The Geologist
February 13, 2005, 1:23 am
You might get some help if you actually try explaining your problem and what you want to do instead of just leaving us to wonder what ???? means.
Deleted User
February 13, 2005, 1:29 am
how do i edit the inventory? thats all i wanna know its pretty self explanitory
Unlucky 13
February 13, 2005, 2:01 am
Inventory? You mean weapon names?
If so...
Go to Soldat's Root FolderFind the folder TxtChange the weaponnames(.txt) file to your hearts content
Or do you mean the pictures?
Start with Soldat's Root FolderFind the folder Interface-gfxFind the folder GunsAgain, edit to your hearts content
Deleted User
February 13, 2005, 2:09 am
well i want to put the flamer in the weapons inventory
The Geologist
February 13, 2005, 2:50 am
quote:Originally posted by The GeologistYou might get some help if you actually try explaining your problem and what you want to do instead of just leaving us to wonder what ???? means.
Deleted User
February 13, 2005, 6:10 am
quote:Originally posted by BManx2000You can't.
yes you can if you make it into a new weapon
February 13, 2005, 7:01 am
You mean calling a weapon like the Mp5 a Flamer? Because it is not possible to make the flamer a regular weapon. That's called haxing.
Unlucky 13
February 13, 2005, 8:47 am
If you mean modding...
quote:Originally posted by Unlucky 13
If so...
Go to Soldat's Root FolderFind the folder TxtChange the weaponnames(.txt) file to your hearts content
Or do you mean the pictures?
Start with Soldat's Root FolderFind the folder Interface-gfxFind the folder GunsAgain, edit to your hearts content
Then all you have to do is change the Weapon-gfx for the weapon you wanna change, as well as the bullet graphic.
February 13, 2005, 5:15 pm
omg, flamer dusn't uses bullets it uses FLAMES, that's why it's called flamer, it bullets is the explosion
February 13, 2005, 5:22 pm
To spare delta all of your "OMG NOOB" comments, I'm going to PM him. Meanwhile, I hope you guys lay off of him for not knowing how these things work.
Deleted User
February 13, 2005, 5:26 pm
thank you but yes im new to modding soldat im more used to modding battlefield