March 24, 2005, 6:58 pm
I'm going to ship off to Basic Training in late May, a couple of months from now, and join the Army under the MOS to become Special Forces. I'll first be going through Basic, Then Infantry AIT, then Jump School (for paratroopers), then Special Forces conditioning and evaluation. If I pass that, I will spend another year studying a foriegn language (likely an Asian language). It's going to be an extreme challenge and Special Forces evaluation is particularly grueling. The whole process will take two years, and for large chunks of it, I won't have acsess to a computer or a phone, so I will not be posting on the forums or playing Soldat except on rare occasions.
I am concerned about just how physically and mentally demanding this map be, but on the other hand, I'll be getting paid to be better at the hobbies that I'm allready doing at my own expense. I'll be the greatest soldier the U.S. Army has to offer, and it will probably change me into a very different person.
This kind of life appeals to me particularly, because I have nothing holding me to a civillian life. I am not married, I am not in a relationship, and I probably won't be in one for a long time. I have no debts and little income. I am out of place at my university, where the people I am surrounded by are ones I do not associate with because I feel as if they are much younger than me in a way.
I've always wante dto be part of something significant, and this is my chance. I'll have all I want of adventure, discipline, and pride. it pays well and has stacks of benefits, not to mention Speical Forces are taken care of particularly well in the Army.
If any of you have anything to say, especially advice that I can use to prepare for the road ahead, let me know.
March 24, 2005, 8:35 pm
You sound like you are completely prepared for this kind of thing. Good luck (not that you'll need it) and don't give up.
March 24, 2005, 10:05 pm
AA, he's going in for training, not battle just yet.
March 24, 2005, 10:19 pm
Well, there have been known fatalities during training, for people with health problems that they didn't catch. After the training, provided I don't quit in a burst of exaustion induced insanity, I will be doing some of the most dangerous missions the U.S. needs completed. Fortunately, the mortality rate of Green Berets in open battle or anything else are drastically lower than normal light and mechanized infantry. There have been open battles between Special Forces units (12 men) against anywhere from 60 to 200 enemies in an encampment, and no Green Berets died. But this comes from years of training, and they only allow the best into the Special Forces.
March 24, 2005, 10:21 pm
well under the normal army conditions that's how it'd go, but right now you're going striaght to iraq after BT. happened to this guy we called cripple
[IMAGE]. his ass be in tikrit...
good luck. are you left or right handed?
thanks for joining... though i dont support the war. but this country was just getting boring anyway :P
March 24, 2005, 10:42 pm
What do you mean? I write with my left hand. But I shoot with my right hand. If you mean a political "wing", I'd say I'm Right Wing.
March 25, 2005, 10:10 pm
I'm against war in general, and against Bush in particular, but I have nothing but respect for people who put their lives on the line for their country, so best of luck with that. I have no advice to give except to have pride in yourself and if you get into the field, try to kill as little as possible and help so far as you can - because it's far easier to shoot someone than try to understand them.
Anyways, I won't let my poltics go to far - good luck man, do your best and try not to die, I don't know you at all but I think you're an alright guy. Best wishes from this corner of Canada.
Deleted User
March 25, 2005, 10:26 pm
Make sure to come back in one piece, enjoy your life. *doffs hat to liero*
March 25, 2005, 10:37 pm
i meant shooting hand. it's better for right-handers than for us lefties.
March 26, 2005, 11:02 pm
one word..Wow,you really sound like you know what you are doing :| Well good luck =)
March 27, 2005, 10:10 pm
I'll ship off for Basic at Fort Bennings sometime between late May and the 1st of June. Untill then I'll still be here regularly. And thanks for the encouragement.
March 27, 2005, 10:38 pm
good luck, just dont join the marines. theyve been dropping like flieslikeabrick
March 28, 2005, 12:22 am
I know. When the recruiter said, "Why Army?" I said, "Well, I want to be a SOLDIER. Not a Airman, not a sailor..." and he continued, "...and not a jarhead, eh?"
Marines really are cannon fodder. But they train with different equipment. I'm more of a land-based guy myself.
Captain Ben
March 28, 2005, 1:54 am
Look on the brighter side:
After your military training is done, you can use your military tactics in soldat!
