Hi, all your questions are either covered in the Soldat Manual that came with your installation of Soldat, or in
This sticky-topic. Please read forum rules, FAQs (both soldat and forum), the Manual and forum stickies before making a post, because this has all been covered a lot before.
(Locked .. if you still have questions not covered in the above, PM
[IMAGE] me and I will unlock this topic.)
Oh, and I'll edit this just to answer your above questions first. The "dedicated" server is the icon in your soldat folder that says Dedicated Server. It allows you to keep your server open even when you're not playing. There is also another dedicated server that you can download from the servers section of http://www.soldat.pl/ It's a more advanced version of the Dedicated Server that comes with Soldat and has more updates to it.
49 ping is pretty good, but since I am guessing you are only on a cable connection at no more than 1mbps upload speed, it will most likely increase drastically when more than 10 people are playing, so be sure you don't set your player limit too high.