February 14, 2005, 5:07 am
I know, I know: This idea has been suggested 102394 times...or maybe even 102395! But I think calling it up again with my own slight modifications would be definitely good!
Here are more details on this idea:
1) Mapmaker should have sparate polygon for water.
2) Water should produce a buoyancy force on the player so that he dives slower and rises faster (even though he has heavy-ass guns!
3) Movement is simple: "w" (up) to swim -> the soldier will follow the cursor and (so that there's no upsidedown looking soldier facing the other side) have another flipped animation for other way.
4) Maybe even add backward movement although this won't be all that necessary. YOU GUYS DECIDE.
5) Decide which weapons are going to be water-proof...knife will be fo sho (but can't be thrown (.duh.)) maybe deagles cuz they look like really cool powerful water-proof handguns - like in Tomb Raider (Cradle of Life) at the beginning...but I don't remember so well what gun she used.
6) Oxygen bar (map editor editable).
7) After oxygen runs out blood will quickly be drained (like in Tomb Raider games)
8) Oxygen recovers rather quickly (4x faster than used up)
9) Underwater jet-boots can also work to make u faster in the direction ur looking at.
10) Player should move upwards while not moving about 5 times slower than gravity pulls down.
11) New secondary: Oxygen Tank - good only once (can't recover/reload) - when selcted (q) its "ammo" bar will slowly go down (about good for 25 seconds).
12) Players can switch underwtaer from oxygen tank (if they have it) to regular gun.
13) When switching to oxygen tank while underwater after the soldier has lost some breath, it replenishes that "breath" same speed as if you were outside, but it uses the tank to get that breath back (so you use it to breathe and get some breath back at the same time).
14) Of course you would move slower underwater.
15) Bullets are weakly affected underwater.
16) If a player has a gun out underwater and it's not waterproof it will just not fire but still work outside after.
17) You can still punch underwater.
18) When swimming/floating ON water, your breath won't be used.
19) And players can use non-water-proof guns (if aimed above water)while floating.
20) While floating, a player's body is always pointing either left or right (so that you don't have people making the guy be diagonal at water level (unrealistic).
21) While floating, players also get their breath back (reloads).
22) You can make little airpockets underwater to catch breath (in map editor).
23) Grenades will have a bit less range and they fly with gravity only affecting them slightly. The same goes for M79 projectiles.
24) Cluster grenades...I don't know. YOU GUYS DECIDE
25) Flame god will still be flaming cuz its a super-mode. However it only boils the water (with some boiling animation) making it super hot so that if you swim thorugh it while it's still bubbly/boiling, you will loose health (unless ur the god). - Idea by Captain Ben.
26) Shots fired from outside of the water into the water should dcrease speed by about 33% and also do 33% less damage - however sniper should still kill on hit
27) Also, the bullets described in the previous point should bend a little toward the normal (meaning it gets closer to being perpendicular)
28) Just like when bullets hit the ground they have their own sound effect and animation, I think that the same should be for water. Bullets that hit the water should have a little splash effect and some splash sounds (Therefore Spas makes more Splash (because it has more bullets)and so will the Mini (because it emits lots of bullets).
29) Have water particles splash out in a more complicated way when an explosion occurs there. This means that every drop/particle should be rendered individually. However, since I believe that this effect will be hard to implement, I think that YOU GUYS should DECIDE.
30) Another great idea by Captain Ben: When people die they should float on the water.
31) Again, Captain Ben's idea: Blood should clog the water mildly. A dead body would have more cloudy water underneath it while dripping blood should only cloud the water ever so sligthly.
Alright I guess that is it.
Also please tell me whether u understood every single point I mentioned here. Otherwise I will make it more comprehendable for you guys.
plz visit this topic: http://www.soldatforums.com/topic.asp?topic_id=20891 and support the idea. Will be the only way (i think) that my idea can get through for cool effects!
February 14, 2005, 1:16 pm
Maybe it's a little to hard to implement, and not very usefull...
The Geologist
February 14, 2005, 4:00 pm
No...too much stuff, not needed at all. Good job thinkint it all up though..
February 14, 2005, 9:29 pm
hmm... i thought it'd be a cool idea. the polygons would be a bid darker so it's like harder to see u in water n stuff... - did u guys actually read them all?
