Keron Cyst
May 11, 2005, 12:43 am
Another occasional compilation by me of tiny ideas :)
? Corpses should always have a 50% chance of falling through a polygon; it'd be awesome to see a corpse drop from a higher level onto your own, or yours to a lower level :D
? Free Camera should be allowed as a checkbox in Options (I'd really like this), but you shouldn't be able to see team chat if you're using it.
? The Combat Knife should only fall if a successful throw isn't fatal; if it is, then it should stay stuck in its victim's body (maybe just in Realistic Mode, since this will get complaints from multi-kill knife-throwers).
? Following the sniper rifle bullet is really time-wasting for me (you could be doing a lot in that one second, seriously); seeing the You Killed X is good enough for me (unless the kill goes into slow-mo and the bullet rips off my victim's head :P), so I think there should be a checkbox in Options asking whether you want the screen to follow your sniper shots or not.
? You should only be able to throw 'nades while firing the one-handed '7SOCOM or stabbing with/throwing the 'Knife; tossing a 'nade while firing an auto is... :|
--- Mapping Ideas ---
? For the Infiltration game mode, you should be able to give Alpha & Bravo separate jet fuel counts.
? You should be able to give properties/colors to multiple Alt-selected polygons instead of one at a time. Also, Alt should be the only way to drag polygons; Shift should only drag vertices (it's annoying when the editor automatically shifts to moving the whole polygon).
? There should be a resize ability for polygons.
May 11, 2005, 9:29 pm
i dunno what u mean with that body through poly falling...
freecam would be an OK idea as a server option for like real+survival games (esp. ctf or other team games)...
combat knives i would say should fall out of the body - or maybe (but prolly not) when the body disappears, the combat knife can be retrieved...
sniper bullet follow through should be able to be manually chosen during the game (by holding the fire button when u fired the bullet) until u realise it (or switch weaps)...
nade throwing is fun the way it is...if you'd have to stop firing for a sec to get out, activate, and throw a nade - that'd just be dumb-looking...
--- Mapping Ideas ---
separate fuel count for like infil mode is good - though only for infil...
agree with the new button handling system u suggested; i hate it when it doens't know whether i wanna resize or move - and also when it's too small to be selcted - u just can't seem to get rid of it GRRR...
as of to resize iunno - if u CAN select it, then it ain't much difficult to manually resize...
another idea for mapping would be to automatically have everything at constant texture so u don have to at the end select every polygon and click "fix texture" - u should be able to turn off that option with a checkbox to stretch the texture (or maybe not since a "stretch texture" button already exists)...
sry if i basically redifined every idea you had... the people should decide though...
Deleted User
May 11, 2005, 10:02 pm
good Ideas.. but the corpse falling trough polygon?? seriously? why the heck should it do that? becouse it would look cool? tsk tsk.. nah.. and the knife to body. u say send to rellistic mode. but the problem is that the knife ALWAYS kill in realistic mode.. so it wont ve stuck. I like the sniper follow on/off option and the free cam... the rest I could do without =)
May 11, 2005, 10:31 pm
-It might be strange seeing a corpse fall off a poly, but it really depends on the map. In a really flat looking map like ctf_run it would look good, but in a map where an illusion of depth is created it would be a wierd and it would disrupt the illusion.
-I'm not sure what exactly you mean by this suggestion, please elaborate...
-I like this idea, it makes sense. I assume it would be possible to pick up the knife again when walking over the victim.
-Although I don't use the barret very much, I still think this should be an option.
-It is possible to throw a grenade while firing an auto but it would be very difficult to keep it steady. So maybe make a severe loss of accuracy when using a 2-handed weapon and throwing a nade.
---Mapping Ideas---
-Great idea, I would love to see this. It could make for some interesting scenarios.
-Will be in the editor Anna and I are working on.
-Will probably be in the editor too, (maybe not in the first release)
Keron Cyst
May 11, 2005, 11:59 pm
quote:Originally posted by Psycho... the knife ALWAYS kill in realistic mode.. so it wont ve stuck....
No, that's the point; it should stick in a fatal kill :P
@Michal: you know how when you're dead & waiting to respawn, you can only watch other players as if you were a Spectator? There should be an Option that allows you to go into Free Camera instead.
May 12, 2005, 12:07 am
Oh ok, I get it now. I would definitly like this, especially for realistic-survival games.
