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Time for Soldat IRC to evolve
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - General Discussions
April 17, 2005, 2:23 am
I have been thinking about this for a while, and many people I have spoken to have agreed: Soldat would benefit from moving to a different IRC network.

Quakenet is a huge network, which means its quality goes down. Any of you that are on there know of the netsplits and everything, as well as the admin abuse and overall quality (or lack thereof).

I am proposing to move soldat over to another network, irc.elitistfaction.net

The network has been around for a while, perfecting what it has to offer. Lately it has started to get some attention, and it has much better things to offer than quakenet.

-No NetSplits (more reliable servers)
-Admins help with small issues rather than ignore you
-If your account or channel gets hijacked, admins help with that rather than ignoring you or g-lining/k-lining you for complaining
-The nickname and channel services are much more standard than quakenet and do a lot more for channel owners
-The Nickserv auth actually provides nickname protection rather than just gives you another account to worry about
-ChanServ and its configuration makes channel ownership more friendly than Q and L on quakenet. It takes a bit of getting used to if you are coming from quakenet, but myself and the others who know it would be glad to help you out
-No huge lag problems with chat
-Fast growing community, just huge quality benefits over QuakeNet and its huge network of servers.

Q: "oh, i don't want to move because it requires more work"
A: with use of the perform in mirc, you can easly join both servers and channels on both when you run mIRC. I'm sure xchat does the same thing, if not better

Q: "but everyone is on quakenet, they wont want to leave"
A: well that attitude never gets anything done. if you move over, others will follow.

people are starting to move over/join both now, and if this trend continues then the ultimate goal of moving soldat can be achieved. Feel free to question the reasons, but please don't just not do it because of those two Q/A above.

This network is owned by a RL friend who goes to univ with me, and he has put a lot of time and money into this network. He started working on it about a year ago, and has been working hard to put his knowledge to use on this all. I'm trying to help soldat by moving to a better network, and killing two birds with one stone by having that better net work be this one that he has worked so hard on. He is looking forward to it growing, and having a community like soldat there would be a great surprise for him, as it would spawn other communities as well. Anyone who thinks quakenet is good enough and just doesnt want to move is really missing out.

I believe soldat would benefit greatly from this, for so many reasons.

Thanks guys, post on

April 17, 2005, 2:49 am
I think quakenet sucks and everyone should use irc.elitistfaction.net cause for a begineer to use mIRC it's much easier to use thie irc.elitistfaction.net then quakenet due to less requirement to register a channel and start learning mIRC and it's more faster to startup a channel. Also it's more manageable and controlable. If there is a channel that will have all the helpers/admin in there to help would be nice. just in case some ppl have problem with the server. Overall I think it's a nice small network for soldat clans to start in and move to. the nick protection would help a lot on ppl that is trying to be a imposter and some ppl that u don't have a clue who the hell they are.

April 17, 2005, 2:52 am
Quakenet has the worst user system thing i've ever seen. I'd love to move, and so should everyone else. EVEN THE COMMUNISTS.

Milkman Dan
April 17, 2005, 3:04 am
Ja, sounds gut! I hate netsplits!! and umm... i hate being klined and glined! woot yeah!

April 17, 2005, 3:58 am
harhar I concur! or to that one that 2wai uses :P zoite?

April 17, 2005, 3:59 am
This may seem like a noobish question, but what exactly does Soldat have to do with IRC?
I've never used it, am I missing out on something?

April 17, 2005, 4:02 am
Michal, you are missing out on a [IMAGE]load. Forums are like 1/10th of IRC..whenever there's a good discussion on the forums, it's origins usually started on IRC.

As for the move, I SUPPORT IT!! The admins are awesome, especially that Ritalin guy, he is cooler than batman.

edit: i take back everything i said. marz is an evil ****ing whore with giant bloody fangs.

Captain Ben
April 17, 2005, 4:23 am
Because I'm a computer n00b, let me make assumptions.
Soldat's IRC is Quakenet, right? So I'm assuming those are the server-things that Soldat uses.
Now you want to change IRC's, thus giving Soldat's online play less lag and a better connection?
Please tell me if I'm wrong, because I understand none of your cyber babble.

