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Prisoner Of War
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
May 11, 2005, 11:30 pm
Prisoner Of War

This game-mode is gonna be called POW (prisoner of war) with maps named pow_blabla.

It is different from other team-counting games in that there is only one common point-bar (which counts points).
The longer guards can hold the prisoners of war back, the more points they'll get and the slider moves to the right on the bar.
If a prisoner of war escapes once, the slider moves 15 points left. a team wins when the slider reached a certain point to the left or to the right of the bar (equal in distant for both from zero)

Point counting: ([+] means to the right [-] means to the left
(+1 point for every (12 x [ratio of [guards] to [2 x pow's]]) seconds) - 15 points for every successful escape

This might be confusing so here's an example:
ie.1: let's say a game consists of 4 guards and 4 pow's. Then the slider moves 1 point to the right for every (12 x (4 / (2 x 4))) or 6 seconds and 15 points to the left for every successful escape.
ie.2: let's say a game consists of 8 guards and 2 pow's. Then the slider moves 1 point to the right for every (12 x (8 / (2 x 2))) or 24 seconds and 15 points to the left for every successful escape.
ie.3: let's say a game consists of 3 guards and 6 pow's. Then the slider moves 1 point to the right for every (12 x (3 / (2 x 6))) or 3 seconds and 15 points to the left for every successful escape.

The good thing in this is that one cannot say "TEAMS" because teams don't have to be even; the rate of points given convers the uneven distribution of teams.
Now when you take it to extremes (like the second example) it'll take an awfully long time for blue to win but (hopefully) extreme's like this won't happen.

Other features:
- POW's are going to be wearing an orange overall (like in real prison)
- Guards will be wearing solid blue clothes
- POW's can use these weapons: DEAGLES, HK MP5, STEYR AUG, SPAS, RUGER - SOCOM, KNIFE
- Guards can use all weapons available.
- to successfully have escaped means that you have reached a map-defined vertical (or even horizontal). This line may be actually seen during the game but it mainly servers as the "escape" border.

NOTE: hopefully people won't be too dull-headed to take away the 7 weapons permitted to POW (so that to have no-gun ppl vs gunned ppl (boring....))

This is quite different from the recent game-mode suggetsion called escape in that this idea has a totally differnt game-setup and original features.

comments, suggestions?

kidea by kwanfei: prisoners play advanced mode style; they start with secondaries and the more they kill the more weapons they get.

May 12, 2005, 3:09 pm
i dont want weapon restrictions, but other than that, i like it.

i am ahab
May 12, 2005, 3:58 pm
er.. dude is this not just a modified version of this?

that was posted all of... ooh about 3 days ago?

now i realise you say that its different.


you dont actually say what the point of your game is. EXCEPT than to escape. see previous thread.

now i like:
the slider.
my orange gimp/jump suit
the scoring.

i need convincing of:
the fact that escapees are given weapons.

but thats comparing it to the escape thread, where i think maybe a stealth aspect would add more suspence, intrigue and general originality to a soldat gamemode. else it can just become a shoot out.

but dont be put down. you have some original ideas. which is what we need.

next step: see what other ppl say. make a map to showcase how it would play. go from there kiddo...

Deleted User
May 12, 2005, 9:34 pm
Mebbe they should be able to get to an armory/area to get weapons?

Deleted User
May 12, 2005, 9:38 pm
Hmmmm, well you obveiously put some thought into it, I hate when people suggjest with two sentances :p But anyway, I dont realy like it much, Its to complicated for soldat :-/

Deleted User
May 13, 2005, 1:27 am
its still good, i really really really like this idea because people keep on going teams and its annoying

May 13, 2005, 5:33 am
yea - this may be one of the only smart methods of countering the disadvantage teams usually get from unfair team-balancing... keep it up zyxstand!

May 14, 2005, 6:00 pm
and what about the prisoners have the weapon system of Adv mode (each time they escape or kill a # of guards, they get a new weapon)

Deleted User
May 14, 2005, 6:26 pm
sounds good...

May 14, 2005, 6:28 pm
I like the idea.

May 14, 2005, 7:43 pm
PERFECT, kwanfei!
i'll add it right away!

