I was just thinking of a few and...:
VIP Escort
Alpha Team Mission: Take VIP ( A random player from that team; Only gets SOCOM and cannot pick up weapons ) to a designated area. ( Maybe keep him there for 5 seconds or so so its not a INSTA-WIN thing )
Bravo Team Mission: Kill the VIP
I relize this might work too good in Soldat...but Im just throwing out ideas.
King Of The Hill
Alpha Team Mission: Hold the hill for the set amount of time.
Bravo Team Mission: Hold the hill for the set amount of time.
To hold the hill, one player would just have to be near the area, and no enemies could be nearby. After a few seconds, the hill would be controlled by the corresponding team. Maybe they would mount a flag during those few seconds. This would be pretty fun, and teh hill could be a heavily defended fortress with turrets and such, so it would be hard to get, but possible.
Destroy The Objective
Alpha Team Mission: Destroy designated objective ( Gun, Explosives, House, Toxic Waste ect. )
Bravo Team Mission: Defend the objective from destruction.
So alpha team would get C4, ( it would be a secondary, only for this mode ). It would take X amount of time to plant, then BOOM. Perhaps a little time before it explodes, so for difusion of C4 (?).
Alpha Team Mission: Assinate Designated Target
Bravo Team Mission: Defend target ( Random player from Bravo, getz pistol only, can't pick up weps )
This could be pretty fun. Bravo would defend and alpha would have to go in and KILL the target. Alpha team would get 30 points for killing the target. For every x amount of seconds target lives, bravo gets 1 point.
Alpha Team Mission(PREDATORS): Hunt down aliens, weaponry would be spear guns, net guns, spears and such.
Bravo Team Mision(ALIENS): Kill predators, weaponry would be claws, bite, and lunge attack ( 1 hit kill? )
Ill admit it. This is slightly a joke, but it would be pretty fun. Imagine running down this corridor as predators, with 3 buddies. Suddenly, aliens pop out from everywheres to try and kill you :).
Spear Gun: 2-4 hit kills? Sorta like ruger.
Net Guns: Traps a alien, but alien breaks free after x amount of seconds.
Spears: Sorta like knife, but can't throw, and you'd need to aim. ( You click at a aliens head and you jab spear at the head, yet aline may duck and avoid spear. )
Claws: 3-6 hit kills, but fast attack speed.
Bite: 1 hit kill, you have to be close.. ( MUST aim at head. If you hit body its the same as claws, 3-6 hits )
Lunge Attack: Brutal 1 hit kill attack .Alien jumps and flies at enemy. If hit, the enemy dies instantly ( The ragdoll effect could make the spine snap :P ). BUT, has long recharge time.
Let me know what you think.
VIP Escort
Alpha Team Mission: Take VIP ( A random player from that team; Only gets SOCOM and cannot pick up weapons ) to a designated area. ( Maybe keep him there for 5 seconds or so so its not a INSTA-WIN thing )
Bravo Team Mission: Kill the VIP
I relize this might work too good in Soldat...but Im just throwing out ideas.
King Of The Hill
Alpha Team Mission: Hold the hill for the set amount of time.
Bravo Team Mission: Hold the hill for the set amount of time.
To hold the hill, one player would just have to be near the area, and no enemies could be nearby. After a few seconds, the hill would be controlled by the corresponding team. Maybe they would mount a flag during those few seconds. This would be pretty fun, and teh hill could be a heavily defended fortress with turrets and such, so it would be hard to get, but possible.
Destroy The Objective
Alpha Team Mission: Destroy designated objective ( Gun, Explosives, House, Toxic Waste ect. )
Bravo Team Mission: Defend the objective from destruction.
So alpha team would get C4, ( it would be a secondary, only for this mode ). It would take X amount of time to plant, then BOOM. Perhaps a little time before it explodes, so for difusion of C4 (?).
Alpha Team Mission: Assinate Designated Target
Bravo Team Mission: Defend target ( Random player from Bravo, getz pistol only, can't pick up weps )
This could be pretty fun. Bravo would defend and alpha would have to go in and KILL the target. Alpha team would get 30 points for killing the target. For every x amount of seconds target lives, bravo gets 1 point.
Alpha Team Mission(PREDATORS): Hunt down aliens, weaponry would be spear guns, net guns, spears and such.
Bravo Team Mision(ALIENS): Kill predators, weaponry would be claws, bite, and lunge attack ( 1 hit kill? )
Ill admit it. This is slightly a joke, but it would be pretty fun. Imagine running down this corridor as predators, with 3 buddies. Suddenly, aliens pop out from everywheres to try and kill you :).
Spear Gun: 2-4 hit kills? Sorta like ruger.
Net Guns: Traps a alien, but alien breaks free after x amount of seconds.
Spears: Sorta like knife, but can't throw, and you'd need to aim. ( You click at a aliens head and you jab spear at the head, yet aline may duck and avoid spear. )
Claws: 3-6 hit kills, but fast attack speed.
Bite: 1 hit kill, you have to be close.. ( MUST aim at head. If you hit body its the same as claws, 3-6 hits )
Lunge Attack: Brutal 1 hit kill attack .Alien jumps and flies at enemy. If hit, the enemy dies instantly ( The ragdoll effect could make the spine snap :P ). BUT, has long recharge time.
Let me know what you think.