April 17, 2005, 4:47 am
lol @n00bface

Captain Ben, IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. it is a medium where many, many people communicate. There are networks of servers, like quakenet, efnet, dalnet etc. Soldat usually is on QuakeNet, but I am proposing to have everyone migrate to Elitist Faction because it is higher quality and more reliable. It doesnt effect the gameplay of soldat at all, just the community.

download mirc at www.mirc.com or use a java applet such as http://web.slacked.org/~slacked/java/slacked.shtml to come chat. If you plan to stick around or be on multiple servers/networks at once, use mirc or xchat

if you use the java thing, once connected type /nick <nickname> to change from the default. Also important to know is that /join #channelname joins a channel

enjoy :P

Deleted User
April 17, 2005, 6:32 am
ElitistFaction > Quakenet

April 17, 2005, 7:11 am
#m00net is now on elitestfaction :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

April 17, 2005, 2:58 pm
A bunch of people are starting to move over, and since currently it is just rogue users, it is time to gain the support of channel owners, to help establish a new home. Any clan owners who are on IRC, if you like this idea at all, please call out and pledge your support, so that the move doesnt lose any momentum it currently has.

#soldat owner supports the move, him and I are just both looking laterally for more support
(PetahPan) well personally i think it would be a great advancement if we moved gather to this new network

I'm currently looking to strike up a conversation with the gather owners, as well as Fragbait, as they have a lot of weight on IRC. If they move, many will follow.

EDIT --------------------------------------
The big thing I am encountering now is that people don't want to move their channels because they have always been on quakenet, and know nothing but quakenet.

Here is some information:
some people don't come to soldat IRC just because it is on quakenet. If soldat could move to a more standard irc network, then it is more likely that people will join. QuakeNet uses Q and L services, which are different from most networks which use variants of Chanserv and Nickserv. Those services cater more towards well-established communities, and the admins always want to help when you need it.

On quakenet, a channel has to wait a period of time with X number of people to get the L service bot, and even more people and more time to get the Q service bot.

on this network, people can get the same services as a huge channel for their own small one in mere seconds. The op/admin hierarchy on this network is far superior as well.

more to come

April 17, 2005, 4:27 pm
Well, I am not moving. Netsplits has never bothered me much, and I honestly do not think they happen very often. Also I have always been able to find the help I needed, both from admins and friends. Admin abuse?! Wth? Never seen that. And I have never had my channel hijacked or such.
I see no reason at all to move, actually when you contacted me FliesLikeABrick, you were only the third of fourth I have ever seen openly complain about QuakeNet.
Also you are saying that people are using both networks now? Having a channel at both that new one and QuakeNet? That is fine with me, it means that I do not have to move anywhere to stay in touch.

April 17, 2005, 4:34 pm
I actually disagree.

The advantage and in the same time disadvantage of the quakenet is it's size. When Elitisfaction grows, it will sooner or later face the same problems as the Quakenet does. What will you do then? Move again?

a) Soldat has established itself in the Quakenet, new users are going there, 99% of all community channels have their home there, 99% of all clan channels too.

b) Netsplits are only a temporary problem that can be solved by simple reconnecting to another QNet server. Or just by WAITING, as they usually dont last long and recently they have almost disappeared.

c) You can easily avoid GLines if you know how.

quote:-No NetSplits (more reliable servers)

See b), and this is a problem which will for sure occur once Elitisfaction grows.

quote:-Admins help with small issues rather than ignore you

This also raises the chance of abuse. Additionally, Q has some neat safety functions, so its very hard to lose ones account in QNet.

quote:-The Nickserv auth actually provides nickname protection rather than just gives you another account to worry about
-ChanServ and its configuration makes channel ownership more friendly than Q and L on quakenet. It takes a bit of getting used

The only thing I agree about, Chanserv is more powerful than Q.

quote:-No huge lag problems with chat

Also a question of which QNet serv u use and the distance. Still, this is a problem every IRCNetwork has once it grows bigger and starts lacking capacities from time to time.

quote:-...just huge quality benefits over QuakeNet and its huge network of servers.

As long as it is not that big, this might be true. But every new IRC Network has more or less faced the same problems, many new IRC networks have died cause they couldnt cope with their own growth, so in this case the Quakenet is definitely the safer thing to bet on.

