you've been around (on these forums) for at least 6 months...
January 17, 2005, 5:43 pm
Well I actually really like this idea... At least the idea that something should be done about it. Not necessarily your 'shutting down' suggestion but maybe make this section moderated like the help and Clan search sections. I don't want to annoy any mods who have to look at all the crap but ... well yeah :) Or maybe make posting topics moderated and replying itself not. ... Yes, that's a good idea.
January 17, 2005, 5:55 pm
Uh, i can delete all the crap straight out, rather than approving it and keeping the forum closed for specified period (bad idea imo).. that's not the problem. The only reason i don't is because this is a free forum. It's not like i can delete all the things i deem retarded. Unless Michal or Styx tell me to ;<
January 17, 2005, 6:37 pm
WEll.. lets make a vote for all new suggestions, and only keep which are good.
January 17, 2005, 7:39 pm
Voting would be too much of a logistic effort...
I still believe that the purpose of this section in the forums, is to give people the illusion that they can influence the game. If you support the illusion, why not make it more profound. Everybody will know that a new version will be released when this forum is open.
You will see more public participation and less repetitive topics. During that period of time, people will only be able to open that many "Add Vehicles" threads. How many already suggested threads can you open in two months?
You could also solve this problem with more active participation on behalf of the game-creator. If he were to reply once to an overdone topic, then you, Meandor, could simply lock the topic instantly and supply the thread-creator with a link to Michal's responses. To make the job easier on both Michal and you, simply create a document with all his responses to annoying topics, and post it on this forum.
Make it a requirement to read this document before posting, whoever doesn't, will have three strikes before being banned for a period that may vary. (Opening a thread of an overdiscussed topic = one strike)
Don't you just love dictatorships?
January 17, 2005, 9:26 pm
Oh yea.
One thing I like about this new suggestion forum is...Michal actually implements some stuff we post. Like bink, or richochet.
But come on, this is the best farming section of the forum EVER, shutting down newcomer's Matrix and Vehicle threads...
January 17, 2005, 10:05 pm
I don't think this is a good idea... We could miss out on some really great ideas.
I enjoy reading noobie posts anyway ^_^
January 18, 2005, 12:23 am
*Thinks the idea sounds ok by reading the first post*
*Reads the hole topic*
*Realises its a bad idea*
*Writes this reply*
We would miss a lot of suggestions...
Unlucky 13
January 18, 2005, 1:21 am
I would forget too much for suggestions, meh I can't remeber what I had for yesterdays breakfast...
In other words, you can't remeber something good for long.
I like the "Moderate before posting thread" idea better, just because of... uh, I forgot. Because it is... more... simple? I don't know...It isn't memory loss, it is not paying attention all the time.Uh no it isn't that either... for example, can you remember what colour shirt you wore to your first sleepover, without pictures?
It is that insignificant things don't stick. And Soldat isn't life so it is insignificant, ke?
January 18, 2005, 8:19 am
I realize that some of you might find stupid posts amusing, but that's not the point of this section.
If you want laughs and stupidity, you can frequent the Lounge and Bash Pit. I found those to be much more entertaining, also because this section has nothing good in it. The only good suggestion I've read since my return, was the one about Sticky Polys. One good suggestion in 2 months just doesn't cut it for me.
Also, if you feel you are turning senile, I suggest you visit a doctor and prescribe some medication. Being in the 20s with memory loss will guarantee your future as a plant.
mar77a, I know that you just completed basic education, but maybe try and be more specific instead of hunting stars with No / Yes replies...
I don't care about your "feelings", either you have a good explanation to why you don't support the idea, or keep quiet. The same goes for other naysayers with one sentence replies...
I say that nothing new has been suggested in months
I say that all topics repeat themselves 5 times every month
I say that there are too many posts of people who look to change the entire game
Too many posts equal an unfocused suggestions forum and clutter potentially good suggestions.
Naysayers, what is your defense?
