Realistic Ownage
Once I joined a realistic ctf and took out a ruger and started getting headshots(1 hit kills). The Admin said "OMFG [IMAGE]ing hacker youre clan are full of noob hackers probably.Ill own you if you didnt hack noob.Lets kick this noob" he banned me...
It was a ctf....score was 14-14, 15 to win...I picked up theyre flag and ran like hell with no weapons(accidently threw my m79 thought it was knife)....3 barrets,4 autos,2 m79s...1sg..were attacking...and I scored w0000t
Once I joined a realistic ctf and took out a ruger and started getting headshots(1 hit kills). The Admin said "OMFG [IMAGE]ing hacker youre clan are full of noob hackers probably.Ill own you if you didnt hack noob.Lets kick this noob" he banned me...
It was a ctf....score was 14-14, 15 to win...I picked up theyre flag and ran like hell with no weapons(accidently threw my m79 thought it was knife)....3 barrets,4 autos,2 m79s...1sg..were attacking...and I scored w0000t