i have mentioned this in some reply that noone's gonna read anyways so here it is:
this calls forth for a new way for bots to manage to get around the map. They basically have they're own braing and are able to get around wihtout waypoitns just by knowing where polygons are. They basically have a really good artifical intelligent brain. So they know how to get to a person and can calculate how long it'll take to get there and go there very efficiently. they can also know how to get to the flag the fastest and have programmed where the flag is for each map because every player normally knows where it is. also, they would know where to camp and will be able to attack if the enemy is close enough for a good surprise attack (or if he has snkper). there are many new possibilities for having a better AI.
kinda like in the game liquid war the way the individual particles get to the cursor expeditiously.
this calls forth for a new way for bots to manage to get around the map. They basically have they're own braing and are able to get around wihtout waypoitns just by knowing where polygons are. They basically have a really good artifical intelligent brain. So they know how to get to a person and can calculate how long it'll take to get there and go there very efficiently. they can also know how to get to the flag the fastest and have programmed where the flag is for each map because every player normally knows where it is. also, they would know where to camp and will be able to attack if the enemy is close enough for a good surprise attack (or if he has snkper). there are many new possibilities for having a better AI.
kinda like in the game liquid war the way the individual particles get to the cursor expeditiously.