Captain Ben
March 29, 2005, 10:40 am
Hat mode! This mode will revolkulizera Soldat forever...
You collect... Hats! And you must add them to a pile of your collected hats to make the pile of hats high enough to reach the crown, in which you can wear in the next round to show your 'mad' skills, etc.
It could be a teammatch, in which the winning team could wear crowns when not wearing a hat to bring back to the pile.
Pretty simple, as players would find a hat box
(a hat would connect itself to the soldat's head), and run back to the hat pile to add their hat.
Once enough hats have been collected, players scale the pile
(by standing in-line with the pile and rapidly jumping up) to claim the crown and start the next round.
To add a challenge, the opposing team can't steal hats from their enemies pile, but can kill enemies, claiming their hats
(if they have any) and they can knock the pile down, forcing the owners to go and touch each of them again to get them back onto the pile.
Players can only carry one hat at a time.
Help me improve this revolkulizera-ary idea
(not that it needs improving :P)
Oh yeah, and every single hat is different.
Hats could range from bunny ears to pirate hats to sunberos!
Even a spork hat! (just for you, DT :P)
Tell me what you think!
March 29, 2005, 5:05 pm
If it includes pirate hats, sure :)
Deleted User
March 29, 2005, 6:13 pm
And sombreros! Can't forget the Sombreros! And a Berret. (not the gun, the hat!)
Also, a beanie would be cool... and a cowboy hat. I'm just gonna keep goin on with this forever...
Chef hat!
March 29, 2005, 6:45 pm
Hehe would be nice in soldat.
But if you jump to many times the hats will fall on the ground!
March 29, 2005, 8:29 pm
Gasmask! Sam Fisher NVG's! Goggles! Cat in the Hat hat! Fireman hat! etc.
Deleted User
March 29, 2005, 9:28 pm
lol not very soldatish but i like this idea....
March 29, 2005, 9:41 pm
The only war ever fought over hats. Well second, if you count the French and Indian war, which was pretty much about beaver hats. And the riots over clothes. Can you imagine what that would be like...? "Hey, get off my bomber jacket!" *kid pulls out steyr aug* "I don't think you need a jacket."
Here's some hat suggestions-
Top Hat
Beer Hat(the hats where you put the cans into the loophole and drink from the straws)
The ultra rare propeller hat. But this one actually flies, giving you an extra bit of boost temporarily. Only one per level.
March 29, 2005, 9:58 pm
no. please god no!
this idea is so retarded I won't even give reasons -.-
March 29, 2005, 10:40 pm
This is one.. no, the most awesome gameplay suggestion i have seen... FOR ANY GAME!.. especially since i am a pirate, and pirate.. hats are cool...
March 30, 2005, 12:50 am
i agree with alamo. i do not like. no thx
if MM wants it, he can implement it. i wont play it tho
Deleted User
March 30, 2005, 12:59 am
Even if this was implemented, it'd just go the way of Rambo Match, Realistic mode, and Point Match.
March 30, 2005, 2:06 am
nice I luv it!!! hats who would of ever thought of it!!! YOU!
Captain Ben
March 30, 2005, 4:54 am
quote:Originally posted by tractionThis is one.. no, the most awesome gameplay suggestion i have seen... FOR ANY GAME!.. especially since i am a pirate, and pirate.. hats are cool...
I think I have a new friend...
Anyway, it doesn't absolutely need to be hats, I just thought it would be cool. Think of it as more of a... beefed up ctf match ;)
And Mr mcSkaary, I meant somberos :D
Deleted User
March 30, 2005, 11:50 am
Sure its sorta silly but I think this is actually a pretty cool idea. Silly is not a bad thing!
Perhaps not the whole system youve described, although I thought it was neat, but just the general idea of your soldats wearing hats and being able to 'steal' eachothers hats by killing eachother is an awesome idea.
I think that selectable hat types is a must! Wheither it be different hat looks for each player, or just selectable hat type for each server.
March 30, 2005, 12:42 pm
I think it would be better with crates, and in options, you would be able to determine the size of the crates (maybe some are bigger than others, or all same size) And in mapmaker you should have to place the crown.
Deleted User
March 30, 2005, 7:57 pm
Oh dear....No wonder Michal never uses any suggjestions from this forum :p Stop ruining it with stupid ideas! How about a claymore or somthing? Molotov cocktail. Real practical things......You can't kill anyone with a hat...
Deleted User
March 30, 2005, 9:51 pm
yah crates kinda sounds better then hats
Deleted User
March 30, 2005, 11:21 pm
Er... I dont think anyone suggested using the hat to kill people... I think it is more like a flag- Except more reasonable because really, how do people hold guns while they are holding a flag? ...And more silly and fun.
Captain Ben
March 31, 2005, 2:50 am
quote:Originally posted by Field Marshal BMOh dear....No wonder Michal never uses any suggjestions from this forum :p Stop ruining it with stupid ideas! How about a claymore or somthing? Molotov cocktail. Real practical things......You can't kill anyone with a hat...
If you read what I wrote, you don't use the hats to kill people, dumbarse...
Claymores and molotov cocktails have both been suggested many times and have been rejected. Learn to read the idea, not just jump into conclusions. Geologist, who/what is FDR?
Anyway, like said above that if this mode ever came, would go in the same direction as rambo and pointmatch, I'd still play it.
The reason I chose hats was because if there were crate and boxes instead, it would be a bit unbelievable to see a soldat running at full speed with a large crate and let's say, a minigun.
Deleted User
March 31, 2005, 4:37 am
I read the topic and I know you're not suppose to kill people with the hat :p I was making I joke. I appologize if it came across offensive, It was not meant to in any way. It just seems silly and pointles to collect hats :s
March 31, 2005, 12:04 pm
Capt ben... your ideas are always great....
You should write your own games ;)