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Soldat Forums - Server Talk - Server Help
Deleted User
February 25, 2005, 4:52 pm
Hi all! I need help with server! When i make server it's not registered how can i register it in servers in soldat.pl page? Plz help me! I have Windows XP and F-Secure firewall and windows wirewall

February 25, 2005, 5:11 pm
When you start the server, does it say it's registering?

Deleted User
February 25, 2005, 7:12 pm
I start it on dedicated server and i choose team deadmatch and bots and all that stuff then i press start game and it runs server and in up there say "game server not registered" :( what i do?

February 25, 2005, 7:57 pm
Well assuming there's a line in your lobby_servers.txt that says "lobby.soldat.pl", then you should read about forwarding your ports (from your router) or unblocking them (with your firewall) here.

Deleted User
February 25, 2005, 8:28 pm
Hey but there is all that Network Settings:

Connection: The type of network game you want to play (LAN/Internet).
Maximum Players: Maximum number of players that can join your server.
Register in Lobby Servers: When you start a server it can register in lobby servers so people can find it in the JOIN GAME servers browser.
Game Name: The name of your game server. It will be shown in the servers search.
Game Password: Your game servers password. Only players that know it can join.
Balance Teams: Players that join server will be forced to join the team with less players. Works in CTF and Infiltration.
Admin Password: The admin password that normal players must type in order to gain admin privileges over the server. If you do not set an Admin Password in the soldat.ini, then it is required that you set one during server startup.
ASE Register: Option allowing the server to register to the All Seeing Eye. This only works for windows, trying to set it on linux servers will end up causing weird problems in-game. Sometimes it won't even start.
Spectator: Option to enable people to join as spectator.
Max Spectators: Maximum amount of spectators able to be in the server at the same time. If you are a server admin then you can still join.
Allow Download: Option to allow the downloading of custom maps. You will need to forward the port if you are behind a router [See below] stuff :D And where i put this all or where i write this stuff??

February 25, 2005, 9:03 pm
Read further down...
quote:Supplementary Setup: (complied from months of posts and troubleshooting)

Soldat Packet Type: UDP

Soldat Client Port: 23083 [note: this is hardwired into Soldat, you cannot change this option]

Soldat Server Port: default 23073 [this can be changed, but does not effect the client port, like previously believed]

Map Download Port: Soldat Server Port + 10 [for example: if the soldat server port was 24084 then the map download port would be 24094]

ASE Packet Type: UDP / TCP

ASE Scanner Ports: 27243-27243

Local Computer's IP:

LAN Scan Port: 27015

Known Router Addresses: , , , ,

Default Router Passwords: Admin or [blank; nothing; lack of existence]

Deleted User
February 26, 2005, 7:58 am
Okay... I get it... But when i go play then put all those network settings and i start the game.
But when i go see the server list in soldat.pl no one can't join in my server :( Or can they ? Cos in down of the list there says:

server name - dedicated server
server name - passworded server
players: number playing/max players (+number of bots)
version: x.x.x - Windows server; x.x.x* - Linux server

Deleted User
February 26, 2005, 8:00 am
Sorry [B]Server name - dedicated server [/bold]
[I]Server name - passworded server [/italy]