My latest Clan match was one of the closest match of all time. We were playing the last of the 3 rounds and both clans were scored 1 to 1. We were playing ctf_Voland and the enemy had a score of 9 out of 10, and our clan had a score of 8 out of 10. If the other clan scored another point, we would lose.
My clan went for a rush, hoping for a quick cap but loses our flag instead. So our remaining attackers turn back to return the flag.
I was on top, and the rest of my team were below. They came close to killing the enemy flag runner(who was below), but they failed. So, in decisive action, i dived below in order to take the flag and run away through the middle. Or so i thought.
I as i dove, i quickly pulled out to jetted back up, only to realize that i didn't have the flag. I had jetted up a tad bit to quick, and i had missed the enemy flag by a milimeter.
In a moment, the enemy caps, and my team loses.
My clan went for a rush, hoping for a quick cap but loses our flag instead. So our remaining attackers turn back to return the flag.
I was on top, and the rest of my team were below. They came close to killing the enemy flag runner(who was below), but they failed. So, in decisive action, i dived below in order to take the flag and run away through the middle. Or so i thought.
I as i dove, i quickly pulled out to jetted back up, only to realize that i didn't have the flag. I had jetted up a tad bit to quick, and i had missed the enemy flag by a milimeter.
In a moment, the enemy caps, and my team loses.