February 20, 2005, 5:35 pm
well, the idea is to get a better way of calculating your impluse when you hit a polygon - right now, it just calculates your speed and then, when you hit a polygon in realistic mode, it just takes away all your health even if your not actually fully hitting the polygon. Therefore I suggest having a new way of calculating that is clsoer related to F = m a or J = dp / dt . In words, this means that you calculate how much he changed his motion so that if you hit an almost vertical polygon while flying stragiht down he wouldn't lose all his helath due to the hit - as a matter of fact, the "impulse" of that hit is so small that it shouldn't take away health. Also, for this to go better, when players hit ground that close to in the direction that he is going (like when you fall straight down and there's a very steep part), the players shouldn't immediately get to a stop because of this. they should slide with it and maybe slowly get to a stop. If you didn't understand that last part I'll be glad to explain it in other words...
February 20, 2005, 8:48 pm
Yeah, hitting a vertical wall while falling and getting injured/dead sux :P
Should definatly be fixed.
Deleted User
February 21, 2005, 3:53 am
Makes perfect sense, this also might help to get more people interested in Realistic Mode. Though I think maybe they should roll down the incline instead of sliding.
Deleted User
February 21, 2005, 4:30 am
You try hitting a vertical incline at your maximum gravitational falling speed and see how well you take it.
February 21, 2005, 4:44 am
^Granted, but it's still very annoying when you expect to glance off of the poly but you end up being crushed to death.
Along with this fix, the wierd respawn right after you die, where you die bug needs to be taken care of.
Captain Ben
February 21, 2005, 6:28 am
quote:Originally posted by Lapis_LazuliYou try hitting a vertical incline at your maximum gravitational falling speed and see how well you take it.
i see what you mean, but we're talking about the game :P
maybe there should be an afk animation for falling down a slanted-thing for realistic... you can slide AND shoot!
February 21, 2005, 6:42 am
quote:Originally posted by Captain Benquote:Originally posted by Lapis_LazuliYou try hitting a vertical incline at your maximum gravitational falling speed and see how well you take it.
i see what you mean, but we're talking about the game :P
Realistic mode is called realistic mode for a reason.
Unlucky 13
February 21, 2005, 6:55 am
'Sactly, the realistic mode should be realistic, but I don't see how you can hit a vertical slope in real life, unless catapulted. Meh, nvm what I said.
This idea is nice, but if it isn't realistic, it isn't fit for realisitic.
February 21, 2005, 7:25 am
My idea, is that we should make a seperate animation. But like someone said, most people aren't interested in realistic maybe cos of the falling damage/line of sight(barretards) , so lets make em intersted with cool new features(honestly, i only take advanced). But while we're on the topic, i noticed that you can see the enemies blood in realistic, even behind a wall. Any ideas?
February 21, 2005, 7:26 am
Unlucky, you could hit one by falling.
It's not a matter of whether it's realistic or not, it's a matter of whether it'll make realistic mode more fun. Yes, it will. Because I won't have to worry about touching a poly just a little while falling and end up in a bloody mess.
If you're really deadset on making it "realistic," then perhaps it should just take away a fraction of the health.
Captain Ben
February 21, 2005, 8:20 am
And stop the soldats flying AND jumping really high...
it's realistic mode for a reason :P
The Geologist
February 21, 2005, 8:44 am
You'd get heavily injured while falling if you hit a vertical slope/surface...the energy has to go somewhere. Why can't any of you use your jets to, say..slow yourself down?
February 21, 2005, 9:05 am
Geo, you know that not all of the energy of your fall goes into the surface if you just glance off of it. Suppose I'm falling really fast next to a vertical surface and I reach out my hand and just poke it...am I going to die immediately or suffer any damage whatsoever?
Yes, the energy goes somewhere, but it's not all or nothing, it happens in percentages.
And most people don't expect that kind of a reaction in the game so they don't worry about slowing down when they're falling down a tunnel and are nowhere near the ground.
February 21, 2005, 10:36 pm
OMG GUYS - HELLO!?!?!? OK: when falling and touching sloped wall you're not putting all your kinetic energy into the wall!!! tat was the whole point of this post!!! most of you speed still remains downward, except that the wall <u>SLIGHTLY</u> aimed you in a dif. direction however still keeping most of you momentum!!! tats why there should be some sliding going on...
in REAL LIFE (don try this at home ppl) if your falling at like 20 mph falling straight down, and you touch a wall that's sligthly sloped (almost vertical) your not gonna hurt yourself from the impact (you might scratch yourself but tats dif.) - so if in soldat there's like a curved wall tat starts out as vertical and slowly goes horizontal, realistically you'll get slowed down... your <u>impulse</u> is very little (j = dm / ds) - since it takes (timewise -> ds) quite a bit of time to change your direction from straight down to horizontal, ds is quite big and therefore j is quite little so you only get affected very little!
The Geologist
February 21, 2005, 11:16 pm
Stop reading so much into my posts. I never mentioned any of this "all or nothing" talk. You'd still hurt yourself if you hit the vertical wall, just use your jets and slow yourself down for the love of god. You should know better after the first time you killed yourself :P
February 22, 2005, 12:04 am
I think it's a very good idea..I play only in rrealstic mode, and I know the meaning of less health for it..
Deleted User
February 22, 2005, 12:14 am
All you have to do is tap your jet key and you won't take any damage. Honestly.