I doubt that every clan who has established a bigger channel in the Quakenet would like to move over now that the Soldat scene has made the QuakeNet its home. Additionally the Java IRC applets on the soldat.pl page links to the Quakenet, and... and... and...

I know, the possible benefits of Elitisfaction might sound sweet, but I think you forgot to consider how this would look in long terms. Because then the profits wouldnt be big enough to justify the movement of the whole scene cause Elitisfaction would sooner or later rush into the same problems the QNet has to cope with.

Deleted User
April 17, 2005, 4:44 pm
quote:Originally posted by FragBaitWell, I am not moving. Netsplits has never bothered me much, and I honestly do not think they happen very often. Also I have always been able to find the help I needed, both from admins and friends. Admin abuse?! Wth? Never seen that. And I have never had my channel hijacked or such.
I see no reason at all to move, actually when you contacted me FliesLikeABrick, you were only the third of fourth I have ever seen openly complain about QuakeNet.
Also you are saying that people are using both networks now? Having a channel at both that new one and QuakeNet? That is fine with me, it means that I do not have to move anywhere to stay in touch.

Lies! #fragbait was captured by the m00 m00 patrol!

April 17, 2005, 4:57 pm
I actually disagree.

The advantage and in the same time disadvantage of the quakenet is it's size. When Elitisfaction grows, it will sooner or later face the same problems as the Quakenet does. What will you do then? Move again?

Why must you assume elitistfaction will grown? what is wrong with having a smaller network. QuakeNet is only huge because it is one of the huge servers now, you don't hear every day about new huge servers popping up.

Even if it did get larger than, say, a couple thousand users... there is nothing wrong with that because the other benefits don't go away (the services, etc)

a) Soldat has established itself in the Quakenet, new users are going there, 99% of all community channels have their home there, 99% of all clan channels too.

Everyone I talk to that owns a small clan channel or community channel has absolutely no problem with moving. The fact that they are established there is not necessarily a just reason for staying put. The fact is that there are benefits to moving, and it really doesn't take much effort to move.

b) Netsplits are only a temporary problem that can be solved by simple reconnecting to another QNet server. Or just by WAITING, as they usually dont last long and recently they have almost disappeared.

True, netsplits are temporary, and you can just ignore them. But what I am saying is that with a quality network, you don't have to just deal with them, you shouldn't have to. The big netsplits on quakenet arent that long, maybe 10 mins or so sometimes, I know, but it is just a sign of a lesser quality, huge network. Whether or not you think the size is a problem doesn't matter, it is the other things that come with size.

c) You can easily avoid GLines if you know how.

similar to netsplits, you shouldn't have to deal with this. My entire ISP (optimum online) was g-lined for a week for no reason at all, and they have done the same with other large ISPs such as comcast cable.

quote:-No NetSplits (more reliable servers)

See b), and this is a problem which will for sure occur once Elitisfaction grows.

Like I said, elitistfaction may not grow, but even if it does it will never be the behemoth that quakenet has turned into

quote:-Admins help with small issues rather than ignore you

This also raises the chance of abuse. Additionally, Q has some neat safety functions, so its very hard to lose ones account in QNet.

By small issues, I don't mean things that could be debated like "he stole my nick/channel!" nor other things like whether or not one was abusing the network (trojan bots or something) I mean that support and IRCops are there to help establish a base in the network, and are there to help you when you need it.

Once on qnet my auth was stolen, and another time my auth account got suspended because some hacker/script kiddie [randomly] joined my channel. Everyone in my channel got their auth suspended, just because of that. QuakeNet gets away with this kind of stuff just because of their size, they can afford to sh*t on the little guy

quote:-The Nickserv auth actually provides nickname protection rather than just gives you another account to worry about
-ChanServ and its configuration makes channel ownership more friendly than Q and L on quakenet. It takes a bit of getting used

The only thing I agree about, Chanserv is more powerful than Q.

No problem here :P

quote:-No huge lag problems with chat

Also a question of which QNet serv u use and the distance. Still, this is a problem every IRCNetwork has once it grows bigger and starts lacking capacities from time to time.

