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digital cameras
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Deleted User
May 5, 2005, 4:42 am
I am thinking about getting a digital camera. dont know what im gonna get yet. What does everyone have?

May 5, 2005, 4:47 am
I have an Olympus 3.1 MegaPixel digi-cam. It's pretty tight. I'm convinced that Olymbus is a good manufacturer / producer of digital cameras. Just my opinion.

May 5, 2005, 5:05 am
a cheap one.

May 5, 2005, 5:22 am
Lol, TrunkMonkey, you need to give us more information than that.

There are many different cameras out there that are built for different photographers. For instance, if you were interested in photography as an occasional hobby and you just want it so you can archive events, then a simple camera that has built-in functions such as auto-detecting aperture, shutter speed, and focus is perfect for you; conversely, if you want to really study into the art side of photography or if you want to take damn good pictures and you have the skill to do it, then a manual SLR camera is what you need.

There are dozens of great cameras out there, but what you want to do with it and your aptitude for taking pictures should greatly influence the type of camera that you want -- you really should go to a reputable camera shop and ask the clerk questions to find out what's best for you, and then get second opinions on what he thinks.

May 5, 2005, 5:53 am
HP Photosmart 812 4mp

my dad got one, had it for a while, and even after having it for about a year, i went out and got the exact same one for myself (except i got a 1gb SD card as well :P)

The Geologist
May 5, 2005, 5:53 am
I hate to make use of his thread, but I have a similar question. I'm going to field camp in the summer, which means five weeks of camping in the field and studying all the rocks. Naturally, I want a damn good campera. One capable of taking good pictures close up, good storage space seeing as hoe I'll be on the road for so long, one of those screens I can scroll through pics with...all that good stuff. I can take pretty good pictures, I just want a camera that can keep up. No more disposables.

May 5, 2005, 6:20 am
my camera ^^ is good, but battery life isnt great if you use the screen. It takes good pics close up (see http://nc.u13.net for lots and lots of pics). All of the pictures in that thread were taken with the HP Photosmart 812. With a 1gb card you can take up to 600 4mpx pics, or 2000 1mpx pics. click on the images to see how big the pictures can really be. I dont even think that was taking them at high resolution. I love the camera

pics of the camera:
front: the lens retracts fully into the body when the camera is off, and there is a little thing that closes over the lens for protection

yeah, for anyone who wants to know what pics the camera is capable of taking, definately take a thorough look through the thread at http://nc.u13.net as it illustrates every type of picture: close, far, well lit, not so well lit... with flash, no flash... etc etc)

May 5, 2005, 7:44 am
my big brother has a digital camera but he doesnt let me lay a finger on it, so i have no idea what kind it is, its pretty good though, and he uses it to piss me of (taking pictures of me everywere i go) -_-

May 5, 2005, 7:50 am
my didgital camera is a concord somthing or other, but its broke.. so i just use my 35m SLR camera, Pentax MZ50.. its a good camera, and quite cheap aswell..

May 5, 2005, 10:18 pm
my suggestion...
might seem a little expensive for a 3.0 megapixel but its got an amazing 60fps camera mode and all around it just a nice camera made by a company u can trust. my friend has it and its also quite small.

May 5, 2005, 11:46 pm
You want teh High Optical Zoom! Digital Zoom=Lame!

Deleted User
May 6, 2005, 1:38 am
Vijcht, i was just wondering wat other ppl had and their opinions about them.When i decide wat im gonna buy it will of course be by my specifications and wat im going to use it for.

May 6, 2005, 2:20 am
Ahh...in that case, I would suggest the Canon EOS 10D.

Deleted User
May 6, 2005, 2:29 am
I dont have a camera... dont think I need one right now anyways

Deleted User
May 6, 2005, 3:06 am
I was just out looking at cameras, the EOS 10D seems to be the one that fits my needs.

May 6, 2005, 1:18 pm
If you have an idea on rough specs then I'd suggest taking a look at www.steves-digicams.com there are literally thousands of reviews and sample photos from digital cameras. It depends what you are going to be using it for, just taking a few photos occasionally when out and about? Or taking high quality stills? Action shots? Close ups? (No dirty ineuendo intended). Though, to be fair there are loads of cameras for general purpose and remember you get what you pay for. I myself have Sony DSC-P100, it's a bit bigger than I would like, but still easy to carry around and it has very good preset features for different scenarios (I've tried most of em but snow :P) and it also has a very quick startup time which is good as I mainly use it for photos of Football (and will do in the World Cup next year) so it saves on battery life.

May 6, 2005, 7:46 pm
Depends on what type of photography you're wanting to get in to. The Canon EOS 300D (Rebel) is a really good start if you're wanting to REALLY tweak with your photos and get into the professional aspect. I myself use an Olympus c-8080WZ 8mp. Unbelievable detail and pretty easy to use (once you learn the ins and outs ofcourse). I highly recommend it, and it's fairly cheap. It's running around $600 on average now. :)

May 8, 2005, 9:29 pm
I have a Canon Powershot Pro1; 8 megapixel.

Yes that's what I said.

May 9, 2005, 7:47 am
just to note.. digital SLR's are rather expensive.. but yeah, my 35mm SLR was only £60 second hand..