Tha Doggfather
January 18, 2005, 1:40 pm
Problem is, nobody (not even Michal) knows when a next version comes out.
January 18, 2005, 3:08 pm
lol in short... funny guy, the part above that was short enuf for me.
January 18, 2005, 4:09 pm
Shouldn't this be in Forum News and Support?
even if you did shut it down the noobs would be worse after the version is released
January 18, 2005, 6:22 pm
Rhombus, it's not nice to make fun of people with disabilities. Some people on this forum have a hard time reading, let alone, understanding the combination of words that form a sentence...
January 18, 2005, 8:54 pm
Ripsta, if you only find one good suggestion here every 2 months, then you don't have to read this section (or maybe just visit once every 2 months ;) ). No one is forcing you to do so. Some people actually enjoy exploring ideas for new possibilities in Soldat, and the best ideas don't always come around the next version release. Good suggestions are not lost in the "clutter", If it is actually a good idea then people will reply frequently to it, and it might get implemented if MM feels the need to do so.
January 18, 2005, 11:49 pm
don like the idea - ppl will take more than a month to get used to the new game and also new problems r found all along and it takes more than a few months to figure them out...
January 19, 2005, 12:09 am
How about a new respectable player section on the forums. This section will be passworded and the only way to get the password would be to be referred to by at least 10 people to be a respectable player and not some noob. It will also make it so some jerk can't go around soldat just spamming the password in every server. This section of the forums will have the most respectable players in there and will be a priority 1 compared to the other sections (referring to the suggestion forum). Meaning the suggestions and comments on that section will be read and taken into consideration first before the suggestions on this forum. WHen something is said on this forum that the respectable players agree with they can merely create a linked topic or something.
January 19, 2005, 7:20 am
I like KK's idea.
Michal, I've suggested things that were implemented. That was before you even knew of these forums. I could list the contributions I made, but I bet that you have none to show in return. Does that put this section in perspective for you?
Almost nothing you suggest here is implemented. If I were to pull statistics, I would say that 1/50 ideas are considered, 1/100 are added.
This section is the most unsuccessful and the reason is because it is a mess with no active moderator. The ideas are bad.
If I were the game creator, I wouldn't even bother reading all the nonsense people post here. Keeping it the same way will help nobody.
Something has to be done.
zyxstand, if the problems in a new version are that bad, then you can rest assured that no one will need your topic here to remind them that something is not right. If it is bad and can be fixed, then we don't need you here. There is also a "Report Bugs" section where you are supposed to report things that affect the gameplay.
These forums are a clutter of bad ideas that will never make it.
No one has yet made a reasonable argument why this section should not be shut down.
January 19, 2005, 2:00 pm
Ripsta, you need to understand that just because you don't like the ideas, it does not mean that everyone else feels the same way. There are no good or bad ideas, it's just your personal opinion on whether it's suitable to Soldat. You don't control these forums, or the game, I don't either. MM may decide to implement anything he wants, it's not a democracy. When I heard that there was going to be a bullet time effect, I didn't really want it, but it turned out well. The bottom line is MM decides what is going to be in the game, and if he does put it in then he will do it right. By shutting down these forums we might lose some ideas that would inspire MM to make Soldat even better.
A "respectable" player section might be a good idea, but then again respectable players don't always have the best ideas. And it might be difficult to decide who is a respectable player, unless it is based on post count which dosn't really reflect a players respectability...
January 19, 2005, 3:07 pm
Listen Ripsta, read what Michal said. Also, i'm the moderator of this section, hadn't you noticed, and i'm not inactive. I'm simply not as elitist as you are. If you still don't like it, PM MM and tell him to check this topic.
January 19, 2005, 3:41 pm
quote:How about a new respectable player section on the forums. This section will be passworded and the only way to get the password would be to be referred to by at least 10 people to be a respectable player and not some noob.