Deleted User
May 15, 2005, 6:09 am
maybe mm will like this

May 15, 2005, 10:11 am
i like it, apart from the weapon restrictions

May 16, 2005, 4:16 am
hmm - but advanced mode seems reasonably fair/even... plus, the escapees should have some kinda weekness sicne they were in "jail"... unless of course you have a better idea...

May 18, 2005, 3:16 pm
hmm i likey
this is pretty good design... but the bar probly will be replaced with points if it will come to pass

Deleted User
May 19, 2005, 1:14 am
wow i would actually like this play this mode
i think that gaurds start with gunz n prisoners starts with secondaries but if u manage to get 2 n armory u can pick up come gunz or u can kill a gaurd n pick up thier gun

May 19, 2005, 6:57 am
hmm I dont know, it sounds nice, but its a tad confusing right now in the morning. Anyway fishy, you stole my ascii art!! give me credit :p

Captain Ben
May 19, 2005, 7:39 am
Guards with primaries, prisoners with secondaries!!11

Deleted User
May 19, 2005, 12:23 pm
i say wut ben says

May 19, 2005, 1:42 pm
oh by the way fishyyyy, you should turn around the )'s, so it looks like this: ><((('>

Deleted User
May 19, 2005, 8:48 pm
There happy xD

Deleted User
May 19, 2005, 11:34 pm
im not

Deleted User
May 19, 2005, 11:42 pm
quote:Originally posted by Captain BenGuards with primaries, prisoners with secondaries!!11

prisoner1: "omg we should do A jailbreak" prisoner2: "we dun have ny wpns" prisoner 1: "I totally found chainsaws and anti tank rocket launchers behind my bed" Prisoner2: "1337"


May 20, 2005, 3:43 am
or you can rewrite the story to make it sound more reasonable:
Spy enters fully automated prison and stealthfully gets into the control room undected - and presses the "release all prisoners" button.
P.2 Let's go to the mini-armory where they have guns like the weak socom, knives, chainsaws, and an ANTI-TANK LAW 72 rocket launcher!
P.1 Vamonos!!!


Guards outside:
G.1 *walkie-talkie* G.1 to G.2 - come in
G.2 what gives G.1
G.1 someone opened ALL [insert amounts of prisoners] prisoner cells! LET'S GO
G.2 good think we have our primaries...

Game starts....

Captain Ben
May 20, 2005, 9:49 am
quote:Originally posted by Psychoquote:Originally posted by Captain BenGuards with primaries, prisoners with secondaries!!11

prisoner1: "omg we should do A jailbreak" prisoner2: "we dun have ny wpns" prisoner 1: "I totally found chainsaws and anti tank rocket launchers behind my bed" Prisoner2: "1337"


I guess you forgot Soldat's storyline was:
:---===THE STORY

It's Quake style:
A couple of guys decided to kill each other and you can be one of them.

No excuses, it just happens :P

Deleted User
May 20, 2005, 10:29 am
yea good point but im just saying... =)

May 21, 2005, 6:05 am
hmm - less bout the story - i wanted ppl to talk about what they think that should be changed to this idea...

any ideas???

May 22, 2005, 4:06 am
Er...this looks a little crazy. I for one would love to try it out, but I fear if implemented it would end up like Rambo match (nobody playing it, and most of the few people playing it are clueless).

May 28, 2005, 10:40 am
no weapon restriction pls. i love my AK but i wanna be a prisoner.

May 28, 2005, 11:19 pm
the bar idea involves it going eather way right? like lets say the bar is like this:


the gaurds have accumulated 16 points, and they are 4 points away from victory, as the game creator had set.
the prisoners want this bar to go down to 0 and one gets by,
the bar is now:


the gaurds then accumulate another 15 points, and the prisoners get another through,
the game would continue on too long, if it was numerical points it would be
and its alot easier that way, take out the bar, make it numbers.

you can then set the teams goals to be something like 45, maybe my representation is not the message you were implying with the bar but i think you get my point

P.S.-Awesome idea

May 29, 2005, 5:18 am
thnx guys....uh i did kinda rly like the idea of the slide-bar score keeping thing ...(duh - i posted it)... and i dunno how much different it would be from the curretn score keeping idea...it is after all still that the better team wins... or maybe i should've made that a different topic.....nah.

anyways - i'd rather see more comments bout the game mode itself and what could be improved...
so jsut keep 'em coming