February 14, 2005, 10:03 pm
I still want water :D
Most of the points are good.
I think the controls should be the same (as they are now), relative to cursor position would be too complicated.
Underwater jet boots should make bubbles instead of flames :)
February 14, 2005, 10:23 pm
I think it's a cool idea too...But to implement all points I think it can be too complicated..
It could be more simple..But I think it can be a good idea to make the game (in anyway) greater!
February 14, 2005, 10:54 pm
...it coudln't be more simple - not being able to use negiuns underwater is pointsless... lots of thinks to be implemented
...aslo im gonna edit a new point - 25...
Captain Ben
February 14, 2005, 11:07 pm
you make it sound so exciting :D
i'd love to see your ideas implemented into soldat.
perhaps the flamer could boil the water, thus making it subtract health when you swim through it?
February 14, 2005, 11:26 pm
ns idea - im gonna add that one...with ur name
February 15, 2005, 12:31 am
good ideas, but i think it will come down to the same thing:
Soldat is a shooting game, swimming is not essential for that and it would require too much effort to implement it.
February 15, 2005, 12:36 am
Yeah, but everything needs a water feature. It just adds to the overall effect the game produces.
February 15, 2005, 2:16 am
Well, i think the whole swimming thing is a bit too farfetched. I'd like to see a type of poly that acts as water though. Place it down, and when a soldier touches it with his boot, a splash comes out of it. It would make rainy jungle maps look way cool! plus, the poly could stop bullets slightly.
February 15, 2005, 2:19 am
well many people have thought of r idea rambo - and its too broad - which is why i came up with this topic: to explain all the details so that if it is going to be implemented i got many main problems covered...
Leo Da Lunerfox
February 15, 2005, 2:46 am
Yeah, I am liking this idea, always been. Especially after playing Snake Eater....hehe, but in any case, this idea will help Soldat, because it would help create atmosphere and better screenshots. Better Screenshots, more people trying the game, more people trying the game, bigger community.
February 16, 2005, 4:04 am
This would be great for obstacle maps. It would add new challenges, other than the old and boring ones that are exhausted in every single obstacle map! Good idea.
Leo Da Lunerfox
February 16, 2005, 6:25 am
One thing: If the Soldier is on top of the water, he should tread water instead when hes not moving so it wouldn't look weird when he shots while swimming.
Captain Ben
February 16, 2005, 11:24 am
perhaps also, how would bodies react?
when people die normally, they sink, becuase the methane-build up hasn't begun yet
(normally 5-6 hours), in which after, they begin to float.
maybe they could float, just for fun.
AND blood could cloud the water :D
February 16, 2005, 10:39 pm
haha ns idea ben
ight well u can swim (with ur legs) and fire at the same time...so tats good the way it is...
and well usually bodies float when not moving (i dunno if the same applies to dead bodies, and i don wanna rly find out, but i think they should float 2
and blood should cloud the water, yea...*updates*
The Geologist
February 16, 2005, 10:45 pm
The more you add to this the less of a chance you have of getting this suggestion put into the game. You're already pushing it...dead bodies in the water would just lag down the server, the bodies need to disappear. Making this overcomplicated won't help either...how about no more than 30 parts to this little plan, hmm? Unless you want to go program it yourself...
February 17, 2005, 4:22 am
ight - first of all i'd like to program that, but i just dunno how...secondly, of course the bodies are gonna disappear, however the blood should stay for a while so that won't lag the game a bit...
and lastly (i think i already covered this) if you want something new to soldat (not just some tiny mods) u gotta have it all or not at all...u cant just have like water polygons and no effects on weapons!
The Geologist
February 17, 2005, 4:49 am
Is that what I'm saying? No...I'm saying to keep it simple. This isnt' a McDonalds where you can just walk in and say "I want this, this, and this, and oh yeah, this would be cool". You toss too much onto one plate and becomes useless. If you want water polys, concentrate on water polys and not all this flowery visual crap like blood in the water and making the water boil with flame god.
