May 2, 2005, 9:50 am
realistic survival mode needs these improvements:
- people alive dont see what dead people chat so they cant give clues where the enemy is.
- when a team scores, all players simply respawn so ppl cant flag / spawncamp
(these suggestions are for ctf / inf)
Deleted User
May 2, 2005, 7:24 pm
Both sound good. I've seen the first idea in other games and it works quite well. It's not fair to get help from beyond the grave. As for the second, that sounds fine to me
May 2, 2005, 9:08 pm
I think the first suggestion would be good for gameplay, I often get distracted, then killed because of chat XD
The second suggestion is a good idea, because it's not fair when someone can grab the flag straight from the begining of a round.
Deleted User
May 2, 2005, 10:17 pm
They are both very good suggestions.
May 3, 2005, 12:51 pm
Also the lign of sight should be slightly fixed so u cant see trough trough thin poly walls for example in my cs maps ;)
Deleted User
May 3, 2005, 1:06 pm
Very good sugestions indeed... I would like to see both happen
Deleted User
May 3, 2005, 1:46 pm
why don't we add audio for ppl who hhave microphones?
May 3, 2005, 3:04 pm
Also, when you're dead, you should be able to click and look through the eyes of both your teammates and your enemies, and also be able to free cam by hitting space bar. Currently, all you can do once you're dead is click and change through the perspectives of you're teamates.
Also, teams should automatically win the round when they completely eliminate the other team. Prolonging the rounds by flag capture simply wastes time, and can be abused to make the dead team wait forever.
Deleted User
May 3, 2005, 4:17 pm
so.. if the one team kills the other team completely they would get one flag cap automatically? hmm thats not a bad Idea.. I hade sitting and waiting for one enemy to tun to our flag, and back over a big map... boooring.. nice Ideas here =)
May 3, 2005, 4:26 pm
I like the suggestions, here are mine:
- you can't change teams if you are dead. - it's often abused to get free respawn.
- when someones join, he must wait untill the rund is over.
Deleted User
May 3, 2005, 7:54 pm
2 improvements for realistic survival mode! :::
I like them but why in REALISTIC teamchat can see the enemy ??? Thats crap ...I think that teamchat couldnt see enemy team, I mean when U write something in teamchat enemy can see it above your head :\ should be fiXed
Deleted User
May 4, 2005, 2:40 am
Think of it as speaking into a radio, Dairy. Enemies nearby can still hear you talking. I like it the way it is. And I like these suggestions.
May 4, 2005, 2:56 am
Actually, I love being able to tell my teammates where the enemy is and it adds an entirely new feeling to the game when you know that you're being stalked by an enemy who is equally informed of where you are. As an added bonus, we don't have to spend half an hour circling the map looking for each other.
I don't like the second idea. I would like it if players were forced back to their bases, but they should still be able to keep whatever weapons or bonuses that they nabbed the round before. I don't mind watching the last player bounce around with the flag because, unlike normal matches, it gives me time to talk to the other people in the server. Not only that, but the last two flag carriers kill each other at almost the same time quite frequently and it would be a shame to miss out on those awesome last moments (it also gives a nice period of respite for the rest of us). And finally, on realistic survival matches, it's often quite hilarious to watch the sole survivor jump at the flag only to misjudge his fall and unintentionally commit suicide right next to the flag.
May 4, 2005, 3:13 am
ya, or have the flag, and run out of jets on a fall lol.
PS i luv ur CS maps, but I hate CS
Mini Man
May 4, 2005, 8:08 pm
Hmm, both good ideas, another suggestion not nearly as good but i'll say it anyway.
A change for Real mode (optional)
- Recoil to be taken out, as an option.
Everything else will be kept in, Fall damage, line of sight and whatever else there is.
Now before you flame by saying "But that defies the point of real mode", just listen.
Most people unfortunatly play Non-realistic.
But i am in a clan who plays Non-realistic, but i love Real mode, but it's quite hard for me to keep changing my aiming when i want to play realistic/normal, so my suggestion would benefit people who like to play both.
If your just going to flame me, dont post.
"It Defies the point of real mode" - yes it does, but arent the little jets on your feet unrealistic :)
May 4, 2005, 11:14 pm
without recoil autos would be extremely overpowered in realistic
May 4, 2005, 11:17 pm
i want MM's oppinion on my and others suggestions :)
Mini Man
May 5, 2005, 4:41 pm
Hmm Aquarius, thats true :(
Maybe we could nerf them :)
Teh Panda
May 5, 2005, 7:21 pm
Second one is just so lame suggestion. It wouldnt cause nothing but whine.
Deleted User
May 5, 2005, 7:59 pm
quote:Originally posted by Lapis_LazuliThink of it as speaking into a radio, Dairy. Enemies nearby can still hear you talking. I like it the way it is. And I like these suggestions.
BUT ! when u are dead U cant say nothing :D:D:D:D
and when u are alive they can see it throuth wall ...Can u hear some1 far enought and when he is on other side of wall ???
May 6, 2005, 12:39 am
quote:Originally posted by Teh PandaSecond one is just so lame suggestion. It wouldnt cause nothing but whine.
why is that lame????
it is lame when people flagcamp in survival or spawncamp, but this wont happen with this feature.