Keron Cyst
May 12, 2005, 3:00 am
*lol* Yea, but you shouldn't be able to see Team Chat.
Deleted User
May 12, 2005, 1:03 pm
that culd be hard.. but it would definetly be good.. and about the knife, could be a good Idea,but I culd live without it ;)
May 12, 2005, 5:17 pm
quote: The Combat Knife should only fall if a successful throw isn't fatal; if it is, then it should stay stuck in its victim's body (maybe just in Realistic Mode, since this will get complaints from multi-kill knife-throwers).
i think in realistic mode the knife should do less damage then it does because a bulet flys faster than a knife and penetrates more. of course you only get one knife so yall figure it out.
On topic: i would like to see some small things be added or improved like:
-black spots after explosions
-few more character commands
-head not fly 1000 miles after character explodes
-limping character from heavy damage
-options to limit certain teams to certain weps (ie red team only gets AK&m79 and blue team only gets Aug&HK)
-More hair styles, headgear, necklacess, shoes/boots
Deleted User
May 12, 2005, 5:45 pm
then make a new thread bout it.. we are talkin bout Keron Cyst's suggestions...
Keron Cyst
May 12, 2005, 8:33 pm
Nah, it can just go to all miscellaneous ideas ;-) I really like zambo_the_clown's idea of limping when low on health; perhaps just slow down movement animation / make a walking animation?...
Deleted User
May 12, 2005, 9:17 pm
quote:? Corpses should always have a 50% chance of falling through a polygon; it'd be awesome to see a corpse drop from a higher level onto your own, or yours to a lower level :D
Thats a bit odd....The levels wer'nt built by bad construction workers so that people would fall through floors ;)
Keron Cyst
May 12, 2005, 11:48 pm
Just in front of, for a 3D effect.
May 13, 2005, 12:10 am
i dont see how that could pull off a 3d effect :/
only being able to nade with a 1 handed weapon is remarkably lame. *remarks on lameness, as fortold in previous sentance)
Deleted User
May 13, 2005, 5:52 am
most of these suggestions can be solved by sucking it up and not caring that you throw a nade with a gun in that hand or have to follow a REALLY fast bullet.
the knife idea is alright but as you said only in realistic
Captain Ben
May 13, 2005, 7:30 am
The knife idea is the best, but perhaps instead of just in realistic, you could pull it out of the body?
Deleted User
May 13, 2005, 7:53 am
thats the same as picking it up after you hit them
May 15, 2005, 10:20 am
hmm, they all seem pritty decent, except the one about only being able to thow grenades whith certain weapons, we really dont need restrictions like that
May 15, 2005, 5:29 pm
maybe it has been said, but i am too lazy to read all replies: imagine this, you are in arena, you shoot somebody, bang, he's dead, and he falls through a polygon.... but he doesnt fall through the next one. That would mean he is stuck inside 2 pollys.
Deleted User
May 15, 2005, 5:58 pm
aha yes.. that could be complicated.
May 15, 2005, 6:26 pm
I understand what is meant by "Falling through" the polygon. He doesn't actually go "through" the poly like it is invisible, its like he is falling off the side of it. you see the body tumble down the side of it. Like knocking someone off of a bridge, you see the body fall down the side. Another example would be a body being pushed down a hill. So really, its not going through the poly, but falling on the "Side" of it. You see the body fall down and hit in front of you if your down lower...
I dunno, I just think that had to be clarifide, for all of those who got it the first time around, ignore this post...
May 15, 2005, 6:43 pm
I think knife idea is good like capt. ben said
Deleted User
May 23, 2005, 8:18 pm
Hmmm... now we're talking about knives...
How about you'd be able to aim the kife instead of pointlessly stabbing forward? (eg knives+dead people+Survival ;-) )
Anyways err... oh yea. The knife thingy. Nice point, but you have a little problem when the body falls into an endless pit called 'end of level'. :รพ
Keron Cyst
May 23, 2005, 8:31 pm
Tru'. Anyways, when stabbing, it takes way too long for your soldat to thrust it forward; it only kills an enemy at a certain point, so if you "shoot" too early or late it'll have been useless. I think that all the time your soldat's thrusting it up & pulling it back, it should kill any soldat who runs into it. Or it can simply have a faster animation; either way's fine with me :-)
And yea, I'd like knife-aiming too.