The way I see it, you need only a couple formulas to solve the movement of the projectiles through the water, whether they be bullet or soldier. One specific formula with the right variables and you can plug in the specifics of each bullet, or of a soldier, right in and get the amount of drag and the proportional velocity loss. A second equation could solve your desire to have bullets arc to the normal. This takes care of a number of your points up top, such as "you move slower under water", "bullets are weakly effected underwater", and "shots fired from outside the water move 33% slower, do 33% less damage".
What's the point of a secondary that you can't reuse? Something tells me people would forego such things for a secondary that could actually be reloaded. On that same note, does the addition of a new kind of polys really warrent another secondary, especially the first one ever to become useless after its first use? That's a major problem.
It'd be pretty unfair to suddenly not have a gun that could be used under water...either have no guns, or have all guns. Making some guns fully functional while limiting the use of others hinders gameplay.
If you want to go a good job of "having it all",look at ideas that would actually improve gameplay and make for worthwhile additions. You've got some good suggestions and it's clear you've put a lot of thought into it, but don't get a worthwhile idea get torn off the path to implimentation by suggestions that would effectively do nothing but make you chuckle (i.e. bloody, boiling water). "Keep it simple stupid!" (Not an insult...it's a quote).
Captain Ben
February 17, 2005, 6:18 am
after all that, you tell us to keep it simple?
this is a forum, people are allowed to give 'stupid' ideas.
fair enough water polys, but other stuff needs to be implemented as well to make it exciting.
"keep it fun stupid" (not an insult, JUST a quote)
back on topic,
perhaps only the knife, and grenades should work under water, or a harpoon gun could be implemented as a first or secondary weapon (a slow-ass barret)?
The Geologist
February 17, 2005, 6:52 am
Ben...are you bitter because I didn't like your last two ideas? Trying to copy my quote makes you look neither witty nor any better as a person. Did you actually read what I wrote, or did you give up after a few lines?
Now a harpoon gun is a good suggestion. If there were to be any sort of secondary weapon made to go along with the water polys, this would be better than the oxygen tank simply because it's reusable and a bit more functional. But I've already stated my position on adding a new secondary..
Captain Ben
February 17, 2005, 9:51 am
quote:Originally posted by The GeologistBen...are you bitter because I didn't like your last two ideas? Trying to copy my quote makes you look neither witty nor any better as a person...
go nuts. i made my point.
as a matter of fact, no i did not care that you did not like my ideas. i'm on this forums to discuss soldat-related things, not to get back at you everytime you say or do something.
if YOU read what i said at the end of the quote i did,
it said: 'not an insult JUST a quote.
anyways, i know you did already suggest a new secondary, i just wanted to be more specific.
an oxygen tank could last a small while but should have a relatively quick reload time, as it is completely harmless.
perhaps it could explode when you shoot it, spraying bits of shrapnel?
February 17, 2005, 11:49 am
no, the tank should be a pwerup, cos if its a secondary then we cant shoot, assuming we can shoot at all underwater.
harpoon gun=yes
i like the idea of water, as u can tell
but the poly will have to be transparent
February 17, 2005, 3:02 pm
I completely agree this, I like this idea.
February 17, 2005, 8:42 pm
Oh, how bout like add a underwater stationary gun...but like, call it a harpoon gun.. :D
Svirin Kerath
February 17, 2005, 10:28 pm
i like this idea, but Geo has some good points. i have a challenge for you. wearing tons of army gear and holding a rifle, while a weapon (like the LAW) or oxygen tank is strapped to your back, jump into the water and try to swim.
you'd drown from weight alone. you'd have to devote too much energy to swimming and keeping yourself from drowning than you could devote to shooting. so that means:
(a) dead bodies would sink.
(b) weapons could not be used
it would be more realistic to have an "energy" bar that would become expended as you swam, but that's /too/ realistic, and doesn't have much of a place in Soldat.
plus, the oxygen tank should refill when you come to the surface. it'd always be strapped to your back, and would automatically come into use when you went into the water.
that's all i can think of for now.
February 17, 2005, 11:43 pm
haha good points ya'll - except for one made by svirin: i did mention that although ur soldiers have too much gear n stuff they should still not swim...as of to wearing lots of gear im not sure; the low pixels don lemme see what they're wearing. However floating bodies would be fun and easy to hide in. Furthermore, harpoon gun...i dunno cool idea but like way different than ne weapon cuz it fires harpoons. However, if you ever used the Predetor (from AVP) mod, the ruger is harpoon looking like (and the sound 2) so tat won't be that hard either. make it a bid slower moving and a swift-type of sound. energy bar - no, ur right.