May 6, 2005, 11:10 pm
There are a lot of bugs in Realistic Survival that I would like to see fixed.
Mainly that instead of idling forever until map change or someone rejoins, all the players should respawn if both teams have been eliminated before the flag capture.
In addition, I fully support that players who are dead should not be able to rejoin the teams, or if they do they should remain dead, not respawn.
May 8, 2005, 4:56 am
quote:why is that lame????
it is lame when people flagcamp in survival or spawncamp, but this wont happen with this feature.Allowing people to respawn in survival mode after a flag has been capped would prevent victory by elimination (or, more properly, it would make it so you could win one point by elimination, instead of the whole game.) If I'm playing CTF survivor, I'm playing it because I want to be able to win by elimination. Maybe it should be an option, but it definately shouldn't be the default behavior.
I don't see flag-camping as a problem in Survival Mode, either. You're forgetting something: If (for example) enough people have died for it to become 2-on-1, and the team with two people has placed one person at their opponent's flag-spawn-location (so they can recap it the instant he returns it), all the person on the one-person team has to do is go kill the guy camping his flag-spawn position, which will be easy because he knows where they are. Poof, problem solved. The game is now one-on-one; he can kill the second guy safely and return the flag, and they've actually made it easier for him by splitting up like that. A similar strategy will work for any other such flag-camping scenerio.
Yes, by camping his flag-spawn position they've forced him to fight both of them; but realistically, unless they're hopelessly incompetent he was going to have to do that anyway.
May 8, 2005, 1:28 pm
quote:Originally posted by AquillionAllowing people to respawn in survival mode after a flag has been capped would prevent victory by elimination (or, more properly, it would make it so you could win one point by elimination, instead of the whole game.) If I'm playing CTF survivor, I'm playing it because I want to be able to win by elimination. Maybe it should be an option, but it definately shouldn't be the default behavior.
I don't see flag-camping as a problem in Survival Mode, either. You're forgetting something: If (for example) enough people have died for it to become 2-on-1, and the team with two people has placed one person at their opponent's flag-spawn-location (so they can recap it the instant he returns it), all the person on the one-person team has to do is go kill the guy camping his flag-spawn position, which will be easy because he knows where they are. Poof, problem solved. The game is now one-on-one; he can kill the second guy safely and return the flag, and they've actually made it easier for him by splitting up like that. A similar strategy will work for any other such flag-camping scenerio.
Yes, by camping his flag-spawn position they've forced him to fight both of them; but realistically, unless they're hopelessly incompetent he was going to have to do that anyway.
1. let me explain flagcamping to you:
- red killed all blue and someone gets the flag.
-while the flagcarrier is running back to base to score, one of the reds sits down at the flagspawn.
-flagcarrier scores and the guy at the flagspawn gets the flag immediatly.
-all blue players respawn and will focus their fire on the enemy flagcarrier. this will cause teamkilling and disorganisation and thats just LAME
2. respawning after a score wont disable elimination, why should it???
September 30, 2005, 9:02 pm
ok, so by the looks of it, one of the 2 suggestions were improved, now, for the first suggestion
this is why i do not like being able to hear the dead people talk
because right now, it can be annoying when your alive and a dead person can see everything, and tells you where the enemy is
this annoying to be in a tight one on one, and your listening for noises (say you hear him go prone) and then one of your team mates yells out "hes in the bush" or "hes in that body" i mean, where is the fun or satisfaction in hunting down your enemy, when you know where he is. in my opinion, its like hunting a caged deer (someone else already caught the deer)
Spys are also annoying when your camping, and you have this really sweet spot, completly hidden from view, and then someone on the other team yells out "HES RIGHT THERE" and completly ruins your perfect spot
RED......Jake.....alive (camping in a crate, completly concealed)
RED......Will.....alive (camping in a bush)
*chat*(team)Mike: one is in the crate
*game* Bill goes and shoots Jake
*chat*(team)Mike: in the bush
*game* Bill walks up to Will and shoots him in the back
ok, thats not a great example, but it gets the point accross, doesnt it. can you see how annoying that would be?
Deleted User
September 30, 2005, 10:00 pm
Yeah, if it is realistic mode, it would make more sense that dead people cant talk.
October 1, 2005, 12:23 am
I too, have found this disturbing.
October 1, 2005, 6:22 pm
I wouldn't mind seeing these ideas happen.
It would definitely make me want to play more of these game types.
October 1, 2005, 9:45 pm
Also, I think that in regular ctf games (non survival) there should be an option that stops you from watching the game as you wait for respawn. This way, if you killed a camper right next to his flag, grabbed the flag and ran away, he wouldn't be able to just sit back and watch which route you took home, and shout to his teammates (or chase you himself),
October 3, 2005, 3:07 am
well, basicly it all ends up to MM's opinion if this is a good suggestion or not, doesnt it? so please MM i think it would help alot for survival mode. it would make it more realistic.
but it could also cut off some people's text, and ppl might not like that, so maybe have an option, like "talking dead" or something like that
October 3, 2005, 12:44 pm
"The dead are not silent"
i love giving help from beyond the grave. don't remove this
the second is good tho, i hate insta-capture, especially when it's not my team