I don't mean big lag as in 1-2 seconds or even more than that. I mean when some server is having big issues and my chat is delayed by minutes. Anyone that was in #hawtsecks can attest to that my chat was once delayed 42 mins or something ridiculous like that. I know this is an isolated incident, and that is why I am not basing my idea around this.

quote:-...just huge quality benefits over QuakeNet and its huge network of servers.

As long as it is not that big, this might be true. But every new IRC Network has more or less faced the same problems, many new IRC networks have died cause they couldnt cope with their own growth, so in this case the Quakenet is definitely the safer thing to bet on.

I agree with you there, and elitistfaction aims not to be the biggest network in the world or anything. The aim of this network is to provide a small-medium sized network which provides quality over the quantity (as quakenet is)

Being that soldat is a relatively small community (versus something like Half-Life 2), I think it is more fitting to be on a network like elitistfaction, and establish the community there.

I doubt that every clan who has established a bigger channel in the Quakenet would like to move over now that the Soldat scene has made the QuakeNet its home.

Like I said, many support it

Additionally the Java IRC applets on the soldat.pl page links to the Quakenet, and... and... and...

can be easily changed

I know, the possible benefits of Elitisfaction might sound sweet, but I think you forgot to consider how this would look in long terms. Because then the profits wouldnt be big enough to justify the movement of the whole scene cause Elitisfaction would sooner or later rush into the same problems the QNet has to cope with.

I am looking at the long term constantly, and I don't see anything wrong with the idea, even in the longest of terms. ElitistFaction will never run into the same problems as QuakeNet, just because it won't be that big and it wont sh*t on the little guys

As for fragbait, its just that you and many others are aquainted to qnet and don't know what else there is out there. I think it would be worth a shot, at least for you guys to join the other network and check it out. Who knows, maybe you'll come around.

The admin abuse refers to stuff like doing absolutely nothing to help someone who comes into the help channels with a problem. Even if they are AFK, which i know they arent sometimes, you get kicked by a bot if you idle for more than 5 mins to wait for an answer. If you look for help with something, they just ignore you rather than look to make an effort to improve the quality of quakenet, since it already has sheer size.

The other thing that I have heard and seen is them just simply g-lining people that the admins have personal grudges with. But that is just human nature and not worth going into.

April 17, 2005, 5:03 pm
[IMAGE] off, #bunny_island is on quakenet so NO

April 17, 2005, 5:08 pm
Noddy already set up #bunny_island on elitistfaction

April 17, 2005, 5:10 pm
that's not the original one :I

April 17, 2005, 5:16 pm
If Elitisfaction gets popular, they cant do anything against their growth.. except maybe blocking new connections or new nick registrations. I wouldnt really believe that they will stay that small forever.

Another thing is, that for example the selfkill chan (and also the ESL chans are) is based on Quakenet, and especially the German community "has grown up with the Quakenet". So theyre used to it and wont leave it. Additionally, many people play other onlinegames too, and the communities of this games are located ... right! ... in the Quakenet (mostly). I guess if the Soldat community would have started in another network, it would have stayed there too, but since Quakenet is the home for many other game communities too it was almost logically that also Soldat players would find their place there.

Dont misunderstand me, I know that the Quakenet is not he best choice for several reasons, but there is no sense in moving, its simply too late and imo the benefits arent enough to justify such a late movement of a complete game community, which would be a disadvantage for many multigamers.

And tbh, how often are the QNet Admins needed? I guess its by far the minority that ever was in need of QNet Op. Because most questions can be answered by experienced users too :]

April 17, 2005, 5:18 pm
actually you can connect to several networks at the same time...

April 17, 2005, 5:20 pm
gd, I'm not going to continue to debate this, because my points are all clearly stated above and I don't want to start repeating myself... just ponder this

what if this is only the beginning of the soldat community? :P

April 17, 2005, 5:23 pm
quote:Originally posted by FliesLikeABrickgd, I'm not going to continue to debate this, because my points are all clearly stated above and I don't want to start repeating myself... just ponder this

This is actually a bit sad, since I have brought in some new points I have forgotten in my first posting.