I'm sorry for making it so complicated but so many people post ideas and don't think about the details that HAVE to be implemented and I'm just trying to show MM that my idea is rather fool-proof since i have mentioned almost every possible uncertainty. as of to HOW to program it i did my best covering that but since i dunno how to porogram with however Michal does it I can't talk too much about that...keep posting ideas/comments for this post - and Ben, that wasn't necessary to JUST "quote him"...he ddin't mean it as an insult to me.
February 18, 2005, 12:55 am
I think we should not worry too much about the technicalities of swimming and water. If MM wants to put water in, he wil do it right. I think all we need to do is prove that water would be a worthwile thing to put in, and that it's something this community wants.
February 18, 2005, 12:58 am
it's not like i'm tryhing to do all teh technicalities for him... There are techincalities where decisions based on what you want are made - and some that are about HOW to do them...i'm just suggesting what I think would be best...
February 18, 2005, 3:49 am
Well whatever the case water poly's or whatever they might be, would require changes to the map editors as well as Soldat. Michal doesnt support the editors any more, so then all the seperate developers on the map editor will have to update to make this work, providing they still work on their editors.
Water should be simple, and I dont think poly's are a real good way of expressing water specifically because they use the level texture. I think it would have to be a whole new kind of object, not a poly but using the same Triangle coordinate system. Maybe you could choose the water color and level of transparency.
Guns should not work underwater.
I think that the "scuba tank" should be more of a powerup, and I agree with xyz in making each map have a certain "breathing level" of how long you stay under water before being forced to surface or drowning.
Even so, the idea of water is still extremely complicated. Michal has to atleast do the following:
Make an entirely new affect for water(graphical, as well as the tons of code involved)
Make new animations for a swimming, floating, whatever soldat.
Get the support of the community to update the map editors
Add an oxygen level and protect against possible hacks for it
Add entirely new physics for the water and its effect upon projectiles and soldats.
New "underwater" sounds
However, if by some freak accident there was enough support for this idea that Michal managed to implement it, I would greatly welcome it as a new addition to Soldat. Think about CTF, there could be new underwater routes to the flag like in many FPS :) And you'd have to use the knife or fists to fight underwater :) heheh
February 19, 2005, 3:18 pm
thats a good idea, but like mentioned before, very hard to program. But u may have a point, nowadays people put water in their maps. But still, if its new, chances are people will exploit bugs. Or maybe it could use the same programming as bullet time, just edited?
very flexible :P
p.s, fouldn't it be fun to see a soldier watch a barret bullet flying towards him in slow motion and with nothing he can do about it ? Also, make a slow dmg feature, or timer
February 19, 2005, 3:48 pm
water is really necessary. no doubt. but not all these unuseful suggestions like "blood when oxy-bar is empty".
February 19, 2005, 8:53 pm
how bout if a soldier dies due to lack of oxygen in the water, another soldier can take him out and give him CPR and he comes back to life after like 5 secs...now TATS a useless idea!
the blood drain after oxy-bar is out is nottin that hard to implement (if we already have water) so tats quite necessary for a bit more realistc effect...
OMG i just realized - inquisitor, what's that duck's name??? cuz i remember watching and old show with that duck...was it alfred?????? or what!??!
Liquid Metal
February 20, 2005, 1:56 am
I like it. But I dont liek the oxyen tank thing cause not all maps have water you know.
February 20, 2005, 4:14 am
well, if you've ever played tombraider, where the oxy bar only appears if you're in water or while recovereing...that will clearly solve your problemo!
February 20, 2005, 4:52 am
hahahahahaha, combine it with the push idea and you can drown ur team mates, give em cpr, drown em again and so on... Besides, while ur performing cpr, the friendly neighbourhood barretard can take u out while ur team mate dies :P
Liquid Metal
February 20, 2005, 5:36 am
quote:well, if you've ever played tombraider, where the oxy bar only appears if you're in water or while recovereing...that will clearly solve your problemo!I meant the oxygen tank as in the secondary. I have nothing against the oxygen bar.