Besides, looking at it in the game, when you touch a vertical slope, one half of your Soldat's body hits it, and assuming the natural order of physics and gravity are in play, there's a good chance that (in real life) you would be sent hurtling in who knows which direction, probably to meet the wall once more on a much much less friendly term.
To sum it up for you, you're falling and there's a vertical wall nearby. In real life, you can reach out and touch it, but in Soldat, its half your body or your leg meeting the wall, and in order to simulate the necessary damage for your idiotic attempt to hug a goddamn wall at maximum falling speed, you die.
The physics in the game are good and proper, you just need to learn how to use your jets. The fun of realistic mode is the fact that you have to think about so very many variables at one time that it makes it so suspenseful and more of a fight to survive, rather than an all out kill-fest.
February 22, 2005, 12:54 am
alright...since i still see that some of you ppl don't understand the basic concepts
touching a wall while falling really fast will only hurt u in such a way that it scratches your skin of perhaps - but tats not how soldat is!!!
here's a better exapmle: in video games where you drive a car and u fully hit a solid wall in front of you will prolly reck your car. Whereas if there's a curved rail and u drive real close to it at high speeds it won't reck your car - it'll make you turn into the direction that it forces you to and you don't loose all you speed at that hit! soldiers should be able to slide on curving walls like that and not loose all their falling energy into the wall. The car may scratch but so may many other things in soldat and your soldier doesn't get hurt from lil scratches!
The Geologist
February 22, 2005, 1:03 am
Understanding you isn't the issue...agreeing with you is. Use those jets.
February 22, 2005, 3:16 am
February 22, 2005, 3:44 am
lmao... just understand that what i say is right... that's all - jp; i just thought that it must bother you (since it bothers me) that if ur falling and u slightly touch a vertical wall it instantly kills you... i don think that that's how big M wants it to be...
Captain Ben
February 22, 2005, 6:16 am
quote:Originally posted by The GeologistUnderstanding you isn't the issue...agreeing with you is. Use those jets.
yeah, thats all good, but not all maps have jets :P
February 22, 2005, 6:57 pm
read the post about fall damage long ago..
i said the damage should be the component of your movement perpendicular to the object(veticle of polygon) youre hitting.
The Geologist
February 22, 2005, 7:08 pm
quote:Originally posted by Captain Ben
yeah, thats all good, but not all maps have jets :P
So you want me to assume you're not capable of estimating what heights not to jump from? It's not that hard. If there aren't any jets don't jump from the highest places and leave yourself open to long falls.
Only one of the default maps has no jet, and if you're leaping off of the highest points of Lagrange at full speed it's your own fault. It's a rare thing to see maps without jets, I only think I've seen or or two others. Just use your jets and get over it.
February 22, 2005, 8:26 pm
I think I agree with Geo here.
quote:Originally posted by zxystandf ur falling and u slightly touch a vertical wall it instantly kills you...
You're quite wrong there. Falling the fastest you can in this game should not be considered 'slightly', and you'd have to be going pretty fast horizontally to smack yourself against the wall hard enough for you to die.
Just DON'T ram yourself against walls while you're falling at max speed.
February 23, 2005, 12:47 am
ight lazehboi - if i understood you right i'd have to say that while your falling super fast down, you're not necessarily going fast horizontally. You usually don't go fast enough horizontally to hurt urself in soldat. so you definitely are not ramming against the wall! and since you must know that soldat is a fast paced game, using you jets to slow yourself down does actually waste quite a bit of time (although u might disagree cuz its only like a sec)... Also, just because you CAN get around problems doesn't mean that improving them is unnecessary. You (and others) may think it's not worth the time, however I (and others) may think it is. It can't hurt getting an improvement on this idea; you may still use your lil jets to slow yourself down. However it does help the other half of us because since we play it realistic, we try to imagine it in real life and apply that to the way we play soldat - and frankly, my idea is a must in that case!
The Geologist
February 23, 2005, 1:04 am
Alright zyx - if I understand you right I'd have to say that you want to change the game whenever enough people fail at doing something so simple as clicking the right moust button (or whatever jet may be designated as).
Are you really concerned about the physics of this, or are you just fretting about "wasting time" when you use the jets/failing to remember to use jets at all? The half a second it takes to save your soldat doesn't really factor into things.
February 23, 2005, 2:07 am
firstly, thnx Boer for putting it so simple (speed perpendicular to surface) - i was trying to say that the whole time but i guess i just made it more confusing with my weird equations...
well, i understand your concern on this topic isn't all that necessary since there is a way around this problem, so i agree that ir really isn't such an urgent modification as opposed to other topics posted in this forum, but i still think that it is an important and REALLY annoying the fact that i see so many ppl die from touching a wall and loose all their speed and DIE. ppl should also b able to slide along walls to not loose their entire speed while from a fall!
Deleted User
February 23, 2005, 2:08 am
Besides, half a second to save your life is a lot less than the 5+ for the respawn time. Durr.
Realistic mode is fun because of the fact that there are so many ways to fail. That's what makes it hard.
February 23, 2005, 5:47 pm
I like this idea
Sometime the jets cannot help,for example:
On the ramp under the bridge of inf-outpoint, I use to slide down the ramp to try to not let people see me, but i cannot do that in realirealistic mode because it will kill me.