March 28, 2005, 2:00 am
Soldat moves WAY too fast. And the threat of death has little effect except on survival mode. Frag grenades do not explode on impact... and... stuff...
March 28, 2005, 3:05 am
*imagines you running around shouting "GOGOGO" and blasting foes with an XM214*
March 28, 2005, 4:48 am
think youll be stationed in Fort Stewart with the 3rd infantry? i live just down the road from Fort Stewart. sometimes i can hear them practicing artillery fire.
March 28, 2005, 5:25 am
I'm not sure. I'll be spending most 1st year in GA anyway, in Fort Benning for Basic, AIT, and Jump school. Then I go to Fort Bragg. I don't know where I go for langauge school. Considering I'll be spending a lot of time overseas once my training is done, I'm probably going to go to a northeastern shore base, like Fort Hamilton, but I'm not sure.
And Peemonkey, my favorite gun would probably be M-249 SAW machine gun (almost the same as a FN Minimi with a faster rate of fire) or a FN F2000... but the American army doesn't issue Fabrique Nationale weapons. I'm the most proficient with shotguns, but they are rare on the battlefield.
I'm really looking to Jump school, combat excersizes, and using frag grenades.
Green Berets specialize in geurilla warfare... small, 12 man teams who are given specific missions and they get in, do their thing, and get out. One time in Iraq, a Special forces team was pinned down after they blew up an enemy installation, so they go extracted with a comanche helicopter by riding on the landing pads out in the open air. It was awesome.
March 28, 2005, 6:50 am
Talking about black hawk done.liero?
Green Barret
March 28, 2005, 8:17 am
Gen0cide, leiro said that a Comanche helicopter was used in the rescue. So hes talking about something else.
Onto topic
Whoa... I never knew the Comanche was accually in action. I thought i was still in its testing stage.
Nice going liero! I hope you make it through in one piece. I'm accually envious of you... America has the most modernized army in the world and you get the chance of being a spec-ops operative there! Have a good time there(lol).
March 28, 2005, 11:32 am
You're right. I typed the wrong name addicentally, and I'm not sure what kind of helicopter it was if not wht I thought it was. The comanche project was scrapped. My mistake. One of those Native-American sounding helicopters...
It's too bad they scrapped the Comanche project. Such an expensive waste.
And no, I've never seen Black Hawk Down. Why? Did that actually happen in a movie? Wierd.
March 28, 2005, 3:41 pm
F2000? it's a hyped up bulky turd.
the army doesnt have the M240? who does then? marines? i know somebody does...
March 28, 2005, 5:48 pm
They army probably does. I'll ask the Mech Infantry Sargeant about it when I get there, because I'm visiting there in about 4 hours.
Seen the new XM8s? They're supposed to (eventually) replace the M16A1 and the M4... but be just as modular as the current issued weapons, and a LOT more reliable than the M16/M4. It's manufactured by HK.
March 28, 2005, 5:56 pm
I bow to you Liero.. you got guts. I wouldn't volunteer for something like that, I couldn't do it. I'll miss you though, you're one of those guys here that can't be dissed. Good luck man :]
March 28, 2005, 6:09 pm
Thanks. Heh, I'm surprized at myself for making this decision, but it feels so right, and I'm up to the challenge. My life has little meaning as it is, and I'm ready to dedicate myself to a higher cause.
March 28, 2005, 6:10 pm
ive been near an XM8 being fired, didnt seem to reliable. it jammed twice out of 300 shots :/
March 28, 2005, 6:13 pm
Well, they're *supposed* to be... I guess that's why they aren't being issued yet.
March 28, 2005, 6:16 pm
quote:Originally posted by lieroguyMy life has little meaning as it is, and I'm ready to dedicate myself to a higher cause.
I would never dedicate my life to a higher cause. I'd join the army cuz girls dig uniforms and I dig guns! Althought I would NEVER join the American army (no, not just because I hate americans), But because they use M4's, and I hate m4's almost as much as I hate Americans, and I dont think lieroguy likes me now, so I will stop writing, before I lose control and start swearing :p
EDIT: Does your mother know your joining the greenies?
March 28, 2005, 6:49 pm
Yeah, she knows. She doesn't mind much. Yeah, M4's are crappy. But that's the way it goes...
