12/13/05: Version out.
10/03/05: (almost) Completely reliable version 1.3 released. Hope someone can test this.
10/02/05: Added Console Log Parsing for INF, CTF & HTF.
10/02/05: Released stable versions 1000, 1100, 1101, 1102. Enjoy.
9/26/05: Im starting to work on this again. Expect more features to come, more speed and a demo of this.
EDIT: Demo added. New version out.
3/17/05: Another release. Lost of bugs fixed, speed increase a bit.
2/5/05: Second release 0.7.5. Code hugely optimized.
2/5/05: First public release. Thanks a lot to FliesLikeABrick for the help at testing/programming.
2/4/05: Im preparing the code for the first release...cleaning up stuff and optimizing...
Ok, I made a PHP Script, SX4. The objetive is the same as U13sss, but Text-Based, no MySQL Database needed. But as my programming skills are very basic, the features include are few:
* Webserver with PHP
* Soldat Server with Kill-Logs
* Get a webserver with PHP or run yours. I recommend the first one, cause it's easier: try at http://www.freepgs.com or try googling.
* Unzip all the files in the desired directory.
* Configure config.php
* If you are running on a linux server, you have to chmod to 0777 the hole directory.
* Run install.php
To update the stats run statsupdate.php . To display the stats, you will have to use include(). Eg. To show player stats write:
* Generated image.
* Top 10's -> http://mar77a.llsc.us/sx4/top10.php
Updates to version
* Joined some files together.
* New encoding system and storing for players.
* Script is 100% faster.
* Database is now smaller in files and more organized.
* Fixed all ranking issues.
* Fixed image activating issues.
* Fixed search engine.
* Fixed all the html encoding on players missing in some parts.
* Improved compatibility with CTF, HTF and INF.
Updates to version
* Added completedb.php
* New DB handling with all players stored and noone ignored.
* Improved speed a bit.
* Improved stats updating engine.
* Fixed weaponstats.php ranking bugs.
* Fixed general ranking issues.
Updates to version
* Fixed searching bugs.
* Added INF, CTF & HTF support.
* Added statsupdate.php
* Added some more options.
* Fixed playerstats.php bug
* Added rankpoints.php, rankgrabs.php, rankreturns.php, etc.
* Wow.
Updates to version
* Added case sensitive search option.
* Fixed some search problems.
Updates to version
* All nicknames are stored now. :)
* Fixed: muted some ranking "Warning" errors (Division by zero).
Updates to version
* Fixed Ranking by KD bugs again.
* Added rankkills.php & rankdeaths.php
* Fixed minor bugs.
Updates to version
* Faster engine.
* Better nickname control.
* Improved storing system.
* More flexible HTML for customization.
* Fixed Rankaing by KD bugs.
* Added search engine actually working.
* Improved engine on soldat.ini.
* Fixed form "action" bugs.
* Fixed hole install thingo.
* Improved admin interface.
First public beta
* Supports Gamemodes: Deathmatch, Pointmatch, Teammatch & Rambomatch.
* Playerstats: Kills, Deaths, K:D.
* Weaponstats: Kills, Most used Weapons.
* Serverstats: Lastupdated, Total Kills, Stats Since, Total Players.
* Generated stats IMG
* Player ranking based on K:D
Still to do
* Nothing.
* V
Please post Suggestions/Ideas/Improvements/Bugs.
12/13/05: Version out.
10/03/05: (almost) Completely reliable version 1.3 released. Hope someone can test this.
10/02/05: Added Console Log Parsing for INF, CTF & HTF.
10/02/05: Released stable versions 1000, 1100, 1101, 1102. Enjoy.
9/26/05: Im starting to work on this again. Expect more features to come, more speed and a demo of this.
EDIT: Demo added. New version out.
3/17/05: Another release. Lost of bugs fixed, speed increase a bit.
2/5/05: Second release 0.7.5. Code hugely optimized.
2/5/05: First public release. Thanks a lot to FliesLikeABrick for the help at testing/programming.
2/4/05: Im preparing the code for the first release...cleaning up stuff and optimizing...
Ok, I made a PHP Script, SX4. The objetive is the same as U13sss, but Text-Based, no MySQL Database needed. But as my programming skills are very basic, the features include are few:
* Webserver with PHP
* Soldat Server with Kill-Logs
* Get a webserver with PHP or run yours. I recommend the first one, cause it's easier: try at http://www.freepgs.com or try googling.
* Unzip all the files in the desired directory.
* Configure config.php
* If you are running on a linux server, you have to chmod to 0777 the hole directory.
* Run install.php
To update the stats run statsupdate.php . To display the stats, you will have to use include(). Eg. To show player stats write:
<? include('playerstats.php'); ?>
* Generated image.
* Top 10's -> http://mar77a.llsc.us/sx4/top10.php
Updates to version
* Joined some files together.
* New encoding system and storing for players.
* Script is 100% faster.
* Database is now smaller in files and more organized.
* Fixed all ranking issues.
* Fixed image activating issues.
* Fixed search engine.
* Fixed all the html encoding on players missing in some parts.
* Improved compatibility with CTF, HTF and INF.
Updates to version
* Added completedb.php
* New DB handling with all players stored and noone ignored.
* Improved speed a bit.
* Improved stats updating engine.
* Fixed weaponstats.php ranking bugs.
* Fixed general ranking issues.
Updates to version
* Fixed searching bugs.
* Added INF, CTF & HTF support.
* Added statsupdate.php
* Added some more options.
* Fixed playerstats.php bug
* Added rankpoints.php, rankgrabs.php, rankreturns.php, etc.
* Wow.
Updates to version
* Added case sensitive search option.
* Fixed some search problems.
Updates to version
* All nicknames are stored now. :)
* Fixed: muted some ranking "Warning" errors (Division by zero).
Updates to version
* Fixed Ranking by KD bugs again.
* Added rankkills.php & rankdeaths.php
* Fixed minor bugs.
Updates to version
* Faster engine.
* Better nickname control.
* Improved storing system.
* More flexible HTML for customization.
* Fixed Rankaing by KD bugs.
* Added search engine actually working.
* Improved engine on soldat.ini.
* Fixed form "action" bugs.
* Fixed hole install thingo.
* Improved admin interface.
First public beta
* Supports Gamemodes: Deathmatch, Pointmatch, Teammatch & Rambomatch.
* Playerstats: Kills, Deaths, K:D.
* Weaponstats: Kills, Most used Weapons.
* Serverstats: Lastupdated, Total Kills, Stats Since, Total Players.
* Generated stats IMG
* Player ranking based on K:D
Still to do
* Nothing.
* V
Please post Suggestions/Ideas/Improvements/Bugs.