Well...thanks to a crap ton of work for classes and preparation for my summer field camp, I've been m.i.a. in the mapping department. No worries though...I've managed to maintain one good idea through all my tinkering and experimentation. A deep apology to those of you who I promised a map...I havn't forgotten by any means. My latest work is nearly done...and just to tease, like anyone cares:
Thanks to Imageshack as usual. I know some of the colors are bad and in need of toning down...I'm trying to mess with the custom colors to mimic what I saw in some of the rocks in parts of Utah, which is what this map is based off of. They still need a little work, even though now that I notice it, that pic is itself a little old (new colors since then.) Anyhoo..mesas, pillars, desert atmosphere. Ctf style. Multiple route. Sceneries forthcoming. Please...don't just post to tall me about the colors, or you leave yourself open to humiliation (that is, unless you live in in Utah or have a few pictures...). Expect the map to be released either tonight/tomorrow.
Thanks to Imageshack as usual. I know some of the colors are bad and in need of toning down...I'm trying to mess with the custom colors to mimic what I saw in some of the rocks in parts of Utah, which is what this map is based off of. They still need a little work, even though now that I notice it, that pic is itself a little old (new colors since then.) Anyhoo..mesas, pillars, desert atmosphere. Ctf style. Multiple route. Sceneries forthcoming. Please...don't just post to tall me about the colors, or you leave yourself open to humiliation (that is, unless you live in in Utah or have a few pictures...). Expect the map to be released either tonight/tomorrow.