It's ok, I don't like Americans as a whole either. Most of what Bush is doing makes a lot of Europeans hate America... which is strange, because we're not attacking The Netherlands. Actually, I've got a very political stance on that topic, but I'm not talking about it, because I'm trying to stay on good terms with the Europeans in this forum.
Tha Doggfather
March 28, 2005, 8:17 pm
MercyM, stop it, your posts are stupid lately (or maybe they have always been and I just noticed).
Good luck lieroguy, I might join the army too if I don't succeed at university.
March 28, 2005, 8:24 pm
oh hell, lets all join the army!
nah...i would consider it if i wasnt a communist. and as of now im acually recruiting people in my area to support the USACP.
March 29, 2005, 1:18 am
I don't know how the Armies work in other countries. Here, I'll get paid about $1500 every month untill about after the first year... then raises will keep coming as I climb in rank. I will have free food, a free apartment, and free health insurance.
If I move out of the barracks, I'll get another 300-500 dollars a month for housing. I will also get this anyway once I finish Special Forces, because I'll be moving around so much, as well as a $250 a month bonus once I finish jump school.
EDIT: OH! And the difference between the M-240 and the M-249 is that the M-240 fires 7.62mm x 51mm NATO rounds and it manufactured by FN (Fabrique Nationale) in Belguim...
The M-249 fires 5.56mm x 45mm NATO and it is the FN Minimi. (Also manufactured by Fabruique Nationale)
March 29, 2005, 3:06 am
just hope you know what yer getting into. sand is a mother
[IMAGE]er. if they allow it, pick up an ak47. nice and loose.
i would never join the military because:
i have a good life going on
my dad was in the marines, and he's
[IMAGE]ing nuts
my uncle was in the marines, and he's got no arms
they make you use M4's, which i dislike so much i traded the AR-15 my father bought for me for an M14
likely would just be a grunt
i get angry, and get stabby
i dont want to hear people preaching bush's word. im against the president and the war, not the soldiers.
i hope you stay safe, stay alert, and have fun. everyone ive talked to about war has had fun at some point in time.
rhombus, chicks no longer dig the military outfit in america, they want a man who might come back :/ sad but true.
although ive found in the past couple days that the bus driver outfit makes me sexy
March 29, 2005, 4:50 am
Jeee you american buy your boys guns? wierd.
Anyways, the army changes you so much.
We'll probably won't hear from u again :)
I doubt you'll ever care about Soldat once more, it changes your whole meaning of life.
Aspacialy with what you're about to do, I just hope you know what you're getting yourself into :S
The Geologist
March 29, 2005, 4:53 am
Only some Americans buy their kids's by no means the standard.
March 29, 2005, 4:42 pm
My father never bought me a gun, but he let me shoot his guns all the time.
March 30, 2005, 8:48 pm
whats bad about M4s? i thought they were very good guns.
March 30, 2005, 9:32 pm
AerialAssault, do you really think communism would work?
Face it. Average Joe isn't that perfect, he's too greedy and power hungry.
The Karl Marx, and the Marxism is a good thought, and there is not much wrong about it, in theory
Communism is imo just a dream of a perfect society that cannot be practised in reality.
March 31, 2005, 1:41 am
Well, I just got out of MEPS (Military Entrance & Processing Service), where they gave me a physical, took a blood and urine sample, checked my eyes, hearing, and fingerprints, double, triple, ad quadruple checked all of my information, and swore me in.
My orders are to ship out on May 12th, as a 18X Special Forces Candidate.
I also got lots of cool loot, like the America's Army game and several DVDs.
I'm now offically a soldier!
March 31, 2005, 1:46 am
welp, no turning back :P
they would never accept me unless they were really really desperate. i got a bleeding disorder and my legs are rat
[IMAGE]ed XD at least im a raelly good shot :P
March 31, 2005, 2:52 pm
Yeah, I know they turned away a lot of folks because they didn't make the requirements. I was pretty lucky. I'm looking forward to when they issue me my equipment. I think I'd look good in BDUs. The BC glasses, I'm a little worried about.
April 2, 2005, 1:39 am
quote:Originally posted by MelbaAerialAssault, do you really think communism would work?