February 20, 2005, 7:31 am
o well, its not even sure yet whether the idea of having oxygen tank as secondary is gonna be put in - however i have a much better idea:
the flmaer kit makes u get infinite breath underwater istead of having flame - OR - u can have inf. breath AND flamer underwater (rules for flamer underwater mentioned above)
so therefore you won't need a new bonus pack for it...
February 21, 2005, 7:36 am
Exactly, we should make a slow ass barret. Thats what i meant when i said everything goes slomo. Like a soldier watching in fear as the harpoon shoots towards him in slow motion.... Anyway, should we create another batch of gosteks, just for the swimming polygon? I wanna be sa shark :P
February 21, 2005, 10:57 pm
haha...swimming shark... that WOULD be funny, like that really old animation show that i forgot the name to where that guy has this super power where his body turns into some weird (black and white colored (i think)) color and he can swim better and breathe underwater... nebody know what i'm talking bout!??!
well, new animation for swimmin, tats fo sho! but the rest i'm not too sure bout
February 22, 2005, 5:06 am
nice nice nice
always want soldat has water XD
Captain Ben
February 22, 2005, 6:11 am
errr, okay?
it would be fun if a harpoon gun was ever implemented, that one hit kills, and when it hits you you immediately get stuck into the nearest poly!
but it would have to be slow...
but it would have to do less damage on land.
February 22, 2005, 1:02 pm
CUE JAWS THEME MUSIC! And the soldat that was stupid enough to go into the water yesterday was attacked by a mutated harpoon gun weilding shark. Be advised, do not go near the water, i repeat stay away from the water until we find who created this evil creature
its the one with the pencil
February 23, 2005, 8:20 am
There's no need for the map maker to have to set an oxygen meter just simply tie it to the jet-boot meter and say that the jet-boots burn oxygen for fuel. (Hence explaining why they recharge after time). Thus you can also use you jet-boots underwater but then you'd burn through the oxygen at a stupidly quick rate.
Now also rather than have to modify all of the weapons to work in the water simply for every half second that the projectile is in the water it's speed to slowed to 1/2 of it's x velocity and 1/2 of it's current y .vel (though still speeding it downwards for gravity).
Simple quick and effective. Also really easy to code. The fastest way to implement water into the map format would be to add the idea of zones. However that would require a revision of the map format yet again. The advantage of this though is that it allows for other zones to be added, i.e no jet-boot zones, zones where it's snowing, healing zones, etc, etc.
February 23, 2005, 8:22 am
Sorry for the double post but I can't seem to find the button to edit my post.
I made a mistake in the above post, there is no need to edit the map format. All that needs to be done is to use invisible polygons as the zones with special reserved texture ids attached, crude but the quickest way to get it in the game.
February 24, 2005, 10:57 am
maybe you can choose to either make the water poly transparent or not. like make it into mud, acid or lava.....
this maybe is quite hard to make but what the hell, if the map has rain weather the water will rize slightly or fast depending of how you set it....
in snow or artic maps, the surface of the water frezes (selectable) into ice (what else?) and becomes walkable and if you shoot at it a number of times (diffrent between bullet and explosive weapons) itll crack and youll be able to swim down to get that little thingie down there, but health will decrease slightly since its kinda cold. then scuba gear is an alternative pickup..
Captain Ben
February 24, 2005, 11:13 am
those are really good suggestions...
i like the water rising effect :P
February 24, 2005, 6:28 pm
I've always enjoyed being able to swim.. In any sort of game.. I can really picture it in soldat after reading all your points.. But..sadly, I doubt this will ever happen ..
February 24, 2005, 11:54 pm
lol good suggestion with ice...and it might even refreeze after a while - however the water rising idea is not a good one cuz then the map can get over flooded...or maybe tats the point..? lol freezing ice is awesome. especially if you havfe a weapon that doesn't work underwater and u jump in and everything above you is frozen and you can't get your way out... tat would rly suck. and also, then you'd have to be able to JUMP out of the water so u can get on the ice. Should you be able to punch the ice??? neh...don rly think so
i can picture mr.snowman with ice-coverecd water where you slip and you can like dive in the water n stuff...that'd be cool
or maybe it's just a better strategy for ctf games rather than death match...with flags under water
cool idea i don think that it should be THAT hard to be implemented!...IT'D BE THE <B>BOMB</B>
Captain Ben
February 25, 2005, 5:48 am
it would be fun to throw a nades on the ice, and it explodes and people fall in!
