May 3, 2005, 4:00 pm
This is one of the ideas that may finally solve some problems with cw-s, which I'm not going to mention... as an option ofcourse.
If 2 team players choose the same weapon, their guns will do an additional 15% less damage/gun. So 1 gun doesn't get any disadvantages, but 2 get -15%, while 3 would get -30%/gun.
May 3, 2005, 4:56 pm
I'd like to give that a try, at least.
Deleted User
May 3, 2005, 5:34 pm
why should 2 weapons in the same team do less damage? some clanmembers might both like ruger for example...
May 3, 2005, 5:59 pm
To promote diversity. I like the idea, if it's optional.
Deleted User
May 3, 2005, 6:03 pm
still wouldnt prevent 2 ppl from using barret or m79... still would be fatal hits
May 3, 2005, 6:16 pm
But then again, cw's don't get lamed away because of 3 barrets or 3 M79-s.
Deleted User
May 3, 2005, 7:51 pm
??? I don't really like it ...why should'nt players use same gun ???
Deleted User
May 3, 2005, 9:56 pm there's wierded-out clans that use monoweapons all the time.
May 3, 2005, 11:04 pm
i dont like it, it just doesnt make any sense to me, and if ur trying to prevent people from like all using the barret or somthing, thats stupid in my opinon. let people use what they like.
May 3, 2005, 11:50 pm
Well, I like the idea... But the thought of spas doing even less damage is really scare-ifying...
May 4, 2005, 2:13 am
when adding new ideas, the one think you must keep in mind is to make it be realistically reasonable... most good features in new versions of games like this have new features that make sense in real life and add a good feature - for EXAMPLE: one weapon is out at a time... this means no double barrets or double deagles....though this is a bad example it makes sense in real life (reason: provider only makes one weapon for every kind) and it creates weapon balance...though this is a bad example for the problems it causes, this is how an idea should be thought through FIRST...
May 4, 2005, 2:15 am
We should give it a test run but I don't want it just put on without it getting tested for a bit as it might end working terrible.
May 4, 2005, 3:15 am
or you could put it in the moddable weap thingy
May 4, 2005, 6:57 am
Ok, so I see some people don't understand why I posted this idea.
Look, a lot of clanwars nowadays are settled by one team using 3 of the same automatic gun, and spraying the hell out of the enemy. (Damage+bink)x3^spray = victory. It's lame. I believe it would be turned off in publics, since it doesn't matter that much there, but in clanwars, it would be a must, to counter the horrible power of bink. Clans would have to get used to real weapon combinations, not just massing.
Deleted User
May 4, 2005, 10:18 am
Think of it like this; Every time you wanted to get a drink (the flag) from a cooler (enemy base) three guys smack your hand away until you decide to quit, or get two other guys to smack the crap out of them.
Just for the sake of moddability, I am all for this idea.
Green Barret
May 4, 2005, 10:25 am
Rather than this, there should be weapon limits by NUMBERS! It's been posted several times before. Currently you can select which weapon you want to allow use of. However, there is no feature that limits weapons you allow by numbers. This would enforce limited weapons per team, making it possible to have only one Barret or M79. This would solve the problem much better.
i am ahab
May 4, 2005, 2:08 pm
im for it demonic.
but if your going to implement it, especially in public servers, it should have an addition to the weapon select list that shows you how many people on your team are currently using which guns and the effect this is having on their power ratio.
else you might pick deagles for instance and wonder why you cant kill anyone...
May 4, 2005, 4:12 pm would be smart and promote team tasks for each person creating more of a teamwork based CW instead of everyone running at eeach other like a 1700s battle field
Mini Man
May 4, 2005, 5:03 pm
Urmm..Good idea i guess but should definetly be turned off in public.
Imagine a public 6-8v6-8 almost every gun is being used, some more than others.
Deleted User
May 4, 2005, 6:26 pm
well if you can turn it off its ok :)
May 8, 2005, 4:09 am
How about instead of changing the damage, you change the reload time? This would be more realistic, since logically there is less ammo available if everyone is using the weapon, and therefore it takes longer for new ammo to reach you; and it would also, in my opinion, be slightly less annoying, since you could more easily see it happening.
In any case, the effect should also be scaled to the number of people in the game overall (e.g. if all three people on a three-on-three team used the same weapon, it would have a relatively high effect; but if three people on a twenty-person team used it, it should barely have an effect at all, since that's just about normal.) In other words, it should be based on the percentage of people in a team who choose the same gun, not the number.
May 8, 2005, 1:30 pm
yeah, as an option it would be fine, and u should be able to regulate the percentage in the options, maybe 15% is to much...