First of all let me say that it is CTF 3v3, 4v4, 5v5! International Soldat Tournament is a tourny divided into 2 in some way sepereted tournaments. The first one is closed for signing up clans and it is possible to get to it only by winning the second tournament. This makes situation that in Tournament I there are no clans that have no chance and the level of game is very high. Furthermore in tournament there is some kind of points system, that gives oppurtinity to make clans ranking as in normal league.
II - here are rules:)!!!
1. Server
*Flag limit : 10
*Time : 10 min
*Teamrespawn : 2-3
*Bonuses : off
*Granades : 4
*Stationary gunes : off
*Max ping : 400
*Friendly fire : off
*All weapons are enabled
*Frequency : 3
*Bullet effect : off
2.Match Rules
*3v3, 4v4 and 5v5 matches are allowed.
*When a player disconects both clan should stop match and pause game if it is possible. If both team agres match can be stopped if player won`t come and ended later with time and result as it was at the moment of the disconnection of player. Then both screens should be shown.
*The match consists of maximally 4 rounds.
*Both teams chose 2 maps and color on these maps.
*The clan with less points is considered to start chosing maps, if the points are equal red clan on server begins chosing. When the I clan choses map then it is turn of II team to chose. Same maps can be chosen. Only default maps are allowed.
*When maps are decided, the map that was chosen first is played.
*The maps chosen by team are played on their server. If clan's server isnt available match can be played on second clan server or borrowed server (clan's which map is going to be played decides).
*Cap's are counted only if there is tie!
*When number of caps is equal (and maps) the clan that have scored more caps on enemy map wins
*If both caps and caps scored on enemies maps are equal, then map : Death is played until one of teams score.
*Match can only start if both teams are ready.
*If one of the teams leaves during the match without any reason and clan that stayed on server has screen of it, that clan decides if the want to end this match later or win it by forfeit.
*Substitutes are allowed, but first player leaves and then clanmate can join game.
*Pauses are allowed only if both team agress, same with restarts done after map was officialy started.
*Forfeit is 6:0 on all maps.
What can i say to make you join...:P...
1) I think that all clans that already joined are pro ones, so if you think that you belong to them then : [URL] :)
2) As i found out after some matches 4 maps system with counting flags is more exciting, and with there is no defending 1 flag advantage result;), so there's less camping:)!!!
3) We are just working about some sponsoring for the tournament. But nothing is for sure, but yet just sing up and play for FUN!!!:)
GL & HF (to this who are going to join :P)
4) We are also thinking about using modified weapon.ini so that weapons will be equal but ....:)
That's all for now. I'll probably add to this.[URL]
First of all let me say that it is CTF 3v3, 4v4, 5v5! International Soldat Tournament is a tourny divided into 2 in some way sepereted tournaments. The first one is closed for signing up clans and it is possible to get to it only by winning the second tournament. This makes situation that in Tournament I there are no clans that have no chance and the level of game is very high. Furthermore in tournament there is some kind of points system, that gives oppurtinity to make clans ranking as in normal league.
II - here are rules:)!!!
1. Server
*Flag limit : 10
*Time : 10 min
*Teamrespawn : 2-3
*Bonuses : off
*Granades : 4
*Stationary gunes : off
*Max ping : 400
*Friendly fire : off
*All weapons are enabled
*Frequency : 3
*Bullet effect : off
2.Match Rules
*3v3, 4v4 and 5v5 matches are allowed.
*When a player disconects both clan should stop match and pause game if it is possible. If both team agres match can be stopped if player won`t come and ended later with time and result as it was at the moment of the disconnection of player. Then both screens should be shown.
*The match consists of maximally 4 rounds.
*Both teams chose 2 maps and color on these maps.
*The clan with less points is considered to start chosing maps, if the points are equal red clan on server begins chosing. When the I clan choses map then it is turn of II team to chose. Same maps can be chosen. Only default maps are allowed.
*When maps are decided, the map that was chosen first is played.
*The maps chosen by team are played on their server. If clan's server isnt available match can be played on second clan server or borrowed server (clan's which map is going to be played decides).
*Cap's are counted only if there is tie!
*When number of caps is equal (and maps) the clan that have scored more caps on enemy map wins
*If both caps and caps scored on enemies maps are equal, then map : Death is played until one of teams score.
*Match can only start if both teams are ready.
*If one of the teams leaves during the match without any reason and clan that stayed on server has screen of it, that clan decides if the want to end this match later or win it by forfeit.
*Substitutes are allowed, but first player leaves and then clanmate can join game.
*Pauses are allowed only if both team agress, same with restarts done after map was officialy started.
*Forfeit is 6:0 on all maps.
What can i say to make you join...:P...
1) I think that all clans that already joined are pro ones, so if you think that you belong to them then : [URL] :)
2) As i found out after some matches 4 maps system with counting flags is more exciting, and with there is no defending 1 flag advantage result;), so there's less camping:)!!!
3) We are just working about some sponsoring for the tournament. But nothing is for sure, but yet just sing up and play for FUN!!!:)
GL & HF (to this who are going to join :P)
4) We are also thinking about using modified weapon.ini so that weapons will be equal but ....:)
That's all for now. I'll probably add to this.[URL]