The Geologist
February 25, 2005, 6:03 am
Which requires explodable scenery/polys, which is a whole different topic.
February 25, 2005, 9:24 pm
it's not really explodable polies for a good reason:
it can't destroy the whole map which is the biggest problem with explodable polies and it can refreeze and it's just a thin layer above the water. and a barret could pierce it and then continue but slowed down A HELL LOT but still cause some lil damage
conclusion: destructable layer of ice over water still good idea! (ur so anti, geo!)
The Geologist
February 25, 2005, 11:33 pm
Who the hell said anything about destroying the whole map? If you want to have breakable ice, you need polys that can break. I never said anything about it being a good idea or not, I'm talking about the fact that it's a whole separate idea from the issue of swimming. You want ice that breaks when you shoot it, so you can fall through? You need a scenery that can be destroyed. You want to fall through the ice? You need polys that can be broken. Seriously...what do you think you're walking on in the first place? Even if you made it some option of the wayer poly...you want a poly that you can stand on and then fall through when you shoot it, and that requires a breakable/destroyable poly.
Stop calling me "anti" or any other bull
[IMAGE] when I'm pointing out realistic points here. Grow the hell up.
February 25, 2005, 11:38 pm
ight, u DON need extra polies...u can make it an add-on to have ice on top of water polygon and it shouldn't really be that hard... tats basically it
now ur going all at it and yelling...now can i call u anti?
The Geologist
February 25, 2005, 11:42 pm
Why do you feel the need to call me anything? Just drop it, lest I call you someting in return.
Edit: Nice avoiding my question, I'm glad to see you can repeat what I say. I've been called much worse than anti...I think I'll manage. Just get it right next time.
February 25, 2005, 11:50 pm
lol it's not that ur calling me stuff but ur like feeling all offended...and acting like it too (drop it)
Captain Ben
February 26, 2005, 5:02 am
err... am i interrupting anything?
but geologist, i like whgat you said: if you want breakable polys, you need polys that can break.
if anyone has played worms or lemmings, they may understand what i mean.
what if you clould place a destructible block over something (a pit?) that gets affected by weapons.
i know that doesn't sound too easy to understand, but bear with me!
and geologist, i like your new avatar :P
February 26, 2005, 10:50 am
quote:Now a harpoon gun is a good suggestion. If there were to be any sort of secondary weapon made to go along with the water polys, this would be better than the oxygen tank simply because it's reusable and a bit more functional. But I've already stated my position on adding a new secondary..
OMFG OMFG thats the first nice thing i've ever seen you say Geo
anyways i can program most of it simple(very)
February 26, 2005, 1:18 pm
GRR. Now this is just plain stupid. I posted a geomodding topic and it hasn't come out. Oh well. Too much coding i guess. Why do i suddenly have this urge to pin people to walls while they mercillesly drown while i laugh at them? Or we could just have underwater weapons like the russians had. Anyone play Delta Force? There was this humoungous underwater defens pistol and really wierd assault rifle that could go underwater. :P
February 26, 2005, 1:39 pm
quote:Originally posted by zyxstandur so anti, geo!
Hurrah for calling people prefixes. You're so dis-.
February 26, 2005, 5:56 pm
lmao. well sticking ppl to wall is also great (as explained in my "hillarious rambo" topic thingy)
i don't want really a new polygon for breakable polies...just an auto-created layer if the water polygon is declared to be "cold". now, harpoon gun would be great! also (if not mentioned b4) if you piss in the water (or into) the water would fade a bit yellow...depending on what color your piss is (if chagned with mod)
and about the breakable ice layer - let's just leave that to bigM
MoP ToP RocK
February 27, 2005, 3:57 pm
quote:Originally posted by zyxstandit's not really explodable polies for a good reason:
it can't destroy the whole map which is the biggest problem with explodable polies and it can refreeze and it's just a thin layer above the water. and a barret could pierce it and then continue but slowed down A HELL LOT but still cause some lil damage
conclusion: destructable layer of ice over water still good idea! (ur so anti, geo!)