April 17, 2005, 5:24 pm
quote:Originally posted by FliesLikeABrickgd, I'm not going to continue to debate this, because my points are all clearly stated above and I don't want to start repeating myself... just ponder this

This is actually a bit sad, since I have brought in some new points I have forgotten in my first posting. What about reading more than the first paragraph? (which was the only one related to the former points of debate)

k, the edit button works better than pressing return :p

April 17, 2005, 5:26 pm
Jesus, why the [IMAGE] do you people always have to turn everything into an argument. The guy offered you a alternative to Quaknet, made a list of it's advantages and laid it on the table. Take it or leave it.

April 17, 2005, 5:29 pm
But it has to be debated, because this migration could split up the IRC community of soldat..there are people who don't want to go, and those who do..

April 17, 2005, 5:33 pm
before any of you (who are on elitistfaction) start saying to me how it just had a netsplit, i want you to know that the server that split is a new server they just added last night (slacked.elitistfaction.net)

they are still configuring it and working out kinks in it, so dont point to this as a problem with the network.

they will probably take this server out of the DNS so that other people dont join it while they continue to work on it

GD i did read the whole thing, i just didnt respond because that is just people not wanting to move because they are already somewhere. they dont know what else is out there. I'm not saying their opinion does not matter, I'm simply saying that they are uninformed and their opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.

I also somewhat replied just by saying "what if this is the only beginning," because then this would be the time to move to a place better suited to soldat.

April 17, 2005, 5:37 pm
Wuha, once they have more than one server, there can be netsplits :PP

April 17, 2005, 5:40 pm
-No NetSplits (more reliable servers)
--> right. would be hard with just one server running (atm). Qnet dun split that often that you've to whine.. Just be on the good servers^^

-Admins help with small issues rather than ignore you
--> right. But why should you need admins help?

-If your account or channel gets hijacked, admins help with that rather than ignoring you or g-lining/k-lining you for complaining
--> if you do [IMAGE] with your chan.. you are just to dumb to use irc. I never had problems with such things..

-The nickname and channel services are much more standard than quakenet and do a lot more for channel owners
-The Nickserv auth actually provides nickname protection rather than just gives you another account to worry about
--> sure it's better to have a ns where you can ghost other ppl usingf your nick. But if you'r nick is taken.. it's just taken. first come first serve.. no chance to get it then.

-ChanServ and its configuration makes channel ownership more friendly than Q and L on quakenet. It takes a bit of getting used to if you are coming from quakenet, but myself and the others who know it would be glad to help you out
--> without the halfops it would have almost the same funktions, I think... :o

-No huge lag problems with chat
--> yeah. sute it's better to idle in florida than in uk... ;)

-Fast growing community, just huge quality benefits over QuakeNet and its huge network of servers.
--> we'll see.

for my own I will idle there and see what happens.. but I won't leave the qnet and I hope that other ppl also won't.

April 17, 2005, 5:47 pm
ARRRHHH So much text. Well, we are etablished at QuakeNet, and I for one is not moving. I have not had any problems with QuakeNet, so I have no reason to move. If you do not like QuakeNet then feel free to move, no one is keeping you. But I still believe that most people will say as I do, that they have no serious problems with QuakeNet.

And Rune is right, it was taking over by the m00 m00 crew once, but it was nothing serious. They just cleared the topic and banned everyone, it was quickly dealt with. Again, never had any serious problems with QuakeNet.

April 17, 2005, 5:48 pm
-No NetSplits (more reliable servers)
--> right. would be hard with just one server running (atm). Qnet dun split that often that you've to whine.. Just be on the good servers^^

netsplits affect you no matter what server you are on. The network has 3 servers, not one. If one server splits, it splits from all of the others.

