April 30, 2005, 6:57 pm
I came up with this idea while playing one of the Mega Man games.
While playing befor i could fight the boss i had to defeat one of his evil machines. this machine was like 50ft tall campared to me so i ws like XD.
any way why not have a game mode in soldat wher ther are the normal looking Soldat's and on the other team ther is about 1-2-3 Machine type soldats.
Thay wont realy be machines thay will be like enhanced soldats. with +500 health and +1000-2000 armor/HULL.
thes beefed up soldats are player controlled.(not bot)
The only way the soldat team can win is if thay use team work and defeat all of the player controlled mega soldats with leet armor etc etc befor the time runs out.(which is server set)
the regular soldats must first break through the hull of the mega soldats befor thay can start to wound them.
Remember ther are like 2-3 mega's.
If the super soldats(with leet armor etc etc) are still standing at the end of the round the soldats lose.
Would be funny to step on small soldats.
Just a cool idea i thought of while playing Mega-Man.
Thought id share it with you guys and see what you would think.
Allthough this means the new Game type will take much bigger land cause the mega's are big:p
Deleted User
May 1, 2005, 9:29 pm
wha the ...It sounds fun ....but ...
May 1, 2005, 11:16 pm
I wish people would think their ideas through before posting them. Or give me some of whatever they're taking.
May 2, 2005, 3:10 am
yea i found like so many problems - but firstly, plz post something actually commenty ...not like "eh" but rather "this is bad because..."
ight - this is bad because, it seems as if ur saying that if the mega machine stuffs are dead they stay dead until the end of the game??? that sux for those players.... - and what weapons do they get? laser eyes?? or just regular weapons just 20 times bigger???
rethink ur idea and repost and maybe u can get SOMEwhere...
May 2, 2005, 4:49 am
How about..the big soldiers turn into normal ones and join the team to destroy the remaining super soldiers when they die?
Liquid Metal
May 2, 2005, 10:04 am
I rather have Soldats VS Terminators.
May 2, 2005, 3:05 pm
A game mode where the two teams are unbalanced by strengbth, but are rebalanced by numbers sounds like something that soldat really needs. A game mode that supports teamwork by inferors to take down an superior chracter could be a veruy good idea, if the mode is well-blanced and thought-out.
May 2, 2005, 6:16 pm
The concept it great, just the robot thing and giant soldats might be a but out of place for soldat. How about instead of having soldats to kill, have something stationary that a team has to destroy...
Here is my idea, have two teams, red and blue of course. On the blue side have a machiene or something of the sort that they have to defend. The red team has to destroy it. It would take massive hits. If the blue manage to defend it well, they win, if red destroys it, they win. Its kind of a general idea and it doesn't have to be a machiene. I thank sjl21488 for the idea...
May 2, 2005, 11:41 pm
Popasurf and hanz both have better idea's. thanks for the help ther.
yes thats what i mean. ubalanced by strength and balanced by number's.
Player's wont stay dead. The real point could be to hold the nme back from half of the map.
If the nme manages to get across the line thay could be ishued(spelling?) points.
I also like Hanz idea about defending.
Captain Ben
May 3, 2005, 9:06 am
I sound like a retard, but I love this idea! Too much anime-cum-hentai.
Maybe not in a deathmatch or teammatch, but perhaps if Soldat ever had a storyline, this idea would have to be included. A giant squid is a must!
Once again, too much anime-cum-hentai.
May 3, 2005, 8:51 pm
Please don't include Soldaten tentacle rape.
May 8, 2005, 5:07 am
:O....I just pictured it in my head :P. 5 soldats ( a squad XD ) creeping through the vast open terrain, suddenly the ground shakes. The again. The out of a forest comes this lumbering robot/mecha type thing. Instantly 3 RPG troops let lost and blow off the mechas arm. It then procedes to step on 2 of them while charging a shoulder cannon. All the soldats run like hell then the cannon fires, DEMOLISHING all of them :p.
Okay, thats way too unballanced. But that would be awesome game. Against one super strong guy. And he would have to be slightly bigger too.
May 8, 2005, 8:55 am
sounds fun, maybe a ratio of 3 normal:1 giant is good?
so......same weapons with extra damage or a whole new weaponset?
since they're so damn huge, giants cant crawl under stuff (not normal sized stuff at any rate) so there will be strategy in hiding under an outcropping and using barret. also giants should not be able to jet.
we will need to refine the maps, so we can accomodate these giants
squids? you HAVE to be kidding me. that sounds tard
Captain Ben
May 8, 2005, 9:32 am
Okay, not squids, but what about squid people?
I always found the idea of fighting some unkown thing rather appealing.
They could stick to walls with their tentacles and squirt blinding ink at players...
Da cHeeSeMaN
May 8, 2005, 11:28 am
just mod ur gfx to look like robots man
May 8, 2005, 2:09 pm
Squid people? I play tons of MMORPGs(most of them for less than a week, a few can hold me), and that still disturbs me.
May 12, 2005, 3:12 pm
drop the squids please
we need specialized maps. i know, maps called bigmother
Deleted User
May 12, 2005, 3:43 pm
It would be great fun, but lets face it, it aint soldat :p
i am ahab
May 12, 2005, 3:43 pm
lol hentai... hentai soldat.... I ATACK YOU WITH MY EYE PENIS
geoligist yr pic rules :) is that called gurning?
sry a bit off topic...
er yeah giant killer robots. hmm. for the future maybe.
May 14, 2005, 11:31 pm
i know its not soldat. its a game MODE for soldat lke ctf, dm, or yea...
It would be cool. And i cant change my gfx. id hoave to have the soldat source code to change the way the Mechsoldat shoots etc etc. but michal for some reason isnt going to give it to the pub. If he did. ppl could make mods wher the guns shoot faster etc etc.
May 15, 2005, 10:13 am
heh, sounds cool, although, if there was only 1 "mega" soldat it would probabally be more fun in smaller games