Seems like you want to create a forum clique. It's a stinking elitism. If you want it, just create your own forum and invite whoever you want. It reminds me the
old idea of NightCabbage to create some panel for "veterans", which have a monopoly to decide which idea is good and which is not. You must know that Michal Marcinkowski rejected the idea already.
January 19, 2005, 6:25 pm
I see this forum as a place that all Soldat players can post ideas for MM to consider for inclusion in the next version. MM has never mentioned to me that the current format has unhelful or the signal to noise ratio was too low. I'm sure he'll consider all your ideas and if he wants it changed we'll do so.
Michal Marcinkowski
January 19, 2005, 8:28 pm
I use this forum as a box of ideas. There maybe 100 ideas and even if I use 1 it's a good purpose. I don't think making this forum closed for a time-period is a good idea. Maybe it's good for you but if a new Soldat player comes up with a great idea he would want to post it not knowing when a new version will be released. And I don't know when I will release a new version so if I open the forum 1 month before the release it's probably going to be open 5 months before the release ;).
Maybe moderation would be a better idea (is pre-posting moderation possible?).
Or make two forums: one in which everyone can post anything like it is now and another one where only moderators can move from the first one fresh never before seen ideas for further discussion (the only criterion would be NEW, not the moderators oppinion on the idea).
January 19, 2005, 8:30 pm
If we shut this forum down for long lengths of time, we wont be able to share mods, maps, interfaces, moments, apps, artwork, etc.
January 19, 2005, 8:51 pm
Thank you for your responses, Michal and Styx.
January 20, 2005, 6:50 am
quote:Originally posted by IDF-RIPstaHow about shutting down this section of the forums and opening it only 1-2 months before the release of a new version?
After a new version is released, leave it open for 1 month so people can suggest their improvements and close it again.
In short -
Open forum 1-2 months before the release of a new version
Leave forum open for 30 days after the release of a new version
Benefits of such actions:
- Less spamming of already suggested topics
- People will have more time to ponder whether their idea is good
- We will not have to look at so many useless topics
- We will be more motivated to think of new things and perfect them during the downtime
Please comment only if you've been around (on these forums) for at least 6 months...
hm no
few reasons:
if someone comes up with a good idea, and the next version release isnt for a while, then they may not ever end up posting it.
the moment the forum gets re-opened, it would be flooded with a hundred ideas, all at once.
the ideas need to be integrated slowly, over time. if all the new ideas were voiced just before the release, then either none would make it in until the verions after, or the version would take a lot longer to release.
(sorry for any typos and the lack of capitalization, i typed this left handed while eating rocky road :P)
January 20, 2005, 7:45 am
NC, the topic is done with. The only people who have influence over changes to this forum have already posted.
They said that no changes can\will be made.
There will be no timed forum.
I still have to reply to your comment concerning the amount of ideas. Most ideas are the SAME and raised MANY times. If the forum is open for a short duration, then people will SEE that somebody else already posted their "original" idea.
Having two seperate suggestion forums, one for all, and the other for chosen topics only, is the perfect solution.
January 21, 2005, 2:33 pm
Maybe lock?
"NC, the topic is done with. The only people who have influence over changes to this forum have already posted."
January 21, 2005, 3:32 pm
quote:Originally posted by Michal Marcinkowski
Maybe moderation would be a better idea (is pre-posting moderation possible?).Yes, it's possible. Meandor could change the forum to this any time.
quote:Originally posted by Michal Marcinkowski
Or make two forums: one in which everyone can post anything like it is now and another one where only moderators can move from the first one fresh never before seen ideas for further discussion (the only criterion would be NEW, not the moderators oppinion on the idea).
Yes, I'd love to do that since I know most of the suggestions ;)
In the beginning almost every idea would be moved there, so it actually exists. Then "old" ones will just be left out and will die off (hopefully).
I'm not against any of those ideas, it's just that people always shout "abuse!" as soon as mods have more rights.
January 21, 2005, 5:03 pm
I'll try making this forum moderated for a while.