-Admins help with small issues rather than ignore you
--> right. But why should you need admins help?

correct me if im wrong, but people have to learn from somewhere

-If your account or channel gets hijacked, admins help with that rather than ignoring you or g-lining/k-lining you for complaining
--> if you do [IMAGE] with your chan.. you are just to dumb to use irc. I never had problems with such things..

that has nothing to do with people messing with their chan, it has to do with security compromises in quakenet services and in the way people run their chans and trust people

-The nickname and channel services are much more standard than quakenet and do a lot more for channel owners
-The Nickserv auth actually provides nickname protection rather than just gives you another account to worry about
--> sure it's better to have a ns where you can ghost other ppl usingf your nick. But if you'r nick is taken.. it's just taken. first come first serve.. no chance to get it then.

so? if people are idling on qnet you never get the nick you want anyway. If someone already takes your nick, then it is time to be more original..

if all else fails, get their first (aka now :P)
-ChanServ and its configuration makes channel ownership more friendly than Q and L on quakenet. It takes a bit of getting used to if you are coming from quakenet, but myself and the others who know it would be glad to help you out
--> without the halfops it would have almost the same funktions, I think... :o

-No huge lag problems with chat
--> yeah. sute it's better to idle in florida than in uk... ;)

it doesn't matter where you are, a 40 minute server lag is a lot. it was the whole server lagging, not just me
btw im in NY. about half the people on that network now are euros

-Fast growing community, just huge quality benefits over QuakeNet and its huge network of servers.
--> we'll see.

yes, great argument there

for my own I will idle there and see what happens.. but I won't leave the qnet and I hope that other ppl also won't.

sorry for sounding argumentative/sarcastic, but your first couple ill-informed remarks about netsplits got me going

April 17, 2005, 6:00 pm
Ehm, people dont learn from admins. People learn from experienced users who like to help (call em "tutors" or sth.)

For this incidence there is #help in Quakenet and there regular tutorials too, for basic questions.


it doesn't matter where you are, a 40 minute server lag is a lot. it was the whole server lagging, not just me
btw im in NY. about half the people on that network now are euros

This is not really related to what Luke said. You claimed youre not building your idea around this, because it happenend only one time. So please dont argue like that, it makes no sense.
I had an 80m lag once. Once in more than 3 that I have been in the Quakenet.

April 17, 2005, 6:06 pm
grand_diablo's original point about ESL is a very good one. I have been talking to Perry and only now do i begin to understand the size of ESL. An organization as large as ESL I can understand not being able to move, obviously. This complicates the move and I am thinking twice about the feasability of this. Not because people don't want to move, but because ESL is an outside organization which definately isnt going to be moving anywhere, and it has a firm grip on the entire german soldat community.

I for one still advocate this, but if you guys choose otherwise, suit yourselves to that :P

in reply to GD's edit: yes, i shouldn't have brought it up

April 17, 2005, 8:04 pm
quote:Originally posted by FragBaitNUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ALL MY IDLERS

April 17, 2005, 10:11 pm
Shush Jaz you fish!
I thought we were discussing this, not arguing? But that might just be me not knowing the difference between an argument and a discussion?
Anyways, I believe a channel at QUAKENET was actually made about this, also by FliesLikeABrick.. The irony? :D

April 17, 2005, 10:40 pm
meh, this is kinda mixing up an english word with a german word, so it might happen that i use the wrong one.

argument (eng.) = quarrel or part of a discussion, meant as something brought in to increase the value of the own opinion
Argument (ger.) = only the second meaning

now im not sure if "to argue" is "the act of bringing in an argument to increase own's opinion's value or if it means "to quarrel"


/me is confused

April 17, 2005, 10:48 pm
i keep typing something to guess what he meant by argue, but halfway through i debate whether im right or not... ill leave that to you germans :P

on another note:
that netsplit where one server died and didnt come back earlier was because of a configuration error, i just found out. Like i said, that server was just added last night and is still being configured etc.

April 17, 2005, 11:24 pm
ok, I agree with you brick, but when I try to connect to that elitestfaction irc server, it says connection refused... What's the problem here?