Dude, are you like about 8 years old?
You obiously know nothing about computers or the way they work.
I've read all three pages of this thread and you guys have bashed Geo for being the SMART ONE. Wow good job, retards....
Do you have any idea how hard it would be to implement these features? Breaking polygons would probably take a lot of work.
And zyxstand...you said you would program this if you knew how. You have no clue how much work it would take and if you are acting alone while programming it you just might go insane because (sometimes) it can be extremly difficult to organize and code.
Geo thanks for trying to tell these morons something but don't let them get at you.
February 28, 2005, 4:33 am
lmao i'm not 8. When i say that explodable polies are a bad idea it's because they just exists once and then are destroyed. I'm talking more in a conceptual point of view rather than the actual difficulties of progreamming it.
I talk about things in a conceptual way - even programming. YOU might not understand (not ur fault) and don call ppl morons cuz u dunno what they actually mean
btw, is this your first post...tat sounds questionABLE.
also, i have nothing against geo, really - and i also expected that ppl would post comments (like geo did more or less) more relevant to the topic and also contructive to it (including criticizm).
and btw, it DOES say in my profile how old i am.
so, people, PLZ comment on topic and what you think about this - i don think that the ppl who have to read through all comments like to see non-topic related subjects...
February 28, 2005, 7:41 am
damn your rite i would take time but i can make polys but breakable tats quite hard it can be done and the is a liddle easier but it'll take bout 3 months for me only to code it:(:(:(:(
February 28, 2005, 10:37 pm
u know how to code it?... i wanna see that 0_0
February 28, 2005, 11:34 pm
Damn, this is getting to be more a "bashing each other's ideas" topic..Get back on it. First ask, who has the programming skillZ to actually make this..and if that person will make it. stop yelling at each other!! XD!
March 4, 2005, 11:57 pm
This is a good idea, but my idea is to have those inflatable rafts as an option on water. You can (obviously) use them as mobile gun turrets, and to move, you crouch and then choose left or right. If you fall off, you will be swimming.
The swimming idea is great.
And as for dead bodies on the water, you could bend them, and use them to make air pockets, so you can breath underwater a teeny bit longer, until the stench causes the air to go down again. Need I add the possibility of the meatshield?
March 5, 2005, 6:33 am
ns try. i think i convered all the points in this suggestion... however other suggestions would most certainly be welcomed!!!!!!!11
March 5, 2005, 11:03 am
I..I..I..uh..hate all you 8 year olds. Reading thru this thread has made every inch of me sick and and enraged. Some of these ideas are just plain retarded and MM would laugh at you. Swimming is a neat idea but all this other bull
[IMAGE]...like geo pointed out, is useless and would cause major lag. Thats not even counting how hard it would be to acctually set into play. Swimming should just be simple:
(1)The regular controls for on land soldat play, are used for swimming. (EX: w= swim up, s=try to stay in current location, x= sink)
(2) You can only use knife and fists underwater. Explosions are duds under water.
(3) You cannot fly over water and shoot into it. No bullets can be in water, it just like a collider.
(4) No other weapons, pick ups, etc are added to the game.
Just these four rules would make it alot easier and acctually do-able. With your current list MM won't even touch it with a 39 foor pole let alone try to do it.
Captain Ben
March 5, 2005, 11:40 am
okay, you freaking psycho!
this is a forum, we contribute our ideas.
now, i'd like to see water aswll, but if it was a poly, doesn't that mean you could place it on...
the roofs of levels and on walls? if it could happen, it would be pretty cool.
March 5, 2005, 12:56 pm
Who says that we are eight year olds? Would it be that hard to make a damn raft on the water? I don't think so.
I was thinking that the bullets would slow down and weaken when they hit the water, not bounce off.
Captain Ben
March 5, 2005, 2:54 pm
quote:Originally posted by lastpatriotWould it be that hard to make a damn raft on the water? I don't think so.
do you know how much coding that would be?
michal m's coding for the psychics of soldat would have taken hundreds of lines of codes... not to mention the richochet, bink and knife throws...
March 6, 2005, 3:20 am
Yeah, it is cool to post ideas, but if you have all this stuff that is totally unneed for water in soldat. If you are posting all these ideas and MM reads it, he will just forget about water. All this stuff is really cool, but you have to think of what MM can and is willing to do for water that isnt really need in soldat.