Face it. Average Joe isn't that perfect, he's too greedy and power hungry.
The Karl Marx, and the Marxism is a good thought, and there is not much wrong about it, in theory
Communism is imo just a dream of a perfect society that cannot be practised in reality.
how in the hell is that related to the topic? if everyone was a communist, then it would work. therefore, you shouldnt force it upon people. convince them that socialism, and eventually communism is the answer and it will eventually work. capitalism sucks. why should someone be allowed to own 3 houses and a Lamborghini while some people struggle just to keep a job and to put food on the table. capitalism is a win-lose system, and it cannot work forever. Just look at the USA's economic status. and our trade deficit.
April 2, 2005, 1:54 am
Sorry, i just felt the urge to express myself
April 4, 2005, 6:18 pm
I've been studying Marx from a sociological and a philosophical standpoint. Though Communism as it is today is said to be of Marx, many things Marx believed in are not fulfilled in Communism. In fact, they are contradicted. In example, Marx believed that the factory was a bad place to work because it destroyed individuality, was unsafe, and the workers did not recieve merit for their craftsmanship. In his utopia, factories did not have a place. Yet Communism (most famously former soviet Russia) does not abolish factory work, it encourages it. Communism did not destroy the bougeois, but just changed the name to "cabinet member".
Plato and Aristotle teach us that social heiarchy in power, wealth and prestige is a part of life, and rightly so, as it has been that way for humans, and our ape and near-human ancestors, since the beginning of our existence. From a minimalistic explanation, this is simply a faculty of Natural Selection. Though Natural Selection hardly has a place in our world today with technology, we as humans still have it as instinct, because we have not had the thousands of years to evolve out of it. Though we have a sense of "We" in that it is our instinct to support one another so that "we" survive and our numbers continue to grow, each one of us has the drive to be at the top, to be the "alpha male", so that we can spread our DNA legacy to more potential mates, and limit the productive capacity of those who are not at the top. Of course, this is not how society works today, but this is how our instinct does.
I'd also recommend studying Hobbes' Egoism.
April 4, 2005, 7:27 pm
quote:Originally posted by Rhombusquote:Originally posted by lieroguyMy life has little meaning as it is, and I'm ready to dedicate myself to a higher cause.
I would never dedicate my life to a higher cause. I'd join the army cuz girls dig uniforms and I dig guns! Althought I would NEVER join the American army (no, not just because I hate americans), But because they use M4's, and I hate m4's almost as much as I hate Americans, and I dont think lieroguy likes me now, so I will stop writing, before I lose control and start swearing :p
EDIT: Does your mother know your joining the greenies?
quote:Originally posted by peemonkeyjust hope you know what yer getting into. sand is a mother
[IMAGE]er. if they allow it, pick up an ak47. nice and loose.
i would never join the military because:
i have a good life going on
my dad was in the marines, and he's
[IMAGE]ing nuts
my uncle was in the marines, and he's got no arms
they make you use M4's, which i dislike so much i traded the AR-15 my father bought for me for an M14
likely would just be a grunt
i get angry, and get stabby
i dont want to hear people preaching bush's word. im against the president and the war, not the soldiers.
i hope you stay safe, stay alert, and have fun. everyone ive talked to about war has had fun at some point in time.
rhombus, chicks no longer dig the military outfit in america, they want a man who might come back :/ sad but true.
although ive found in the past couple days that the bus driver outfit makes me sexy
Those two posts are proof natural selection stopped working.
April 5, 2005, 6:07 am
I'm not too concerned about that... the noncombatant proletariats in the world have their place (although through history they have always been on a lower rung from soldiers. Hmm...). Seriously, It's not everyone's job to fight. But to disagree with war on the basis that we're flaunting our strength to eliminate potential threats (as a expected act of a government superpower) is spitting against the wind. Sure, it's "not right," but since when has a government had a impeccable moral record? And remember the Spartans clan and my own motto: "Everyone dies. Them First." It sums it all up. I do not fear death, but I will do my best to make sure the enemies fall first.
April 5, 2005, 10:15 am
ILL TEACH U LAUNGAGES. Im asian and i know some of the languages here,
April 5, 2005, 10:49 pm
I know Japanese. I'll probably either refine my knowledge of it or learn Korean.