March 29, 2005, 11:59 am
do you find that if you use a different mod, you use a different weapon?
i do. my first mod was shivorkens halomod, and before that, i had never used minimi. when i started using the mod, the only gun i used was minimi.
then i changed to papasurfs UT mod. i used the spas a lot. a hell of a lot.
March 29, 2005, 1:08 pm
Yep :) But I think that depends on the psyche of the player (may sound odd but I'm serious).
Using certain guns with certain mods I'm just better than with the standard. It's weird but maybe it's sounds and looks that make you 'feel better' with it. Don't know :)
March 30, 2005, 12:53 am
its really to do with the skin of the weapon in the mod. in the UT mod that i said the spas was the flak cannon. i LOVE UT's flak cannon. and now with BMan's RF2 mod i only ever use AK
Deleted User
March 30, 2005, 1:43 am
I do the same thing Spartan_III, Like per say in my WW2 mod, I never used the ruger before but I use it almost all the time with the mod, the bayonet seems to help make it beefier ;) And sounds play a big role in it too.