March 17, 2005, 12:29 am
hmm, i hope he has read it. although some of you people are right - it does take a lot of coding - question now is whether big M thinks it's worth it... *crosses fingers*
March 17, 2005, 3:09 am
Itd be really great..sounds like so much fun, adding new things to the game! this could mean more people downloadin+registering soldat XD
March 18, 2005, 12:55 am
yea, just imagine having flags under water and you'd have to dive to get them - and you could dive into the water and be faster to begin with, not to mention if you're using boots - like if you click dive or something in mid air he turns heads down - and if you hit ground you lose health or die due to your broken neck or something... cool!
Deleted User
May 29, 2005, 1:02 pm
This whole thing is hard to implement and I think it may drive up PC specs.
If it's ever going to be implemented it should be an option to turn off, or have a new game style. (like advanced mode->swimming mode or something).
Keron Cyst
May 30, 2005, 6:50 am
*searches all four pages for "marcinkowski"*
*finds no results*
If the thread's already come four pages long and Michal hasn't posted once, I don't think it'll be implemented :-P I wonder how long it took you to think up all of those features...
Captain Ben
May 30, 2005, 7:04 am
Nice bump, Hugoku.
Anyway, Keron Cyst, you can't be sure of that.
Deleted User
May 30, 2005, 10:57 am
Huh? I thought it's a nice topic... plus I think I've read in the rules that you shouldn't shout banbanban or locklocklock...?
But err... it's a shame to see this one not implemented. :-(
EDIT: sorry, that was another forum I guess. (that lock/ban thing). But still, CAPS in half the post is quite... not good.)
Deleted User
May 30, 2005, 12:23 pm
dont bring up old topics....and yes it would be nice to implement
May 31, 2005, 2:43 am
hmm...i usually like thinking through an entire idea before publishing it... other ppl choose to just give a broad idea and let ppl discuss in threads but that never happens...instead, i believe it to be better to just explain it all very specifically and if new ideas/improvemnents are brougth up i'll post them if i believe they are sufficiently adquate.
May 31, 2005, 9:52 pm
The idea of swimming would be super cool!!!
Keron Cyst
June 1, 2005, 12:02 am
quote:Originally posted by Captain Ben... Keron Cyst, you can't be sure of that.
And who're you to say that? :-P
June 1, 2005, 12:35 am
Because, for instance, Michal never posted in my thread but auto demo-record got implemented anyway?
Keron Cyst
June 1, 2005, 12:53 am
So jet boots working after death won't be implemented (since he posted in it)? ;-(
Captain Ben
June 1, 2005, 11:59 am
quote:Originally posted by Keron Cystquote:Originally posted by Captain Ben... Keron Cyst, you can't be sure of that.
And who're you to say that? :-P
I'm just saying. Before Michal M came up with the death-jets idea, I devoted a whole suggestion thread on it. He didn't post there, but it's happening. You can check for yourself.
June 1, 2005, 4:25 pm
well, any of you know WHEN "the next version" is coming out (around...) - cuz this idea needs quite a bit of time to be put in since it's rather complex and not just a littl add-in...
June 3, 2005, 6:51 am
Well, that is the exact reason this won't be added, soldat is a simple shott em up action game, something that could be added is gravity levels, then you cna have amp that is like swimming, but this should and hopfully won't be added.
June 3, 2005, 9:15 am
ahh, jiggablu, why not add some complication into it? its too simple right now. i want water.
how bout, if an m79 comes into water, then is shouldnt explode if it hits a guy, but should just do damage by whacking his head.
maybe e could have torpedoes that are like LAW, take longer to load, have a biger blast radius than LAWs, cannot be shot on land, and when u fire it u fly back real far.
man of shame
June 5, 2005, 2:36 am
dumb idea, but maybe you could use the floating corpses as temporary platforms
June 5, 2005, 7:00 pm
now there's a brilliant idea man of shame! torpedos don sound rly fun! (more ideas!!! I"M HUNGRY)
June 6, 2005, 12:35 am
All these ideas would just lag up servers and are completly pointless. No need to argue though, for this will nevver be added.