April 18, 2005, 1:04 am
[IMAGE] off,

- Quakenet is TEH game network, all the gamers are there already, other big channels are there, noone likes to join multiple servers. And a new server for every game one plays just sucks.
- Also gamers who first experience soldat will more easily join, cause they are already on the network, and they will not like having to idle another network just for one small game they have just started playing. Also soldat is more easily advertised if people who play it are also on other big channels.
- You say small servers are more reliable but i tend to disagree, true quakenet has the occasional net splitt (but only like half an hour a week or so, who cares) but it will never have any serious or permanent troubles cause it's way too huge for that. But small networks have troubles like bills remaining unpaid, admins being asleep, or on vacation, hd's crashing etc.
- Also the reason that netsplitts don't occur on your sucky irc network is because THERE IS ONLY ONE SERVER, so what if that goes out? Quakenet can't go out as a whole.
- There is no such thing as 'huge lag problems with chat' of course there is some lag, like 0.5 sec., but it doesn't hinder conversations at all. The example you mention of a lag of 45 minute is just ridiculous, i seriously wonder how many people in this forum can say that they have ever experienced this, and if so, more then once.
- Admin abuse? i have never seen any. Instead, a new network that is not very institutionalized with people running it that know eachother RL and have an active interest in the soldat community, so they will be way more biased and will sooner tend to be abusive.

And it's not like "i don't know any better cause i only know quakenet" I have been (and still are in one) on several smaller irc networks for other small game communities so i have a lot of experience in this, and quakenet just ain't so bad. Also i have been on quakenet for like 3 years or something, and i cannot say that i have experienced any problems more serious then an occasional netsplitt.

And FliesLikeABrick, it totally sucks you're using your position of influence in the soldat community to whore some project of a RL friend. Changing the topic in the official channels telling people to go to your new network instead and all :(.

April 18, 2005, 1:13 am
<PerfectCircle> connection refused from that irc server thar -_-
<FliesLikeABrick> PerfectCircle apollo.elitistfaction.net works

And the downage starts (or, continues, since there was an outage report earlier in this topic aswell)

April 18, 2005, 1:39 am
after discussing with Ender on IRC for a while, as well as this thread with grand_diablo, I realize that moving will not work for the better. I was simply proposing an idea, as Hitman pointed out. The issue (I feel) is now put to rest, in that the soldat community cannot benefit from moving to this server, as it would require a large rift to form between those who want to move, and those who cannot because of other bindings to quakenet.

As for some small network issues that the elitistfaction network was having, any (relatively) new thing will have some kinks to be worked out at first.

The network owner said that he would rather shut down the network before he ever let its size impede on its performance and quality. He also said that he was looking into linking with some european servers now that it seemed the network might get some use.

I never intended to be declaring that the community was moving, as i have always known that is not my place to say it. I was simply throwing an idea out there and looking for support or arguments against the idea.

I consider this more or less over, but i know that I, for one, will continue to be on the elitistfaction network to support my friend and the growth of his project.

Some people attacked my integrity of this idea, saying that i was doing it merely to promote my friend's irc network. This is untrue, as before i met him i was about to propose a move to netgamers, or preferably gamesurge. I know you say i have no proof of my thoughts, but for all i know you could say that for everything said here.

I'll continue to support the idea, but I acknowledge publicly that its feasability has been diminished from when i first proposed it. I was not aware of the german roots in ESL and other gaming communities on quakenet. Because of this thread and the sidebars I have held with other community groups, I realize this idea, although having its pros, is not goin to work, at least not for now, and maybe never.

Thanks for your input on all of it, especially grand_diablo, Ender, Fragbait, and the gather admins

April 18, 2005, 1:43 am
quote:Originally posted by FragBaitAnyways, I believe a channel at QUAKENET was actually made about this, also by FliesLikeABrick.. The irony? :D

That isn't irony. :/

April 18, 2005, 1:53 am
My problem was not so much that your server is that worse but it's my fear of the community being split, something I think would do the community a lot of bad.

That's why i think it's very brave of you to put an end to it for now, because a fight over the servers would be the worst case scenario, and I'm sure that you as well-loved and influencial man would have gotten a lot of people with you.

April 18, 2005, 1:56 am
as soon as i realized the huge number of people involved with ESL and other larger online groups which definately wont move (i wouldnt even consider proposing that), i realized it is better to be on quakenet than try and push this with the potential of splitting the community. Ender said pretty much the same thing on irc, that it is better to be on quakenet than split the community. I am in 100% agreement with that

April 22, 2005, 10:47 pm

April 22, 2005, 11:08 pm
okay, i read the first half of the first page. are we actually moving or is there pointless resistance. if we do, just tell me where to go and ill get there :P

April 23, 2005, 1:02 am
we are not moving, dathker just revived this dead thread with his useless spam.