Haven't been on in a while, so this could be a lengthy pwning.
To EndertheXenocide's comment:I usually play public, and that was public anyway. Also, about hating me, go ahead and join the ever-growing club, I hate you all anyway and I am superior.
To Shivorken's comment: I play against humans for the most part.
To Blasta's comment:Your stupidity is just...wow. Shut the
[IMAGE] up.
To mitokon's comment: I'm not a "n00b" (As you so greatly put in lete, congratulations! Your like every other clueless retard on the internet.) I will go around saying
On a final note, I would just say that all you people that say,
"Well popctrl, with your superiority and greatness,you don't need to justify yourself to us.
P.S.You are awesome"
Well, I find ruining other people's
[IMAGE] really fun.
You have all been thouroghly pwned.